Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: Co sleeping was my suggestion too. That's how big brother ended up in the bed. It was the only way we all got sleep. However, that didn't start until he was 7 or 8 months old. What about next to your bed in a pnp or rnp?

    @cookie_dough: I just feed him when he gets whiny or starts to cry which is about every 2 to 2.5 hours. But honestly, I give it to him at about the 1st whine because he gets angry fast. The boy is super laid back except when it comes to eating. He expects to be fed quickly.

  2. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Lol did any of you know I had never thought of bed rail or the concept of baby between me and bed rail?

    I just assumed baby in middle, haha wow.

  3. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: I never thought of it either! I always just assumed baby went in the middle too! I never did much co-sleeping research though as I really want to avoid it. I do co-nap on the couch all the time to extend nap time! They sleep really well on/near me!

  4. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: I think that's pretty common. My sister did that once and had a scary experience and never let baby in bed again. She never even thought about a rail either. I read in some book about safe co sleeping and it said to never allow anyone but mom to sleep next to the baby. And to get rid of all pillows and heavy blankets.

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: so smart!

    We are trying a bottle before bed tonight instead of boob, not sure if we will try swing for sleep or crib, or what we'll do, but here's hoping for a good night.

  6. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Just went to open up thread! If you look at the date this was started.......one year ago today!

    I'm so going back to early pages and reading, I signed up for this no sleeping baby, better go reminisce, lol.

  7. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Fingers crossed for you!

  8. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @twodoghouse: thanks! Burping now, he took just over 4oz, bm with formula mixed in, I'm hopeful and crazy, lol.

  9. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: aw, one year ago today. so nostalgic! And I really hope C has a better night for you tonight!

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Bottle 8
    Done 820
    Burped til 840, laid down in crib
    Up 8:48!
    Down again the moment I picked him up
    Laid in crib 8:54, and now I'm laying in bed glaring at monitor, lol.

    He got my sweatshirt in with him tonight too

    Annnnnd I looked away from monitor to type this, he's awake.


  11. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Gave paci, I'm back in bed!

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: how did last night end up going?

    We had our first really good sleeping night last night in a while, but now today her eating is crap again lol. I feel like she either eats well OR sleeps well. yesterday she ate well. today she sleeps well.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I have typed a post three times now and it keeps like refreshing on it's own and getting eaten, argh!!

  14. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: glad you had a good night, but boo on eating!

    DH said he was going to the couch just before 4am and told me to put C in bed with me. He helped again last night and we were both spent. By 3:47 he'd had us up 17 times. We logged times, I'm going to do it a few nights and see if there's a pattern, I feel like there's no consistency, but who knows! He nursed at 8pm bedtime, just after 11, and 2, then again at 4, we then slept til DD came in room at 7. Anytime after the 4-5am nurse is usually the worst for wakings, so I don't even want to know what final tally would have been had he not gotten to come into bed with me.

    So I guess it's keep on as is, or just put a mattress (we just have a queen size unused in basement) and co sleep for x amount of time. Hope to just use co sleep to establish solid aleeping? Co sleep until Oct and he can CIO? That seems so awful to just want to get to the point where we can CIO.

    So simple answer? Night was crap til we co slept, bugger!

  15. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    Love the reminiscing. It was sometime in this past week last year that I got pg and found out Sept 11th. Since we are done it kind of makes me sad too. It is my DS's 2nd bday today so busy with family dinner tonight and a party Saturday. Hope everyone has a good weekend and a good long weekend for us US girls!

  16. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I've been so MIA!

    I officially started working on the 20th... no longer employed by my previous employer, I now consult independently for them on a project by project basis, so I get to stay home with Gio. I am LOVING it, but life has become sooo busy! My friend nannies for him a few times a week so I can focus on work, but often I can do an hour or two when he's awake but chill.

    So sorry about the sleeping woes in this thread! Gio is still co-sleeping with us. We started transitioning him to the crib (well, we only did it ONE night), but the monitor isn't clear enough to see him breathing so I went bouncing back and forth between the nursery and our room just to watch his belly move - do any of you do that, or am I just super protective?? DH felt bad having him sleep in a room alone while we have each other so... back to our bed he came, and we love him with us. His cosleeper is edged on one side of our bed and he sleeps between me and the cosleeper. No pillows or blankets near him. I don't roll. He sleeps right through the night, sometimes up to over 11 hours! I noticed recently he may stir in his sleep so I wear a tank top for easy breastfeeding, and just pop a boob into his mouth and drift right back to sleep. When he starts rolling from back to belly we'll remove the cosleeper and push the bed against the wall.

    Re more kids.. At first DH said he wanted a 2 yr break, but on Tuesday (my birthday) he said a 1.5 yr break would be nice. I noticed the time was dropping so I'll hold my breath and ask in another few months. It's crazy but I miss the newborn days, and though I won't go as far as to say I have baby fever, the thought of us possibly trying again in 2015 or so makes me excited My OBGYN did say he doesn't think we would make it til 2016... and we said then that he was wrong.

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Glitter: great work update! Many Mom's at my work end up doing something similar, "quitting" then coming back their way on contract to make it work for their current needs.

    Funny about the "done" or more kids talk. I saw somewhere "if you have another you'll never regret them, but if you don't have the one more you're unsure on you may regret not having him/her. Clearly I am in nooooo place to even think about another kid, but that line made me think a little.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    DH back to work tomorrow, I am looking forward to getting into a Fall routine, walks, eventually running in the am w kids in stroller, going to build a bit of a fall plan too, zoo trips, playgroups, etc.

    Sleep not much better over here! We had two nights of no paci wakings or unsettledness, but we've already been in there 4x tonight! Current set up is crib in new location in room, him sleeping on his side, white noise on.

    He is rolling back to belly and belly to back now (belly to back just as of today, and all.the.time, caught him sleeping on belly one of the good sleeping nights, it is crazy how much he moves around via wiggling and flipping back and forth.

    I started a thread, but don't think I got any replies, C's ingrowns are so bad, poor dude.

    We have him a taste of applesauce last night (just a dab from my finger) and yogurt tonight, he is insane watching us eat now, and doesn't miss a finger coming his direction, grabs on and pulls it in! In no rush for that stuff, but fun to offer a dab while at the dinner table.

    Off to bed for me here, hope everyone is doing ok.

  18. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: so glad things are going great for you! sounds like you've got a really great routine going And no-- I don't watch her breath. For some reason it just isn't something Ive ever been that worried about. I will sometimes put a hand on her when I come to bed (she sleeps in our room still) to feel her breathing, but thats less about thinking she might not be and more just because I think she's so sweet when she sleeps

    @Beebug: sorry that sleep sucks but sounds like C is growing up so fast! Fia is still not rolling at all, but she's not even trying anymore. I think she forgot she ever wanted to lol. Her new thing is every time I lay her down she desperately tries to sit up. Like intense baby crunches. And then she gets frustrated in like 5 min so I have to pick her up. I think once she starts being mobile she's going to be a never-still force of nature hah.

    Things here are feeling a little bit rough lately. I don't know if we're in a 4 mo regression or a wonder week or some combo? Sleep continues to be odd. Harder to get her to sleep, with 3 bed time meltdowns in the last week (so unusual for her!), super hard to stay asleep, and just generally fussy during the day. She used to love laying on her playmat for like 30+ min and I'd show her the different toys hanging and she'd bat at them and then I'd hand her toys and she'd play with them. Now I set her down and she just grunts and strains trying to sit up and then gets pissed off. Ah well. I'm sure it is just a phase but I miss my super happy baby a little bit! Eating is the same. Eating awake still, but only right before naps and still not a ton. Interested to see how her weight is at her 4mo check!

  19. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    Oh gosh I don't stand a chance of catching up, but have been on here the last couple of days and want to say hi! We went out of town (successful with baby in a plane and a train!) for a few weeks and are just getting back into the swing of things. LO is good, 15 weeks tomorrow had a big week - supported himself sitting, rolled from back to belly, and found his toes! Those having weird restless sleep: ours has been the same way so you might have some of these milestones coming!

    Glad to hear everyone is generally doing well, scary medical things are getting resolved, and many have figured out the transition back to work! I bit the bullet and resigned last week. Over our vacations, DH and I decided that we weren't ready for me to go back full-time as planned and work wouldn't let me go part time so we'll just somehow figure it out financially, I guess! Definitely scary, especially since I was our more reliable income, but we're confident in our decision and have stocked the pantry with bulk dry beans and rice...

  20. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Hi all. I think I've hit a new low, heading to bed, been up since 2:40am. I definitely think I have some pp mood issues as I thought some thoughts today and did some things I'm not proud of

    Feeling very defeated, just want C to sleep so desperately so I can feel refreshed. DD is a tantrum nightmare right now, just blah. When DH got home today I told him I needed to leave and went to take the dog for a swim and got myself a chocolate shake, the hour in the sunshine was good.

    I put C in a 9m onesie, and later a sleeper today. Dude is long! So lean too, a friend saw him tonight and was looking for rolls on him, not one! I'm excited for his 4m appt in two weeks to find how much he weighs.

    Anyone else's LOs ticklish? Saves me when I'm down those ticklish giggles, his left armpit and under his neck on the left side especially. He loses it laughing when I try to use a washcloth under his neck there.

    Night ladies, hope everyone is doing better then me!!

  21. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    @Beebug: awwww poor thing. I'm sure the lack of sleep is getting you down. Glad DH is able to give you some breaks. Hopefully he can do more of that. I hear you about the tantrums. We are having that too with older DS and it's rough. Hugs Mama and hope C gives you some rest soon!

  22. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: I'm so sorry you'r having such a rough time. When is your next therapy session? (or are you not still going?) If you think it may be a legit ppd/ppa hormonal issue maybe you should make an appt with your ob? (are they the ones who handle that?). But also, you have dealt with a LOT. I had a few people suggest to me I had ppd my first month out, but shit was just HARD. I wasn't depressed for no reason, I was depressed because I had a huge open wound and a baby who screamed all the time and i was spending my whole life pumping and nursing and I was in pain and my inlaws would. not. leave. But regardless, you maybe need a little help for your own sanity/comfort to get through this.

    @anandam: so exciting!

  23. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: I'm glad you were able to get out of the house for a while today. Hope you can get in to see your therapist or OB to talk through your thoughts. You have really been through the ringer. Hoping for a good night of sleep for you so you can start fresh tomorrow.

    I feel so behind on this thread! I just don't have as much time here since we've run into feeding issues and I rarely tandem feed my LOs anymore. I spend the whole day feeding one, then the other. We are also in sleep regression hell with Alice so anytime the babies are napping I am too! I hope all the other May moms and babies are doing well!

  24. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: I'm sorry things have been rough and I hope they get better soon. If you feel like you have anxiety, please talk to your doc. Our bodies just went through a lot and the lack of sleep affects us too!

  25. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    So I had a funny thought last night. For the first time, I REALLY felt like a mom and I have an almost 2 year old. An old friend called me wanting baby advice. She has a 7 week old and is going through a rough patch. No one has ever called me for baby advice!

    And tonight Leo fell asleep by himself in his crib for the 1st time ever. That is major to me. His big brother had yet to do that! LOL

  26. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Beebug: Wish we were closer to you so we could all take turns watching your kiddos to give you more breaks! And naps! Needing space and losing your cool when you don't get it doesn't make you a bad mom, nor does PPA/PPD if it's that you're dealing with. Glad DH is around, at least, and hope that's going okay. Also hope the support around you keeps growing, however you can find it.

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Thanks all. I'm happy I'm recognizing it, the fact it happened around this time with DD too, I ended up quitting bf'ing with her and was in a dark place. It was weird to feel like that at that time, thought it happened closer to after having baby.

    See my fam doc in 2w for Colin's 4m appt, if I called to see him for myself I probably woukdnt get in any sooner then that.

    Not getting help again probably a factor too, but I had DH put him down last night, don't want to bug him thru week with his work and commute.

    We actually had a decent night, going to hope I can crash for another hour here, but we'll see.

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: glad you had a (somewhat) better night. I can't imagine how night after night of sleep that bad wears on you. Fia has been having more and more of those nights but it is more 1 night on/1 night off or 2 nights on/1 night off so I get a little bit of a break. Still though, when she has a bad night (like last night) I am super ragey in the morning. Pretty sure it's a good thing looks can't kill this morning when dealing with DH (bc really only a little of my rage was about him but you can't be mad at a baby really so guess where it is all directed lol).

  29. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Ragey is a good word, it's barely Friday and i might as well have not gone to bed with how many wake ups so far, bah.

    Happy Friday? lol

  30. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: I'm with you tonight again tried to go to bed at 11 but she kept me up until 1130. Up again 1230-2. Now up again since 3. wtf happened to my rock star sleeper?! This is 100x worse than when she was a newborn. At least I got. 2 hr blocks then.

  31. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: yah, remember those days? Ugh! Sleep was so much better newborn days til now.

    I hate hearing it (hate hate hate) but know it's "normal". I can go to my DDs due date thread and quote myself on how right now is worse then newborn days for sleep I feel like hers lasted 2 nights instead of the near month we are dealing with, but I guess I needed the shitty hand dealt to me at some point.

    I would be dead if this happened while I was solo parenting!

  32. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @Mae: @Beebug: sorry you guys are dealing with bad sleeping. Jr. is still sleeping good thru the night but he moves around a lot and has rolled onto his belly a few times which wakes him up. he usually goes right back down tho with the paci. idk how I would do waking all night and then working all day. i'm exhausted as it is just going about my day!

    I have been a little to lucky with things going so well that I knew something would eventually go wrong.. my freezer was open when I got home from work yesterday and I lost 250 oz of milk. that was still under half of it tho so its not like my whole supply was lost. some of the stuff I kept was still slushy and i refroze it so i hope there are no issues.. I had such a breakdown though when I saw it..

  33. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: omg I'm so sorry. I would cry. I spilled like 3 oz one time and I cried.

  34. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrsog: I saw your post about it, omg so sorry I hear. I still think you are superwoman for having built such an amazing stash. Glad such a large amount of it was okay though!

  35. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    @mrsog: that sucks you lost milk but I'm impressed that 250ozs was less than half!

  36. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @mrsog: so glad you were able to save some!!!

  37. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @mrsog: Oh no! That is so annoying. Our freezer door is very fussy and I'm terrified of this happening once I really start building up more in there. We looked into getting a separate freezer but all we could find were huge. Somebody must have a solution to this because it's sooo easy to leave the door open and sooo high stakes. Maybe some sort of lock?

  38. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @mrsog: I would seriously have a melt down over that. At least you were able to salvage some!

    @Beebug: @Mae: Ragey would definitely describe my attitude some mornings after no sleep and I have definitely lost my cool with DS1 a few times and I feel absolutely AWFUL about it. It is really hard to go with no sleep. Take as much help as you can get and it will pass.

    We survived our vacation to my sister's. They just bought a beach house like a 3 minute walk from a gorgeous beach so it was awesome to get to relax! They don't have kids so it was a little stressful making sure DS1 didn't get into their things or ruin their nice stuff but we managed. I'm sure my sister was relieved when we left!
    Also, this post partum hair loss is ridiculous. My hair got really long during the pregnancy so I decided that I'm going to chop it all off and donate to Locks of Love. Doing it tomorrow before I change my mind!

  39. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I think we have ourselves a belly sleeper over here! Another "better" night. 15 or so go ins on top of nursing, a little better!!

  40. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: glad for some slight improvement! Last 2 night have been better here too. I'm merely tired, not utterly exhausted.

    Falling to sleep continues to be a challenge though. We are doing much rocking. This afternoon she was having a rough time and turned her head into me and tried latching onto my chest just above my tank. I know she wasn't hungry bc she just ate, but she hadn't mouthed on me like that since the week after we quit bf. sort of broke my heart! Poor girl was so tired I think she just wanted to comfort nurse and I so wished I could've!!

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