Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: sorry about the rough week! just keep reminding yourself that every decision you made was selfless and best for Fia!

    @meesker: Welcome! So awesome to have a new May mom!

  2. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  3. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: Just saw this but you are so sweet to offer to chat on the drive. My mom was with me AND the babies slept awesome last night so I was well rested for once. Took a little nap while my MIL was over to pick up the dog too so I was extra refreshed. The drive went well and the babies didn't make a peep!

    @meesker: Welcome! D is sooo cute! Don't you love those wide mouthed grins that light up the whole face? It's my favorite thing on my LOs. Luckily my kids are awesome car sleepers. They basically pass out the second the car starts moving and don't wake up until we get to our destination. They don't like in town driving much because it's more start and stop. But when we go on the interstate it's super easy! My mom was with me though in case of an emergency. I would definitely be too afraid to drive further away than target with them by myself!

  4. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @meesker: Welcome! She is so cute and I love her name!

  5. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    What's going on ladies??? Almost a week without any chatting, a record for us!

    Same ol' same ol' here if you've seen any of my posts. (Baby won't eat. On an MSPI diet). Only update is that we got a referral for an upper gi series on Monday, and we also have a referral to a pediatric gi doc to go over the results of the gi series but I don't have a day for that yet. Hopefully next week as well. Fiona had a better day here than the last few and I'm 48 hrs dairy free so I'm very very very cautiously optimistic that maybe dairy is the answer and things will continue to improve... maybe. I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

    Other than that though things are great! She's such a happy and funny baby.. I feel like every day I get a little glimpse of who she is turning into

  6. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Same old same old with us too. My mom's gone again and I probably won't see her until October. My dad is coming for a quick trip in September but my mom isn't planning on coming then. :(. We survived the weekend without DH but just barely. The babies didn't nap with all the excitement of the shower on Saturday and turned into fuss monsters that evening and Sunday. They were so tired that night that they slept from 9 pm to 4 am! Wish that was typical! Last night was a rough night, but we had a good nap day so that helps. Blake is drooling more than ever and has been pretty cranky. We can sort of see a bump on his gums but it doesn't look close to the surface? I think he must be in the early stages of teething. Poor little guy. My friend said her son showed signs of teething for about 6 weeks before his first tooth popped in. I hope that's not the case for us!

    @Mae: Glad Fia's been having an ok couple of days. Maybe the MSPI diet will be the magic cure for you!! Loved the smiling pics you put on Facebook!

    @Beebug: Tomorrow's the big day right? Hope everything goes well and you can get a lot of rest afterward!

  7. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @meesker: welcome!!!

    @Mae: glad you had a good day today, how did weekend go!?

    @twodoghouse: yes!!! I'm nervous, but know my mobility and pain will be better SO soon. Breast milk defrosting in fridge, set aside 30oz for however long that will get us through to!

    We re-entered sleep hell here, well....not now. He was rolling, so I think I posted about it that we started swaddling recently, had to stop because of rolling, stopped and sleep went to shit. So now we are swaddling and "locking" him on his back with rolled blankets beside him. Only last night through to when I am better post surgery. Every two hours versus long 5-6 hour stretch and one more before wake for day? I was dying. I had mastitis last week, then a brutally clogged duct, I think with DH home my body is doing a bit of a "let down" in terms of tiredness and over doing it catching up with me, so I reallllly need to listen to my body, an really try to chill following tomorrow's surgery!

    Otherwise pretty good. C is in the jolly jumper, jumperoo, sometimes exersaucer, but other two are faves, he goes craaaazy when getting into both, his giggles hurt my heart!!

  8. Coopersmama

    cherry / 129 posts

    @beebug did you try the magic sleep suit? Looks like a snowsuit. That has worked for A in the transition from swaddle.

  9. Coopersmama

    cherry / 129 posts

    Question- anyone's baby experiencing the 4 month regression? Anyone starting sleep training?

  10. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @meesker: welcome! Love the name and she is so cute!

    @Mae: hope the appointments go well and she continues to improve!

    @twodoghouse: glad you made it through the weekend! I am so jealous of that long stretch! I don't think I've had a stretch like that since before DS1.

    We are still dealing with some digestion issues. I cut dairy, soy, and wheat and things were getting a lot better but now it seems we're dealing with a relapse. I have no idea what's causing it but G has been fussy, not sleeping, not eating, and having gross dipes again. On top of that, W has decided that we are potty training as of last night and DH has a huge deadline and has been working late. Luckily my mom came up yesterday and staying until tomorrow morning. We'll go to her house tomorrow afternoon and stay until Friday night and cross our fingers that G starts to feel better and DH doesn't have to work over the weekend.

  11. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: good luck tomorrow!

    @Coopersmama: we either entered it around 2 months or it's just digestion issued. G used to sleep from 10:30 - 4ish and now we get from 11-2 and then hourly wake ups the rest of the night, if we're lucky.

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: thanks and omg seems too early for teething! lol

    @Beebug: that is so cute! I feel like maybe I should get fia something similar because she likes to practice standing. we have a jumper but i think it is maybe for older kids? Her feet are like 6" from the ground in it! good luck with surgery tomorrow!!

    @Coopersmama: I don't think so but I'm not sure? Fiona was sleeping 10-7 with one wakeup then 9-7 with one wakeup (except for 1 bad week when i tried to move her bed time to 8) and then randomly gave us like 5 days in a row where she slept 9-8 or 9-9 with no wake ups! But now the last week or two she wakes up anywhere from 2-4 times/night (not to eat-- she just seems uncomfortable?). But with all the craziness going on with her eating, I think it is related to that/stomach issues. I have no plans to sleep train bc she goes to sleep easily and I feel like when she wakes up in the middle of the night it is bc she has a need (binky, food, cuddle) and except for feeding her (which is an ordeal obv) i'm usually back in bed in 15 min. Im hoping when we get her eating sorted she falls back into her STTN routine though

    @skipra: gah so frustrating!!! I hope you figure it out soon. These babes and their tummies-- i tell you what.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Coopersmama: haven't heard of it!!! Going to google, thank you.

    I feel like sleep is so bad, the regression won't exist?

    I can't wait to sleep train, but not any kind until 6m or so for us, and we're not even 3m yet! It did wonders for DDs sleep and I am sooooo desperate for better sleep with him. Don't even mind 3 wakings, just some consistency, bahhhhhhh!

  14. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Coopersmama: No sleep training for us. I'm a wait and see kind of mom. I don't really have patience for the slow approach and I could not stand the crying for CIO.

    Leo still isn't consistent sleep wise. He wakes up either one or two times to eat but the times can vary. But he eats and goes right back to sleep so it's not bad.

    My older son never went through a 4 month sleep regression. Hopefully little guy won't either.

  15. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: the unpredictability is so hard. Right now every night feels like a mystery since her eating is so wonky. Last night she woke up at 12am, and then 1:30am (and then 4 and 5:30 and 6:30 and up for the day at 7). And that is just SO WEIRD for her. I don't think she has woken up before 3 or 3:30 am since she was less than a month old.

    @Coopersmama: re: sleep training-- I was just thinking that we maybe sorta did some extremely light sleep training already. i don't know if it counts though. Right now we usually try to feed before naps and bed and if she actually eats I have to hold her upright for 20 min and I always do that in our glider and she usually falls asleep. But before that I always put her down drowsy but awake and we just wouldn't pick her up if she was fussing. We'd give her a few min, if she was still fussing put her paci back in. Maybe give her a pat or stroke her forehead. Put the paci back in. Put the paci back in lol. But we don't pick her up once she lays down unless she really starts wailing which she almost never does (just whines and scoots around usually). After like a week of doing that she started going down really easily and we rarely have to go back up to soothe her at all once she lays down.

  16. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @Mae: glad Fia is having some better days. You have been through a lot and You are a great mama! Hope the appts go well and you get some definitive answers.

    @Beebug: good luck tomorrow! I love that jumper - I need to get something like that. Mikey wants to be standing all the time.

    I am praying we have no sleep regression. He has been sttn since 5/6 weeks. He does 9-6 almost every night and would prob sleep later but I actually have to wake him up to bring him to grandma bc I am working. Once in a while he will wake up at 11 and want to party till 1-1:30 but that's maybe once a week. I know I'm lucky and I almost don't want to talk about it bc I'm nervous to jinx it!

    I am still having a hard time at work. It's such a long day away from him and I really only get to see him for maybe 2 hours a day. It totally sucks. I also only get to nurse him twice a day - in the morning and right after work. He won't nurse at bedtime anymore and he screams until he gets a bottle. I guess it's bc he's not getting enough out of me maybe? He is still on just BM tho and I pump 3 times at work and once before bed. I'm pumping right now actually. I am on the looking for a new job closer to home so I don't have to commute to the city anymore. I think that would help a lot.

  17. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @mrsog: sorry, mama! Being away at work is hard. I found it did get easier over time, but I did usually get more than 2 hours a day. Honestly, that's also why I don't mind that my older son sleeps with us. It is physically more time I spend with him. I like having him close by. I know that's not for everyone though.

  18. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Beebug: I hope your surgery goes well today and recovery is quick and easy!

    @mrsog: sorry about the work situation That must be so tough. Hopefully you get a job close to home soon so you get more time with your babes.

    Sleep for us has been great since we started cosleeping at 8 weeks. He goes from about 11 to 7 every day. Today he went until 9 am! We've started the transition to the crib...slowly. The past two nights he stayed in there from 11 to 3, then started to fuss and I brought him into bed with us. We'll see how that goes. We both really miss him when he's not in our bed!

    Other news: I just got my first project! My office called this morning asking if i can return to work one week early (my maternity/no pay leave period ends next friday) and begin a 2 week project under the contract arrangement I asked for. I won't have to go in to the office AT ALL. My mom is here for another week so I won't have to hire a nanny for the first week. Sounds like a win-win to me. I'm excited! But it's also hitting me that wow... the long break (I haven't been to work since february) is over and real life is returning. Thank God I'll be working with an arrangement I love and not having to leave my baby for 12 hours a day, as would have been the case otherwise.

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: that's great!!

    So-so day for us over here. Good news is I've gotten 3 good feedings in fia today so far so I'm feeling good about that. Bad news is I had to put her to sleep for all three. Yesterday she took 3 of her feedings awake without too much drama so I was hoping that trend would continue. But today she wants nothing to do with eating while awake.

  20. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: So you put her to sleep, then she feeds without waking up at all?

  21. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: yep. Took a while to figure out how and it doesn't always work but it does most of the time! And then she eats like normal even though she screams when I try to feed her awake. The trick seems to be that she is deep enough asleep that pulling her paci out doesn't wake her, but not so deep that she won't suck. For her it seems to be about 5 min after she drifts off or 45 min after. I just pull out the paci and replace it with the bottle really quick and she chows down.

  22. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: Interesting. You sound so amazingly in tune with Fia. Glad you have found a method of feeding that works!

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: lots of trial and error! I was thinking this morning how naturally taking care of her is to me but how clueless I'd be with anyone else's baby! They are all such individuals even so young!

  24. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    @Mae I am so glad to hear that you are making progress on Fia's feeding issues. Hope her appointments go well!

    @Twodoghouse D has been drooling like crazy for the last week or so. Please don't let this be tweeting already!

    @Coopersmama. We haven't started sleep training yet, but probably will around 4 months. She is an ok sleeper once we get her to sleep, but naps are an issue and during her last wonder week it was taking 5 hrs to get her down for the night. It got so bad we went back to the rock and play. She will sleep for 9+ hours in that thing! But we are transitioning her back to the crib again. On the upside, she has a MOTN feeding again now that she is back in the crib.

    @Skipra. Please keep us updated on G's feeding issues. I am at a loss with D's eating. She was so fussy in the first month, especially when pooping, that I cut dairy experimentally. It did seem to help, but a few weeks in I accidentally ate soft serve (mommy brain) and she seemed ok so I started eating dairy again. Then she had blood in her poo for the first time and I automatically cut it totally out again, along with soy for good measure. The blood stopped , but lately has returned, weeks after I've been off dairy and soy. She never seems uncomfortable, so I don't know if small amounts of blood is just something I should get used to? Not all poo dipes have blood, but most are mucousy, and the last couple have smelled so bad. I just don't know what to do.

    Our other issue of late is me stressing over her eating enough. With her sleeping so long in the RnP and always taking one long nap a day, there were several days where I only got 5 feedings in. Her diaper output was still good, but she gained 0 ounces in the last week, so I am really trying to get her back to at least 6 feedings a day. We primarily nurse, so I never know how much she is eating, but she was gaining 1/2 lb a week like clockwork until last week., so I hope she is getting enough. She doesn't act hungry and I've seen her hungry when my milk was delayed coming in so I know what it looks like.

  25. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @meesker: Feeding issues are so stressful, I'm sorry When I was still nursing I was obsessing over how much she was eating because she only wanted to eat 5-6 times/day and it sucked. And she does not usually act hungry like... ever. Even if she hasn't eaten in hours and hours during the day. So that is not a good indicator for us. I'm glad she's doing the MOTN feeding again though! If I were you and she stopped gaining I'd prob set an alarm to make sure she gets that MOTN feed in. Or if she nurses happily maybe just offer every 2.5 hrs instead of waiting for hunger cues and see if she will nurse more often during the day?

    Also fia has been a drool machine since 6 weeks and it just keeps getting worse-- but there are no signs of teeth. I think some babies are just droolier than others.

  26. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Anyone's LOs ticklish? OMG ticklish fun has begun with C and his laugh when tickling him is THE best. Love, love, love it!!

    Surgery went good! I am home resting now, DH at the gym, C sleeping, DD with my Mom today. My ILs arrive today too. They gave me too much morphine following surgery and I was soooo sick and in recovery way longer than normal, but I finally got out, puked my guts out at home, and finally slept it off. Have a presciption for perc's, but have just taken a few tyenol so I can bf again. C took bottles like a pro yesterday, and was a good boy, which was great!

    Sleep last night was awful. Like worst night. Bedtime 8pm, work twice before 10, awake again at 11, nursed, DH put paci in at 1:14, nursed at 2, up til 2:40, up at 3, again just before 4, couldn't get him down, so ended up out on couch at 4:50 or so, he fell asleep swaddled on me at 5:30 and then I took him into bed and he slept (but I didn't, don't when he's in bed!) til 7:30. DD was up 6:20 or so and I was listening to her on monitor. Brutal, brutal, brutal. I am going to pick up a magic sleep suit this weekend (second hand), thanks for tip @Coopersmama: !

    My ILs are bringing our nephews clothes (he is a May 2012 baby) from BIL and SIL, they have said we won't need to buy clothes for the next two years!! We sent them with the first year of clothes for their DD born two weeks after our C, and we will probably send more back with them! They dress their DS a little more "stylin'" then we would dress our kids, but I am sure there will still be lots for C to wear, and bonus of not having to buy anything.

    @Mae: C has really started to drool too! Lots of spit up still too.

    My boss emailed, sounds like I have to go in soon, next couple weeks, things are a changing again, so I am curious to know what is going on and what things might look like for me. Sounds silly as I'm not going back for another year, buuuut that seems to be how things go at work, so much change!!

    Ok, naptime.....better make the most of this quiet time!

  27. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: so cute about the tickling! I don't think fia is (yet?) but we kind of make this "squee squee" noise and rub her chest and she giggle and I love it so much. I swear she gets more personality every day and it is amazing! so sorry that last night was so brutal though. glad the surgery is all done and I hope that C gives you some good sleep tonight!

  28. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I officially want a mattress for myself on the floor in his room. The zillion times I go back in to put his paci in, might as well.

    What do you all do, paci using or not when they unsettle and should be sleeping? I feel like a deer in headlights, like wtf am I doing?

  29. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @meesker: That sounds a lot like our guy. We have an appointment with his regular pedi tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes.
    @Beebug: We have G's cradle right up next to our bed so sometimes when he is fussy I can put my hand on him and he will go to sleep. That was why I asked about moving him back into your room. Of course last night I tried and he was not having it. Started screaming and was wide awake when DH tried to rock him to sleep. Put him in bed next to me and he was out in 10 seconds flat.

  30. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Nothing like a solid brutal night, followed by a short napping (two 15 min naps) day so far!

    I want to rip my hair out.

    Also opened every bin of clothing in the basement to begin sorting to sell, seriously this baby factory is closed, lol. Just want to get rid of everything we are done with!

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: I have her pack n play next to my bed and the bassinet attachment swings a little. When she fusses I pop her paci back in and rock the bassinet a little from bed. She usually does that a few times/night but I don't consider them wake ups bc they take 5 min to deal with.

  32. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Beebug: he has become best friends with his index and middle finger. When he wakes he just pops them into his mouth and soothes himself back to sleep. I'm not a fan of the finger sucking but I must admit it has its benefits!

  33. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: Leo uses the pacifier to fall asleep but doesn't need it the rest of the night. He does like to suck on his hands though.

  34. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: things any better last night or this morning?

    We had G's follow up appointment with his regular ped this morning. Doctor thinks maybe we are dealing with reflux primarily although that doesn't explain the bloody diapers so for now we are going to try a little bit of cereal for a week and if that doesn't help then we'll try Prilosec and if there is still no improvement we'll go to see a GI doctor. Weird thing is that he is weighing 13 lb 6 oz on their scale which is almost a pound and a half gain in 2 weeks. We weigh him at home and it looks more like it should only be a half pound gain. With that weight he hasn't fallen as much as I think on the growth chart and the ped just says it's genetics because DH and I are not big people. I did not leave there with a great gut feeling

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: I ended up putting crib mattress on floor, he and I "slept" on it, as in, he slept....I laid beside him, lol.

    That was 3am or so, went down in his crib after going in 3x, nursed 1am (not a bad stretch!) and then up at 3, two diaper changes and no hope in hell getting him down, so crib mattress went onto the floor. DH got up to go to gym 6am and I went into our bed without C then and slept until 7:15 or so.

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: Oh C, he needs to give you a break!

    @skipra: I hope they get this sorted out soon!!

    We had our Upper GI series done on Fiona this morning and she was AMAZING. I couldn't have hoped for better. I was so stressed out about her drinking the barium because if she'd take a bottle willingly I wouldn't be getting it done! But somehow amazingly-- she took the bottle! She laid calmly through the whole thing and didn't fuss at all-- the radiologist said she was the best behaved baby she'd ever done! I could've cried I was so happy that it wasn't traumatic for her.

    So, the doc came in and moved the x-ray thing around and showed me on the screen what we were looking at. She didn't give me TOO much info because we have a doc appt with pediatric GI tomorrow to go over results and to talk generally about what is going on and what it is-- but from her talking during the procedure I think I gleaned that her anatomy all looks normal/as it should (which I expected since she eats great asleep). So that is good I think. Also she definitely had reflux while they were watching her. Like less than 30 seconds after she stopped drinking the barium was out of her stomach back up into her throat. So I think we are looking at a definite diagnosis of reflux (maybe with new meds?) and maybe possibly still an allergy. Fingers crossed it is just reflux, but as long as they figure out what it is I don't even care so long as we can fix it!

  37. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: Great that you're finally figuring out what the problem is, and that you should be much closer to a solution! Hoping for more good news and clarity tomorrow.

    @skipra: from our home scale G isnt even 12 lbs and he's already 3.5 mnths. I'm not worried because both DH and I were small babies. I hope you get it all figured out soon!

  38. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: hope the appointment with the GI doc goes well! Hoping you'll have a good treatment plan.

    @Glitter: The issue is not the weight per se but that he is plummeting on the growth chart. He was in the 80-ish% and is now probably under 25%. But I'm pretty certain the scale at the doctor's office was wrong which puts him back around 50% and therefore the doctor is not concerned. He said he would be concerned if he was below 25%.

    In any case, I think we are going to hold off on introducing the rice cereal. Diapers seem to be improving and he is eating better except when big brother is around being crazy. Anyone have tips on getting baby to nurse in a noisy environment?
    Also, he decided this weekend to start rolling in both directions! He can't do it consistently yet but we're getting there!
    How is everyone else? Hope everyone had a great weekend! I can't believe that we are already more than halfway through August. What happened to the summer?

  39. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    So are any of your babies obsessed with trying to sit up on their own? We hold Fiona on our laps sort of reclined a lot and she figured out if I'm holding her legs she can sit up. Which is great. Except now she tries to do it constantly! including when I'm trying to rock her to sleep and when she is in her crib on her back. Sleep is definitely being disrupted as she works on this lol

  40. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @Mae: There is no more laying still in our house! he wants to be sitting up or standing at all times. unless he is laying flat on the floor, then hes rolling all over the place. He loves laying on his side and sucking his thumb and taking. and it is adorable to watch as well.
    The last few nights hes been waking at night. I know its a normal thing for a 3 month old but he has spoiled me sleeping thru the night this whole time. he has been waking at 1 and 4 this week. I'm thinking maybe a growth spurt and he wants to eat more? I hope its a short phase bc I was really liking the sleep i was getting - especially waking up at 6 every day and working. its a long day.

    how is everyone else on this wednesday?

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