Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @MsMini: Oh, thanks so much for the info!
    Is this test normal for everyone this far along in pregnancy or just people with high BP and other issues?

  2. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Usually they just do them if they have concerns (spotting, high BP. GD, once you are past your EDD etc).

  3. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I had a 6 hour one after my car accident.

  4. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Yeah, I had the non stress test when I was in with my kidney nightmare. I actually found it to be super cool to see on a paper little lines that relate to what I feel all the time. They were just checking to make sure he was okay in there. It was neat to see how he reacted to different things too, like me talking or pressing my hand at him, or sipping water. Not sure if these things are 'allowed' but I did them anyways. It was also the first time I understood that the BH were actually contractions rather than baby movement.

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    #everyone--sounds like we are just overfull with baby right now! Somany different places baby can push on to cause pain! I hope we all make it to our 37 weeks--and then deliver very soon after!

  6. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @cvbee: When I had a yeast infection, the doc recommended monistat 7 because it's gentler than the 1 and 3 day options. Actually, the nurse was able to tell me over the phone what to use, so maybe just give them a call to see if you can get some relief today.
    Bath time didn't help with swelling, but after sitting with my feet inclined for 2 hours I was able to see my ankle bones again. Unfortunately, they seem to have disappeared again. I think I'm with @MsMini: and have the shrek feet. If there's a lane open at the gym tonight, I might try going for a swim to see if that helps at all.
    How's everyone coming on the whole name thing? I told DH that we should each take a look at our list of 7 possible names and write down our favorite 3. Then see if we overlap on any of those.

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @volksgirl64: LOL I wouldn't know, we aren't having sex these days...

    @duckduckkristen: Wow you are good making so many meals ahead of time! MIL did say that's how she wants to help us post-birth - food is definitely her thing ; )

    @marriedandlovingit: Well, I get lots of BH contractions, but my situation is probably not one you want to compare to! Do you get them every 15 minutes? My OB's rule of thumb is to call if I get them every 15 minutes for more than 2 hours as they can progress to actual labor. BUT, that might just be the guideline for when you are pre-term...since you are full term (?) the rules may be different.

    @LAGS: I feel worn down and all I do is lay on the couch, hehe!

    @cvbee: I'm ordering this nightgown from motherhood. I only ever sleep in my undies, and considered that I might just wear a nursing tank and undies to bed post-baby. But then I thought if I need to leave the bedroom and want to go rock him or something, I probably want to have something other than skivvies down below. This nightie seems thin and lightweight: http://www.destinationmaternity.com/Product.asp?Product_id=90127010150&Mastercategory_Id=MC16

    @cvbee: I'd call your doc - if you treat it sooner rather than later, it will be easier and faster to resolve. I got them in early pregnancy and the doctor actually prescribed something to me (similar to monistat) but cheaper and supposedly more effective.

    @MsMini: Um, wow! You are just chugging along with all of your nursery plans - very impressed! Now don't you wonder how you would've gotten it all done with work??

    @Mrsdaredevil: YAY! So happy you had such a good appointment! You must feel very proud of yourself - see your resting is doing you good! That's a lot of growth the past few weeks. RE: the natural stress test - I only started getting them once I started having contractions. I think only people with *issues* get them.

    @jennylynn: CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to hear your story!

    @Goldilocks1107: We narrowed it down to 2 months ago - but really haven't talked too much about it since and haven't found anything we like more. I *think* we are both leaning towards the same name though and I'm sick of looking at nameberry for inspiration! Not sure I'm convinced it's the name, but I feel like it's so hard to be sure. Swimming sounds glorious. Maybe I'll take a bath instead ; )

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    My mom just got here - today she is doing more unpacking of shower gifts, arranging of the nursery, and washing baby clothes/towels, etc. She's also bringing me to my OB appt this afternoon (unless DH gets out of surgery early). I am SO thankful for her....she is a rock star helping us get ready....yesterday was out and about getting our crib mattress, rug, and other odds and ends. Tonight some friends are bringing dinner over. So, should be a good day! (despite weigh in at OB....)

  9. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    LOL @lags @winniebee

    @jennylynn: can't wait to hear all about it! Congrats!

    @goldilocks1107: We've decided on our name and have been using it to get used to it. I still waver occasionally but I'm pretty sure we're good there.

    @mrsdaredevil: Dang girl, 4x a week?! We DTD maybe 2, but more often only once. Most times I'm too tired to do anything but lay around and/or sleep. Glad to hear you had a good appt! That's encouraging!

    DD has Big Sister class this week and I'm excited to take her. She has to bring a baby doll and she'll make a card for the hospital. I also bought her a Big Sister shirt to wear to the hospital and I want to have a gift from Little Sister waiting for her too.

    I bought frames to hang our nursery prints but they're the wrong size! I just want to cross nursery off my list finally.

  10. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: Thanks! That nightgown almost looks exactly like the 10 dollar dresses I bought at Walmart. I actually wore one to bed last night, so they are definitely becoming my pajamas. I usually wear pajama pants to bed, so I felt a little exposed (but it was probably a good thing with the whole yeast infection situation).

    Thanks everyone: nice to know I'm not the only one who has had a yeast infection during pregnancy. On all of your advice I think I will let my OB know and see if I can get a recommendation over the phone.

    @volksgirl64: I have super fond memories of my big sister class that I took when I was 3 years old. It made me get really excited about having a little brother.

    I've got a nice easy day of work today.....a 0.6 day and it started with a break (hence the time for this!). I'm at the school that I had my contract at. As I walk through the halls I can hear kids saying "She's STILL pregnant". When I arrived, a kindergarten kid asked me where my baby is. I patted my tummy and then she said "whoa, now you have another one?" Same baby, kid. ha.

  11. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I've got another craigslist "date" tomorrow - more baby clothes. The person posted 30 items for $40 (already a good deal) and she she responded to my email, she said she had added even more to the pile of items (still for the same price!).
    Apparently she also has a Boppy bouncy chair and a box of burp cloths and blankets for sale. So, we'll see what I come away with. I have to google what a Boppy bouncy chair is now . . .

  12. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: Thank goodness for moms!
    @Goldilocks1107: wooo hoo! great find!
    carpal tunnel is worse. almost passed out at pt today, and felt icky all day, so i left work early--if it doesn't go away in a few days, i get to see a doctor, otherwise it's 'one of those unexplainable things in pregnancy.'
    so sick of being pregnant--but i know i need to keep him in there so he can be born healthy!

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: Sounds like a good day!!

    @Goldilocks1107: You are so good with bargain hunting. I am terrible at it!

    @pastemoo: Ugh that really stinks. Is it just one hand or two??

    OB appt today was good - everything is normal and I'm up 20 lbs total so haven't porked out while on bedrest. However, OB won't remove any of my restrictions til 36-37 weeks. So, back to the bed/couch I go. The plan is to see the OB in 3 weeks (will be a little over 36 weeks) rather than in two weeks. as she doesn't want me exerting myself. Many more of you will have your babies by the time I'm off bedrest! I get all of the reasons why and know it is for the best, but it bums me out that I literally won't leave the house for 3 more weeks. Which in turn makes me feel like a selfish brat for thinking of myself, not the well-being of my baby. Motherhood guilt, I guess.

  14. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Awesome deal! I hope you like what you see! One of my old nanny employers was all about buying used baby clothes and swapping with her friends. When they wear the clothes a couple of times, it makes sense to do so!

    @cvbee: Those kids you sub sound so cute! It must have been cool to be back at the school you taught at.

    I hope you start feeling better soon! That sounds uncomfy! It makes sense to tackle it now vs later esp when you are so close to the end.

    @winniebee: Your mom sounds awesome!

    As for how you are feeling re: bedrest....you are NOT being selfish! It has to be a tough pill to swallow. You know you are doing what you need to do, but it doesn't make it easier. It sounds like you have a great support system. Thank goodness for that!

    My OB appt went well today. I'm 37 weeks, and he said that our son will be staying put for at least 2 more weeks. The cervix is still closed so he is in no rush. My weight has apparently dropped a bit. I don't know what it is though since I am scared to find out lol. I wish I wasn't so weight obsessed! My strep test came back negative, too. I go back next Tuesday.

    The past two days, people have been so nice to me while I've been out running errands! It is not what I am used to here, and it is a pleasant change :). People will just come up to me and start chatting away. That is how people were when I lived in San Diego, so it is nice to experience the niceness of people again. I just have to be pregnant, I guess!

    I woke up around 7 this morning, but fell back asleep after my husband left for work and slept until NOON! I couldn't believe it. I feel so lazy when I do that, but I guess I needed it. I keep reminding myself that I won't get to do this in 2-3 weeks, so take advantage of it now. There will always be that twinge of guilt for doing so though.

  15. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: both--especially at night. in the day, it's only whichever one i'm using more (usually right).
    glad your appt went well today! i won't have my baby by the time of your next appt i have my next appt then, too!
    sorry you're still on bedrest. need any new book recommendations?

    @marriedandlovingit: glad your day and your appt went so well! and you get two more weeks with little baby doing those cute kicks in your belly! i hear that's what most women reminisce about after pregnancy.

  16. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I'm one awesome shade of orange thanks to the crappy quality of the pic, but I posted my 37 week bump over at WB's bump love thread.

  17. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: You look great!

  18. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: thanks. I will surely have some more cute kid stories, as I'm teaching senior kindergarten tomorrow and junior kindergarten on Friday (both at my 'home' school).

    So, my crib bedding finally arrived today....ordered January 27th and majorly back-ordered. They threw in a free soother, bottle, and in my 2nd package which was only supposed to be a 2nd crib matress sheet, they gave me a 2nd set of everything (skirt, blanket, sleep sack).

    Had the last prenatal class tonight (not including the hospital tour class). My take-home message was that 80 percent of us will get the baby blues (which sounds a lot like bad PMS crossed with menopause) early in the game, and then some people get PPdepression a month or so in.....and it is something to seek help with. Talking about all the postpartum stuff all I could think was: I hope the May Babies ladies will still be around after the birth so we can help eachother through all this stuff!

  19. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Things are ticking along on the nursery again today. I finished my ruler growth chart, so that is waiting to hang, and we also built the dresser today. The decal is all laid flat and we will start to tackle that in the next few nights. I also got all my materials for the mobile, and I will get a start on that tomorrow likely. I am also planning on spending tomorrow doing laundry and sorting clothes and cloth diapers into the dresser drawers, as well as packing the baby bag for the hospital (although what we pack could change after the shower, we want a baby bag with us when we go home this weekend just in case!)

    A friend came in from out of town today, and we had a fun lunch. It was nice to get out for a bit! I might have to make a point of doing more of it in the next 2 weeks!

    @Goldilocks1107: We are just waiting to meet our LO to make the final name decision! I hope that swimming helps your feet! Sounds like you got some great Craigslist finds!

    @winniebee: I do wonder how I would have gotten the nursery this far if I was still working. I also wonder how I would be able to be on my feet as much as I need to be at work, I get tired so easily lately. I can admit now that being off of work was the best thing for me. It sounds like your Mom is a great help! It must be so nice to have her nearby to be able to help you get ready. Glad to hear your OB appointment went well!

    @pastemoo: I am sorry you felt crappy today! I hope being off of work and resting helped you feel a bit better.

    @marriedandlovingit: Sounds like you had a great sleep! I have long sleeps like that a lot right now! I don't feel guilty because the sleep won't come easily for a while after LO is born. Congrats on being GBS negative!

  20. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: Thank heaven for moms, seriously! What a blessing that she is there to help with so many things you are unable to do right now. I bet that is really helping keep you from getting too frazzled....

    @winniebee: Just don't forget you have the rest of your life to be busy and leave the house a lot. This is such a short time compared to how much time you have to spend with your LO once he is here (healthy and full term!). I know bed rest is miserable, but it will go by fast. Then, you can be as busy and active as you would like! There is nothing more important in the whole wide world right now than growing your baby boy.

    @cvbee: yay! I remember when you first posted your crib bedding... it is SO cute. You will have to post some pics on WB when you put it in your crib!

    @cvbee: I really don't know much about PPD or the baby blues. How do they make you feel/what are symptoms? Maybe this is something I should read up on...

    @marriedandlovingit: I slept until noon the other day too. I guess our bodies really need it!

    I forgot to add something interesting that my OB said at my appointment yesterday. She said that she doesn't usually do internal/cervical checks unless she feels it is absolutely necessary. She said they are usually very uncomfortable for mom, and that at this stage in the game, it won't change how she treats the patient whether or not they are dilated.

    She said "If you're dilated, you're dilated. It won't change our treatment for you this far along. If you're not dilated, that could change in as little as one day! I don't see the point in putting you in extra discomfort."

    It kind of was a relief to me, and made a lot of sense. I was expecting an uncomfortable exam...relieved to know that I get to bypass them for now!

  21. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Yes, please lets all stick around to keep each other going when baby blues or PPD hits. I'm pretty much estimated at 99% chance to have them.
    Your crib was delivered 3 months late? It's nice they gave you those bonuses for it.
    @MsMini: Your nursery sounds wonderful--love all the projects and details!
    How far away is it to go home?
    @Mrsdaredevil: How far are you now? I told my NP I didn't want the internal checks at my regular visit either and she said something similar and "I'm so glad you understand!"

    Have a nice day ladies!

  22. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Funny how our OBs have such different takes on the internals. I asked if we need to do one at every appointment, and she said we don't need to, but she likes to because it provides a baseline if I think I'm going into labor. If I'm dilated at 1cm at my appointment, then think I'm going into labor 4 days later and am still at 1cm, they'll know I haven't made any progress.
    @pastemoo: I figure after my 20wk bout with pre-baby blues I also have pretty high odds of PPD, and told DH that he should also be watching out for it.
    Swimming was a mixed bag - it felt really nice to float, but that didn't last too long. And when I started alternating 2 laps with walking (the pool is shallow, so I'd walk when I started getting winded) I got the worse cramping feeling EVER under my belly. It almost made my knees buckle. So I got back into floating position, then slowly lowered my legs so my knees were on the pool floor and tried some gentle stretches, which helped. But, the shrek feet didn't disappear and I woke up around 11pm with awful back pain/cramps. I think swimming just isn't for me.
    Bikini wax after work today (I'm excited and terrified), then a hair cut with some lowlights on Friday (to cover up the reverse skunk I have going on with my highlights growing out).
    @winniebee: If you'd like to learn how to make tissue poms, I could use 3 for the nursery. My first attempt was such a fail, I took it apart and used the tissue paper to wrap things up :-). And I'll still be pregnant when you finally get released . . . so you won't be all alone on the boards. But it is crazy to think that in 3 weeks, some of us will be done (I really wish I was one of them).

  23. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I also have weekly NSTs and will till I deliver because of my Gestational Diabetes. They aren't bad, actually kinda relaxing and funny if your baby is stubborn like mine! She hates being spyed on and is always wiggling away from the monitors which drives the nurses bonkers! I have another one tomorrow with my regular OB appt and then have my final growth scan (I think) on Friday. DH is coming and is so excited!

    Had our labor and delivery class on Monday and it was wonderful. DH LOVED the class and said he couldn't believe how little he truly knew about labor. He said now he understands why I want to go as long as I can without pain meds particularly an epidural (if I don't need a c section) we also learned helpful labor coping techniques, breathing, focal points, and coaches/partners learned about massage and tips on how to keep Mom motivated! We were worried the class would be super graphic but it was really just informative, supportive, and totally family centric. We are so excited to have this baby!!

    Last night DH was out at a concert so I went into busy bee mode and washed all Abbeys clothes through 3-6 months and put them away. Then I washed all her receiving blankets, swaddles, bibs, burp clothes and towels and put all those away. Does anyone know I'd you're meant to wash all your bottles before first use? I'm planning to breastfeed but will supplment with formula at least one bottle a day to prepare her for daycare and cause he Daddy really wants some bonding time with her. Also, is anyone bringing their pump to the hospital? I got mine second hand and sterilized from my sister who used it once and have NO idea how to use that sucker!

    This weekend I'll get our hospital bags packed and in the car. I'm having more cervical pain each day so am wondering if I'm lightening and if this baby has plans of her own! Anyone else having tons of pelvic pressure/pain?

    I've also been yeast infection paranoid but never seem to notice symptoms which is really weird/bizarre. Ive always had more discharge than others it seems and the times I thought I had a yeast infection I haven't and the times I didn't I did. Also, has anyone had BV? Do they even treat it in pregnancy?

  24. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @winniebee: I'll still be here in 3 weeks! We can commiserate then!

    @goldilocks1107: Let me know if the wax hurts a ton, I've been considering it too. Sorry the swimming didn't help as much as you wanted. Also, hope the baby clothes are good. We go to huge consignment sales here and stock up, there are a bunch getting ready to start now since it's spring. Let me know if you want more info. Actually, I've been thinking about starting a thread on that.

    @pastemoo: that really sucks about your CTS! Do you think it will get better after delivery? Has it gotten worse with pregnancy?

    I got 2 rounds of bad news yesterday (not affecting me or baby directly) and I have absolutely no desire to be at work anymore. But then I remind myself that once I stop working, I'm unemployed (it's a contract job) and we can't afford that yet. Plus, I wouldn't really get any more rest since I'd be watching DD at home.

    One month from today I'll stop working whether I like it or not so I have a countdown going. And we don't have plans this weekend so hopefully I can sleep in a bit!

  25. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @volksgirl64: sorry about your bad news! Hugs.

  26. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @Nskillet: Thanks! I feel like such a Debbie Downer lately. I'm trying to snap out of it. I probably just need a day off.

  27. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: I've heard your supposed to sterilize the bottle before you first use it, and after that the dishwasher or whatever is all you need. I'm planning to bring my pump to the hospital so they can show me how to use mine (instead of learning on the hospital one).
    @volksgirl64: DH and I stopped at a garage sale with tons of baby clothes this past weekend. It was a bit overwhelming, so we didn't buy anything. I'm thinking that once she's actually here, it won't be as bad since I'll know how big she is!
    Work shower is tomorrow - I'm very excited. People have signed up to bring lots of yummy food! Then my family/friends shower is April 22. I guess there's 27 "yes" RSVPs, so MIL is planning enough food for at least 35 people. According to my mom, the menu looks like it might actually be enough for 50+ people

  28. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: Yes, the crib bedding was super late, but to their credit, they emailed me about once a week to update me on the fact that they were still waiting for it to come in.

    @Nskillet: one of the bottles I got said to wash first, so I did. @Nskillet: maybe the hospital is a great place to bring the pump because they could show you how to use it?
    @Nskillet: what's BV?

    @volksgirl64: sorry to hear about the bad times at work. Hope the one month passes quickly for you!

  29. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    I had an appointment yesterday for my group B strep and ended up doing a quick NST. When I was discussing movement with the midwife I couldn't fight off the tears so she offered one to check in on her. Little miss seems to be doing perfectly and my midwife said sometimes depending on how she's positioned, she may very well be moving during her usual times, but I may not be feeling them as much if they're towards my back etc. That was reassuring.

    She also did an internal and I've had no changes yet so I'm a little more confident that I'm joining the definitely will be pregnant for weeks to come club! Part of me is getting so anxious to get this show on the road, but when I really stop to think about it... I want to really take advantage of these last few weeks of just me and DH.

    @jennylynn: Congratulations! Can't wait to hear your story. I hope the transition to motherhood is treating you well!

    @Mrsdaredevil: That's awesome you had such a great appointment! You're doing a great job taking care of yourself and your LO. I had a NST yesterday. I've been such a paranoid mess lately with LOs movements etc I burst into tears (again) when I met with the midwife, so she offered it for reassurance. Like others said its pretty neat to see the chart reacting to the little movements etc.

    @winniebee: You have such supportive family and friends! I'm sure the bed rest is still really difficult but it must be such a weight off having them pull together like they have. Hopefully they'll help the next few weeks pass as quickly as they can and you'll be a free bird!

    @volksgirl64: The big sister class sounds like such a great idea!

    @marriedandlovingit: I work part-time from home and make my own hours so I don't have to be up and about first thing and I've been feeling the guilt lately too... I find myself sleeping in until 9-9:30 on a daily basis and am almost embarrassed of what my neighbors might think when I pull up the blinds so late in the morning everyday... which is ridiculous because I'm sure they could care less/don't even notice.

    @cvbee: All the nursery freebies definitely make up for the delayed shipping. That's exciting! I'm trying to prepare myself for some baby blues. The last couple weeks I've been such a maniac. Fine one moment and emotional the next.... I can't imagine what the after birth experience will do to me.

    @MsMini: I'm excited to see pictures of your nursery! I hope you're having fun putting it all together!

    @Nskillet: I swear the childbirth classes are totally worth it just for our husbands. I don't feel like I'm taking too too much from them, but my husband hasn't/likely wont read a damn thing about this whole process so its been really helpful to him and in turn me because he wont be completely oblivious during labor. I've been having lots of pressure and pelvic pain, accompanied by lots of period like cramping and cervical zingers (whoever said that, I love it!). It makes the day to day far less comfortable.

    @volksgirl64: Sorry you've gotten some bad news during an already tiring/difficult time. Hopefully your weekend will be relaxing and perk you up!

    @Goldilocks1107: Have fun with your showers! You must be getting excited. You'll be spoiled and have lots of yummy leftovers!

  30. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I know what you mean about being overwhelmed with baby stuff, like clothes! My husband and I were looking at baby clothes a couple of weeks ago and had to leave the store. I was so confused over what we need still. Being unsure of how long, or if at all he will be wearing newborn size is throwing a wrench in things as well.

    @volksgirl64: I hope you are doing okay! So sorry to hear about the bad news.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Interesting hearing different doctors perspectives on checking to see if we are dilated or not. Mine has checked me the past few weeks. Her reasoning does make sense.

    @MsMini: You are kicking some butt getting that nursery finished!

    @LAGS: Aww! Sorry about the scare you had regarding LO's movement.

  31. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am kind of having a blah morning this morning. My BP has been high last night and this morning, so I called my OB, it seems no-one is at the office so I left a message, so likely I will need to be seen this week instead of waiting until next week. The BP isn't high enough to head into LDR for assessment though. I am still working on baby laundry, but I might have to take it easy otherwise, and not work on my other projects.

    Also, my years working in NICU are messing with my head today. I won't go into details because I don't want to freak you guys out, but all of the bad delivery/cord accidents I have seen are all on my mind this morning. I am getting really anxious about the risks associated with delivery right now. I wish I didn't know what I know today. I almost wonder if I should talk to someone about it. I might bring it up to my OB if I end up seeing her this week.

    I am really looking forward to my trip home and my shower this weekend though. I can't wait to see my hometown family and friends!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I was surprised by my OB at the last appointment as well, she is normally all over doing as much assessment as possible, but she didn't really want to do many internals, because she thinks doing them before 37 weeks is "asking for trouble".

    @pastemoo: My hometown is 3 hours away from where we live right now, so not too bad of a drive.

    @Goldilocks1107: Enjoy your new hair-do! It feels awesome to get pampered with pregnancy, my new hair really lifted my spirits! I am sorry swimming didn't help. Enjoy your work shower!

    @Nskillet: Sounds like you are getting ready! I am doing all the washing and sorting today as well. You definitely should wash and sterilize the bottles before first use!

    @volksgirl64: Sorry about the bad news! I hope you can find some time to rest/relax around your work schedule.

    @LAGS: I am definitely having fun getting the nursery put together! I wish the bedding was coming sooner though.

  32. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    I just wanted to pop on and say THANK YOU to all you ladies for your kind words! I've been feeling like a whiner lately and it's so nice to have a group of women who are understanding and supportive.
    I'm very fortunate that my pregnancy has been easy and I don't have many complaints. Yesterday just had me feeling down (and this morning) due to finding out that literally hours of work were wasted and I had to start over. But I come here and should be grateful that I'm still able to work and bring home a paycheck when some of you have been stuck at home for weeks now!
    What a wonderful community!

  33. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: I'm sorry you're having to worry about labor and delivery It has to be tough knowing all the risks and possible worst case scenarios, I know I'd probably lose my mind with worry being in the know. Feel free to disregard all I'm about to spew... cause I'm fortunately amongst the blissfully ignorant and probably can't grasp the level of your anxiety, but although I know it you can never "un-see" or not worry about what you've seen or experienced, just try to think of all the healthy, normal deliveries there are and all the little ones who never have to visit you in NICU. We got to talking about cord prolapses in our L&D class last night and the nurse teaching said in her 8 years of working the Maternity ward, she's never actually had this happen during one of her deliveries. The scary situations are very real risks, but hopefully you can find some comfort in knowing they're not the norm. I'd definitely mention it to your OB though, I'm sure they could at the very least just share some perspective on keeping the reality of your work separate from your own experience.

    In the meantime, I hope your BP cooperates and you make it home and back from your shower with lots of loot... but no baby!!

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh my goodness so much activity today!

    @marriedandlovingit: Thanks so much for being a good cheerleader for me! I feel much better today knowing that I'm more than 1/2 way done w/ bedrest! You look great, as always, BTW. I have been sleeping in too, lately, and feel like a loser when I do! I have trouble getting to sleep lately (even w/ a sleeping aid) and get up 3-5 times a night to pee. I figure when that happens, I deserve to sleep in!

    @Mrsdaredevil: My mom is awesome! DH took it upon himself to send her flowers today as a thank you. She really appreciated it! I feel much better today, especially knowing that I only have to do this for 2.5-3 more weeks. I'm at least halfway there : ) I think my OB generally starts internals at 36 weeks, but I'm not sure if she will hold off on me given my history. I do know I need to get the group B strep at 36 weeks anyways.

    @Goldilocks1107: You do NOT want me crafting anything - I was apparently not born with that gene! You all better still be around in a few weeks - I need some birth buddies!! Exciting you have your showers coming up - they are so fun - enjoy all of the attention, goodies, and food!

    @Nskillet: I have lots of pelvic pressure/pain when I am on my feet for any amount of time. Like lots. So it reminds me that I should just be taking my quick bathroom breaks. My sis had BV during pregnancy (two times!) and was treated I think with meds similar to yeast infection. I think you would know if you had BV though b/c discharge has an odor....TMI, sorry. Def. ask your OB about it if you are concerned though.

    @volksgirl64: Sorry about your bad news : ( You aren't a debbie downer - you have LOTS going on! Keep on truckin'....

    @LAGS: Sorry about the movement scare! Yesterday, LO was less active than usual and I tried not to worry - he is usually crazy all day long. Today, back to his normal routine. I think as your baby runs out of space this becomes even more common.

    @cvbee: Glad the bedding finally came in and how awesome that they gifted you with all those goodies!?

    @MsMini: Sorry that you are having some anxiety/bad thoughts about birth. I can only imagine how hard it is to know so much! I think that's part of the reason why DH has been so protective of me on bedrest....he has seen a lot and knows too much and wants this baby cooking for at least 36-37 weeks!

    @volksgirl64: Agree this is such a great group of women! I used to be so frustrated at work - I worked SO many hours while pregnant - so vent away.

    Not much going on here - today has kinda flown! I did a lot of internet shopping this morning (oops!) for nursing stuff and finally found a decal for the nursery that I like! Now, doing a little work from home. My work has been so supportive - it's kind of amazing! Even though I'm only working a little bit from home, they are still paying me full time and are pressuring me NOT to work at all and just to rest. Kind of floored by it and feeling VERY fortunate about that.

  35. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: It's great that your work is being so supportive. I know that was one concern you had early on, being in a male-dominated field.
    I have a garbage bag full of baby clothes in my trunk right now. I didn't even look through to see what all was in there, but it seems like a good mix of late summer to winter items. Downside is that they are smokers, so I'm going to wash everything at least twice to get them "clean". And anything in the bag I don't like is just going to get set aside for a garage sale (or I'll re-sell it on craigslist!).

  36. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: Wow, that is awesome about your work.
    Geez, my position was already replaced! Looks like I am going to be on a job hunt when it's time to go back to
    work after baby.

    @Goldilocks1107: Have fun at your shower! You're gonna have a BLAST!

    @marriedandlovingit: wow, you are BEAUTIFUL pregnant. Where the heck has your weight gain even gone?

    @Nskillet: My DH has also told me that I better pump even when I am home so that he gets a chance to feed baby. He says it's not fair that I get to do all the feeding! Good for you that you're giving DH feeding times too!

    @MsMini: woohooo on all the nursery progress! SO productive!

  37. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @winnie Im in the same boat now. Today getting home from work was almost unbearable walking with all the pressure/sharp pains Ive been getting. Definitely going to mention this to my OB tomorrow during my appt. Im assuming baby must have dropped. Youre probably definitely right about the BV symptoms!! Thanks for clearing my head.

    Growth scan on friday! Cant wait for DH to see baby girl he hasnt seen her since the 3D ultrasound we had super early!!

    @msmini I dont have 1/2 the knowledge you do about labor and delivery but know exactly how you feel. I have been worried myself about the cord around her neck, or something happening to her without me realizing cause Im and inexperienced 1st time Mom. I was especially worried after reading one of Mrs Bees blog posts about a woman who lost her baby late. I agree that we have to remember that while bad things can happen they are exceptions not norms and when in doubt call the doctor for ANYTHING! Ignorance sure is bliss, though id love your skillset to take care of an infant since youve done it so long.

    @MsDaredevil it is so important for my husband to get his Daddy/Daughter time in. He is so sweet on her already, and has been busy building her a yukelele (he plays guitar). He also keeps telling me he cant wait to do special things with just the two of them so I know feeding her will be very very important!

    So, do any of your hospials have policies on recovery? Ours made it sound like only coach/mom will be with the newborn once delivered for 2 hours and then once in postpartum visitors are more than welcome. My hospital is a huge proponent to kangaroo care or skin on skin and advocates as much time as possible doing this. I mentioned to my mother who I dont want with me in labor/delivery and she sounded appauled. She is kinda an overbearing italian Mom who struggles with her fiercly independant first born (me) lol. My middle sister had her in thhe delivery room with her but my husband and I are much more independant/private.

  38. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Oh, that swimming experience sounds AWFUL> I'm not the greatest swimmer, but everyone keeps recommending it and I keep putting it off...

    Have fun at your shower!

    @Nskillet: Your L&D class sounds amazing!
    Not sure what you're supposed to wash, but I just washed everything.
    And yeah, I had BV in 1st tri (non symptomatic--I didn't want to treat it). They said I really needed to treat it, so I had to use this gel instead of pills; It sucked.

    @volksgirl64: Well... still haven't been to my doc for CTS--it started at the end of March. My boss is an orthopedic doc, and today he said, let me just give you a shot. And then he checked my wrists and I DON'T HAVE CARPAL TUNNEL! I have polyneuropathy from swelling. Gross.
    I'm having the same issue--I really want to just stop working and rest a lot, but it would be the same--if I stop now, I'd be quitting. Hang in there, you can do it! --and motivate me while you're at it.

    @LAGS: Glad you got such a reassuring NST!
    I agree--the classes are more for the husbands, but mine zones out during classes (and won't read). So... we're skipping the rest of them.

    @MsMini: I'm sorry your NICU work experiences are getting to you. I've been letting it happen to me too, and my experiences are all second hand. You're being a real tropper going through so much--especially when you've seen all the worst case scenarios!

    @volksgirl64: HEY! You're no whiner! Look at me! Hahhaha. Don't worry about it--that's we're all here for.
    I just whined to my husband that this one update is already taking over 30 minutes because my hands keep hurting and tingling and going numb. He said "well, then don't keep up with them."
    @winniebee: LOL. crafting is so not a gene--I'm sure you could do it at least as well as some of us (maybe not MsMini--she's got an amazing nursery going on, and cvbee is doing a lot of decorating herself. who else? one more lady is doing something really cool and artsy). Then there's the rest of us. How hard at the pomander thingies?

    @Mrsdaredevil: You were already replaced!??! What? When are you going to try to get back to work? I'm sorry they replaced you.

    @Nskillet: Our hospital allows a million visitors (as the room allows) for any part of it. It'll just be me and DH until after we get home. No guests.

  39. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: Our hospital basically said "you can have whoever you want with you, whenever you want, as long as they aren't in the way" and there's no official visiting hours. So it's up to DH and me to work with the nurses to make sure we aren't overwhelmed by people (my plan - we just don't tell anyone we're there until we're ready for visitors!).
    @pastemoo: "Don't keep up with them"?!? Doesn't he understand how awesome we are? Sorry to hear your wrist issues are so bad. Is polyneuropathy worse than CTS? I did a quick google and wasn't really sure.
    Last night, I looked down at my feet and my left ankle was TWICE AS BIG as my right one. I think @MsMini: said that's caused by the baby laying to the one side? I seriously look like I sprained or broke it.
    Bikini wax was only slightly more painful than the ones I've gotten in the past. But Baby Girl was dancing all around during the entire thing - at one point, the wax lady said "I think the baby is moving" and I'm like "yep" (my belly looked like a wave pool!).

  40. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: My hospital's rule is that I can have one person other than DH in the delivery room with us - I don't want anyone in there with us when I am pushing, but probably will authorize my mom to come in beforehand. Once we are in recovery, anyone can visit (I think until 9 p.m.) but based on my experience of being in the hospital a few weeks ago, the 9 p.m. rule isn't strictly enforced (or, it wasn't for me).

    @pastemoo: You poor thing - don't worry about responding to all of us, we just wan;t you around!

    @Goldilocks1107: Glad you got your wax and it didn't hurt crazy bad. I hope to get one once I'm done with this resting business.

    Can I just say that sleeping sucks lately! I can't fall asleep and then get up to pee 3-5x a night. But what's new? Hope everyone has a good day!

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