Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: oh my goodness sitting up on his own! Fia hasn't even figured out how to roll yet! Lol. She seems to be plenty strong but just stalled out on caring enough to try lol. So she is pretty immobile but I think one day I'll wakeup and she'll have it all figured out at once

  2. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: Alice wants to be sitting up constantly! We put her in the boppy or boppy lounger and she just fights to stay more upright the whole time. The jumperoo helps even though she hasn't figured out the bouncing part, haha.

    @mrsog: Look at him sitting like that! Wow, strong baby!! Sorry night sleep hasn't been great though!

    Since Friday when Alice's dr appointments (torture) began, my LOs have both been sleeping through the night, or close to it (9:40-4 am, then back down 4:30-6:30). I know the stress of dr appointments and blood draws and X-rays probably was totally wearing her out, but I have no idea why/how Blake is sleeping that long!! Hoping they've just turned a substantial sleep corner and this will stick around for a while. Although we're coming up on 4 months so probably heading toward a regression.

    Two of my friends had babies on Monday and I am soooo hormonal about seeing their pictures on Facebook and text. I can't believe how big A and B are now. How far they've come! They are going to be our only children which I am definitely 100% on board with, but I am sort of sad that I'll never again experience that wonder of meeting my new baby. I was sooo incredibly drugged up when I met A and B that I don't remember much about it now.

  3. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @twodoghouse: I kind of know what you mean. One of my coworkers is pregnant and it gave me baby fever yesterday. I'm crazy! My baby is only 3 months! But I miss feeling him move and the excitement that comes along with pregnancy. I'm not sure if he is my last, but it did make me sad thinking he might be.

  4. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    Leo always looks like he's trying to do sit ups but can't actually sit up yet. He has no interest in rolling yet - doesn't even try. He doesn't mind just laying there!

  5. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: what jumparoo do you have that your LOs can use it already? We have this one (http://www.target.com/p/fisher-price-laugh-learn-jumperoo/-/A-11699648?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=google_pla_df&LNM=11699648&CPNG=Baby&kpid=11699648&LID=9pgs&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=11699648&kpid=11699648&gclid=Cj0KEQjwjtGfBRCN4-LU9ODG1-wBEiQAy_Xp7-XRrR_cutb-hrIbuz50ykpzWqF-YFMyeYn6UTuj5E8aAk4x8P8HAQ) we got as a hand-me-down but when I put fia in it her feet are like 6 inches from the floor! And homegirl is a chunk at 13+ lbs so I don't really understand why its way too big for her. I feel like she'd love something she could stand and bounce around in because standing is her favorite haha.

    I really hope your LOs are going to stick with the new awesome sleeping schedule! That was fiona's schedule for a long time (9:30-7ish with one wakeup) and it was totally do-able and I felt really well rested. Then she gave us a week of legit STTN with no wake ups and it was amazing. Then this food nonsense started and it all went to hell lol. Although I'm wondering if there is also some wonder week stuff going on? Or maybe some tummy trouble from switching her formula too? She's started waking up a few times through the night wanting her paci and goes back to sleep after she gets it. But then between 330 and 430 she wakes up and grunts and whines and cries and doesn't want to eat and doesn't want to settle but is clearly tired still. It's been really exhausting. I don't mind getting up to feed her but then eat and go back to sleep! lol. I just can't tell if she is hungry and just refusing to eat as per her new issues? Or if she is not hungry but having gas issues? Or if it is just wonder week trouble sleeping? She's also been having some nap issues-- wanting to be rocked to sleep (weird for her) and waking up a lot and trying to sit up/waving her legs around. So maybe she's just practicing new skills. I'm sorta done trying to figure it out really and just trying to weather the storm until she gets over it.

    Re: more babies-- i agree! It isn't that I want another baby or really even that I miss her being little. She is sooo much more fun now at 3 mo than she was as a nb or 1 mo. But because I know that she may be our only baby (dh is pretty set on us being done) I do constantly feel like "aw this may be the last time I ever have a baby who does this..."

  6. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @mrsog: wow look at him sitting! I don't think we are anywhere near that yet!

    @twodoghouse: how is Alice doing? That is great about the sleep. Hope it keeps up. I know what you mean about more babies. I just found out my friend is expecting another baby. Their LO is only 8 months old and will be 14 months when the baby is due. My main feeling is that's crazy but a teeny part of me is slightly jealous. I hope we are able to have another but just not yet.

    @Mae: G has been dealing with gas the last few nights. If Fia is anything like him you would know for sure it's gas. He kicks his legs up and lets out massive farts. All night long...

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: yea that is sort of what she does. She pulls her knees up to her chest and rolls them back and forth, lifts her head up and down, and farts quite a bit. But she used to do that and then stopped-- so I'm not sure why it is back

  8. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: have you been eating anything gassy? I'm pretty sure for us it was a veggie burger with black beans that I had Monday andlentils last night. Hummus used to give W awful gas at night. If not from you maybe just the formula change?

  9. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrsog: omg look at him sitting!! How cool is that! We are no where near that, however he does like being up with our help!

    @twodoghouse: How is A doing? Any diagnosis yet? I think I have missed updates, sorry....!

    re: baby fever. Hell no. I see a pregnant person and I want to vomit, lol. I don't even think it's related to my marital situation, what a profound feeling of doneness. I never would have imagined feeling this way!

    The last two nights have been better. Last night would have been UNREAL except C has an ingrown toenail he keeps knocking and then pain message is sent and he wails. Poor dude. I ended up giving up (was frustrated and couldn't settle him) and called DH to soothe him around midnight, he got him in like 2.5 seconds, lol. Nursed at 2:30 and 5:30 (woke on his own) and took about half hour from start to finish each time......and I slept well in between!

    My ILs have been here (well staying at their trailer 10 min away) all week, leave tomorrow, it's been realllllllly good. I think the transparency through the stuff with DH and I has really helped our relationship get back on the rails. They babysat last night and DH and I went on a dinner date, was great! DH took the kids this am and left me home for 5 hours! I went and did a little shopping, hung out with the dog and got some much needed "me" time. I am lucky C is taking a bottle so well so I can get that break now. My knee is okay, I am walking, stitches are SO itchy, but that means they're healing and since I usually don't heal properly I shouldn't complain.

    We slept C in nothing last night, no sleep sack, so sleep suit, no socks on hands, just a rolled blanket on one side of him, DH thought it would make him feel "not alone" (lol) but given he slept so well.....I'm down!

    Does anyone else's LO get ingrowns? He's had a couple on his fingernails after clipping despite my best efforts to round off, I have never touched his toes, the big toenail is really short (must have fallen off?) and the ingrown looks so sore. I have had surgery for bad ingrowns, so already dreading him following in my foot steps of bad toenails....the pain!!

  10. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Yay for some me time and for things going well with DH and inlaws. I hope C's sleep continues to improve!

    Alice's results came back much better on Monday. The number that made them concerned about cancer was much much better when they got blood from her elbow instead of the heel prick.

    At Monday's appt the pediatrician suggested we take a wait and see approach. It might be a hemangioma on her parotid gland, or may just be inflammation there. Basically she felt that it would recede on it's own.

    Today we saw our usual pediatrician for another check (make sure she was still gaining weight, wasn't showing signs of infection, etc) and this dr feels that it is definitely a hemangioma and because it came up pretty quickly and is large compared to her size, we need to consult with ENT about having it removed. Our usual ped is more aggressive so I'm sure that's why she wants us to take action. But maybe the wait and see approach is better? I don't want to rush to surgery if it's unnecessary. However our ped's concern is that if it continues to grow rapidly it could restrict her airway. Obviously we don't want that. DH and I need to discuss this when he gets home tonight. His dad (who has a doctor google medical degree, of course) is pushy about "well I read this online and it said blah blah blah" which is about ready to push me over the edge. My in laws have had a very hard time accepting that we are the parents and get to make decisions concerning our LOs' health. For instance, they wanted me to stay home with Blake for A's tests on Monday whirl they took her to the hospital so I could rest up. The fuck? I'm her mother! So this is just another thing that's driving me crazy about them. I wish they'd leave but how convenient! They brought things for dinner so they'll just stay. I just want time together with my husband sometimes but they don't seem to realize that/care.

  11. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @twodoghouse: Hoping that the ENT thinks you can wait and that it resolves itself. I saw from FB that something was going on but didn't realize the extent of it. How scary it must have been for you. Sorry about the ILs too. That sounds really frustrating, @Beebug: Glad things are looking up for you!

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: no gassy foods but she had a better night last night. maybe getting used to the new formula?

    @twodoghouse: that all sounds so stressful! i'm so glad that it has turned out to be nothing, although I know the decision of whether to have the surgery or not has got to be hard. I don't know what all is involved in that but I sort of agonized over getting Fia's tongue tie clipped. Willingly doing anything that you know is going to hurt your kid sucks Also that sounds really hard with your inlaws. So intrusive! I know it's hard to because you do need and appreciate their help sometimes-- but they just take it too far and stay too long and overstep their role. Family politics suck.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @twodoghouse: Oye about your in laws, it's not funny, but I lol'ed at the thought of them taking A while you stay home and rest up....so relaxing for you at that exact time, right? Ugh.

    Mine left today, and we did have such a great visit. They will be back at Canadian Thanksgiving and we have to start looking into flights for Christmas for us to head there. DH and I had a good chat though and settled on not going there next summer as we planned to for 2-3w before I go back to work, but we told them that and they said they will come back again for a week or so with the trailer, and realistically with the kids, it IS easier for them to come this way.....so why not!

    C had a great night. Bedtime was later, 9pm or so, he needed paci about 10:15, but didn't hear from him again til just after one, and then 5:30, was up, nursed and back down within a half hour both times......we might be turning a corner!!! I got good sleep again too. Rolling is such a phenomenon though! When we put him in his carseat, he immediately turns to roll, it is such a pain! Same with his bouncy seat too, which we may have to retire soon because of that. He isn't getting himself all the way over consistently yet, I tried sleeping him on his belly one night and he didn't take to it, I am sure once he gets himself rolling consistently he will get to belly sleeping!!

    Took my stitches out today from surgery!! Glad to have the holes healing, I was so worried they wouldn't.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend ahead, we dont have much planned, but are attending my Aunts 60th combined with her retirement party tomorrow afternoon.

  14. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    There's no way I'm going to be able to catch up with everyone's posts, but I will try

    @meesker: I'm super late, but welcome!!! Daisy is a cutie! Sorry to hear that she is having feeding issues

    @Beebug: Glad that your surgery went well, but sorry that sleep has been such a huge issue...never fun. Although happy to hear it's getting a bit better! C looks so strong! I can't believe he's already in the jumperoo...W is nowhere close to having enough head conrol. I think he just has a giant head and finds it heavy to support he still pretty much just lies with his head on the floor during tummy time. Also, have you tried the magic sleep suit yet? I'm curious to know if you like it...I'm thinking about getting one.

    @Skipra: I'm sorry that you are still dealing with G's digestion issues. And we are currently in potty training fun as well...I am NOT enjoying hahaha. DD is great about going on the potty at daycare, but refuses at home.

    @mrsog: wow! I can't believe he's already starting to sit up, love the picture!

    @twodoghouse: so happy to hear that you got good test results for Alice. It must have been so scary to go through all of that. And ughhh inlaws!!! on top of all the stress, the last thing you should have to deal with is pushy inlaws.

    @Mae: glad that you are starting to get some answers on Fia's feeding issues. I hope that everything is resolved soon and that her sleeping gets a bit better as well. Isn't it a huge tease when they give you great sleep for a few days/weeks, and then everything changes again? W doesn't try to sit up on his own much, but hopefully soon! With DD, I found that everything got so much more fun once she started sitting up!

    Does anyone else find that their baby really has no interest in being held much? I feel bad because W spends a lot of time in the bouncy chair if I'm busy with DD, but then when i DO start to hold him, he gets fussy and fidgety until I put him back down again! He doesn't seem to want my cuddles haha! But he does still sleep in our bed for a few hours when he wakes up in the morning, so at least I feel like i'm getting a bit of cuddle time.

    I'm getting really nervous about swaddle-weaning. He's sleeping so well now, but I think that's thanks to the swaddle. He's still not rolling over, so we don't have to wean yet, but I'm not looking forward to it. I'm thinking of trying the magic sleep suit, but if they are rolling over, you can't use that either I don't think? I'm trying to remember what we did with DD...we didn't have much trouble weaning her, so I'm not sure why I'm so worried about it this time around.

    We finally starting crib naps (well pack and play naps I guess) this week! Just in the afternoon so far, to sync up with DD's schedule. We are still out and about in the mornings, so he just naps in his car seat/stroller in the morning, and in the pack and play in the afternoon. He cat naps throughout the late afternoon/evening in his bouncy chair. I think we will also start moving him into his own room next week.

    I had major baby fever in the first month and a half or so after having W...and it's now completely gone! yayyy! I'm glad, because we are done with having kids anyways. Our life is crazy enough with two kids, I don't think I could personally handle having another one...although I'm sure I will miss the baby phase eventually!

  15. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: glad your visit was good and that C gave you a good night! I'm so torn on the rolling issue. Part of me is so anxious for fiona to do it because it seems like a lot of babies her age are now. But the other part of me knows life is easier right now with her pretty immobile

    @cookie_dough: thanks! Now that her eating is getting better her sleeping has been better too again! She hasn't done the 9-7 or 8 like she did before, but she's done until 6 or so and thats a-ok with me! I'm also so nervous about swaddle weaning, I started a thread about it today! haha Also fiona is not a super cuddly baby. She just never has been from about 4 weeks on. I used to feel badly about it but now I just feel like well-- this is her! She spends most of her awake time in her bumbo, propped up on the couch or in bed while I'm doing stuff (I keep an eye on her, but she likes being propped up on stuff better than her bouncy chair now because she is more upright), or laying on her playmat or a blanket staring at the fan lol. Pretty much the only time I hold her is when I have to hold her upright for 20 min after every feeding. Usually she falls asleep since she's been wanting to eat more before nap time and I love the cuddling bc it is not super common anymore! When she eats other times and she's super awake though it isn't too fun because she's all squirmy like let me gooooooooo lol.

  16. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    I feel like this sitting thing is a blessing and a curse.. he is 14 weeks and he is ready to get moving already. I can't sit him still for a second anymore unless he is lying flat on his back and then he is just practicing rolling over - he can do it once in a while but it still takes some effort. once on tummy tho he starts getting his knees under him like hes ready to take off. i'm not ready for that yet! Also he rolls side to side in his sleep... i put him on his back and he rolls to one side and then flops back on his back and kicks his legs down really hard and rolls to the other side all.night.long.. and i lay there watching him and get no sleep bc i'm nervous he will roll over to belly and stay face down.

    @twodoghouse: I am so sorry you are going through this with Alice. the decision to put your baby in surgery or not must be so difficult. you are a good strong mame though and i'm happy to hear things are looking better. idk what your in-laws were thinking though that you wouldnt go to the appointment! haha even if they mean well, it can be baffling sometimes what they think is help.

    @Beebug: so glad C is sleeping better for you and that you have had some better times with DH. I think of you and the other canadian bees while i sit here at my desk though and i get jealous that your home with your LOs. ugh at least its Friday.

    @cookie_dough: Jr. either wants to sit up or be held facing outward while standing.. god forbid I sit down while holding him! he is very curious and wants to be looking at everything

    I feel like I'm in the minority here that I still dont' swaddle.. I actually stopped swaddling when he was a week old.. I have read the importance of it but he didnt seem to care for it. i guess it has worked for us though and he started STTN at 5 weeks (on and off). he sleeps in footed pjs and a halo sleep sack

    @Mae: how was Fia been the last few days? have you noticed a difference with the diet changes? I am so impressed with your perseverance to continue feeding her. its amazing how these little people enter our lives and we would literally do ANYTHING for them! being a mother really is something special.

    TGIF and have a good weekend everyone.. I cant' wait till tomorrow morning when I get to cuddle with Jr. in bed

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: if you don't have one already, I would be happy to mail you magic sleep suit! We used it a couple nights and nothing was different for us. I got two (second hand) one large and one small. Our dude is pretty long and the large would fit fine if you wanted the small?

    @mrsog: TGIF for you! definitely happy/lucky to have such a long leave here.

    C is nursing like crap today, happy, but on/off/on/off for like 4-5 min then done, like ??? Weirdo, lol.

  18. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: be glad you don't swaddle and he sleeps well! We only do it to help sleep and the weaning is going to suck I can tell already. Fias eating has been so much better! I haven't had to feed her asleep since tues am. Still not entirely back to normal, but much improved. I'm calling a definite on reflux AND allergy as the cause.

  19. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @mrsog: I'm quite jealous that you have a good un-swaddled sleeper!!! One less transition to worry about

    @Beebug: that's so nice of you!!!! That's too bad that it didn't work for you W is super long...95th percentile!!! So I'm guessing that he would probably be a bit too big for the small, if C is as well?

    @Mae: Ok, so W isn't the only non-cuddler in the group! It's kind of sad that he doesn't love to be held, but at the same time, I feel a little less guilty putting him down while I do other things since I know he's more content on his own.

  20. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Sleep went so well in our house last night that I slept on the dogs bed....

  21. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: i'm sorry c is still giving you such a hard time! I hope things get better soon.

    Have you guys noticed the May 2015 thread pop up? I am feeling so nostalgic the last week or so!! I found out I was pregnant with Fia on Aug 20 and told my parents on Aug 24 and as those dates passed and heading into the fall I just keep thinking about what I was doing last year at this time. So crazy to think about then v. now, I can't believe a whole year has gone by!

  22. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts


    @Mae: I saw that! It's crazy. I think I found out on the 25th of August maybe? I just remember at W's bday party in the beginning of September I had just started to feel like crap but only DH and my mom knew so I had to be "on" even though I wanted to curl up in bed. This year should be a little easier!

    How was everyone's weekend? G has been doing great but today spitting a lot again and not napping well. I suspect some snacks from TJ's are the culprit. Or something I ate at my mom's house over the weekend. We are going on vacation soon and it's going to be ridiculously difficult to not eat anything bad.

    ETA: Is it really almost Labor Day? Where did summer go?

  23. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: sorry about the bad sleep. Hopefully it gets better soon.

    @Mae: I was just thinking that it's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant. I found out on September 20 - the day after my son's 1st birthday. It's amazing how time flies.

  24. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: Weekend was pretty good here. I was a little down about our inability to leave the house (sorta) because LO is so reliant on her naps and we can really only feed her before naps. And also because eating out sucks anyways because I can't eat anything. But in comparison to the issues we were having a week or two ago-- no big deal! I'm sorry G didn't have a great day. Fia's eating has really been a lot better (willing at least, if fussy) and it has decreased my stress so much. Her sleep has been a little weird the last few days but I think maybe its the start of the 4mo regression? She has just been waking up a LOT and is super unsettled.

  25. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I knew August 19th, DH cooked chicken for dinner and I had a crazy aversion to it! I didn't test until Labour Day weekend though, we moved that weekend and then I didn't tell DH for like two weeks! Just left sticks in our bathroom, waiting for him to see one!

    That seems like yesterday, where does the time go! I remember us all like 6w pg, and now here we are!

    I asked DH to get up with C last night. I nursed, tried to get him down 4-5 times, and once I got to that point I woke him to take over, needed sleep.

    Nursing now, we will see how putting him down goes, his new awfulness is he won't stay down. Put paci in a zillion times, it's so brutal.

    He and his sis had their first bath together last night, it was so cute! She showed him her bath toys while I washed him up, I had already finished her, so left her in to play! He is too long for baby tub, and the splashing.... Lol.

  26. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: yay for help! You should ask for it more often. I'm up feeding fia too. Well, fed her. Now doing the requisite holding upright for 20 min due to reflux. So funny how different all out babes are. I got a bath sponge for fia bc I hated the baby tub we had and I like it so much better but she is still scared of bath. No splashing! I try to put her hands in the water but she holds them up like she's laying in hot lava lol

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: I think he would splash all day in the tub if we let him! Loves it! It is too funny how different they all are! Guess it's why boards like this exist, lol

    He's sleeping in my arms now. Already attempted a lay down and failed, *shocking* Bah.

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: lol me too. She was sleeping in my arms and I set her down and eyes immediately open and whining. Rocking again now. I've never rocked her so much in my life as I have the last week. Hoping this is 4mo regression bc if things get worse from here I will be sad.

  29. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: seriously the moment I put him down it's like wide eyed smiles looking to play! Wtf dude you were sleeping 4 seconds ago, I heard the breathing, the slight wheeze, he was outttt!

    Gonna drive me mental. This is so hard!

  30. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Not a good night of sleep over here. I've been spoiled with their awesome sleep lately and don't even know how to function with all the MOTN wake ups we had last night. We're pretty sure Blake is working on teeth but I have no idea how long it will last. We can see two white bumps in his gums so hopefully they'll pop through soon. Poor baby barely napped yesterday, barely slept overnight. Now he is asleep on my shoulder in my room and I can hear Alice stirring over the monitor. Hopefully DH will get back from his run in time to get her before she melts down so I don't have to put B down.

    I am super hormonal about the fact that one year ago we had finished our IVF cycle and were waiting to find out! Also others are having babies and announcing pregnancies and I feel like my babies aren't "new" anymore! I love that they aren't tiny helpless newborns anymore, but I'm also suddenly like Nooooo you are growing up too fast! I think I'm just sad/emotional about them being our only babies - knowing I'll never experience any of that newborn stuff again. (Which is supposed to be a good thing! Why am I sad about it!) my sister is due later this fall, though, so at least I can get my tiny baby cuddles in then. And hand them straight back to mom!

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: having the same feelings about us maybe being one and done. Like is she really my only baby? Will I never have a newborn again? I didn't even like the newborn stage but it still seems sad how fast she is growing. I realized this week that fia is too big for the newborn hug hold in the moby and it's time to move her to the regular hug hold for infants and I was like OMG seriously?! She's old enough to have her legs all out like a not-new baby?!

  32. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @twodoghouse: I feel sad thinking Leo may be my last baby. I've kind of realized I do want a third. My worry is finances. I guess we'll see what happens. My oldest had "teething" symptoms like drool for a while (from about 3 months til 7 months). But then like overnight two bottom teeth popped out. I can see a bit of white on Leo's bottom gum. I wonder when his will pop out.

  33. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: I had to do a double-take when I saw the May 2015 board pop up. Hopefully Fia's sleep regression (if that's what it is) doesn't last too long. Will she nap in the stroller/car seat/carrier at all? W always gets his morning nap in the stroller, but I know that some babies don't tolerate it as well.

    Is it sad that I had to look through my phone to find the picture of my pregnancy test to figure out when I found out I was pregnant? Well..I did September 6! DH's birthday is September 9, and he had joked that if I got pregnant, I didn't have to get him a birthday present. I peed on the stick when he wasn't home..when he came into the house, I said "I don't have to buy you a birthday present". He was uber confused, and then really shocked!!! It had taken us a year and a half to conceive DD, so we thought we were in for another long ride conceiving baby 2.

    @Beebug: oh no I'm so sorry that C's sleep is so awful. Definitely get your DH to take more of the shifts. You need your rest!!! So cute that they had a bath together! Bath time with DD is a HUGE battle in our house, so Ic an't imagine adding W to the mix. DD was in her baby bath till well over 12 months hahaha...I think W will outgrow it way sooner.

    @twodoghouse: awww, sorry to hear about your sleep troubles as well, hopefully those teeth pop out quickly and don't bother him for too long!! And I'm happy that we are done having babies, but part of me will always be envious when someone announces a pregnancy/has a baby. And it's going to happen a lot, because most of our friends are just starting to get pregnant/have babies now.

    W is finally starting to want to sit up more, but for some reason, every time he sits up (like not reclined) he spits up. I think maybe because he is still really wobbly, he gets kind of dizzy from his head bopping around and it makes him nauseous? haha I have no clue if that's possible. This morning I sat him up on the table at starbucks and he proceeded to projectile spit up all over me and the floor. I'm wondering if maybe I'm feeding him too much as well. Do you guys wait until they cry and seem really hungry to feed them? I just kind of have him on a schedule and feed him every 2.5/3 hours, even if he's not screaming for it. He does suck on the bottle, I"m assuming that he wouldn't if he wasn't hungry?

  34. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: she'll only sleep swaddled with fan and white noise and binky and either in her PnP or in my arms. To be fair, I think she is prob still a decent sleeper compared to most babies. But she used to whine to be put down, I'd swaddle her up, stick her binky in, lay her down in her PnP and she'd fall asleep on her own. Every time. And stay asleep! Now she has to be rocked to sleep every time, and be VERY asleep when I put her down, and she seems to wake up at least once during every nap and need to be re-binkied or rocked back down, and she wakes up to get rocked 2-3 times/night too. So probably normal(ish) baby behavior for 3.5 mo. but sucky for her after teasing me with her awesome sleeping for so long!

  35. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @cookie_dough: I struggle with over feeding too. Alice was starting to get really fussy when breastfeeding. Wanting to just giggle and look around when I was tandem feeding them. But she'd gulp down a bottle after, Then end up spitting up everywhere. I think I was trying to force her to conform to Blake's schedule of eating more frequently but smaller meals and it just wasn't what she needed. She's ready to go longer between meals (although I supplement with a bigger bottle now) and Blake isn't. So I've been feeding them separately a lot lately. It's a pain to do, but she's been napping sooo much better (2 hour naps! Heavenly!) And they are separate people with their own needs, so I think this is what's best. It's hard because I'm trying to anticipate what size bottle they need before I feed them so it's ready to go after BFing, but sometimes they probably need more and sometimes less. It's just hard to know what to do. Mine have never refused a bottle or stopped halfway through, so I don't think I can go by their cues. They will take a bottle until they're sick (as evidenced by when my inlaws babysit and they keep giving them more and more and more and then they get uncomfortable and scream the rest of the time I'm gone!)

  36. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    We are going in C's room probably 15-40 times a night right now (8pm to 7am let's say).

    Seriously dying. Paci in, paci in, paci in, repeat a zillion times. Killing me and feel like I'm doing something wrong. He will not stay settled at all. Burp the heck out of him, hear the "click" in his breathing that he's out (however we do it nurse, swing, rock, sometimes he just wants to be put down and goes) but cannot stay settled. Gets paci back or grabs my hand (frantically grabs when paci goes back in) and he's out right away. Tried magic sleep suit, nothing, propped on side, naturally on side, swaddled arms up, sleep sack, socks on hands.....

    Going to go crazy.

    I nursed him at bedtime, 8pm last night, then again sometime after 10 figuring if this was the time he was finally going to settle atleast he'd be topped up. DH then took over after I tried for 30 mins to settle him, I don't know when he got him, I actually fell asleep. Up 1:20 to nurse, tried til 2:15 to settle, DH took over 2:30. 5:15 I nursed again, tried to settle him til 6, he went into the swing (where he wouldn't nap daytime at all day before!) and he slept til 8!

    From bedtime to sometime after 10 nursing I'd been in at least every 15/20 mins to resettle/paci.

    I just want some bit or normal, consistency would be a dream. I don't know what to do.

  37. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: and that is exactly why we ended up cosleeping with both W and G (not at the same time). Sorry it is so bad. I have no advice but totally understand what you're going through.

  38. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: I've only co slept when DH wasn't home from 5 am on to get the "sleep in" or two nights ago out of desperation and I ended up sleeping on the dog bed on the floor beside the bed, lol.

    Cannot do it, body won't let me as I'm afraid DH will accidentally slug him!

  39. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: I missed the feeding bit but fia has 0 hungry cues now. Used to be she'd chew on her hand and we knew it was food time, but now she chews on her hand (and/or everything else in her wingspan) constantly so I never have any clue if she is hungry. I just offer before every nap (she naps every 3-4 hrs generally) and if she refused before a nap or just ate a tiny bit I offer when she wakes up. But we have had do many issues who knows what's normal at this point lol. She definitely stops when she is full though so I don't worry about that. Do you burp much? We still burp after every 4 oz and the end of a meal or else she spits up and pukes more.

    @twodoghouse: I hate not knowing what size bottles to make! Fia is so unpredictable. She has eaten 4 times so far today. 6.5oz (whole bottle), 2 oz, 6.5 oz (whole bottle), 3.5 oz. sooo????? Lol. I just make a habit of splitting her 6.5oz I always make into 2 or 3 bottles so if she doesn't eat much I don't have to throw so much away.

  40. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: Do you mean he would have to go between you and DH? I never ever put him near DH. If you can't put the bed against the wall or mattress on the floor there are bed rails. We got an extra long one at Burlington Coat Factory for W's bed for pretty cheap. Not sure if you have BCF? I don't remember seeing it when I lived up there. Not saying you should cosleep because if you can avoid it that's probably better. But if you just cannot deal with another sleepless night, there are options to make cosleeping safer.

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