Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @charmed: Aww, hope she gets back on schedule quickly!

    I'm having boob issues again - waking up totally engorged and occasionally leaking. B has been practicing rolling in her crib a lot, but she isn't very good at getting back over and sometimes falls asleep on her belly. Anyone else have belly sleepers? It has yet to happen over night, but at least one nap a day is on her belly.

  2. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Radish: no belly sleeping yet but she turns to her side now and is a side sleeper. However the other day when she was doing tummy time, she laid her head down to the side and wasn't complaining. So maybe soon!

  3. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Radish: not with this one but my firstborn had most of his naps on his belly even before he could roll himself because it was the only way naps were happening at all.

  4. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Radish: Totally a side sleeper here but she is trying soooo hard to roll to her belly!

  5. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @sorrycharlie: @SleepyMonkey: She has been napping on her sides for a while now as well. Yesterday's afternoon nap was 3 hours on her belly!

  6. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @charmed: I think we're going through the 4 month regression too. We've had a couple of really bad nights, one where she woke up every 30 min or so. Mostly its just more night feedings, which I'm okay with if she's truly hungry. Also not going to bed until 8:30 or 9:00 and waking up at 6:00. If were lucky she'll go back to sleep for a couple of hours after that though.

    @Radish: No belly sleeping yet. She hasn't figured out how to roll from back to front and only just figured out how to roll from front to back. She's still swaddled too.

  7. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @charmed: Same here! She strongly prefers women, too. My husband is really the only man that doesn't make her cry.

    @Radish: E still HATES being on her belly. With a passion! Also--a 3 hour nap?! You lucky duck. Haha! My girl naps great at daycare (and napped awesome in the pack and play that's at daycare when we were on vacation), but still fights me like a bull on crip naps on the weekends. For some reason she struggles to get through that first sleep cycle for weekend naps!

  8. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Okay, I think we've done this poll already, but I need some more info. Who has their period back already? And if you do, did you know it was coming? I feel like something weird is going on, haha--I've been feeling a little icky and my milk supply is dwindling a bit. I feel like it's on the horizon but I'm hoping it's not true.

  9. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @mfa_lady: Nothing for me yet. I only had some bleeding after my IUD placement that lasted about 3-4 weeks but nothing since then.

  10. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @turquoisemama: I hear you. None for me either...but I had a mild freakout today because the way I feel (moody, nauseous, etc...) last happened when I got pregnant, since that was obviously more recent than my last period. I had to remind myself that those are also AF symptoms. Sheesh!

  11. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @mfa_lady: OMG I would freak!

  12. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Our girl doesn't like to nap in her crib. Rock n' play might get me an hour or so. It kills me. It's getting harder to get her down for naps and it feels like hellish Groundhog Day.

    She loves to sleep on her side and I think it's really cute. The other night I accidentally kind of rolled her into her crib and realized it was a good thing! Less of a startle than when she's placed on her back. She doesn't like being on her tummy. I wish she did b/c I'm always trying to get her to snuggle with me. I miss when she was smooshy and I could stretch on the bed and read a book with her on my chest. Waaaah!

    On a whim, I cut apart a black garbage bag and put it up last night. Getting her down at night has been tough, but it was pretty easy last night. We have a blackout shade from Pottery Barn, but it doesn't do much with the full sun.

    No period yet. My periods are really light, so I won't mind when it comes back.

    We played a game yesterday. She would make this loud baby eagle screeching sound and I would make a surprised and silly face in reaction to the racket. She would then laugh and laugh and laugh. We did this in the car while my husband drove. He didn't find it nearly as fun as we both did.

  13. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @turquoisemama: SAME. I mean, we're preventing, but the mini pill seems to be kind of a joke. (I have a friend who got pregnant while on it TWICE.)

    @Happygal: What is it with these girls and crib naps? She's sleeping awesome in her bed at night (knock on all the wood) but she hates it during the day. I don't have a snuggle, either. Girlfriend is always trying to check out what's going on--she's got NO time for cuddling. Sometimes, at bedtime, if she's super tired she'll lay her head on my shoulder when I burp her. It's literally the only time she does that. Love the game, too! Sounds so fun. Our version is pretending to eat her belly, complete with loud gross mouth noises that she loves. It trips her out!

  14. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @mfa_lady: Not yet. I was 10 months pp with DD1, but she never slept through the night. I have a feeling it will come sooner since B has been sleeping through the night for months now. I do think my hormones are doing funky things as I have better weeks and funk weeks still and it crossed my mind earlier this week that it could be coming soon.

  15. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Happygal: Garbage bag! Good idea! We have this sky light at the top of the wall above our bed and DD wakes at 5:45 or 6:00 when the sun comes up. I'm not gonna be bummed when the days start to get shorter.

    @mfa_lady: OMG twice?! Well I'm so glad we'll be meeting your baby #2 sooner rather than later!! no really though, there's no way I could remember to take it at the same time everyday and I'm pretty sure we are one and done...at least for a while...IUD is fantastic at this point.

    So is anyone still cosleeping? DD is in the pack n play at night and she will usually nap there too but sometimes in her crib in the nursery. At our 4 month check up, our Ped told us to start transitioning her to her crib full time but I'm so not ready yet! I'm seriously considering moving in there with her for a while; we have a guest bed already.

    Also, this is totally a rookie question, but I'm only thinking of it because it's 11:15pm and I just fed her. How do you guys burp after MOTN feelings? K never burps unless she is awake and like making vocal sounds to get things moving. And after night feelings she is passed out. She doesn't seem to wake up in pain but a lot of times, she is all wet under her head from spitting up at some point in the night.

  16. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @mfa_lady: I stopped taking the mini pill Hated it. Will be getting an IUD for sure. I got my period back a month PP. Ughhh it sucks.

    @Radish: A is a side sleeper but had woken up on her belly confused that she rolled in the night.

    @turquoisemama: I don't burp for MOTN sessions. Sometimes she burps on her own so I'm not worried.

    I have ridiculous insomnia. A sleeps fine. She had a fever for a few hours on Sunday night but no other symptoms and it broke easily. So confusing!

    Other than that, we're doing some sensory play, signing, and mommy groups. I'm still working 30+ hours a week at home so it gets challenging.

    Booking my dream photographer for her one year shoot this week as well. Scary to think about but Decembers go quickly for photographers.

  17. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @turquoisemama: I slept in DD1s room until she was 7 months (not really by choice - I would have been out at 4 months if I could). I think we both got better sleep once we were in our own rooms. But do what you feel is best! It won't hurt anything for you to be in there with her.

    I actually ended up feeding B in the middle of the night and I only attempt to burp her from my room back to her crib and if I don't get a burp, meh. I put her down without burping all the time and only try harder if she acts really uncomfortable.

  18. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @namaste: I'm pretty sure I'm going to blink and they will be one. Woohoo for dream photographer - A is going to rock her one year shoot and go all model baby.

  19. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @turquoisemama: baby still sleeps in our room in a bassinet next to my bed. She also comes into bed with me when she wakes up at 5 am talking to herself. I nap with her in bed too on the weekends. I secretly love it. She would have probably already been in her own room but she shares with dd1 and i don't want them waking each other up in the motn. As for burping, i don't anymore. She burps by herself when she is awake and she just doesn't swallow as much air anymore when she nurses.

  20. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @mfa_lady: No period yet. I was not successful breastfeeding my first and it came back at 3 months I think.

    @turquoisemama: We are still co-sleeping! We are bad... we do get him to sleep in his crib but then in the middle of the night after his feeding he's in bed with us. Oh well.

    This week was my first week back at work. I was thinking of not coming back but my husband said I should try it and if I don't like it I could quit. Wow a lot of people missed me and so far it's been good. I got a bunch of tasks that are fairly interesting. Though if the same problems pop up that happened before my leave I think I might throw in the towel.

  21. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: @Raindrop: The way I see it, cosleeping is natural and if we encounter problems down the road then we'll deal with it then.

  22. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @Radish: We have A in the merlin sleep suit still so she can't roll. I tried without it a couple times, but she immediately rolled over and started crying for us to roll her back. Waiting till she can roll back on her own to ditch the merlin suit.

    @turquoisemama: sorry you're having sleep trouble too! If it was just more feedings I'd be fine, but she will not go back to sleep once she wakes up. I've resorted to using the swing - thankfully that still puts her to sleep, but I hate relying on it for night time sleep when I just finally weaned her off it for naps

    @mfa_lady: no period yet, but I've had some random cramps a few times that made me think it was coming back.

    @turquoisemama: for burping in MOTN, I just hold her upright on my way back to the crib, sometimes she burps, sometimes she doesn't.

    If cosleeping meant A slept better at night, I'd be all for it! Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to care if she's in our bed and still kicks and fusses like in her crib, which wakes DH up so he's not a fan.

  23. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @turquoisemama: I actually like it a lot! I'm a big lover of baby cuddles. You are right if there are problems down the road we will deal with it then.

  24. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    I think B is a full belly sleeping convert, now. She is also getting limbs stuck in between crib slats.

  25. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Radish: When E wakes up in the mornings, a lot of times she's scooted so her foot is pressing on the crib slats (ours are wide). She loves it! Haha. Not a ton of movement happening in the bed in general (other than her insane leg lifts) because she's still in a Merlin suit!

  26. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Any mamas still pumping at work? Man, it is NOT for the faint of heart! E upped her milk intake last week and I'm not producing quite enough for her anymore. She's fine on the weekends when she's nursing, and I know she technically doesn't NEED to have more at the sitter's...but she's also (fingers crossed, knock on all the wood) sleeping through the night, so I don't mind her having a bit more during the day.

    ANYWAY, my output is different every day, and since I do have a bit of a freezer stash I'm just gonna try to make it to 6 months EBF (three more weeks!) and then when she starts solids, not beat myself up if I have to supplement. I am totally okay with using formula, actually, it's more about feeling guilty for not being able to make what she needs. Mama guilt is real!

    Hope everybody is doing great.

  27. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @mfa_lady: i am still pumping at work. So annoying. I have the same goal of 6 months too. I also have recurring blebs/milk blisters on both sides and they are painful! Feels like she has little razor teeth every time she nurses and they turn into clogged ducts. Kinda stressful. I am thinking it has to do with her latch but i don't know how to fix it. Makes me want to quit

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: It's so hard, isn't it?! I have a coworker who is STILL PUMPING for her 13-month old. I'm all like "Um, for one thing you make me feel like crap, and for another...HOW ARE YOU EVEN DOING THAT?!" But, really, what we've already done is awesome!

    Are y'all starting solids at 6 months? For some reason, I feel like I'll feel more laid back about nursing/pumping at that point. Even though I know she won't really be eating anything. Ha! It just seems like once other stuff is going in there (aka in her mouth, lol) I might be able to cut myself some slack. For us, nursing has actually finally started to get pretty easy...I just put her near the good stuff and she slurps herself right on. But it's not always super comfy now that I'm pumping to death trying to get close to the right amount.

    The things we do for these little ladies.

  29. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @mfa_lady: I just started work this week and pumping but I'm a exclusive pumper. I pump 4 times a day and I'm just making barely enough for him to be completely breastfed. My goal is also 6 month! We are definitely trying to go with the flow.

    He has a bottle (2 oz) of formula every other week or so for various reason - usually we mis-judged when he was hungry and wasted a bottle of breast milk.

    Has anyone started solid food yet? Our pedi told us to wait till 6 month.

  30. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    Wow I am so behind... We had a little accident this Monday morning when B hit me so badly on the head (by pure accident) that I suffered a concussion. He was totally fine...

    I still don't have my period. It was around 8 months last time when we practically had no daytime feeds anymore.

    We haven't really started solids yet but for a mini teaspoon of glutenous oatmeal mixed with BM. We do that in the hopes to prevent celiac disease (which I have).

    Can I just say how erratic babysleep is? She is all over the place with wakeups vs. STTN. We've also mainly ditched the swaddle but still sometimes use it for naps because she keeps pulling her pacifier out and then plays with it but usually cannot replace it.

  31. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Raindrop: I'm feeding E 1.5 times a day (once in the morning when she wakes up, and one little snack when she gets home from the sitter) because if we feed her a bottle she sleeps all night, and if she nurses she snuggles in and falls asleep. Haha. I feel kind of bad about that, but mama's gotta sleep! So, even though I'm pumping AND nursing, I'm pumping 3x per day! On the weekends I only pump once, though.

    We haven't started solids yet. My ped said we could do rice cereal at 5 months if we wanted, but I'm in no rush. I have enough to deal with.

    @Pumuckl: Whoa! Hope you're doing okay!

  32. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Oh my gosh. YOU GUYS. Our "pump room" at work is our recording studio (for voiceover and stuff--we do a lot of video work), aka recording closet. It's a no-windows, soundproof-ish room, so it actually works quite well. Anyway, even though I had booked it via our office Outlook calendar for this afternoon, someone didn't check. A guy on another team was trying to get in for an EOD deadline, and when he found the door locked (hello, DUH!) he went to our receptionist AND CAME BACK WITH THE KEY! Thank goodness, one of my friends saw him and was like "OMG NO NO NO DON'T GO IN THERE!" and luckily saved me. Man oh man.

  33. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @mfa_lady: OMG, that would have been so embarrassing! I usually pump with a cover for that exact reason, even with the door locked. As for your earlier question, I'm still pumping 1-2 times at work. I work at a restaurant so it's not very easy to get away every 3-4 hours. Usually it ends up being 6-7 which is bad but I'm only working 2 days so I we do about 6 feeds the rest of the week. I get about 5.5-6.5oz each session. How much are you ladies getting? @Raindrop: @SleepyMonkey:

    No solids yet except for a teeny bit of apple sauce the other day just to see how she would like it. She did not, but we have the cutest video!!

  34. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Pumuckl: Ditto on I hope you are doing okay!

  35. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @mfa_lady: OMG! Great save by your coworker. I pump with my back towards the door and there is a curtain between the door and the chair. Luckily know one has walked in on me yet but then again first week back.

    @turquoisemama: I pump only 4 times a day (EP) but I get about 7 oz a session and 9 oz in my morning session so about 29 oz a day on average. Seriously just enough to keep LO almost 100% breastfed. I can't store or freeze any! Oh well just trying my best.

  36. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @turquoisemama: i pump 2x at work and get anywhere from 12-15 oz all together, depending on how much she nursed in the morning. I still nurse morning, before bed and 1x motn.

  37. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Pumuckl: glad you're ok! Strong guy you've got there!

    @Raindrop: our ped says six months too. But we just started at 5.5. There was no way to not feed her anymore she just grabs at any and all food. So far she's had some oatmeal and bananas and has eaten such a quantity that I'm worried I've been starving her!

    @mfa_lady: I've had two cycles so far and am on day41 without anything yet. No chance I'm pregnant but I hate being on the look out constantly. I got my cycle back at six months last time and was regular immediately.

    C is in her crib full time now. She has been in bed with us but has decided to start crawling so I can't trust her at night any more. She's a belly sleeper in the crib. She's totally capable of rolling back over so I'm trying to not stress over it. She's picked up a three am feed which I'm not thrilled about. Hopefully the solids will help her eliminate it.

  38. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Crawling?? I think you have a super baby!

  39. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Raindrop: @SleepyMonkey: Okay so my output is on track then. Luckily it hasn't decreased since starting work.

  40. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @turquoisemama: I nurse A for MOTN wake ups, then maybe 1 or 2 times during the day (if she'll nurse, she goes back and forth about it ) I think the most I've ever got from one pumping session is 5.5 oz, and that was going 6 hrs + without pumping or nursing.
    I usually get 2-3 ounces. And on my right side I get about half of what I get from the left, so maybe if my right boob wasn't such a slacker I'd have a better supply
    Hoping to keep it up till A is 6 months old, then I think I'll just drop pumping sessions and see what happens.

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