Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    I only started on this board a few weeks ago - can we all do a DD reminder? I'd love to see when everyone's LOs are *supposed* to come!

    Mine is May 22nd (one day after our wedding anniversary!)

    Left to do is:
    - Hang up art in the nursery and paint her letters for her name
    - buy some NB size diapers
    - buy a freezer and stock it with food
    - install car seat bases
    - take DD to Big Sister Class
    - Assemble swing
    - Pack hospital bag

    I'm debating washing clothes because the majority are coming back from SIL and I know she washed them but she line dries and the clothes seem kind of stiff.

  2. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: half days of work ARE awesome....gets me out and working, but it is only for about 3 hours. Yesterday I worked a full day, plus tutoring and then prenatal classes and I was DONE. Today I got called in for a full day and I declined. Feel slightly guilty about that, but I do teach dance tonight so I justify it that way.
    @Goldilocks1107: So great that you found your daycare provider! I am up in the air about looking for a caregiver, as I still have no idea when I'll be going back. Might be September (if a full time permanent job comes up that I get), or January, or not til the following September (if we can afford next May to Sept on one income....not likely).
    @duckduckkristen: Wow, I feel like our group has an abnormally high amount of anterior placentas. I do too, you and nskillet and pastemoo and I'm pretty sure Winniebee too. Crazy!
    @Nskillet: It is a little TMI but thanks for mentioning it. I've had the 'behind the clit' ache randomly lately....I've had the same feeling on bad periods before.
    -registry completion after next week's mini shower
    -talk to our priest about baptism (got to go to church for that!)
    -get the last of the newborn cloth diapers (ordered today)
    -wash the cloth diapers 5x (already washed all the clothes)
    -maybe get some nice PJs for hospital
    -install carseat base (thought DH did it but he didn't)
    -finish my thank-you cards (goal for today)
    I'm sure there's more things but I can't think of them now.

    @Mrsdaredevil: oooh! A ring in your future! For me it would totally depend on what your set looks like now. I already wear my engagement ring as a right hand ring (long story), so personally I'd go for a stack with my wedding ring, but in your case I'd ask how it would look to have that 3rd ring on your stack. I think you have to try it out at the store.

    Last night was our breastfeeding class at the prenatal classes. I was super interested in this video they showed with this 'new' style of breastfeeding called bio-natural positioning. It's where you just recline (like you would watching TV) and plop the baby on your naked chest, with their chest to yours, and the baby will naturally root around and find the nipple and go for it. You can help a bit by supporting the babe lightly and the breast lightly to help guide them. It is supposed to be good because only when the mommy is relaxed can the milk really flow, plus it uses gravity to help baby, so it's less of a struggle. Looks amazing in theory.....looking forward to trying it out.

    Okay, I am a bad person for not walking the dog yet. Here I go!

    PS @volksgirl64: My EDD is May 1st (but I swear based on my charting that it's May 10th....but apparently based on his size recently he could be due even earlier than May 1st)

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Thank you! I am SO indecisive when it comes to stuff for his room. Not sure why I'm so picky! Oh BTW I have an anterior placenta, too - found out at 19 w anatomy scan.

    @pastemoo: well that's a good compromise w/ a nickname : )

    @cvbee: Whatever you had a fully day yesterday and are teaching tonight - can't feel guilty at this point! I'm finding that working 1/2 days at home is working well for me too.

    My due date is May 27 -- though, this LO will probably come sooner since I'm already dilated, effaced, and have contractions! I hope to be a May mama, not an April mama!

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Glad you are having a good week with DH! Your anniversary celebrations sound awesome! I think it would depend on what your ring set looks like. I think I'd go with a right hand ring in my situation - but I have yellow diamonds, so it's more because it's hard to match anything to my set. I think I want a necklace or ring with LO's birthstone in it.

    @aunt pol: Girl I can't believe you are doing so well with your twinnies! It's awesome they are already at those weights. Glad baby girl has decided to give her brother a run for his money.

  5. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    EDD: May 13th but OB has already said they may suggest a scheduled c section or induction at 39 weeks which would mean May 6th due to LOs size and my gestational diabetes. I have an OB appt and plan on bringing up that it makes me uncomfortable that they are willing to suggest scheduled c section on size prediction alone and that id it is physically safe for baby and I my preference is to have a vaginal delivery. I'm a plus sized woman and complications from c section are greater and then general recovery time as well. Hopefully the doctors respects/agrees/understands my fears and preferences! I will do whatever I have to for my the baby and Is safety though.

    Anterior placenta here and I think Goldilocks has one too! Question, were any of you belly sleepers before getting pregnant? I was and am convinced it's why I'm anterior!

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: Not really a belly sleeper, but I sleep on my side with one leg curled up and sort of half on my stomach. So maybe that's it! Does having an anterior placenta pose any obstacles in having a c-sec? I think it's great that you are going to have this discussion with your doctor. S/he needs to know how you are feeling!

  7. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: Good memory - yep I'm an anterior placenta too. But not a stomach sleeper.
    Due date: May 21 (two days after DH's birthday - he's hoping she comes early as a b-day present to him!)
    I wrote a super long post earlier this morning, but it looks like I either didn't hit submit or it didn't go through. Oh well. I'm pretty sure I was just whining
    When DH got home last night, the first thing I said to him was "I'm crabby today". Later that evening, he told me he appreciated the head's up!
    And now that I know what BH feels like (as opposed to baby movement), I had a wicked one yesterday. Right after the BH started, Baby Girl decided it was time to move, so as the uterus was contracted, she was trying to put a foot outward to get more space. Not comfy.

  8. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @winniebee: you know the anterior placenta question as it relates to a c section is a good one. I think they have to be more cautious but this is another reason I'm going to advocate for vaginal delivery. I just don't want the abdominal surgery unless it is truly required!

    Funny that a majority of us have APs. I was so bummed at first but now that baby is big and moves a ton I am kinda relieved. I can't imagine what posterior feels like!

  9. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: I never really felt like the anterior placenta made too much of a difference. I felt movement @ 20 wks and I think it probably took longer to feel "strong" I still felt it regularly. I think the biggest difference is I didn't have painful or really uncomfortable movement until the third trimester whereas posterior placenta mamas talked about those types of movements earlier.

  10. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    My EDD is May 9, but according to my charting and my first 2 ultrasounds it is May 12. I'm hoping he doesn't come May 12 because it's my brother's graduation and I don't want to steal his thunder since he had to share his high school graduation with my college graduation. I had a dream LO arrived May 13. That would be perfect!

    Even with an anterior placenta, I still felt movement starting at 16 weeks, but never in the middle of my belly, always just on the sides or down low. I usually sleep kind of half on my side, half on my belly.

    35 weeks today and just starting to feel huge and get back pain! Last night DH was touching my belly and was shocked at how tight it feels. No stretch marks yet though (like I don't have enough already from being overweight in high school)! I do have a lot of spider veins on my belly though, which are kind of freaky looking.

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Are anyone's boobs and chest SO veiny?? Mine have been veiny the whole pregnancy, but the veins now go up into my chest and are SO bright blue - it looks like the river Nile!

  12. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Can anyone tell what position their baby is in or can make out body parts yet? My mom told me towards the end she could make out feet and would try to grab them and play with us. For a while baby's back was against my left side with his feet kicking me in the right side. Now it feels like he has moved so his back is more against the front of my belly and he is kicking me towards my right back side and his knees are under my ribs. Can't make out any feet yet though.

  13. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @winniebee: I've been super veiny the whole time too, but just noticed yesterday they are much more prominent.

  14. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Nskillet: belly sleeper here....and miss doing that so much! I agree that it might be a factor with anterior placentas.

  15. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: my boobs are only slightly veiny but my belly, especially around my belly button has a CRAZY blue roadmap of veins.

    Thanks for making me feel less guilty about turning down the work today.

  16. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: My babe has been head-down, spine left, feet right for about a month. (Well, maybe for longer, but that's when the doc told me about the position, and the feet are ALWAYS doing their little kick thing in the same general area, so I think he's been happy to stay put there).

  17. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    @winniebee: My chest and my belly are soooo veiny! It's creepy!

    @duckduckkristen: I'm horrible at figuring out baby's position! I can only tell after the doctor tells me. The top part of belly is always so hard, so I figure thats her butt since she's head down. Other than that, I have no idea!

  18. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: Wait until you start having milk production. You're breast become so transparent you see the veins even more.

  19. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I can tell when its a foot. Head too because it's pretty hard.

  20. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    Confession, I haven't had time to start prepping for this baby yet.
    As in, we just started the nursery, my hospital bag isn't done (even if I still have time) I haven't cleaned the clothes yet (which also means I haven't hung anything up) Haven't cleaned the bottles (new I purchased) nor have I purchased diapers or formula (in case)

    Oh and I'm 34 weeks along. Seriously... I need to start printing out those lists !

  21. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: My boobs are so veiny as well.

    @duckduckkristen: I wish that I could make the parts out. Right now, my husband and I guess which part is which.

    Do you ladies have an idea of what your LO is going to wear home from the hospital?

    I hope that everyone is having a good day

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: LOL I haven't done any of those things, either. I'm 32.5 wks, so a little behind you.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: My mom keeps telling me she found the perfect going home outfit for him and is just waiting to figure out size (ie, preemie or newborn). I told her go for it (since I don't have anything yet and she has great taste). Pretty sure it's from Janie and Jack : )

  24. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: I've never been in that store before! I will have to check it out.

  25. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: I have TOO MANY going-home outfits. The baby hospital bag is getting crowded. I think I need to go through it again and pare it down. I'm partial to the 'Nico' onesie and hat (with his name on it, from etsy), but I don't have any matching pants (though I may have been gifted a matching pair now that I think about it from the shower). But what if it doesn't fit? So I've also packed a really tiny suit in case he is tiny (doubtful), and a small sleeper because that seems simplest (no need to worry about pants and socks) which he could wear with the hat.....but then this weekend someone also gave the most adorable handmade sweater-hat-mitten and legwarmers set. So confused. This is why I just keep packing more stuff in the bag. (Oh, also have considered packing even more onesies in the bag since MsMini said the hospital baby clothes have been washed in harsh stuff). Here is a pic of the selections, just posted on WB: http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/may-babies-part-4/page/3?replies=98#post-3477268

  26. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Just posted my 36 week bump pic to the WB bump love thread......saw yours, @marriedandlovingit , you look fabulous.......fun to look at yours and mine since we're the same in weeks....I feel like yours is a little more pointy, but that we're a similar size....made me feel like I'm 'fitting in'. http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/bump-love-thread-showem-off/page/11

  27. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    No clue what LO is going to wear home. I figure I'll wait until after my shower (april 22) to see if I get anything cute that will work. If not, I'll get an outfit in newborn and 3month size, since I don't know how long she'll be.
    Off to Old Navy to see if any of their regular cotton jersey skirt will fit me now. I'm so over maternity pants and I swear I'm getting sweatier by the day!

  28. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @volksgirl64: You went on a 2-mile walk? Man, I WISH I could do that. My jiggly thighs need it BADLY!

    @cvbee: I have an anterior placenta too! I had no idea until later in the pregnancy...I have always felt so much movement. But at one ultrasound our sonographer told us "ya, I noticed it a couple months ago but I guess I forgot to tell you..." haha
    I honestly can't imagine what it feels like to NOT have an anterior placenta because these baby's kicks are very strong as it is.
    I was never a tummy sleeper.
    I wish we were taking BFing/Prenatal classes. I am glad you got to go to yours and I hope they were helpful! They are too expensive at our hospital.

    @Goldilocks1107: I have still never felt a BH. But my stomach is constantly as hard as a basketball with too much air in it... so maybe I am having them and just not feeling them because my muscles are already so tight.

    Honestly, this muscle tightness is unlike anything I have ever experienced. My stomach is so incredibly hard at all times, and the farther along I get the more and more painful it becomes. I can't even get through the day without taking muscle relaxers now. It also makes it extremely hard to move, walk, or even take in deep breaths/yawn.
    I have a girlfriend who is three weeks behind me in her pregnancy and the top of her baby bump feels like a full water balloon (I am assuming that's what it should feel like) and mine feels like a cement block! UGHHHH!!! Complaining over.

    @cvbee: I LOVEEEEEE YOUR BUMP! It is so round and cute. It's perfect!

    @volksgirl64: My EDD is May 13th (Mother's Day). Not really sure if my blood pressure will behave and I will make it all the way... I guess it's a 50/50 chance!

    Getting so amped for my first prenatal massage this evening--WOO HOO!

    I have a couple options for a coming home outfit. My favorite one is this super soft white sleeper with hot pink polka dots on it.The entire butt is ruffled with hot pink ruffles and there is a little bow on the chest. It's so cute and girly!
    I know I should probably wash all the baby clothes but I hate to get rid of that brand new feeling (I love to wear my clothes when they're new). Did anyone notice their baby clothes shrunk a lot when they washed them?

    Those who are using disposable diapers, have you decided on a brand to try first? I think we're trying to Pampers Swaddlers--I hear the best things about those.

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I can imagine that maybe your bump feels like it is in a constant BH, which is not comfortable! Hope your massage gives you some relief. Your going home sleeper sounds sooooooooooooooooooo cute! When I washed all the clothes I didn't really notice if they shrank or not, but then again, it's not like I really 'knew' them well before.

    I was just googling about the breastfeeding thing, and it is actually called Biological Nurturing (the most interesting thing I learned in the breast feeding class). You can google it or read a bit about it here: http://www.biologicalnurturing.com/index.html
    It's totally what I'm going to try and I'm feeling good about it.

  30. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: Thanks for the link, I am checking it out. All your coming home outfits are so adorable... I think the navy blue one with a hat is my favorite ( I think they are ducks on it?)
    I also like the little sleeper! Boy stuff is precious.

  31. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am getting up the motivation to finish prepping the nursery for paint ... we are hoping to get the paint up tonight so we can put the decal up Sunday when my sister is here ... and then we will finish putting up our drywall (finally) on friday! We are getting so close to getting things done. Yesterday I made a bunch of tissue poms to hang above the change table ... they are living on my dining room chandelier until the room is ready for them. I am so glad we are starting to get things done ... I have been feeling like a serious slacker! I might not be on tomorrow, I have a busy day of pampering and mat pics planned (mani/pedi, then hair cut and colour and styling, then an appointment with a MUA, then mat pics).

    @volksgirl64: I am due May 5th, but will go for induction between April 23-27.

    @cvbee: The biological nurturing positioning works about 5% of the time I would think. It is worth a try, because it is easy, but despite what I have seen claimed about it, I have rarely seen it work in real life! Just don't be disappointed if it doesn't work for you, and consider yourself lucky if it does! Make sure to research lots of different positions, because you never know what your LO will take to!

    @Nskillet: Size prediction is SO inaccurate, I would do an early induction before a scheduled c-section. "Cold" (no labour) c-sections aren't very good for baby (the baby comes out WAY more stressed). I would be extremely hesitant to book one myself unless I had placenta previa or something! I hope your OB understands your hesitation!

    @duckduckkristen: I am able to tell where baby is, but I had lots of practice in mapping the baby in nursing school. My baby is lazy and has been in the same position for the last 3 months though!

    @blushink: I am in the same boat as you ... but worse! I am 35 1/2 weeks and still haven't really done anything (yikes). We are painting the nursery tonight, and then we will put up the decal on sunday, and put the furniture in the room next week. The rest of the prep will wait until after my shower in a week and a half!

    @marriedandlovingit: We are waiting until after the shower to pick a coming home outfit as well. We are going to pick a boy and girl option in newborn size, and a neutral option in 0-3 months just in case.

  32. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: That going home outfit sounds adorable!! Do you have a picture of it by chance? Your daughter is going to be so well-dressed!

    That muscle tightening sounds so uncomfortable! Thank goodness we are heading towards the homestretch.

    We are using Pampers Swaddlers. I've had the best luck with those in my years of nannying.

    @cvbee: You have the cutest bump!! You look so fit and amazing.

    @MsMini: It must be a good feeling to know what time frame your LO will be arriving

    @volksgirl64: My edd is May 1st,

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your tummy sounds so painful! Ugh! We are using Pampers Swaddlers (I think there is a sensitive line, too). We were gifted three CASES at my shower - crazy! I did some research and talked to my sister and all of my friends and Pampers Swaddlers got the best reviews, hands down.

    @MsMini: You are making tons of progress! I have no doubt that you will be more than ready by the time of your induction.

    @cvbee: Super cute pic. You don't look like you've gained anywhere else, either. Lucky!

    @marriedandlovingit: It's adorable! But, expensive. Luckily grandma has a bigger clothing budget than we do ; )

  34. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @MsMini: I keep forgetting you are team green. Is the suspense KILLING you?
    My girlfriend is three weeks behind me and they don't know the sex of their baby yet either... I am constantly wondering if she is dying to know. I don't think I could be that strong!

  35. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: When I was a nanny we used pampers swaddlers and the pampers sensitive wipes and never had any issues.

    @cvbee: The La Leche League book encourages that method, but calls it "laid back breastfeeding" or something. Sounds nice.

    I have no clue what I'll bring baby home in. Since it will probably just be me and DH who see it anyways, I'm not too concerned and will just pick one of the outfits we already have I guess.

    I just attempted to clean the house. Oh man. It hadn't been done in months and we are having people over this weekend so it had to be done. I don't remember cleaning EVER being this exhausting! I dusted, then had to lay down. Vacuumed, then had to lay down. Cleaned half the bathrooms & mopped the kitchen and I am spent! Wow.

  36. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I am actually pretty nonchalant about the gender thing. It isn't a big deal to me what the baby turns out to be. I know to most people that doesn't make sense though.

    @winniebee: Thanks! I think we will be ready as long as baby doesn't try to beat the induction date! I have been having the odd "real" contraction mixed with my BH, but nothing to make me too concerned yet.

    @marriedandlovingit: It is weird knowing the week it will be born actually. It is a good/bad, because baby could still decide to come earlier, but knowing it was coming up quick has sure gotten my nesting butt in gear!

  37. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: My bump is pretty hard, but I can still push in (slightly). As for diapers, we're trying the Pampers Baby Dry (I think that's what they're called). Everyone I asked seemed to prefer Pampers over Huggies.
    @MsMini: Gah! Tissue poms - I knew I was forgetting a project. I have a bunch of purple tissue paper set aside for my practice pom. If it works out, I'll buy some more paper and get the other ones made. Enjoy your day of pampering tomorrow. With all the activity we've had on here, you'll probably have 100 posts to catch up on when you "get back"

  38. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @volksgirl64: I seem to have a final date rather than a due date! If it was a singleton pregnancy date would be the 31st of may, which would be 40 weeks from LMP, then adjusted dates for shorter cycle brought it back to the 26th. Because its twins, consultant said if I haven't walked (waddled) in the hospital door in labour by Monday the 14th, I'll be brought in for induction Thursday 17th latest.
    And as of 38 minutes ago Irish time, that's precisely six weeks away. Eek!
    @MsMini- great heads up on cold section- I had really thought it would be the best option for me, and it's great to get more info. Nobody told me it made a difference to baby whether labour had begun before the section or not!

    That bf position sounds lovely, can't imagine it would work v well for two though:(
    Can't remember who asked, but *i think* the epidural assessment is for plus sizers like me, to make sure the little extra pad of fat on the small of the back- its not huge or anything- won't interfere with siting the needle? That's the impression I got from the consultant anyway, I'll have a first hand report Tuesday week:)
    Silly restless legs driving me nuts again. Boo hiss to weird pregnancy complaints! But yay that I've nothing bigger to complain about, obv.
    Oh and twin 1 might indeed be a girl- radiographer said it seems to be, not 100% though. If the little blighter is still facing the same way Monday week, we might finally have a reasonably sure fix on both baby genders! I have to admit though, I've heard of so many boys being u/s mistaken for girls, I don't think I'll really believe I know the gender until they're out!

  39. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    I was going to say, we should start a fresh thread seeing as this one is 16 pages long now, but seeing as we're so far along now it'd nearly be a little sad to change it! It'll probably be nearer 50 pages by the time we've all delivered:)

  40. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I went ahead and got the first coat of paint on the nursery walls today! DH is going to be surprised when he gets home (LOL). We still need to do a second coat, and 2 coats in the closet, but that should be pretty quick going. I am loving the colour, and will post pics when we have the tape off (probably tomorrow).

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