Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    I WISH I had more of an appetite! Baby must be crushing my stomach because I can barely fit anything in it and then I get terrible heartburn! At least that means the weight gain has slowed down...

  2. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: We've had two more following our anatomy scan. They're planning to do one every four weeks, more if my tummy measured way off.

    @marriedandlovingit: I've been eating way too much. Its weird, I'm not hungry for big meals but I can't seem to stop myself from snacking.

    @cvbee: That's great you wont have to replace it! Hope you have fun and are spoiled at your shower today!

  3. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: That's a really good idea to protect the leather. I was just watching a daytime talkshow yesterday and they suggested using a bathroom mat for under the seat....might do that. DH is installing the carseat right now. I guess I should have told him before now. Oops.

    I am just having a little relaxation before the shower. I am sooo tired from cleaning the house. I cleaned it the best I've ever cleaned it: no cutting corners. (For my weekend guests....so glad they decided to just meet me at the shower instead of coming here early first).

    I hope my friend isn't getting too stressed about the shower. She's a real Martha Stewart and I know she'll be working really hard on details.

    It's a cold but beautiful day today. Hope everyone's having a great day!

  4. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: OH, I could never eat more. I get sooo cramped feeling after I eat because I have so little room in my stomach. Yesterday we went over to a friend's house for dinner and I could only eat half a (small) quesadilla! Usually I would be able to eat a whole one. The baby's just taking up all my space.

    Oh, and I also was kind of bad and had a little glass of hard cider. It was sooooo delicious.

    Thanks everyone who posted about the ideas for the anniversary. I like the antique shopping idea... that's one of my favorite pastimes! We are in Western Washington and the weather here has been rain/frozen rain for weeks. It's hard to do anything outside--and it's never above 40 degrees (farenheit, to you Canadian bees).
    It's our FIRST anniversary.

  5. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I had a busy day yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to catch up on here! I will have to work on it when I have some time this week. I posted a thread about my trip to LDR yesterday due to epigastric pain. Since I have get home, I haven't had any more of that horrible pain, but I did end up contracting about every 30 minutes or so throughout yesterday afternoon/evening. I knew they wouldn't stop it if I went in since I am 35 weeks now, so I ended up just going about my day, rested in the afternoon, and then went to DH's work party in the evening. I sat through 90% of the work party, and by the time we got home at 1 am, the contractions had stopped. I was passing little bits of what I think was the mucous plug last evening though. It made us a little worried Ziggy was going to try to make an early arrival, but no contraction activity today at all so far.

    We have about a days worth of drywall work left, but today we slept in until 1 pm! It was awesome, since DH has been working so much, we haven't had a sleep in day together in forever. He just went to go get a haircut (maternity pictures are thursday!), and has to go to work for a couple hours, so I am going to run errands, and maybe get started on prepping the nursery.

    My Mom was up to visit for 2 days, and we got the future nursery pretty much cleaned out. All thats left in there is the guest bed! I am going to spend my time prepping the nursery for paint, and then as soon as drywall is done it is paint time! My sister is coming up next weekend, so I am hoping when she is here we can be ready to put up the giant/complex wall decal we bought, and since we are leaving the bed in there a little longer, she can still use the room to sleep in.

    @cvbee: We are buying a seat protector made to use under the car seat in our car. It is available at BRU - we really don't want to ruin the leather seats with the car seat!

    @LAGS: Our LO has dropped from the 70th to 50th percentile from 24-33 weeks (probably due to my PIH). My OB likely won't check weight again though, unless my belly shrinks or completely blows up over the next couple appointments.

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Just found a seat protector that has two parts--first just under the car seat base, and second it goes over the back of the seat for a bigger toddler seat. But I might just go for the bath mat--sounds easier to match to the car AND cheaper.

    @duckduckkristen: Aww, that's such a bummer!

    @cvbee: Sounds like a lovely shower you'll have since you start with such a perfectly clean house. Nice work! I need to clean up a little more.

    @Mrsdaredevil: MMmmm cider!!
    and... first anniversary is PAPER, so make something cool. Do you do origami? Or kirigami? Or scrapbooking? Do something with some wedding photos that he can put up at work, or go to a discount store with a personalizable item, and use ModPodge to decoupage it with photos and things that are inside jokes.

    @MsMini: Sounds AWFUL. I get a lot of epigastric pain--they can't do anything about it, can they?
    Glad ziggy isn't here yet!
    My hospital won't let us deliver before 36 weeks (and prefer not to before 37 weeks)--would they have let you progress? Eep!

    We went to our hospital tour yesterday. The actual parts we will stay in are SO NICE! the class itself was really dumb (I may have said that yesterday).

  7. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @pastemoo: The epigastric pain is from an old surgery I have (they think), they think baby is kicking the scar tissue and tearing it, so there is nothing to do but take some tylenol.
    At the hospital I work at they won't stop labour at 35 weeks, especially since I have a complicated pregnancy (the thought is with all the complications, if your body goes into labour, there is probably a reason for that), so I just stayed out and had a good time. I am glad everything stopped though, because we are SO not ready!
    We just really want Ziggy to stay where he/she is for another 2 weeks! Then he/she can come whenever they want to!

  8. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: Oh, that's awful! I hate that tylenol is the only answer. I can't wait till he's born and I get to use my salonpas patches again!
    I hope little ziggy can hold on 2 more weeks for you!

  9. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: super glad that your labour stopped. Must hold on until maternity photos But that does make sense that if you go into labour at this point it must be for a reason.

    Speaking of when to go into labour, I was looking at the moon, it is a 2nd quarter moon (looks like a half-moon), which means we are about 2 weeks from the full moon. And more women go into labour on a full moon! So for me, I'd be 37 weeks, which is considered full term, so I'm hoping for a full moon baby. My Mom said, maybe I'll hit the next full moon though at 41 weeks, which is just as likely....but I am so excited about the coming of a baby that it will be so hard if I go past due date.

    My shower yesterday was so lovely. It was at my friend's Mom's house, which is a beautiful herritage home. It was lovely to have some of my gal friends together and open the cute baby stuff. I even got baby gifts from my best friend who is working out in Afghanistan for the Canadian government. She gave me lots of practical stuff I needed (like a matress cover), and from others I got so many cute outfits and books.

    I'm a bit short on time right now but just wanted to pop in and say hi. More to say next time.

    PS. Happy first anniversary to MrsDareDevil!

  10. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Congrats on your shower! Sounds like it was a blast!

  11. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @mrsdaredevil happy anniversary hope you had fun!!

    @msmini I am so glad your labor stopped on its own how scary!!! Especially that you were passing parts of your mucous plug. Has that ceased as well?

    @cvbee yay about your shower!! I hope it was as awesome an experience as mine was this saturday.

    Yesterday was my baby shower and I cant get over how generous/thoughtful our family and friends are. We literally got everything we immediately need for the baby. There were so many gifts and clothes and surprises I was moved to tears on occasion from some of the handmade and sentimental items we received. The next few weeks will be spent writing out tons of thank you notes and sorting through what we received.

    How was everyone elses weekends?

  12. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    My weekend was great, although exhausting. Some friends threw a fun little shower for me yesterday where we ate lots and decorated onesies. Some of them were hilarious. Since that was my last shower I came home and ordered all of the stuff left on the registry that we need. It will be great to finally have everything so I can get it all organized and ready!

    Today I vacuumed out my car and tonight I got McDonald's since DH is working and now I'm watching a Frozen Planet marathon. Haha. It's so sad though when they show baby animals getting eaten.

    Hope everyone else had a great weekend and is doing well!!!

  13. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Nskillet: Yay for your shower and feeling so set-up now. @duckduckkristen: Custom onesies sound super cute...what a great idea!

    Now one things that was disappointing this weekend was that when I brought my Mom and bestie up to see all the baby stuff my Mom totally got all sarcastic and critical about the cloth diapers. She knows that it is something really important to me, and yet she went on and on about how we're going to hate it, and we're going to spend so much money on energy to wash them, and how they're going to smell and she gushed over how 'cute' the disposable diapers are that we got, and she said that people are getting us disposable diapers because they know we're never going to make it with cloth. (And by the way, those people who got us the disposables didn't know we were doing cloth). Seriously? I know that my Mom can be harsh critical, but I just thought that by this point she'd keep her opinion to herself. Whatever. And yet I had to vent it to you gals.

    I'm actually looking forward to my first internal this Wednesday. I'd like to know if I've got any effacement, etc going on. It feels like the beginning of the 'actual' countdown.

  14. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, this weekend was supposed to be my hubbys first off in a few weekends, but he ended up needing to go into work Saturday. Saturday I did get the baby room pretty much prepped for paint, I just need DH to get me the ladder so I can tape off the ceiling and then we are ready to go. I think tuesday night will be paint night!

    Today we got a bunch of drywall done, we are SO CLOSE to being done so we can get the quotes for mudding and taping. I think if this baby holds on past 37 weeks we just might have all that done before its arrival!

    Also Saturday I went to Wal Mart and picked up some newborn sized disposable diapers and wipes to use until the cord falls off. I also picked up a couple more crib sheets and sheets to fit the heirloom cradle that my parents are bringing us.

    I haven't had any more regular contractions since friday, but the contractions I had friday definitely dropped the baby! You can see a visible difference between the pictures taken 2 weeks ago, and those we snapped this weekend. I will be really interested to see what all the activity caused as far as cervix changes. I have had contractions every 1-2 hours since friday night, so I am hoping that with more rest this week those ease off. I would like this baby to stay where it is for 2 more weeks though!

    @cvbee: I know, I have just 4 days until my new hair-do and mat pictures! I have to make it to those! Your shower sounds like it was lovely, sorry your Mom was so rough about the cloth diapers. I have my first internal this week as well!

    @Nskillet: You also sound like you had a great shower. The mucous plug bit passing did stop along with the contractions.

    @duckduckkristen: Wow! Lots of showers this weekend! I am jealous, I still have to make it 2 more weeks for mine!

  15. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @msmini: Sounds like you two made tons of progress this weekend! That's awesome! And glad to hear the contractions subsided.

    @Nskillet: That is so sweet! I'm glad the shower was so nice.

    @duckduckkristen: I totally misread that at first and thought you ate decorated onesies! I was trying to figure out if it was a onesie shaped cake or... or what? Glad your shower was fun!

    @cvbee: grr. Mothers.... they remember when they were the one putting you in diapers and they don't necessarily want to let you do it yourself now. I'm sorry she's being difficult!
    Hahhaah. I know what you mean about that. I won't have an internal because I think I'll be so disappointed when they say "nope, nothing" and I don't want to deal with that! Plus the progress doesn't tell you how soon or how long until labor. But I still want to know! Well... 4 weeks before I have to think about it at all.

    Anyone else still have appointments every 4 weeks? I thought they were supposed to get closer together...

  16. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm every week from here (36 weeks) on out.

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: I'm so happy you had a good shower!! I'm sorry that your mom was negative about the cloth diapering - I hope it didn't put a damper on things!

    @Nskillet: Glad you had a great day!! Details, please!

    @duckduckkristen: What a popular weekend for showers! You must feel so good to have completed you registry.

    @MsMini: Sounds like a very productive weekend - but I didn't see much REST in there....I hope you did some of that too!

    @pastemoo: My practice does every other week beginning at 28 weeks and then every week beginning at 36 weeks. I'm a little off-schedule b/c of my situation, though.

  18. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: just spied your new bump pic on the WB bump thread. Yay! You look great and I'm so glad that your babe continues to stay on the inside.

  19. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So, I was sprung from bedrest yesterday for my baby shower and it was amazing! Literally all of my friends and family were there - like 40 people despite the last minute venue change. My mom/aunt/sis thought of everything! It was a nautical theme and they had so many adorable details - pics of me and DH as toddles, pails filled with rock candy and literally candy that were shaped like stones, the silverware was wrapped in blue napkins tied with twine and white life savers (life preservers), little bags of sweedish fish, little sailboat everything, a cake to DIE for, I could go on and on. It was brunch food and MIL made amazing quiches and we had salad, fruit salad, danishes, etc.

    People were SO generous, too! Some highlights - Phil & Ted's stroller (didn't register for one - mom got it for us); handmade, handcarved wooden box filled with handpainted letter blocks - all letters corresponding to a professionally painted detailed body part - the description could never do this justice, I will just need to take a picture and post to WB - it's absurdly detailed and amazing (from SIL, the artist); 2 quilts (one from MIL, one from my aunt), breastpump (sister), in house newborn photo session with prof photographer (two best friends), diaper cake, TONS of clothing and registry items. Literally I think the only things we *need* at this point is a crib mattress, bathtub, a few actual towels (we got some hooded ones), and sheets (all the bedding was backodered so I'm just going to get something else). It was so overwhelming and wonderful and went by in a blur. I felt incredibly loved.

    After a full day of activity (well, sitting upright in a chair for 4 hours, really), definitely had more BH contractions throughtout the day than I've been having. And definitely having more BH contractions this morning than I've been having the past few days. I haven't had many true contractions the past few days, and hoping to keep it that way (last time BH progressed to real contractions very quickly). So, it really goes a long way in showing me what this rest is doing for me.

    I'm 32+1 and so grateful that baby W has decided to stay put this long. And that means that some of you are SO close to being full-term. It's been a long and crazy road and I'm happy that I've gotten to share it with you ladies!

  20. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: thanks ; ) I'm glad he's staying put too! I wish we had done professional maternity pics - especially after seeing yours, but not in the cards for us!

  21. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @winniebee: details....hmmm the shower was hosted by all the moms (4) and was at my favorite local Italian restaurant which serves the most incredible foods! The theme was baby ducks and there were plastic multicolored versions in these adorable flower centerpieces in various Easter grasses. Lots of pastels. My MIL hand made duck sugar cookies that were painted AMAZINGLY with a tag that said. Baby Abbey Marie arriving soon! My mother had a diaper raffle for me so I've got like 3 months worth of all these different sized diapers. She planned many tasteful games for guests including a word scramble and guess the baby animal game. I was so overwhelmed when I saw the incredible gifts. Many many registry items, an amazing assortment of clothing in different sizes. Our Chicco cortina travel system. Diaper bags, bottles, diaper cake. I could go on for days. DH was so surprised when he showed up to me still opening gifts it was incredible. The day was just so full of joy/beauty and was so surreal for me. I have just 20 more work days till my maternity leave I kinda can't get over it.

  22. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: Just wanted to let (most) of you ladies know - when we got our car seat installation inspected this weekend, the lady told us NOT to get those car seat protectors to protect my leather seats. She said the car seats aren't tested with them and if anything were to happen, and the car seat failed the manufacturer could claim it's because you were using an aftermarket part.
    We haven't put the car seat in my vehicle yet, but when we do, I'm going to ask if a receiving blanket would be okay to put under the car seat to provide a little bit of protection that wouldn't affect the potential "safety" of the car seat.
    I had the BRU car seat protector on my registry and removed it this weekend. She also said the sunshades on a "roller" are also no-good. If you're in an accident and the sun shade gets detached from the window, the hard plastic roller becames a 30lb projectile (at low speeds). She said the suction cup ones are safer. So, I removed the roller sun shade from my registry and added 2 suction cup ones.
    Now, time to get caught up on the other posts!

  23. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I'm addicted to those Frozen Planet specials! The penguin portion last night was so sad! My cat also loves them - whenever they show polar bears, she stares at the TV and sometimes taps at it with her paw. It's hilarious - last night she also branched out to watch the voles running through their snow tunnels.
    It sounds like we had lots of showers this weekend! Glad everyone seems to have had a great time.
    @cvbee: Ugh - it's so irritating when people can't just shut their mouths and pretend to be supportive. Fingers crossed for a good internal!
    @pastemoo: I just had my last 4 week appointment last week (32 weeks). My OB has me at 2 biweeklies, then we start every week after my 36 week appt.
    @winniebee: Yay for bedrest parole this weekend! I'll have to pop over to WB to check out the photos (and post my 33 week bump picture).
    I was telling DH this weekend that I thought it was way too early for me to be developing the pregnanty lady waddle. Then I realized that "hey, I'm 33 weeks - only 7 to go" so, OF COURSE I have the waddle. I'm almost done!

  24. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    Good Morning Ladies! We had DD's 3rd Birthday party this weekend and it was great! I'm SO not crafty, so we didn't decorate too much and the weather didn't exactly cooperate, but everyone seemed to have a good time and DD was happy.

    After a disasterous weigh in (+7lbs) on Friday, I'm already down 2lbs which just goes to show me how much salt affects my weight right now.

    2 week appointments til 36 weeks, I can't believe it's getting so close!

    @winniebee, @ mrsmini - glad your LOs are staying put and you're able to get some things done. I'd be freaking out if DD were close to coming!

  25. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsMini: Does it feel different now that the baby has dropped?

    @Mrsdaredevil: Happy anniversary!

    @winniebee: Looking good! (saw the pic on wb) Glad to hear that everything is going well.

    @cvbee: Oh dear! Your mother reminds me of how my mother reacts whenever I tell her I am doing something not so 'run of the mill'. She'll relax when she sees how well the cloth diapering is working out.

    I have one more month until our baby boy is due. A couple of days ago, my joints started to loosen up in the hip area. Things overall are becoming more uncomfortable. We ran a bunch of errands on Saturday and yesterday, and I just don't last like I used to. I took every opportunity to sit down and rest. I took a nap the second we came home yesterday.

    We have a ton of baby gear, and we are waiting for the big items to come in the mail like the glider, stroller, mattress and Mamaroo. My husband has been working hard on the nursery, but there is still so much work left to do. We found someone to help us with the name above the crib (we are doing his name in a jersey baseball script...baseball themed nursery).

  26. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    I wish the posts on HB were numbered - I can't keep track of where I left off!

    @cvbee - congrats on the car. we finally bought one a few weeks ago, we went with a small suv, the hyundai tucson and we love it so far. It is a few years old but has very low mileage. Do you like the Edge so far? And I know how you feel about your mom's reaction to cloth diapers. We are using the gdiaper system and was showing them off this weekend and there were definitely some pessimistic looks, but I don't care what other people think. I think they are crazy for throwing poop in the garbage can so they can think I am crazy for putting poop in my washing machine.

    @nskillet - congrats on your shower, it sounds like it was lovely. and I totally understand how emotional it is to see the thought and time some people put into making or selecting presents.

    @winniebee - your shower theme sounds amazing, i am sure it was beautiful. Hope your contractions are done for now, until it is really time to make an appearance.

    @msmini - congrats on the nursery progress. i hope you aren't doing too much manual labor. and hope you get that extra two weeks.

    to whomever posted about the bath mat under the carseat, great idea!

    I had two showers this weekend and am so exhuasted. Even though it was fun and everyone was so generous, it was a lot of work to have 30 people each day at my little apartment. I felt like we were planning, cleaning and prepping all week and then cleaning up all weekend even though it was catered,it was a lot of work having people over. The gifts were amazing, including three hand-knit blankets, tons of cute clothes and lots of fun stuff from the registry. Now it is on to thank you notes and sorting through the gifts. One thing I am so happy I did was ask guests to bring their favorite childhood book. We now have so many amazing books for our little girl,. I am so happy about her new library! It was the best part of all the gifts.

    I am 34 weeks this week and little girl is still breech. So we have two more weeks until I discuss options with my doctor. Hoping she still turns before there is no more room. No contractions yet which I am happy about.

    Do you all have names picked out at this point? I know a few of you have shared, but is everyone else still deciding or keeping it a secret?

  27. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, after a busy weekend, I woke up after a long sleep (12 hours with just one break to pee!!) and I am still so stiff/sore/tired. I think today I am going to just relax with my feet up and not tackle any projects. My OB appointment is in an hour, so I will head off to that soon, and then come right back home to relax. I think I definitely over-did it a bit, so I am going to be a good girl for today, because I know once DH is home he will want to work on the last little bit of drywall. I am really hoping we will be done with that and ready to paint the nursery, and get someone in to mud and tape soon. I am a little nervous for my OB appointment, with my LDR visit friday, plus the semi-regular contractions friday night. My BP and sugars have stayed good though, so that is good news.

    @pastemoo: Thanks! My appointments have been every 1-2 weeks for a while just because of my complications, but I think they are weekly from here on out.

    @winniebee: I did get some rest, but not enough I don't think. I am so bad for just going and going and not stopping to think about rest. Sounds like people were incredibly generous for your shower!

    @Nskillet: Sounds like people were quite generous with your shower as well!

    @marriedandlovingit: It does feel a bit different with baby dropped, his/her little butt only digs into my ribs when I sit upright now (as opposed to all the time before), and I constantly feel like I have to pee, but when I try I only get a trickle. Otherwise I might not have noticed had DH not taken and uploaded pictures in the past week and a bit. I can totally relate to not being able to last as long as I used to, but I also have a big problem with knowing when to slow down and rest.

    @shortcake: 2 showers would be busy! I don't think I could last through 2 in a weekend at this point, I would collapse in exhaustion! I hope your LO turns soon! We have a couple names picked out, it will either be Sawyer or Emerson/Emmersyn, we will decide which one when baby is born, and the other name will be the middle name, we are team green, but we are fans of more neutral names.

  28. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @shortcake: We have a list of names, but haven't narrowed it down yet. Except we were told by one of our friends that if Sophie was on our list (it is) we need to remove it because he had a bad experience with a stripper named Sophie while he was in Vegas. I think that's the funniest reason I've heard yet as to why we shouldn't use a name!
    @winniebee: Can you provide a quick reminder on what BH contractions feel like? I'm emailing with a friend and neither of us are sure if we've had any (my OB just told me that I will, but not what they'd feel like!). Or, if anyone else has had them, feel free to enlighten me!

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Sometimes you don't notice them/ don't even feel them! A Braxton Hicks contraction is where your uterus clenches and gets hard/tightens. If you aren't wearing a shirt you will even see your stomach get a little misshapen/harden up. A true Braxton Hicks won't hurt - it might feel weird/ feel a tad uncomfortable - and isn't accompanied by lower uterus cramping or back pain. In my experience, the only difference between a BH contraction and a real contraction is that a real contraction comes with lower uterus cramping (kind of like period cramps) and/or low back pain. Your stomach/uterus still gets hard with real contractions. Just my experience though (and what my doctors have told me specifically)!

  30. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Interesting - but it definitely feels different from baby movement? Because I've had situations where my uterus feels "hard" but there's been movement associated with it, so I've just assumed it was the baby switching sides.

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Hmmm interesting. I sometimes feel some hardening and feel my stomach and it's just the baby's butt/back pushed up against my side. So it could be that....but for me the BH contraction is like one whole side of my uterus is rock hard (o the whole top is rock hard so sort of unmistakeable for me). Also, the nurses told me that you can get uterine irritability from when the baby moves like crazy - ie, baby going nuts for a bit and then you get a little BH because of it.

  32. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I wonder if that's what's going on now - she's moving like there's no tomorrow, and suddenly the top of my belly went flat like it was pushing down and felt tight/uncomfortable. But she's still rockin' and rollin' so it obviously doesn't bother her! And I think she's got the hiccups. Definitely no need for official kick counts today!
    How's post-baby shower R&R going for you today?

  33. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, just got back from my OB - GBS swab is done, we opted to skip the cervical check, but did a quick US (baby is head down, and dropped and my cervix is short). My OB thinks I will last to 38 weeks, but we are going to induce sometime in week 38. I get a 2 week break until my next appointment, and next monday we will likely decide the induction date. Given the induction plan, baby is likely to be born sometime between April 23-27!

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I bet that's a BH then - especially if your stomach is a little deformed. Day of lazing about going well - I did about 4 hours of work today, too (on top of HB, watching Mad Men, cleaning up my registry, and calls with a few friends). Now waiting for DH to get home to have dinner : )

  35. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: Sounds like a great day!!

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so paranoid when I do walk, I am doing an exaggerated waddle. DH also informs me that I am breathing VERY heavily lately, all amounting to me mimicking some sort of large animal. How nice of him to point that out!

    @volksgirl64: So happy that you had a nice party for your daughter!

    @marriedandlovingit: Eeek, one month? That's insane. But, just know that not everything has to be perfectly set up when the baby comes. It's ok if DH still has to do's after the birth!

    @shortcake: Holy crap, two showers in one weekend? You must be showered out! Sounds like a lot of work but that you had a great time...hope you can relax now.

    @MsMini: That's only 4 wks away...wow! Glad you had a relaxing day. My goal is to be off bedrest when you are induced : )

  36. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: thanks for the 411 about the danger of seat protectors! I look forward to hearing if a receiving blanket would be okay. Maybe you could ask about the bath mat?
    @winniebee and @Nskillet: Loved reading about the details and highlights of your showers. Such a wonderful time of anticipation and happiness!
    @shortcake: Loving the Edge: feels so luxurious compared to what I was driving before. And it's a huge lifestyle switch for us because for the first time ever DH and I each have our own vehicles. This morning when I didn't have to wake up extra early to drive him to work, it was great.....and then after work I was able to go stop by and see a friend because I didn't have to worry about holding up DH who would have already been waiting around for me so he could go home.
    @shortcake: We have our name: Nico (then for middle name it's my maiden name) (then our last name) But we are keeping it a secret from all the in real life people. I know that potentially someone could find me here, but I don't care 'that' much about the secret, so I don't mind the risk.
    @Goldilocks1107: To me, BH feel a little like a big baby movement, almost like baby is spinning...so I see why you think it's the baby switching sides....my baby has never switched sides in the past month and I suspect yours is probably in one spot too...... then I realize that it's not a baby movement, and if I touch my belly it is even harder than usual. It's mostly in the upper-belly for me. Not painful at all. When my baby gets the hiccups, I feel a rhythmic pushing way 'down there', so I think it's his head being thrown back a bit from the hiccups and it's hitting my cervex or something.
    @MsMini: WOW! I am so excited for you knowing when the baby is coming! Eeeee! The first May baby!!! (in April)

    Today I got called in for a half day of kindergarten: such a treat. The kids were obsessed with my baby belly and they wanted to feel the baby kick. I told them that the baby is sleeping so they won't feel anything but they wanted to try anyways, and wouldn't you know, as soon as they put their little hands on my belly he DID kick. Some of them told me they even heard the baby talking....so cute. It was also fun to be at a school that I hadn't been to in a long time, so all the teachers came running up to me and saying 'wow, congratulations, I didn't know!'. Fun day.

    Well, I should get back to the thank-you cards. Since I do have the time, I'm trying to make each one a bit extensive and letter-like.

  37. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: That's disappointing your Mom didn't have a more supportive response to going cloth. It'll make sharing your success with it that much more satisfying though

    @MsMini: Awesome progress with the nursery and guest rooms. You must be excited! Glad to hear things have calmed down for you, hopefully your LO stays put for a while longer! Has it always been the plan to induce at 38 weeks or is it related to some of the complications you've had? You must be so excited to have a concrete end in sight. I'm excited for you!!

    @pastemoo: I'm pretty sure my appointment on the 13th will be my last bi-weekly and then I'll be onto the weeklies.

    @winniebee: Your shower sounded amazing and how awesome! I love all the little details - so cute! You'll have lots of organizing to keep you busy while you're at home now!

    @Nskillet: I'm glad to hear you were spoiled too! Abbey Marie is such a sweet name. ....and now I'm craving Italian!

    @Goldilocks1107: Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately saving a leather interior isn't a problem DH and I have to deal with but I definitely think I had registered for the roller shades. So good to know!

    @shortcake: Crazy! I hope you're able to relax this week and recoup from your weekend of showers. I love your book idea, kinda wishing we emphasized books somehow... we literally have two at the moment. Shameful!

    @winniebee: Creepy. I've definitely been getting the tightening with what feel like mild menstrual cramps. I just assumed my BH were taking things up a notch.

    I'm finally feeling myself again after two days of feeling totally out of it. I could do nothing but sleep, had really consistent mild cramping and my sinuses were acting up. I felt like such a big baby but I was miserable. I was starting to get freaked out wondering if my body was starting to get ready but I'm back to feeling pretty normal now.

    Do your LOs ever have days where they're randomly really quiet? It seems like once a week or every few weeks there's a day where I get mildly freaked out cause LO isn't nearly as active as she usually is. Today is one of those days. She's moving 10 times in a few hours, but its just not her usual level of activity. I've been going back and forth about calling my OB, but her HB is normal on the doppler... I think I'm just getting paranoid!

  38. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: That's adorable and so nice of Nico to put on a show for them! They must have loved feeling him. Good luck with your thank yous

  39. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsMini: That's interesting! I have a feeling that my husband will be the one telling me that I've dropped. I ask him all the time so I know he is on the look-out!

    @cvbee: That is so cute about the little kids being obsessed over your belly! I love that age of kiddos. It must feel good to work part-time at this point in your pregnancy.

    @winniebee: One month! Yes! We are all nearing the end and it is hard to wrap my head around it! My husband is in the nursery touching up some paint right now before he starts the next step.

    Today, we ordered a personalized kid-sized Braves jersey with our last name and the number "1" on it to be framed. We will most likely be putting that over the dresser/changing table. We also ordered some baseball pennants to hang on the wall as well. We are debating on ordering a baseball locker growth chart. It is precious and would look perfect in his room. We aren't sure where it would go at this point, so we are going to hold off for now. Here it is:


    My husband put together the Pack n Play today, and our pets (2 dogs, 1 cat) were wondering what was going on. Our dogs know something is up, but obviously they aren't sure what. I don't think our cat cares. She just sees it as another thing to *try* to jump into.

    I need to get another belly pic taken! I look like crap today though with my hair sloppily thrown up on top of my head, so maybe tomorrow lol.

  40. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @LAGS: the last couple months my baby has had a pattern of being really active for 2-3 days, then not so active at all for a couple days. It worries me every time, but I just have to remind myself it's his usual pattern.

    I finished up all my baby shopping today and now it seems like we have SO MUCH STUFF! I wonder how much will actually get used!

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