Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    So, passed the non stress test again! That's good news but right smack in the middle I think I had a braxton hicks or real contraction because I got the absolute worst cramp of my life on the left lower tummy that increased in intensity till I was sweating like a pig! I had to sit up and reposition myself and it took everything in me not to scream. The doctor came in and said he didn't see it as a contraction on the NST reading but said he wouldn't be surprised if it was Bh or another cramp because I'm less than 2 weeks till full term. If what I experienced today was real? Epidural is SO happening. All I can say is HOLY SHIT.

  2. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    So, passed the non stress test again! That's good news but right smack in the middle I think I had a braxton hicks or real contraction because I got the absolute worst cramp of my life on the left lower tummy that increased in intensity till I was sweating like a pig! I had to sit up and reposition myself and it took everything in me not to scream. The doctor came in and said he didn't see it as a contraction on the NST reading but said he wouldn't be surprised if it was Bh or another cramp because I'm less than 2 weeks till full term. If what I experienced today was real? Epidural is SO happening. All I can say is HOLY SHIT.

  3. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @goldilocks1107: Yay for baby clothes! Hopefully they'll be good as new after a few washings. And I'm glad to hear the wax wasn't bad. I told DH I want to do it soon and he complained that he wouldn't get any of the "benefits" from it because by the time we're cleared to BD again, it will be grown out. Not everything is about you!

    @pastemoo: So sorry about your wrists! Is it pregnancy related, so it will go away after? I had the hardest time getting up this morning but DH gave me a little verbal shove so here I am.

    @winniebee: So nice about your job! How great to have such an understanding company to work for!

    @nskillet: OUCH! That sounds painful!

    We got our tax return today so I'm going to buy a few postpartum maxi dresses and yoga capris. Also, I decided last night that DD2 needs her own coming home outfit, not a hand-me-down from big sister so I want to buy her something special. DH thinks I'm crazy but I don't care. I told him it won't be anything nuts, probably just a sleeper or pants & onesie but it will be all hers.
    Big Sister class tonight! I think I'm more excited than DD is!
    Also, this morning I had the worst indigestion pain in my chest that woulnd't go away. Is anyone else getting that?

  4. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Ick @ having to wash the baby clothes multiple times to ensure the smoke odor leaves.

    @Nskillet: Congrats on passing the NST! lol! That sounds crazy painful! Every time my Dr checks to see if I am dilated, I tense up and it is just 'that' much more painful/uncomfortable. It re-convinces me to get the epidural!

  5. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: You're welcome!

    @Mrsdaredevil: It's definitey there!

    @Nskillet: Our hospital allows however many people you want there for delivery, and doesn't limit the company postpartum either. I wouldn't want anyone besides my husband in the delivery room either.

  6. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Nskillet: ha! (to your 'epidural is so happening') I've been hearing lots of birth stories from the older teachers at school lately. Seems like a lot of them went for a natural birth for number one because it seemed like a 'nice idea'. And based on their experiences they all said 'bring on the drugs' for number two, but for most of them number two came so fast that they couldn't even get drugs! (Speaking of births, there is a neat thread on WB where one gal had her baby in the hall on the way into the hospital.....I think the thread's name is 'Calling It: labor!'

    Had my 37 week appointment today and NO INTERNAL. I'm a pretty quiet patient so I don't ask why, I just go with the flow. My step test came back negative. Also I think the yeast infection cured on its own so I didn't mention that at the appointment.
    I lost 2 pounds since last week and the OB was poking fun at me about that....saying I didnt do a good enough job at Easter. I think it's probably just because my appointment was early in the day before lunch, but I am pretty happy about not getting much bigger on the scale right now, as people keep commenting about how big I've gotten since last week.....and I am looking carefully at my tummy skin every day, which seems to be getting really stretched......got some new spider veins but no stretch marks yet.

    And I found out that my OB is retiring in June. I'll be one of his last deliveries of his career. Kindof cool. And he said the baby care from June and on will be taken care of by another doc in the clinic.

    OB asked about leg swelling and I said I have been having it for the past 3 days. He said to watch the salt intake (mentioning pickles and processed foods). I'll try that and see if it helps. He said my blood pressure is perfect and there is no protein in my urine, so even though I am getting a little swelling, he's not yet concerned. I didn't mention it to him, but I also got a shin splint just from normal stuff yesterday (walked dog, taught kindergarten, taught dance). Now reading about Pastemoo's wrist pain I'm thinking maybe it is a late pregnancy thing to be more susceptible to painful inflamation.

    PS. I was thinking this morning about how cool it would be if we all went into labour at the same time. Just a thought.

  7. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @volksgirl64: Men - it's always all about them isn't it? Tell him his benefit from this one is you not feeling like a sasquatch down there (even though you can't really see what's going on anyway). It may have hurt, but I felt more like "me" afterward.
    @marriedandlovingit: I know - I washed twice yesterday and then dried them. I think if I hang them up outside then wash again, they'll be good as new. But I've now learned that I need to ask if the items are coming from a non-smoking household from now on! I haven't yet counted everything I got, but the baby clothes were a (very) full load of laundry and filled the hamper. I also think the next washing I'll break into 2-3 groups to give the washing maching more room to work it's cleaning magic.
    @cvbee: No stretch marks here either (knocking on wood). But I'm not sure how much give my skin has left before they start appearing . . ,

  8. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I just wanted to thank you all for the support. I was having such a bummed out morning yesterday, and I think the increasing BP was definitely a factor. I was hoping to sail through the last week and a half of pregnancy without issue, and that just doesn't seem like that will happen. I just felt totally out of control, and it lead to a landslide of bad thoughts and feelings. I had a good cry, and I feel 100 times better today.

    My BP is still up, despite doubling my meds yesterday after taking to my OB. I see her on Monday, and she told me to just enjoy my weekend and go to LDR if I get any headache, facial swelling, or epigastric pain. I am hoping the weekend stays uneventful.

    I am soooo excited to head home this weekend, I really need the family and friends time before baby is born. We also have a lot of odds and ends to pick up. Not to mention how excited I am to have my shower!

    Yesterday I washed and stuffed all my cloth diapers and put them away, and washed and sorted all the cloths and blankets I have already, and put those away. Today I will pack a baby bag to take with us just in case!

    I also started working on my mobile. I have 4 little felt owls sewn right now, and I am deciding wether I will do some birds as well, or just stick with the owls. I found an MDF hoop with 8 holes in it that I panted to use as the frame for the mobile, so I am thinking I will do either 8 owls, or 5 owls and 3 birds. I don't have a pattern for birds, so I would have to wing it, so I might go with more owls for the sake of them being easy. I am also going to do some stars and a moon. Next week I will start taking and posting nursery pictures like crazy!

    @Goldilocks1107: That is too bad that the clothes all smell like smoke! A wash or 2 should have that all fixed though.

    @LAGS: Thanks for the support. I do sometimes have to work at remembering that what I see isn't the normal for having babies. All I see are worst 10% of outcomes, and 90% of the time everything is just fine.

    @Nskillet: Yay for passing the NST! That is great. I have had a few painful contraction lately, and I remember saying to my husband the other night that I didn't know how I was going to handle real labour!

    @volksgirl64: I think I would feel the same way with my second baby, that they need their own coming home outfit! Big sister class sounds like it would be fun!

    @cvbee: Seems like a lot of our OB's are skipping the internals! Sounds like you had a good appointment. I think at this stage of pregnancy a bit of swelling is to be expected. I think the swelling contributes to the nerve pain as well (my own personal theory!)

  9. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: Wow, you are on such a roll with the baby stuff. How many times did you wash your cloth diapers? (I will be picking up the last of the NB diapers today and then will probably wash them on Saturday). Your mobile sounds soooo cute! One of my etsy 'wants' is an owl mobile, but it is so expensive for something I could make, but I haven't had the drive that you have to make it happen. Good on you. Also glad that you feel better after your big cry, but sorry that you're going through the sad times. Have a great trip to see the family this weekend!

  10. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: My doctor told me that at 37 weeks and beyond, it's normal to stop gaining weight or even lose some! Looks like that happened to you! You might not gain another lb before little one comes.

    @MsMini: I always feel better after a good cry. It's not fun at the time, but I swear afterward it seems rather therapeutic.

    @cvbee: Thanks for mentioning that thread. I just went and checked it out--I can't believe she delivered in the hallway! What an epic story!

    Just made some delicious homemade cinnamon rolls and ate one while it was still piping hot--YUM!

    I had another prenatal massage yesterday and I feel sooooooo good today. The sun is shining (very rare here in Seattle) and I want sooooo badly to break the rules and go outside and take a walk.

    I know I still have some time, but every day I wake up and keep checking myself for signs of impending labor. Is this what it's going to be like every day until she arrives? I just want her to be here so bad....I want my body to do something already!

  11. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Lucky... no stretch marks! Mine are on my sides and they have gotten pretty nasty. It makes me sad....
    I just want this baby to hurry up and come so my stretch marks will stop appearing!

  12. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    I haven't been on much lately because of some annoying family drama, but I just wanted to check in and see how everybody is doing!

    @MsMini: When I first got pregnant, my husband would always freak me out about all the things that could go wrong in early pregnancy since he had seen so many ultrasounds where something bad happened. I think HE was really concerned, but I had to tell him to stop making me worry! Then he got me all freaked out about getting blood clots during pregnancy since sometimes I'd just lay around all day. He told me last night he is starting to get worried about the birth and there being something wrong with the baby, but I asked him to please not tell me about any of the bad things! I can't imagine how hard it is to have a baby knowing so well everything bad that can happen.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Cinnamon rolls! ahh! You make me want some!

    I jut got back from my 36 week appointment. Had the GBS and wasn't bad at all. Baby is doing well, still head down. I talked to the midwife about my birth plan and she gave me some great news and made me feel so much better about what's to come. First, they'll encourage me to labor at home for as long as possible (I originally wanted a home birth, but DH and I decided that for our first it would be better to be in a hospital, just in case), I don't have to be hooked up to an IV at all (unless GBS is positive, then they have to hook me up every 4 hours for antibiotics), and as long as everything is going well, they won't really hook me up to any monitors and will just check baby's heart rate every few hours with the handheld doppler, so I'll be free to move around as much as possible! She said the nurses love it because it's less work for them.

    As for when the baby is born, my midwife said she'll lay the baby right on me for some skin to skin and avoid cutting the cord for as long as possible. In her words, "If I don't cut the cord, the nurses can't take your baby away from you, so I just don't cut it until I have to". Apparently once she cuts the cord, she has no say in what the nurses do with the baby, she's only in charge of me.

    So, now I'm a little more excited about the birth, but still scared to death of having to get a c-section or be induced! Here's hoping everything goes well! With all of us!

  13. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    oh and I'm not on wedding bee, but if you want to see my bump pics and the giant giraffe my mom bought us, you can look here:


    The most recent one is from a week and a half ago, but I'll have DH take a new one this weekend! I'll post some pics of the finished nursery next week too.

  14. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I think polyneuropathy is exactly the same as CTS--it can range in severity from mild to severe, but it's just from a different cause. Mine is from generalized swelling everywhere instead of a single pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. It's still mostly just my hands and digits though.

  15. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: sleeping totally does suck right now!
    this weekend you reach the magic 34 week mark, where a preemie baby is a "regular" preemie, not a super special needs preemie (statistically). SO CLOSE!

    no more than 8 weeks for ANY of us. Is that cool or what? (unless your doc will let you go over 41 weeks). We're all so close!

    @Nskillet: Aw. That sucks. The machine probably didn't pick it up since you got up and moved--the machine can't figure out what's going on when you get up. That happened to me a few times when I was at L&D at 27 weeks.

    In funny news--noticed recently--I used to get BH like... 4x/hour? And I think I haven't had ANY in 1 week or so. Cool?

    @volksgirl64: I get so much indigestion, I practically live on tums. They do work, though!

    @cvbee: Glad the swelling is not pre-E. Keep on taking care of yourself! I keep checking my BP just to make sure since i'm so swollen--but my BP is always super low (like 95/60).
    If we all go into labor today and have Friday the 13th babies. LOL!!

    @MsMini: Sorry about your BP. Take care of yourself! And I hope you get to have a really nice weekend.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Mmmm cinnamon rolls! Aww--I mostly wake up and think "I wonder if today is the day" but then I know it won't be.
    And thanks for the baby name advice.

    @duckduckkristen: Sorry to hear about all the drama--I hope it's getting better (or at least that you're getting used to it).
    I like your work-around birth plan for more time with baby--what a great idea! Your midwife sounds awesome.

    Why don't you want an IV? I want one because I dehydrate soooo easily, and I really want to have some saline or SOMETHING, since I can't eat or drink anything.That and I don't want to try to get an IV while my contractions are really frequent.
    @duckduckkristen: So cute-- you look great!

  16. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: I get so addicted to online shopping! It must help things feel a little more normal still being able to do some baby shopping from home. That’s so nice your work has been so supportive, a silver lining!

    @Nskillet: I hope you and your husband have an amazing ultrasound tomorrow, exciting! Our hospital is “babyfriendly” and also big on skin to skin and breastfeeding asap. They still leave the choice up to us though for who we have in the room during/after delivery. Although, they recommend saving pass the baby time until after that first feeding/few hours.

    @MsMini: Happy to hear you’re feeling better. Can I just say… holy crap the last week and a half of pregnancy?! Reading that really kind of opened my eyes. We're in the home stretch here. I can't believe you'll have your LO so soon!

    @duckduckkristen: It sounds like you should have a really nice L&D experience. I want to do delayed cord cutting too but for the life of me haven't been able to remember to bring it up at my appointments... I think it might be my only real request.

    @cvbee: I'm always wondering who's going to go into labor and when. It'd be kind of neat if a few of us were going through it at the same time. I have to admit, I'm glad you and MsMini are due so far ahead of me... you'll be all-knowing in my eyes once my turn comes!

  17. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @pastemoo: I don't want an IV so I can move around more easily. I can drink all the clear fluids I want and they will have a hep lock in my hand just in case they need to get an IV in real quick for some reason.

  18. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    DH and I had our hospital tour today. I'm so, so glad we arranged to do one. It really has me feeling less anxious about heading to the hospital and I couldn't imagine having to register and answer the million questions they ask while in labor.

    I'll definitely have access to a whirlpool tub, the rooms are all really nice with comfy spots for DH, they fully stock their kitchen for patients and their "support person", IVs are given on a needs basis and they're light on the monitoring. They also encourage walking, using birthing balls etc. and have birthing stools and bars so birthing positions wont be limited. I'm feeling really optimistic that it's going to be a really positive experience, I'm getting so excited! I'm sure most of what they offer is pretty standard... but after you see/read so many women stuck in bed, not allowed to eat etc. I was starting to really worry about how restricted I would be.

    How far away are you all from your hospitals? Have you and your DHs worked out plans in case you go into labor while they're at work/away yet?

  19. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    So I guess I got some clarification the hospital recommends no one but Mom, partner and baby for the first 2 hours so that there is optimal bonding time. I guess its not a requirement, DH remided me but he is a huge proponent to it.

    Did anyone else read Mrs TTTs birth story? It truly got me so emotional. Is it true no skin to skin at all hospitals if you have a c section!?

  20. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Oh, if you have a hep lock, then it makes sense. That's cool you can drink at your hospital.
    @LAGS: Glad the tour was so great! Sounds like they have all kinds of options!
    We're 25 minutes away with no traffic, and over an hour away with traffic. If I'm at work, we'll have to drive separately and figure out what to do with the second car at a later time--I'm under an hour (in traffic) from work to the hospital. He's well over an hour from work to the hospital.

    @Nskillet: No way! My SIL had skin to skin after her c-section. Maybe not as long... but definitely had it! (She's in Ohio)

  21. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: that's what you think. I get to say I'm almost there but I'll probably be a way-overdue May mama: just wait and see!

    @LAGS: we are 20 minutes from the hospital. It seems that labour progresses usually pretty slowly so I'll just call him home from work if I go into labour (20 minutes for him to get home and then 20 minutes for us to get to the hospital).

    I registered at the hospital today. One more thing off the to-do list.

    I also put away all the new baby clothes from the weekend's shower. It made me reorganize all the drawers. I put all like items together and put them in the drawer with smallest on top down to biggest on bottom. For example, in one drawer I have all the footed sleepers on the left, the onesies in the middle and the swaddlers on the right. I figure with the smallest on top we will start with what fits best, and wash and put away and they'll be back on top. And when he grows out of something we'll just put that into a storage box right away and naturally start digging into the slightly larger items in the drawer. I also disregarded 'sizes' this time, as I noticed not all 3-6 month things are the same size, so I did the small-to-tall ordering without looking at the tags this time.

  22. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @LAGS: Sounds like it will be great experience at your hospital! We are 20 minutes from the hospital, even in traffic. DH usually works at sites about an hour away but he is going to request to be put at the site that's only 15 minutes from our house around my due date so if he needs to leave, he can get home quick and there will be somebody to cover him.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: Glad your NST went well! Haha, contractions SUCK. Even the ones I have had can be painful I can't imagine how bad they are going to get. Pain meds will be my friend : )

    @cvbee: Yay for a good 37 week appt! I can't believe you all are getting to be full term - insane!! If you can hang on 2.5 more weeks, I'm cool with us all going into labor at the same time!

    @Goldilocks1107: @cvbee: No stretch marks here, either! I keep checking, but nothing. Amen!

    @MsMini: I'm exhausted just reading what you have done! I know things are tough right now, but you are SO CLOSE! And you have such a fun weekend coming up...hang in there! I also feel better about things after I cry (which is often these days!)

    @duckduckkristen: Fun to put a face to a name - you look great!!

    @pastemoo: Yes, SO close! While I'll still be bedresting until 36 or so weeks, I feel really comfortable at 34 weeks, which is when my niece was born. Hey, yes, I think it's cool you aren't getting frequent BH anymore....in another week though, bring em on for you though! PS I saw your post over on WB re: names - run the poll over here! I will comment over there though.

    @LAGS: The online shopping was a little out of control this week - oops! Nursing bras, loungewear, DH birthday gift, wall decal, jersey dresses (for post birth). Yikes! I'm so jealous of the set up at your hospital! Mine is a great hospital, but very hospital like. DH and I haven't worked out the details for what will happen if I go into labor when he's at work (or, if I'm back to work, if I'm at work). He works AT the hospital I'm delivering at, and we live a mile away (but with traffic, like 10-15 mins). If he's at work, I'm guessing he will just buzz home to get me. If I'm at work, I'm guessing I will drive home and he'll get me. Eeek!

    @cvbee: That sounds very organized! I (well, my mom) still has some washing to do. I'll have to re-org once I'm on my feet again.

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So I got 2 nursing bras and a nursing tank from Bravado in the mail today - they are quite nice. But, not sure if they are a little big? I'm currently a 34C and then some, so ordered the 34D/E (the next size up) and wondering if they'll be too big? Not much, but a little....but then, my milk hasn't come int. Anyone know how long you stay HUGE after your milk comes in? Thinking maybe I just need one bra that's the big big size and then hold off on getting others until my size stabilizes. What are you all doing?

  25. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Jealous of your massage - sounds great! And the cinnamon rolls? Even better.

  26. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I got the mobile all done and put together tonight, it just needs to be hung up, but we are going to put the decal up first, then tackle the stuff to hang off of the roof.

    I have also packed my bag and baby bag for the weekend, just in case Ziggy tries for an early arrival when we are away. We will head home after DH is done work tomorrow.

    @cvbee: I washed my cloth diapers 5 times, that was the average number recommended on between the different brands!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I was so nervous 2 weeks ago when I had the consistent contractions for 5 hours, but it seems like Ziggy want to stick around for a while longer. I do get nervous now and again when I get a lot of consistent contractions.

    @duckduckkristen: Sounds like you and your midwife have a good plan. You have a great bump BTW!

    @pastemoo: I don't mind the idea of an IV either, which is good because between the GD/PIH and being induced I will definitely need one (LOL).

    @LAGS: Yeah, the countdown scares me sometimes! With induction being the current plan, baby is coming pretty quickly! Our hospital is all of 10 minutes away (max with traffic), DH works about 15 minutes from home, so even if I have to go in in labour, he will have lots of time to get home, get me and then head to the hospital together.

    @winniebee: I think the worst of engorgement only lasts about a week max, we tell Moms not to buy bras for the first month, because breast size can be so crazy in the first month. I bought a Hot Milk bra a bit big, but I think I am only about a 1/2 size smaller than it is, so I am hoping it fits well once milk comes in.

  27. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    OK, I know I am kind of late to the Braxton Hicks game, but I think I am having them. Well, I think. I can't tell what they are!

    DH and I just DTD and afterwards I kept feeling like I was getting kicked in random places all over my stomach, except I wasn't actually feeling movement. Are these Braxton Hicks?
    I also got a super sore and achy va-gay-gay, kind of like how it feels around my period. It's been almost two hours and the feelings are still there.

    I know I still have a couple weeks before baby's due date, but are any of you planning on trying foods that supposedly induce labor? What are some foods you are going to try/when will you start eating them?

  28. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: WOW.... I wish I could still be a 34C....my boobs grew like a trillion sizes this pregnancy!

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I was thinking that you might not feel BH because your tummy is already crazy tight. That's how I know when I have them: tummy gets tighter. As I told Goldilocks earlier, at first I interpreted the BH feeling as being the baby doing a pirouette. Last week I had the achy va-j-j feeling similar to period time and then it went away. I don't really believe in the eating 'labour-inducing foods' thing because I tend to eat those foods all the time normally (had a spicy dinner last night). I think baby will come when baby comes. (But I will spend a little extra time on the ball, walking and having more sex than I would.....just in case those help!)

  30. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Glad you got the change to organize everything from your shower!

  31. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Adorable picture! I love how "big" we're all getting (big in a good, healthy baby kind of way).
    @LAGS: From home, we're about 35 minutes from the hospital. But there's an affiliated emergency clinic 5 minutes away, just in case things progress quickly. Luckily, I work at the same company as my mom, so if I go into labor at work, she can either take me home to labor there until it's time to go to the hospital, or take me straight to the hospital. And I've made DH start wearing a watch, so he'll be ready to time contractions!@cvbee: I'll have to take a look at lengths on clothes too. I was organizing by size, but it makes sense that they might not be exactly the same.
    Work shower was great - I was blown away by how generous my coworkers are. We had tons of great food and I got a lot of awesome gifts - a jumperoo/exersaucer thing, lots of bath towels, onesies, a Sophie the Giraffe, baby socks, blankets, bowls and spoons, books . . . and the cutest option for a coming home outfit ever! It's a onesie that has a small picture of a chick and egg that says "just hatched" with a chicken hat and booties that look like little chicken feet.
    I think the baby has started to drop some more. I can definitely breathe easier and am peeing a lot more. And the tummy looks lower. I might have DH take a picture this weekend so I can compare to the one from a few weeks ago.
    Feet are still swelling like there's no tomorrow, and I think I've tried just about everything: elevating, cold packs, heating pad, drinking tons of water, eating watermelon (since it's also packed with water), bath, swimming, foot massage. Apparently I'm just supposed to have puffy feet. And I guess I'll be wearing tennis shoes to work from now on, dress code be damned!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Thanks! They seem *just a little* big so not sure what to do yet. Maybe will hang on to them and then return after birth (depending on what the return policy is). Have a great time this weekend!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Haha, yeah, well 34C is a big bump from the 32A/small B that I was pre-pregnancy! Thinking you may not be able to feel BH either b/c your tummy is so tight already....for me, it is a feeling that your stomach/uterus is clenching and it gets really really hard, then releases. A real contraction for me is the same, except it's accompanied by period like cramps at the same time.

    @Goldilocks1107: Sounds like an awesome shower!! A good warm up for your shower (this weekend?) Screw the dress code - go for comfort! After I had all those contractions, I dropped too - my belly is so low now - and the pee urges became out of control.

  33. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @cvbee: I've been lucky enough to avoid stretch marks too! I told DH that my goal was to make it through my 2nd pregnancy without them and he joked that he would support that goal in any way possible.

    @msmini: Hope you have a good visit home and the BP resolves! Your mobile sounds like it will be SO cute!

    @mrsdaredevil: I'm going to call you devil woman because now I want some dang cinnamon rolls.

    @duckduckkristen: Sounds like you've got a great plan for L&D!

    @lags: We got a second hospital tour last night at Big Sister class and it was good to see it again. We're about 15 mins from the hospital but there's another one even closer in case things start to progress quickly.

    Anyone have a contraction timer app for a Droid? I should probably look into one.
    DD had a good time at Big Sister class but I feel like she didn't actually get much out of it. We made a card for the baby and she got to swaddle a doll & change its diaper. She asked to bring a diaper home so she could put it on her baby, that was cute. But I think the movie was a waste and I'm not sure she actually "gets" it.
    I guess the best thing about it was that we saw the L&D area again and that we made a new couple friend! They have a 3yo and they're due soon as well so we exchanged numbers at the end of the class.
    SO looking forward to sleeping in this weekend and we *should* be buying a freezer so I can start stocking it with food.

  34. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Sounds like everyone's fairly close to their hospitals. We're 5-10 minutes so no worries there. I'm a little paranoid that DH will be at work when things happen. Hopefully he'll have no problem getting off (he's a police officer) but if they happen to already be at minimum coverage that day (which happens all too often) the only way he can get out is if a supervisor will go on the road in his place... and at his PD they would really rather tend to their desk work, or they're able to find someone who will pick up some OT and cover him. Hopefully he'll be on his days off!

    @Nskillet: Its nice to know there's the option of visitors right after birth, but DH and I are on the same page as you. We want at least the first hour or however long we need for that initial skin to skin and breastfeeding left to just us. In the case of C-section at our hospital, I think they wait until Mom is stable and in recovery before any skin to skin.

    @pastemoo: Fingers crossed your LO respects the rush-hour timing! 25 minutes would be fine but I'd be a little testy in traffic.

    @cvbee: I like your idea of little clothes on top and bigger underneath. I was keeping everything to one size in the drawer and the rest hung up.. but I like the idea of having them ready to go. I'm totally ignoring sizing too. I have a few 3-6 pieces that look like 12-18 compared to other brands' sizing.

    @duckduckkristen: How well does that work out that he can work closer to home when needed!

    @winniebee: It sounds like you've done pretty well, that's a successful week of shopping! Even though it has a little more of an institutional feeling, I bet your husband's connections there will make things feel much more personal. My Mom loved that they knew so many familiar faces when she delivered me and my brother. I'm planning to just buy one or two cheap, sport-bra like nursing bras and then I'll invest in a few nicer ones when I know exactly what size I'll need. I've been so tempted to buy some really cute ones online lately, but really can't afford the risk of them not fitting when the time comes.

    @MsMini: Have a safe trip home today and tons of fun at your shower!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm with cvbee, its always a tightening I feel. (Kinda like the feeling you get when baby is pushing a booty or something really hard against your stomach, but all over.) But with your tummy feeling so tight you probably feel that a lot! At my last appointment I was asking about all the period-like cramping I was having and the midwife said it likely had nothing to do with contractions and everything to do with my cervix. I think I'm going to stick to the exercise ball, walking and (hopefully) more sex. I say this now and will probably laugh at myself come 38 weeks+, but I've been at peace lately with baby coming when she comes. I really just wanna take advantage of this time with DH.

    @Goldilocks1107: That's nice to know you have an emergency option if need be! It sounds like you were spoiled! You have another shower to come too right? I'm getting that unavoidable swelling too. My toes look like little sausages today and thank goodness I took my rings off last night because they'd have been fused on today!

  35. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I have the same fear of DH being indisposed (in surgery) when I go into labor. I think the good news is that usually labor is not a *rush* like we think - it gradually starts happening so if it takes you an hour to get to the hospital, so no biggie : ) Or, at least I hope!

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So, here is baby boy's coming home outfit (with a little elephant hat and socks). My mom will pick it up for me once we know what size he is going to be (ie, preemie or newborn).


  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @volksgirl64: Glad your daughter had fun at the big sister class!!

  38. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Family/friend shower is next weekend. My goal is to get caught up on my thank you notes this weekend so I'm ready to roll. Apparently there's 27 "yes" RSVPs for next weekend's shower, so I'll have lots of thank yous to write!

    As for nursing bras, I think I'm going to get 1-2 inexpensive ones at Target to take to the hospital. If I decide that pumping is going to work for me, then I'll invest in some nicer ones and will hopefully know by then what size to get!

    @LAGS: I'm sorry you're swelling too - it's no fun!

  39. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    Hi Ladies - just caught up on so many days of posts, I can't keep up.

    Baby is still breech and I am 36 weeks today, so we are leaning towards trying the external version next week. If that does not help turn her, we are already scheduled for a c-section on May 4. I guess they like to do them at 39 weeks instead of 40. It is weird that all of a sudden baby is only 3 weeks away!

    For one of my shower gifts, my friends got me a session with a professional photographer for newborn photos. Is anyone else doing a newborn photo session? I am curious when the best time to schedule it is? Is 10 to 14 days too soon? I also need to find some cute newborn outfits to photograph. Does anyone have any ideas for what would look cute in a newborn photo? I would love some ideas.

    Can't believe we are all getting so close. Hope everyone gets through the next few weeks feeling good!

  40. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @duckduckkristen: You are looking lovely! Adorable bump!

    @cvbee: I don't have any stretch marks either, yet. I fear saying that will bring a ton now!

    @LAGS: Yikes! I hope your husband isn't working when you go into labor! Someone has to cover him if so. I can't imagine his superiors being that jerky. That would be awful.

    @winniebee: Cute outfit!

    We got our son's Braves baseball jersey in the mail today! On the back, it has our last name with the number "1". We are going to frame it and put it above the dresser/changing table. We also got a couple of Carter's onesies and my diaper bag in the mail as well. Good mail day

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