Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Moms

  1. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @MrsTiger: I definitely feel fatter. I feel like my stomach is the size it was around 5 months pregnant with LO#1! I actually weighed less getting my BFP this time around, but I just feel swollen all over. Not pretty!

    @ValentineMommy: I'm feeling almost exactly the same. Still some cramping off and on, the same sick feeling when I'm hungry, and my boobs just feel heavy. Of course, they shrunk to tragic pancake proportions after I weaned LO, so I think they're just back to normal now.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: Yay, welcome! I *hope* you stay TG with me (no pressure though ) We did it with LO#1, and it is SO much fun.

    @Pumuckl: Hiii! My LO is 13 months as well (he'll be 14 in a few days though). We aren't nursing anymore - but I'm nervous about chasing him around when I'm hugely pregnant later.

  2. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    ok, going to take the plunge and join in. I've had to take myself off a due date board before but I'm hoping for the best!

    EDD: 1/15 (or so, we'll see if they move it)

    When did you find out: first test Sunday @ 10dpo - second beta was today so feeling a little more confident

    How do you feel?: tired, headache-y, and definitely starting some morning sickness. this did not happen so early with #1 so I'm a little afraid

    Child #: 2 - LO will be 3 on Jan 24 and I can confirm January is a good time to have a baby. though we are moving to a new climate so I'll still need some new maternity clothes!

    What type of provider will you see? with LO I had an unmedicated birth at a major hospital with a doula and saw an OB. now that we're moving to an area with birth centers, I may look into that route for #2 and see a midwife

    When is your first appointment?: other than the betas this week, getting an early ultrasound likely 5/21 (due to previous losses)

    What are you most excited about?: feeling baby movement again and seeing LO become a big sister. I bought her a Big Sister t-shirt a long time ago and I hope it still fits! I think she'll be old enough to understand the concept a little bit.

    What are you scared/nervous about?: miscarriage or something wrong with the baby. we've had 4 early losses - two before LO and two before this pregnancy, which definitely changes your view a bit. but I'm trying to think positively after the good blood tests, because worrying isn't going to change the outcome anyway. that said I will feel better after the first tri!

  3. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Are lots of you feeling cramps still? I'm 4w3d and cramps, but pretty mild. Ugh. I hate worrying!

  4. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @bhbee: congratulations! Hope this baby is super sticky!

  5. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Congrats to the new ladies!!!

    @CatchAFallingStar: yup! Still having cramps here. I had them for awhile with my DS too...prob until 8 weeks or so. Totally normal, though it makes me worry too!!

  6. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: @bhbee: @pumuckl: Congrats ladies!And Welcome!

    I had my repeat bloodwork done today and beta was great, and my thyroid (which was underactive) was back to normal with medication so I'm super happy. I think I'll be having an ultrasound to check everything's okay around May 27

    Hope you're all feeling okay and have a great weekend!

  7. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @MrsTiger: that's my DD's bday but 2013. Congrats!

    @charmed: that was my due date in 2013! Congrats!!

    @travelgirl1: @oliviaoblivia: so fun!! Congrats!

    Congrats January mommas! I myself am a January baby and have a January 2013 baby. It's a great way to start a new year! I just found out my friend is KU with a January baby so I'm gonna send her your way. Take care of her! Thinking of you all!

  8. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I hear you, I'm still unsure whether I want him walking sooner or later. Its kinda nice he isn't at full speed yet but carrying him will become difficult pretty soon I guess.

    @bhbee: yay, congrats! Happy to have you here and super sticky thoughts coming your way.

    @travelgirl1: glad to hear your tests came back with positive news.

    @CatchAFallingStar: still crampy, although twinges probably describe them better. I think just like @ValentineMommy it took until about 7-8w last time to stop.

  9. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: @Pumuckl: welcome and congrats!

    @bhbee: praying this is a sticky one for you! Your betas are great!

    @birdofafeather: thanks!

  10. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @Pumuckl: @bhbee: hi and congrats!

  11. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    Is anyone else breaking any of the "rules" of what to avoid when pregnant?

    I am still eating my salmon avocado sushi that I love. I feel a little guilty every time but I've read so many articles online about how sushi is pretty safe if you eat the low mercury fish... And how Japanese women continue to eat sushi while pregnant and don't have any more problems than we do with their babies.... I know salmon is a healthy source of omega 3s and low in mercury so I just can't bring myself to give up my all time favorite sushi meal....I also love bagels with lox

  12. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @pmrlady: I am still having tea, Coke Zero, and the occasional coffee. I got a little anxious about it last night, though, so I'll probably keep it to 1 caffeinated drink per day from now on. I've been having a cup of tea in the morning and probably 2 Cokes throughout the day.. More than I usually drink when not pregnant, but the Cokes seems to help with my nausea.

    ETA - I drank coffee while pregnant with LO#1. I even had a small glass of wine for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am not a rule-follower - but I'd rather break rules once I'm out of the first tri

  13. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    Thank you for the warm welcome, ladies Also, I found a thread from last fall about doing barre class and exercising in the first Tri; am I the only one too concerned to do anything but walk? I'm so nervous about pulling and stretching my abdomen/core, but I want to start up Pilates and barre again. Are any of you gym lovers? When did you feel comfortable returning to a workout routine (other than walking)?

    @pmrlady: I told my husband I will be eating occasional sushi as well; I need it in my life! Once the ultrasound happens and the first trimester is coming to a close, I want to be a lot more relaxed than I am now (currently listening to all no-nos). But I think it's a lot like the ttc journey -- if it's not horrible, not dangerous, and not drastic, I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with!

  14. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I want to stay TG! My DH will be gone during the standard weeks of finding out, so I want to wait! He said if I think I can hold out, he's on board too! I just get so happy when I imagine the doctor calling out the big surprise!

  15. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @pmrlady: yes I guess I break the rules. I still drink coffee and with my last pregnancy I had an occassional glas of wine just like @keepcalmcarrie. I also had undercooked and deli meats. I had my toxoplasmosis tither tested and it was negative. I figured if I had managed to avoid contacting it in the first 29yrs of my life and I now ate with care (nothing from weird looking foodtrucks etc). I should be fine. This is how I'll handle it this time too.

  16. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I continued going to the gym last time. I just reduced the weights and skipped the abdominal exercises. Once I was too big I started going to the pool. I guess it'll be a little more complicated this time since I have B to take care of and am usually alone during the week. So you should be fine just listen to your body it will tell you when you are overdoing it.

  17. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @bhbee: so excited for you!! Sending you stickiness!!!

  18. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    Thought I would try updating the list, let me know if there are any mistakes.

    Due Dates
    January 1st: Oliviaoblivia (#2)
    January 2nd: PMRLADY (#1)
    January 5th: MFA_LADY (#1)
    January 7th: Anya (#1)
    January 11th: MrsTiger (#2)
    January 11th: ValentineMommy (#2)
    January 13th: KeepCalmCarrie (#2)
    January 14th: Travelgirl1 (#2)
    January 15th: Charmed (#1), CatchAFallingStar (#1), bhbee (#2)
    January 16th: Pumuckl (#2)
    January 17th: Kelli_Deluxe (#1)

    Next Appointment
    May 9th: Travelgirl
    May 13th: PMRLADY:
    May 13th: OliviaOblivia
    May 16th: ValentineMommy
    May 19th: Pumuckl
    May 21st: bhbee
    May 27th: MrsTiger, CatchAFallingStar
    May 29th: MFA_LADY:
    May 29th: Anya
    June 3rd: KeepCalmCarrie
    June 5th: Charmed, Kelli_Deluxe

  19. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    Hi All! I have been lurking here for a while as DH and I prepare to TTC. Feeling a little shocked as we were planning to officially start trying later this summer. My period was late last week, got a BFN, and then it still hasn't come, got a BFP today!

    So excited but a little nervous too, since it's not on "my schedule" - probably a good introduction to how much life is going to change for us!

    EDD: January 16 (I think - I may have O'd later than I thought. was using Pink Pad just to keep track of my days, and I don't think it's very accurate)

    When did you find out: About an hour ago. Crazy. Came here to look up "what should you do when you find out you're pregnant", read through this thread, and felt like I should post!

    How do you feel?: Pretty ok. Sore boobs. Feel anxious b/c I drank this week. I know it's ok since it's so early but I feel bad about it. After the BFN last week, I just thought that my period was late due to stress.

    Child #: 1!!

    What type of provider will you see?/What type of birth do you want to have?: Probably stick with my OB/GYN practice. I see a great NP there. Not even sure if she does deliveries. I guess I have some questions to ask.

    When is your first appointment?: Not sure. Will call on Monday.

    What are you most excited about?: Seeing DH be a dad. Having a baby a few months after my SIL who's due this fall. Love the idea of cousins close in age.

    What are you scared/nervous about?: All of the unknowns in the future. Will the pregnancy be hard, how will work take it, will DH and I be good parents. UGH.

  20. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Oliviapope: Congratulations and welcome! So glad to have you here!

    @pmrlady: I'll probably try and stick to the rules for the first tri, but then have a cup of tea a day and maybe a medium steak because that stuff just IS NOT meant to be cooked through!!!

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I don't even like to run after DD at the moment in case it dislodges something - way too paranoid! I'm trying to do at least an hour of walking with the girls each day though, plus I babywear my 18-month-old twice a day for about 25 mins each time, which is pretty good exercise : ) I'll probably start prenatal yoga in the second tri but honestly, I'm not a big exercise girl. I'd like to be as fit as I can be this pregnancy though.

  21. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Happy Mother's Day ladies!

  22. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Some of my favorite IF ladies are here
    Happy Mothers Day to all

  23. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    Happy mother's day everyone!

    Today was my first intense bout of nausea, at 6w2d. I was dry heaving in the bathroom and then it subsided. Thank god it's a Sunday. I don't know how I'm gonna get ready for work if I'm this nauseous every morning

    I also ate way too much last night and had heartburn for the first time in years. I guess the symptoms are starting to pile on.

  24. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @Oliviapope: congratulations and welcome!

  25. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @Oliviapope: congrats!

    And happy Mother's Day to everyone!

  26. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Oliviapope: yay what a big surprise! So glad to have you here and yay for a due date buddy!

    @pmrlady: sorry to hear you got sick today. Hope the rest of the day went better.

  27. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Oliviapope: congrats!!!

    @pmrlady: sorry you're feeling sick!!! We had to cancel dinner plans yesterday because my nausea started as well. Been up feeling sick this morning since 4:30am. I'm only 5 weeks - how can this be starting so early!!?? I'm not ready for feeling sick yet!!

  28. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @pmrlady: @ValentineMommy: I'm starting feeling a little queasy sometimes too. Hate it starts this early this time! So far getting food in my stomach has helped.

    Also am I the only one who hates not being able to tell anyone? Pfff, another 8w to go...

    We will tell our parents and siblings before 12w but not before we have at least confirmed the pregnancy by u/s. The only other person that knows is my aftercare midwife because I had some questions concerning the nursing while pregnant. It feels kind of crazy to be responsible for the nurturing of 3 'people' right now.

  29. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Pumuckl: Definitely! Waiting to tell people sucks. We've told my parents and my cousin (who is more like my sister) though. God forbid something happens...and they would know anyway, so I felt comfortable telling them.

  30. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Yeah, I'm really looking forward to telling family. It's just another week until the U/S. I hope they're excited for us - pretty sure they are, although they probably think we're crazy for doing it while being long distance during the week.

  31. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @pmrlady: sorry you're not feeling well!

    @Pumuckl: we just told our parents this weekend, but I'm dying to tell everyone! DH is even more anxious to tell people than I am

    I think we might tell a few close friends family members after the 8 week doctor appointment (June 5), but then I'd like to wait until at least 10 weeks to announce it publicly.

  32. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: @bhbee: @Pumuckl: @Oliviapope: Welcome, y'all! Gosh, I missed a lot when I was gone over the weekend!

    I am having a super intense bout of seasonal allergies--I was fine until I went out of town this weekend, and something about the pollen two hours away must not have agreed with me! I'm trying really hard not to take anything, so hopefully I can manage through it.

    I got a little worried yesterday because my boobs weren't hurting as much as they had--I really had to prod them to feel any sensitivity--but I did some Google searches (not usually good, I know) and lots of people said that that particular symptom slowed down around 6 weeks, and was on and off after that. With my missed MC, development stopped at 6w1d, and I'm 6 weeks on the dot today...so I'm just on high alert, I think. 17 days until my ultrasound, which hopefully will give me some peace of mind!

    @pmrlady: @ValentineMommy: So sorry you guys are feeling so sick!

  33. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: Ahhh, hugs hope you get through those difficult days. And my boobs definitely hurt less around that time last time around if that is any reassurance to you. I just wish I could turn time faster for you so you could get that u/s sooner

  34. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: Thank you, lady! And that is really reassuring, actually. I'm feeling good about the US--I've already known I'm pregnant for 17 days as of today, and it feels like that's gone pretty fast...so here's to hoping the next 17 will go quickly, too!

  35. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: FX the next 17 days just FLY by. If you have questions just let us know. There's so many 2nd time mamas here and I'm sure everybody is more than happy to answer the questions if we're able to

    How did your job interview go? Sorry if you already answered that and I just overlooked it...

  36. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    Thanks ladies. I'm feeling better today.

    Tomorrow is my first doctors appt and I'm really nervous but trying not to think about it. If everything goes well we will tell close family members on memorial day weekend when I'll be 8 weeks. Rest of family and friends we'll tell after 12 weeks.

  37. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Oliviapope: Congrats and welcome!!

    I'm in the thick of morning sickness. So miserable and yet so thankful that things are progressing.

    I came clean to my boss today. My bloat/bump is fairly obvious and I'm certain she'd figure it out soon anyway. It's nice to not be hiding. My company is really small so giving her advance notice is preferable.

    Told my grandma on Mother's day. I had her on speaker phone and asked my DD "what are we going to have?" and she yelled "baby!" (because I showed her a picture of a few babies) it was a really special moment. Her health and spirits haven't been great since my grandfather passed so it was nice to give her some happiness.

  38. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Ohhh, I bet your grandmother was so excited! Sounds like an amazing story. And so cool you came clean to your boss already. I'll wait until the NT scan at 13w and then tell them asap. My colleagues will not be amused on a professional level (they'll be really excited for me personally)

  39. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: Thanks again, girl! And great question about the job interview! It was a call to follow up after my second in-person interview. The good news was--they want me to work there. The bad news is--they are working on timing right now because they have a ton of people going out on and coming back from maternity leave (what a coincidence!) and they want to make sure all is running smoothly before they make any offers. Soo....they said they'd be in touch in roughly a month with some more firm dates/etc. In other words, I don't have a firm offer on the table yet, but they'd like to bring me on, but it's now just a waiting game.

    I feel like by the time they give me a firm start time, I'll really want to/need to tell them I'm pregnant. I know I don't have to disclose that legally or anything, but I feel like in order to make an informed decision about whether to take the job I'll need to know how they'll handle my pregnancy/maternity leave/all that jazz. So, things are a little complicated, but we'll see what happens. When I started the process, I wasn't pregnant...and I'll take this sweet baby over a new job any day of the week! I'll keep you guys updated! And @Pumuckl, thanks again for checking in.

  40. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @pmrlady: Thinking of you, lady! I'm sure your appointment will be wonderful. I'm sorry if I missed this--do you get to have an US?

    @oliviaoblivia: Sounds like a really special way to announce to your grandmother! I am sure it really brought some joy and light to her day. I considered telling my boss today, too, because I'm so miserably allergy-ridden and I'd like her to know I'm not medicating myself for a reason, but...I'm not quite ready yet. She knows what I went through last fall with the missed MC, but I'd still like to get a little further before I spill the beans. Is it weird that I'm a little jealous you have a bump already? I spent the weekend with my pregnant cousin and was drooling over hers (I mean that in the least creepy way possible). It made me start browsing maternity clothes online last night.

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