Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I know what you mean about suddenly hitting 35 weeks and feeling miserable. Low self-esteem has really set in for me and I am having a hard time wanting anyone to see me THIS pregnant. I am sure it's just the crazy hormones making me feel that way though.
    Hang in there.... I think the next 5 weeks are going to fly by and then all the sudden you'll think "Hey, I miss being pregnant!"
    My mom reminded me yesterday that pregnancy (especially at the end, when you can feel them so much) is special because it's just you and your baby. Once he/she is born, you have to share him/her with the rest of the world. Sad!

    @Goldilocks1107: I think at this point the super low pelvic pressure is really normal. Mine even shoots down into my lower thighs... I feel like the baby is cracking my pelvis! I hope you start to feel better and your OB can help.
    Thank heavens for grandparents--aren't they the best? You're little girl is gonna have so many people to love and spoil her!
    @jennylynn: CONGRATS!!!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!

    Well, I was up at 5 this morning and I couldn't fall back asleep. Insomnia has been killing me lately, and I get up at least a good 5 times a night...either from a killer orange juice craving or to pee. Well, after staying up til 7:30 or so, I crawled back in bed and didn't get up until noon! I feel like a teenager!

    Warning: emotional vent:
    I am kind of dreading all of the Easter festivities this weekend (and it's always been my favorite holiday). I am just really struggling with hating how I look pregnant, and it's hard for me to even do anything in public. I just want to wear sweats and baggy clothes every day and crawl into a hole after baby comes.
    I have become consumed with worrying about how fast I can lose all this disgusting weight after baby is born. I know it's vain and shallow, but it kills my mood and makes me really, really sad. I hate feeling this way!

    Feeling TONS of pressure in nether regions lately. Especially after sitting down for a long period of time. I get up and it feels like a bowling ball is literally about to fall out of my hoo-ha!

  2. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, I feel like a new lady after my day of pampering. I got shellac on my nails for my mani/pedi, so that should look good for a while, although I might get it re-done just before induction. Having painted nails is such a novelty for me because I am not allowed to have painted nails at work (due to infection control measures). I dyed my hair a completely different colour from usual (went from dark blonde/light brown to almost black with bright red highlights). It is a shock to see myself like this, but I LOVE the change, and I think it is just what I needed! The mat pictures went great (I love our photog so much) and I can't wait to see them! I think she would have done a great job making us look good. We ended up doing 4 different outfits with me, and 3 different backgrounds, so we should have lots of variety to choose from. Unfortunately she is taking next week off, so it might be a bit before we can see them. I was so exhausted from my long day though, that we didn't end up finishing the painting last night, but we will finish today, then clean up, and we should be able to put some furniture in the baby room, and the decal will just have to wait until next week to get put up. We also will finish the drywall tomorrow probably, so we will be done our labour, and will just have to get quotes and wait for the person to come and do mud/taping (probably after baby is born at this point). We are getting closer though.

    @Mrsdaredevil: We are doing grey walls in the nursery, and then putting up a decal on the big wall that is white trees with yellow birds and owls on it. I am excited to get going on it! I am sorry you are struggling with how you look right now, I think once your LO comes, you will be so busy being a Mommy it will take your focus off of how you look. Right now it is probably on your mind more because you don't have a ton of distractions from work or anything. What your Mom said makes me sad. I am worrying lately about being sad once the pregnancy is over, because I am really enjoying being pregnant right now, and I am going to miss my special relationship with my baby.

    @duckduckkristen: My wedding and e-rings have been off since about 30 weeks, when my BP started climbing, my fingers are fatter despite my lack of weight gain (boo) I miss them, but I bought a cheap stand in 2 sizes bigger than my rings to wear until after baby is born, and that makes me feel better.

    @pastemoo: Funny you mention TMJ pain, I have had it when I wake up in the morning for the past week or so! I was wondering if other people have had that issue in pregnancy!

    @winniebee: I am glad you have your DH for company this weekend, and that your MIL and SIL are celebrating easter with you. Me and DH are on our own this weekend, but we are looking forward to getting some stuff wrapped up!

    @volksgirl64: I was having a lot of discomfort from bras as well, until last week when baby dropped, now his bum is about a hand width away from my bra again, and it is such a relief!

    @jennylynn: Yay! So exciting! I hope all goes smoothly for you!

  3. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Wow! Am I ever behind here, so much to catch up on!

    @Jennylynn: How exciting!!! Sending lots of good thoughts your way for a happy and healthy delivery! Can't wait to hear how you met your little one!

    My due date is May 8th if you ask my Dr. but I've been going by May 12.

    As of right now all we have left to do is:
    -Finish a few nursery projects: hanging some frames, making a mini-bunting
    -Wash a few more items of clothes and bedding
    -Pack my hospital bag
    -Buy some nursing bras and possibly PJs etc for the hospital and nursing.
    -Finalize things with the Pediatrician I think we're going with.

    There's really not too much left to do before she makes her big arrival! Scary!

    DH and I haven't been having much sex lately either. Sadly, it seems like its kind of a chore to the both of us. We were trying to keep up once a week or so but broke that streak this week. With all my cramping and discomfort I think it has him a little paranoid. Hopefully we can get back into it to help things along.

    I've been having a lot of cramping lately. Everyday I swear my period is about to start. Walking the dog has become really uncomfortable too... lots of painful cervix jabs and pressure. I called the practice I'm going to about it and little miss' movement and they've said its par for the course for the last weeks, but we'll take a look to see how things are at my appointment on the 10th. I'll have my GBS test done too and am one of the lucky ones who gets the package deal vagina and a-hole swab. Yay!

    It sounds like everyone's been getting lots of nesting done, I hope there's lots of pictures of everyone's progress on WB! Fingers crossed the next few weeks fly by for those of you on bedrest. I hope they're filled with more good days than bad but definitely think you should vent away - I can't imagine being so restricted.

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: So glad at least some of your family can come to you, so you have some family with you at Easter. Family is the best.
    @nskillet: I have to ask, too, but I haven't been in much of the mood anyway--I just hope it comes back for us both!
    @volksgirl64 My new wireless bra is no more comfortable than the wire one. But it is just as cute!
    Meeting neighbors is really cool--we need to do more of that. I guess it'll be easier when the building's pool opens up on Memorial Day weekend.
    @mrsdaredevil: another massage! Yay! I hope this one is better--especially the day after.

    @duckduckkristen: sorry this week everything got more difficult! The week I took my wedding rings off was pretty tough. My husband also took it personally--then I tried to put them back on and he saw my swollen fingers and said "NO, I don't want them to ruin it when they have to cut it off!" It's worth just taking them off.
    Our bathroom is a lot less clean than it was pre-pregnancy. Even though it is technically my husband's chore, he does it only when I bug him, and lately I haven't bothered AND I havne't picked up his slack because of the more harsh chemicals in the cleaners. I know where you're coming from. I'm sorry.
    @goldilocks: I never got a replacement. Does yours look kind of like your original, or totally different?
    Glad your MIL can fill in for you--very cool.
    I'm getting more movement scares--but he's really fine, but I just have been a worrier lately. I get the pelvic pressure too. Actually, I had some bleeding today (bright red), but it was very very little, and I haven't had anymore, so I'm not calling the clinic. I'll call the hospital tomorrow if it happens again/more.
    @nskillet: I think it depends on how much leave you get and how easy/difficult baby is. I wonder the same thing.
    @jennylynn: Ah--so exciting! Good luck! So early for you--was it expected? I hope it's quick and (relatively) easy, and I can't wait to hear your story!
    @marriedandlovingit: I get rib pain too--all the way to my back. I can feel the baby jam his back in one side and kick his feet against the other--it's weird. Also... I could swear he's still trying to flip over and over in there. Is that possible?

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm so sorry! I'm having self esteem issues too, and actually missing passover seder tonight for the first time in my life. I would have normally looked for one but I'm no where near my family and just don't want to make friends when I'm feeling hideous. TOmorrow I'm going to a friend's seder and will only know her and her husband. My husband is not going (combination of work schedule and lack of interest). It's going to be weird.
    I hope you have a wonderful Easter no matter what.
    @MsMini: So glad you had such a great spa day, and such a great time with the photos. They are going to be such a treasure.
    AND I am so glad little baby held on long enough for you to get your maternity photos done!
    Wait, you have TMJ pain too? Mine hasn't gone away. I mean, it's only been 2 or 3 days, but it's gross. Luckily it does get a LOT better with Tylenol--the headaches do, too. When do you get yours?

    @LAGS: Aww. sounds like we're ALL crampy and gross recently. At least we have each other to complain to. You seem very ready for baby!
    I think we have a lot left to do, but I decided I don't care if I don't have a hospital bag. What could I really need? I mean... they have the clothes, the baby is the "entertainment" the showers have a crappy soap if I forget mine--the hospital is pretty nice! I do have stuff packed for the baby though, just nothing for me.

  5. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Thanks for the sharing of the sex life stories. I'm not feeling so bad about our once a week sex now. And, yes, I just might start to be more than once a week if it is totally true about sex getting the cervix softer and ready. I'm all for getting this baby out any time now, but as I said from my internal, it seems I'm not even started.

    @volksgirl64: having a baby will be a GREAT way to meet a whole new group of friends. I've had lots of moms in my small town say that it was the way they met their current friends. And for the bras, you could consider nursing bras. I switched over about a month ago and they are soo much more comfy; I couldn't believe what I was actually tolerating with my old bras.

    @duckduckkristen: I put my wedding rings onto a necklace, and I actually think they look great. I've had lots of people ask me about them and I feel like they are getting seen in a whole new light, to put a positive spin on the situation.

    @MsMini: Wow! What a glamorous day! Sounds like you got a total makeover and then a photoshoot.....dreamy! Can't wait to see your pics!

    @pastemoo: AT LEAST pack yourself a change of clothes. When I went in for my kidney pain last month I ended up peeing in the clothes I came in. DH had to go home to get me a change of clothes (and we don't live that close to the hospital). You never know, you might have your water break and wreck the clothes that you go in.

    The 5 hour car trip was almost 6 hours today because I had to pee so many times. I got good at peeing in the forest. I also ended up laying the seat all the way back and laying on my side, which I know is not safe but it was the only thing I could do to be comfy. And I got about half way through The Baby Whisperer book and I like it. So far: she is all about talking to the baby like it can understand you (give it a tour of the house when you get home and explain everything that you are doing to the baby). The other thing she's talking about in the book is the schedule of E.A.S.Y which stands for eat, activity, sleep, you-time....because she says it's a bad habit for the baby to fall asleep from eating because then they'll always need bottle/breast to sleep.

    Alright. Time to sleep!

  6. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @jennylynn: Wow!!!!! OMG can't wait to hear all about the birth! Soooooooo exciting!

  7. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I just finished sewing the crib bumper... it looks great!
    I posted some pics of the nursery on WB so you guys can check it out if you wanna.

    Happy holiday weekend... look forward to hearing how everyone's weekend goes.

  8. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: I guess I can do that. I'm overwhelmed with all the other stuff everyone wants me to bring. I can swing a change of clothes--that's easy. Thank you!

  9. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Ahhhhh, what an awesome nursery! I love it. Excellent work!

  10. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    This fatigue thing is getting a little ridiculous. My husband worked a double yesterday so last night should have meant an amazing night's sleep (no him coming home @ 1:30am and having his snack/tv time in bed which usually keeps me up). So I had a solid night's sleep except for my usual pee breaks.

    I woke up when he got home at 7:30am feeling like I'd never gone to bed in the first place. After I finished making him breakfast, I went back to bed for a few hours until the dog woke me up... I feel like a lazy bum.

    @pastemoo: I'm slacking on the hospital bag too... I have a list started in my phone but the majority of it still needs to be purchased. Whoops! I just feel like I need so much of it day to day why bother?

    @Mrsdaredevil: I posted on WB but had to say again, your nursery looks amazing! You must be so proud with how well all your DIYing came together.

    @cvbee: Glad your trip went well. Is the baby whisperer big into set routines/schedules early on? This might have to be a book I look into!

    @MsMini: Very excited to see your pics and new look! And great job on your nursery progress!

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @jennylynn: Eeeek!!! Hope you are holding your baby girl now!!!

    @Goldilocks1107: That's awesome that grandparents can pitch hit until your spot opens up in daycare! Hoping LO stays put so you don't even have to worry about it though : )

    @marriedandlovingit: Yes, baby's legs and feet are all up in my ribs and he has this one spot that he likes to roll his knee or foot over repeatedly. Ouch.

    @Nskillet: I know! It's been great sharing this journey with all of you!

    @duckduckkristen: Hope your brunch went well and you aren't too exhausted!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Sorry you are having a rough time with the self-esteem issues. It's hard feeling good these days. Honestly though, you look so fabulous and fashionable! I know it's tough to not worry about losing the weight (especially with summer coming up...) but seriously all of my friends lost the weight really quickly with breastfeeding and walking....and we're all a little older too (31/32) so you definitely have being a few years younger on your side ; )

    @MsMini: Can't wait to see your maternity photos and those sassy nails!!

    @LAGS: Even though I lay down pretty much all day, I get the crampy feeling and lots of pressure whenever I spend too much time on my feet (read: when I take a shower!) Last night was a terrible night's sleep for me too - 5 pee breaks and was so darn thirsty all night. I want to nap today, but afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight so am just dealing with feeling tired today.

    @pastemoo: I haven't packed a hospital bag, either. and don't think I will until I go into labor. I'll probably pack a few things for LO in a bag and then just throw our stuff in when it's time to go. That's what I did last time and I did just fine (except, I didn't bring a camera because I couldn't believe I was really going to be delivering a baby). I have a list of things I want to bring for myself, but honestly I wear a lot of the stuff now and my toiletries I use as well as phone chargers, etc. When I get nursing bras/tanks, I'll throw those in but everything else will be more last minute.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Um, how adorable!! Can I hire you to come and work on our nursery??

    @cvbee: Interesting stuff about baby whisperer. Might have to add that to my "to read" list!

  12. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, so far this weekend we have made lots of progress, the nursery is all painted, and the switch plates and such are back in place, all the old furniture is out, and baby stuff is migrating in! I am going to make the growth chart, maybe start my DIY mobile, and also put the decal up soon-ish. My custom bedding hasn't shipped yet, but I have emailed the Etsy seller to get on her case about getting it going.

    We also will finish the drywalling in our other lower level rooms tonight! YAY! I am so excited!

    Tomorrow I think we will put the crib and dresser/change table together. I am excited to see the room starting to come together, even without the linens!

    The only problem I am running into this weekend is I have started to swell like crazy, after an hour of activity my feet and legs get super puffy all the way up to my knees, and the only thing to relieve it is to lie with my feet elevated for a couple hours. I might call my OB about it, because I am not due to see her for a week. I am having lots of uterine activity as well, contractions every hour or so around the clock, with pains in the cervix area, so I have been doing my best to alternate an hour of activity with an hour or rest all weekend. I just hope our LO will wait out a week before making his/her arrival!

    @LAGS: I got the dual orifice swab, it was just a quick tap, so not a big deal! I would have barely noticed, but she warned me she would do it!

    @pastemoo: Yeah, I have the TMJ pain, mostly after waking from sleep and naps, and mostly on the side I lie on, I wonder if it is related to swelling, because it started about the time I started waking with puffy hands and feet on the lower side. I haven't packed my hospital bag either, I have a list in my head of what I want in there, and I will pack it after our trip to our hometown next weekend, but if I end up in labour earlier I will just toss stuff together!

    @cvbee: I have heard the baby whisperer book is a good one! I might read it after baby is born, we'll see if I feel like I need it. My plan is to wing it at this point (LOL).

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your nursery looks awesome! You did a great job.

  13. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Adorable nursery! You have a talent for design! I have to agree with winniebee about your appearance. You have your age working to your benefit. I will be 34 a week after LO's edd, and I would love to shave a few yrs off of that! The body is much more resilient the younger we are. With all of that said, you look so good and you have nothing to worry about! You look like a thin, pregnant woman. All of this change is tough on our bodies and opinion on it though.

    @MsMini: I hope you post pics when you are done with the nursery!

    Hope your little one keeps cooking a while longer!

    My husband went to see American Reunion tonight for a little date. We haven't seen a movie together in ages, so being able to do so was perfect. We are taking advantage of these last few weeks of just us. We loved it btw

    My appetite has taken a strange turn. Nothing tastes good these days, but I still get hungry.

    I've been trying to find what to wear that will be comfy postpartum. I found some super comfy Adidas shorts today that are nice and loose. I hate the idea of becoming the elastic queen after I give birth, but I think it will be a while before I fit into my normal, cute shorts again.

    We went to Old Navy today to check out their adorable baby boy clothes. We are in love with what we see. Carter's and Old Navy are my favorites so far.

    I am not tired enough right now. I took a migraine pill earlier which has caffeine in it so it is keeping me awake. Anyways, hope that everyone has a good Sunday. Happy Easter and Happy Passover.

  14. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: Yes, the baby whisperer book says you can start the routine RIGHT AWAY. The cycle of Eat, Activity (which starts with changing the diaper, and might include bath, read a story, or just talking to baby, etc, doens't need to be for a long time), Sleep, You Time does start right away, and the length of time for each period just changes as the baby develops.

    @MsMini: I'm not normally one to read books, but since two people gifted it to me, I have the pressure of knowing that I should report back to them about the book. This weekend has been the perfect opportunity with the long car ride to get into it. We'll be driving back today and I will hopefully finish it.

    Had another mini-shower yesterday. Very glad about getting gift cards and cash at this point. Added another 4 blankets to our (not lying) 50 baby blanket collection. about 30 of those are receiving blankets, but seriously I'm a little overwhelmed about what to do with all the blankets. Don't tell anyone but I already gave one to the dog. (She's our fur baby!)

    Some cool things we got from the shower: a little eco-friendly potty (which is neat because I was just reading about elimination communication this past week....not that I'm going to do it, but I am at least a bit interested in doing it part-time), got one of those cloth travel chair thingies that slips over any chair to become a baby seat, got a 2nd cloth diaper wet bag (super cute owl one), and more clothes (which is good because we don't have enough) and some other random gifts. Now that the 'last' shower is done I can get organized and buy the rest of the stuff that I think we'll need for sure.

    I'm only going to buy a manual breast pump for now because we can't afford the dual electrics. So I'll only get the dual electric if I end up getting a full time permanent job in September....otherwise, I'll just make do and mostly breastfeed (if that works out, which I am committed to).

    Hope everyone's having a great 2nd half to the long weekend. Haven't stopped over to WB to see the MsDareDevil nursery pics but looking forward to that.....would love to see lots of pics from everyone! Take care all and keep those buns baking.

  15. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Whoa! No one has been on today. I take this as a sign that everyone is having a great weekend. Horray.

    Just got back from the in-laws 5 hours of in the vehicle (plus pee breaks) and I wound up with a serious case of cankles. So nice to be home and putting my feet up and getting the swelling back down.

  16. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Aww, Welcome home. Glad you're elevating. I went for a 2 mile walk with my husbands and have some nice nice cankles, too.
    @LAGS: Isn't the fatigue+insomnia the most baffling thing?
    @winniebee: Good call. I made a list of things for my hospital bag (and for my husband's, too)--and I'm keeping it with the baby stuff bag by the door. I just hope I remember my shadow chart (my copy of my OB files--they aren't digital so if I don't bring them the hospital has nothing.
    @MsMini: How are you doing the DIY mobile? Are you going to add stuff to something that has music/moves, or are you making it totally from scratch?
    @cvbee: what long weekend?

  17. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: I've accepted that I'll be living in my yoga pants and lounge shorts for awhile after baby. What about getting some cute sun dresses to make you feel less frumpy? I think Old Navy is having a sale now. I agree, Old Navy and Carters have some adorable clothes. I like Osh Kosh too just because baby boys in polos are so cute to me.

    @cvbee: I just got a manual pump too. I have no idea how often I'll actually pump so I didn't want to spend all that money on an electric before the baby is even here. I did find out though that if I get a prescription for one from my midwife that my insurance will cover part of it, so maybe you can look into that?

    Brunch went very well yesterday! Since I made most of the food the day before, I wasn't too stressed out getting everything ready in the morning. I even had time to sleep in! It was so nice to see all of our friends since it may be the last time we see most of them before baby arrives. I felt great while everyone was here, but once I laid down in the evening my feet and back were killing me!

    Today I just relaxed outside while DH worked on his garden and I got a little bit of a tan! We just got back from a walk and now my feet and back hurt again. I'm really hoping I can manage to keep getting some kind of exercise up until the end.

    On a positive note, my rings fit again! I've noticed they get a little tight when I'm hot, but otherwise they're fine.

    I also finally found an inexpensive rug I like, so I ordered that, and my prints and growth chart from Etsy arrived! I got these in "Brody":
    Can't wait to frame them and hang them up!

  18. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am being so lazy today, DH is working away, and I am laying around on the couch. I had a couple painful contractions earlier (just after making breakfast), so I am being a good girl and taking it easy. We are just cleaning up from our drywalling and stuff, then hopefully tomorrow I can get back to work on my nursery projects. We might still assemble some baby furniture today ... but we will see how I am feeling.

    @cvbee: That;s a long drive! Hopefully your cankles recede! Once the cankles started for me, they wouldn't really go away funny, not even after a night of sleep

    @marriedandlovingit: I will definitely post nursery pics when it is done, I might post some progress pics in the next day or 2 once I have more progress to show! Me and Dh haven't been to a movie in ages either, we were going to go this weekend but decided to keep trucking on our house/baby projects.

    @pastemoo: I am planning on making it totally from scratch, inspired by this mobile: http://www.etsy.com/listing/84848445/baby-crib-mobile-baby-mobile-mobile-crib I am going to buy all my supplies tomorrow or the next day and get going on it.

    @duckduckkristen: Those are some cute prints!

  19. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: That s so cool your rings fit again!
    Glad the brunch was so nice, too.
    @MsMini: Oh wow--cool!

  20. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: Wow only with a shower, crazy! Its a good thing you're resting! But you're right, I've noticed busier days = more cramping too. I hope you're hanging in there

    @MsMini: You're on a roll with your nursery! Has your swelling and cramping been any better? I hope its nothing and that your LO stays put!!

    @marriedandlovingit: Great idea to squeeze a little date night in! DH and I have been using every excuse to go out for dinners etc lately. I'm already the elastic queen. Its depressing. If I'm at home, I'm in yoga pants and lately I've even hijacked my husband's pj pants for sleeping. I have to roll them half a dozen times, but the roominess is heaven!

    @cvbee: You're one loved little lady! Its awesome you've had so many showers, I guess that partially explains the ridiculous number of receiving blankets That has to be close to a record?

    @duckduckkristen: My rings are hit and miss too. I've started taking them off if I'm just around the house and am definitely trying not to wear them over night otherwise they're too tight. I still like to wear them out and about though. Your Etsy finds are adorable! I love them.

    I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

  21. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    It took a few hours, but the cankles disappeared from me laying on my side, with my knee/foot up on the couch. (I actually don't mind how they look, as I've always felt like my ankles are too skinny for my big dancer calf muscles.....but cankles were very uncomfortable!)

    @duckduckkristen: Nice print set! Due to our sloped walls/ceiling and having the nursery in our bedroom, I don't get to indulge in nursery wall decor, so I'm vicariously living that through you gals. Thanks, I will look into the health insurance regarding coverage for breast pumps---worth a shot!

    @MsMini: good for you making your mobile from scratch! I LOVE your inspiration pic! Can't wait to see your nursery pics.

    Speaking of nursery pics, who can direct me to MrsDareDevil's nursery pics....I popped over to weddingbee to try to find them but couldn't.

    37 weeks tomorrow means I'm starting to turn my mind towards encouraging the baby to come out! I already walk the dog for at least 30 minutes every day; now I'll be adding some extra sex (DH will be so happy, but I won't tell him why I'm doing it...shhhh), and maybe some time on the exercise ball? But just watch:I'm totally going to be one of those ladies who doesn't give birth til 42 weeks. ha.

    Today is an Easter Monday holiday, but DH has to work, so I'm going into town to meet some friends for tea. I'm also going to check out the PJs at Walmart (we don't have a lot of stores in my small town) to see if there is something that might be good for wearing in the hospital and first months. The PJs in my hospital bag are not cute, but were the only button-down-fronts that I have. Also need to pick up another box of red raspberry leaf tea (who knows if it actually works, but I'm all for trying it and went through my first box this week).

  22. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: My stand in ring looks nothing like my actual wedding band. Which is okay because the finish is already starting to rub off on it, so I'll be throwing it away when I'm done with it (and would probably feel bad about doing that if it looked like my actual set.
    After I had my caffeine on Friday, LO woke up and started jumping around and my pelvic pain went away. So all is good on that end.
    Rough weekend - well, not until yesterday. I was at the kitchen table looking at my feet and told DH that they were swollen already (at 9am). He basically told me to suck it up. I was a little shocked, then went downstairs to fold laundry and cry. I told him later that he hurt my feelings and that all these changes are really hard and telling me to just deal with it doesn't help. He said that it's hard to be the "cheerleader" all the time when I complain about the same things. Ugh.
    And today I woke up swollen - my ankles are starting to disappear and I've gained 4 lbs in the past 4 days. I can only assume it's all water weight because I've been watching what I'm eating and haven't consumed nearly enough calories to pack on 4 lbs that quickly.
    OB appointment today - not looking forward to what their scale has to say. Definitely going to ask what I can do to reduce this water retention.
    Sunday was also a try and fail day at my tissue poms. So, that DIY is off my to-do list. I'm just going to buy something to hang from the ceiling in the nursery instead. Much easier.

  23. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Happy Monday all!

    DH and I enjoyed a quiet weekend of house projects and lots of time together. However, after tossing and turning all night from trying to sleep without my snoogle and a couple of naughty cats who kept waking us up I'm feeling EXHAUSTED today I swear, the discomforts of late pregnancy has to kinda prep you for the exhaustion of a newborn right?

    So, 35 weeks! And boy do my hips/pelvis hurt. I almost feel like I have pulled muscles mixed with the occasionsional sharp pinching cramp which I assume is cervix pain from the baby? We did do a lot this weekend. We repainted both the stoops/railings on the front of our house this weekend and then bought and put together Abbeys dresser. I removed tags from her clothes (newborn and 0-3) and organized the nursery some more, it is looking incredible. Now, I have 2 piles of baby laundry plus her bedding to get done in the coming weeks. I worked more on my shower thank you notes which I'm nearly done with! And tonight is DH and I's labor and delivery course at the hospital. I'm nervous/excited.

    @missdaredevil I love the nursery!

    @missmini I love reading about your progress! Not too much more now

    @everyone else so glad you had successful parties/restful weekends/ happy Easters!

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: Wow you have been showered like crazy! Very lucky lady! That's awesome. Can't believe you are full term - can't believe that ANY of the May mamas are full term - I remember when you got your BFP!

    @Goldilocks1107: Ugh, sorry about your ankles and swelling and DH's reaction. I think sometimes it must be hard for them to watch their confident, independent, positive wives be emotional, more dependent, and insecure (about appearances) later in pregnancy. The only right response to a complaint is "I'm sorry honey, what can I do to help you." Men.

    @MsMini: You are NOT being lazy - you are listening to your body and taking care of yourself! But, I know what you mean. I feel like I dictate orders from the couch all the time.

    @marriedandlovingit: I love Old Navy and Carters stuff for boys too! I'm also thinking about post-partum wear. All of my pre-pregnancy stuff is sort of fitted and so I'm just not sure what I'll be able to wear! I got a few new pairs of loose fitting yoga pants from the Gap and figure in the first few weeks, I'll probably be living in those, a nursing tank, and hoodie. I also am thinking I'll wear jersey dresses when I leave the house. I'm looking around online for other stuff - maybe some loose fitting linen pants from Old Navy.

    @duckduckkristen: Glad your brunch went well - cute prints!!

    @Nskillet: Wow, busy weekend for you! I hope you enjoy your class tonight!

    So how much are ya'll getting up to pee in the middle of the night these days? The past few nights, it's been 5-6 times for me. I feel like such crap in the morning!

    Not much else to report here - 33 weeks yesterday and have an OB appointment tomorrow. I'm sure she'll just say to keep resting....particularly because any time I'm on my feet for more than a few moments, I pay for it with increased contractions. Today, I got up, went to the bathroom, made coffee, toast, and brought my necessary resting items to the couch (ok, I added a few dishes to the dishwasher and ran the dishwasher, too) and when I went to lie down, had 1 BH contraction and then 1 real contraction. It's annoying that this happens, but a good reminder to me for why I stay off my feet.

    I ordered nursing bras and tanks over the weekend - I would love to be able to go try them on, but that's not happening for at least 3 more weeks and I might need them before then. My sister swears by the Bravado tanks and bras and so I ordered a few bras and one tank. They are a little more than I wanted to pay (40-50 bucks) but I ordered from Nurtured Family and got free shipping and a $10 off coupon.

  25. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Thanks! I think I'll put that response in my back pocket and the next time DH says something unsupportive I'll just say "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you say 'I'm sorry honey, what can I do to help you'?"
    I picked up two non-maternity cotton jersey skirts at Old Navy this weekend (gray and black) that have a roll down top. I'm wearing one today and plan to have them as part of my post-baby wardrobe staple.
    As for evening pee breaks. I'm averaging 2. But when I over-hydrate in the evenings, it can be more.
    I bought a Medela Pump In Style Advanced this weekend off Craigslist for $75. I consider that a steal, and am more comfortable owning the pump and being able to bring it to the hospital, than trying to figure out when I should start renting it. I just need to get some new pieces for it, but figure at $70/month to rent a pump, I'm still coming out ahead.
    34 weeks today. Man, I wish it was over.

  26. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @duckduckkristen: those prints are SO cute! We ordered this one: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/73859746 and this one: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/73859745 for our nursery. I love etsy!

    @msmini: good for you for taking it easy! I know its hard but its good for you and LO.

    @winniebee: I've been lucky in that I'm only getting up 0-2 times per night. Last night I didn't get up at all! That will probably get worse over the next few weeks.

    Our weekend was pretty quiet, though Saturday was busy. DH ran a half marathon so DD and I went to breakfast together while we waited for him to finish. I love that she's old enough for us to have "dates"! We had a jack & jill shower that day too and then we had 13 people over to our house for a casual BBQ.

    Yesterday was extremely low key, only left the house for a walk.

    So, I have to ask, is anyone having a lot of discomfort after sex? DH and I DTD yesterday and afterward there was SO much pressure and cramping. It's subsided now but it lasted for the remainder of the evening (probably 7+ hours). He thinks we shouldn't do it anymore and I told him it was probably because I was on top. I know semen can soften the cervix but I thought it would be too early for that (34 weeks).

  27. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Men are clueless, I swear. They don't get the magnitude of what our bodies and minds are going through. I'm sorry about his reaction. That isn't cool

    @cvbee: I love that we are both 37 weeks tomorrow! It's fun having a due date twin.

    @duckduckkristen: Getting some dresses is a good idea! I was just thinking that I will have a bit of a belly still after the baby is born, so I am rethinking wearing tank tops everywhere I go.

    @winniebee: I wore fitted everything pre-pregnancy as well (and I still do lol). Up until this weekend, I wasn't thinking that I may feel a bit self-conscious in fitted clothes for a while postpartum.

    I'm feeling good these days. My braxton hicks contractions have been going crazy since last night. As long as they stay BH, I'm cool. I do not want to deliver our little bundle quite yet! At the same time, I don't want to wait until 41-42 weeks either

  28. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @winniebee: I usually have to pee 2-3 times a night, but sometimes it will be more like 5, and others I manage to sleep through the night. I think for me, it depends on how much pressure baby is putting on my bladder. I do hate it when I wake up only an hour after I fell asleep!

    @volksgirl64: I was having a lot of cramping and RLP after sex, especially when I was on top, so now we are limited to only doggie style since that doesn't cause any pain during or after. Though I'll only do it when it's totally dark since I don't want to risk DH catching a glimpse of any hemorrhoids. Eww.

    @Goldilocks1107: At one point I had to email DH a bunch of articles on "how to treat your pregnant wife". After that he was much better, but I think sometimes they just think their wife is being whiny and don't get that almost ALL pregnant women feel the same way we do!

    My due date is 1 month from today! Seems so unreal!

    I'm spending this week cooking and freezing meals so we'll have something to eat after baby arrives. Lots of soups, pasta sauce, meatballs, and pizza dough!

  29. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    34 week appointment is done - next one has the Group B strep test and first internal (yay?).
    OB scale says I only gained 2 lbs from my last appointment, which is better than my home scale. When I mentioned water retention, she said I do look puffier in my hands, feet and face but there's not much I can do about it (drink water, reduce salt, soak in a tub), and that my blood pressure and urine look good. So I guess I just have to wait it out.
    And she seemed really excited when I told her I thought I had a BH contraction last week. It was a little strange
    DH got his Tdap vaccine, so now we're both vaccinated against pertussis.
    ETA: oh yeah, and LO is staying head down for now and has dropped a bit. I told her to stay that way!

  30. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I totally would have cried if I'd gotten that reaction too. Hopefully he'll get on the same page as you for the last few weeks. At least your weigh-in went well though, that must have perked you up! Amazing deal on your pump too, wow!

    @winniebee: I always have to go after I've settled into bed but before I've fallen asleep. I have another pee break when DH gets off of work and wakes me up and like clock work have trip #3 at 4:00am.

    @volksgirl64: hah if DH and I ever have sex again I'll let you know. We're having quite a dry spell.

    @duckduckkristen: Woo hoo! Your countdown is officially on!

    I'm finally starting to feel worn down and ready for this to end. I've been so tired, crampy and emotional. I don't even remember feeling this blah in the first tri. Yesterday and today I totally broke down before my husband went to work. Yesterday because he wasn't listening to my nursery updates (still aggravated by that... sometimes I wish he wasn't such a man) and today because I couldn't get his lunch to fit into his cooler... I just really miss feeling like my old self.

  31. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I went to the grocery store this afternoon and it was enough to wear me out! I had to grab a bite to eat after I was done bc I felt like I was ready to pass out. I intended to come straight home and walk the pups, but they are going to have to wait for their mama to rest a little bit. I remember when things like this were routine lol....

    Is anyone else having non-stop BH? Mine have been going on for the past 24 hrs.

  32. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: I am with you on the zillions of pees per night. I do about 6 per night. But it's better than first trimester because now I've learned how to fall back asleep after getting up. It must definitely be good for getting ready for baby night time wake ups.

    @volksgirl64: I stay on top for sex so I can control things and I haven't had any strange contractions after.

    @marriedandlovingit: I got worn out just doing a tea date, a shopping trip at walmart, and a shopping for groceries trip. I thought I got swollen legs yesterday from sitting in the car, but I got the swollen legs again today from my outing. I kindof wish I was getting more BH, but I'm not.

    My search for cute pajamas was fruitless. There are no cute pajamas around. Instead I ended up buying two jersey-knit dresses (2 for 20) that seem BF friendly (by pulling down the one sleeve and exposing a breast......how weird is it going to be to start whipping out a breast here and there?.) The dresses are empire waist, and I could even wear them now. I might end up wearing them for pajamas.

  33. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I got such a great sleep today, but instead of feeling refreshed, I just feel tired. It seems like no matter what I do, my body is just worn out. My sugars are more variable (not too high, but all over the place within "normal" rather than being consistent like they were). My BP is crawling up, and shrek feet and cankles are my constant companions. I think it is safe to say, that while I feel like I am not ready to be done with this pregnancy thing, my body will welcome the induction when it is time (in about 2 weeks).

    We got the crib put together, and the crib tent on it last night (to keep the cat out). Tonight our plan is to tackle the dresser/change table, and then later this week we will do the decal. I did the base coat of paint on my growth chart today, and will paint the lines and numbers tomorrow probably (after lunch with a friend). Tomorrow I will also be going out to get stuff for the mobile so I can get that started.

    My custom bedding should ship out late this week, so hopeful next week I will receive it, and get it up before the baby is born. Once the linens are in place I will take lots of pics of the nursery!

    @LAGS: The swelling and cramping is pretty persistent, my BP is also crawling up very slowly. This baby is under strict orders to stay where it is until after my shower saturday though, so I am taking it easy!

    @cvbee: I love the PJ's I got at Motherhood, they are nursing PJ's, but I have work them through my pregnancy, they are comfy and give a little bust support, and will be awesome for after our LO is born. Have fun meeting your friends, my DH is working today as well.

    @Goldilocks1107: I am sorry your DH is faltering in his support. I hope that it is only temporary and that he smartens up soon! I should hit Old Navy this coming weekend to get some postpartum appropriate clothes as well!

    @winniebee: Your right! It isn't being lazy, and DH is actually the first one to tell me to lie down and take it easy, so I don't feel bad about leaving things up to him. Lately I am lucky and get by with only getting up once to sleep overnight, I am coating my blessings there!

    @volksgirl64: I have always gotten a ton of contractions after sex. DH has cut me off until after this weekend because he wants me to keep the baby where it is until after my baby shower, and he needs time to wrap up a couple things at work. However, once I hit 37 weeks next weekend it is ON!

    @marriedandlovingit: I am totally feeling you on wearing out easily ... I swear I got tired just walking to the mailbox and back today. I often wonder how long it will take me to regain any kind of stamina.

  34. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @volksgirl64: I totally felt the cramps after sex last time we DTD. We have been doing it a good 4 days a week up until now... last time we did it I was so uncomfortable afterwards and just wanted to roll over and cry. It was the first time it had happened! I talked to my OB about it though and she said it was totally normal.

    @MsMini: I can't wait to see pics of your nursery! Good luck on the mobile... that's a big DIY to tackle!

    @LAGS: I think we have all reached the uncomfortable stage at this point. I feel your pain! Hang in there--it will all be done so soon! Dealing with being such an emotional roller coaster is the worst!
    @Goldilocks1107: I know it's something small, but it always makes me feel good when I don't gain a ton between appointments. good job!

    So I had an AMAZING doctor's appointment today. After the last one I was feeling pretty down (BP up even higher, more medication, stricter bed rest) but things were wonderful today! First, we got to do a 3D/4D ultrasound. Last time we couldn't because she was face down, but she was a bit more cooperative today! She still had her fist in front of her face, but we still got a few good photos. She has hair and a very chubby face. So cute!

    She has jumped from the 32nd percentile to the 51st percentile since our last ultrasound. She is already 5 lbs 11 oz... WOW! Doctor was very optimistic and said that she was surprised how big baby had gotten despite all the BP medication I am taking.

    Today, my blood pressure was the lowest it had been since I was 10 weeks pregnant! Woo hoo! DH and I were so happy. Taking it easy really does pay off (I think it's due to the relaxing Easter I had). She told me that based on baby's growth and her current position, she doesn't think she'll come any later than 39 weeks, which will be around May 6. Because of my BP she doesn't want me going past 40 weeks, so if baby hasn't made an appearance by then, I will get induced.

    I am feeling so positive and excited to meet this little one. The awesome ultrasound really lifted my spirits!

  35. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Congratulations on a great appointment! Sounds like you have really stabilized in the last little while.

  36. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    Hi guys! We are back from the hospital and getting settled with our new baby girl! She was born on April 6th, at 9:53 pm. I was 38 weeks pregnant and had no signs of any impending labor at all! My water broke as I was getting up out of bed to get ready for work, and we were off to the hospital. She is perfect, and labor went as smoothly as it could have! I'll write up a full birth story as soon as I have time! Hope you all are doing great!

  37. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @jennylynn: Congratulations....can't wait to hear the full story!!

    @Mrsdaredevil: So happy for you and LO doing so well!

    Randomly woke up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. I think I have a yeast infection....will have to ask the doctor about what's the right thing to do. I have some Canesten cream from a yeast infection a long time ago....so tempted to use it as I know it will work and it's just external, but I all my googling says I have to ask for the doctor's advice (and be itchy for almost 2 days, as my appointment isn't til Thursday).

  38. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @jennylynn: congratulations momma! soooo happy for you! what's her name? as @cvbee said, can't wait to heard the full story!

  39. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Oh, I also found out today that starting on Monday, I need to get non-stress tests every week until the baby is born.
    Has anyone had experience with this, or even know what it is?

  40. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @jennylynn: Congratulations! Can't wait to hear your birth story!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I have had a couple NST's, they hook 2 monitors to your belly (one for babies heart rate, and one for contraction activity), they also give you a button to push when you feel movement. They leave you hooked up for 20-30 minutes and monitor babies heart rate against its movement and our contraction activity if you have any. It is mostly just boring.

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