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New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: You are on week 2 of 5 of solo parenting! That must be tough. *big hugs* I might be bad but I would totally keep the older one in for a day or two if it will help with the little one's napping, just to get some sleep.

  2. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    I love hearing how everyone is doing with sleep. I had assumed we would do CIO at some point, but I'm not sure if it will work for us. She quickly escalates and doesn't show signs of settling down. I'm not following any program and commit the nurse to sleep sin every day. Naps were shit yesterday--I knew I shouldn't have said anything here!

    Have you guys seen babyfoode.com? Lots of good recipes for those doing purees.

  3. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Happygal: That is where I got the blueberry recipe! It is hard to find decent puree recipes. I know with DD1 we only did them for maybe 2-3 months, though.

    @SleepyMonkey: Oh man, that is an intense amount of solo parenting. DD1 was not receptive to CIO and it really only got longer and madder each night. I still don't know what the solution for her should have been.

  4. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Raindrop: i actually don't think her naps have anything to do with night sleep because she used to sleep 7-6/7 with one wakeup before we did cio, and she had crap naps at that point too.

    @Radish: i dont think there is a solution...just to deal with it and hope she stops waking up at night on her own! In the grand scheme of things, this is such a short part of our lives and they won't always wake up in the motn. So i keep telling myself that....

    @Happygal: i am glad i am not the only one with sleep struggles. I think nurse to sleep is fine. I do it every night and did with my older daughter to. Theyd fall asleep and then i put them down in the crib, they roll over and go to sleep.

  5. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Way behind over here, guys! Work is crazy (I got a promotion yesterday--yay!) for me AND my husband, and so we're basically busy from the minute we get up until we fall into bed.

    We had a little bump in the sleep road last week--she was up for hours screaming three nights in a row--but I hope she's back to normal now. YIKES. Nursing/pumping is going well, although pumping is a huge pain in the you-know-what. But, I'm so glad to be able to provide BM for her even for this long, so I'll keep going until I just can't take it anymore. We nurse in the mornings and evenings on weekdays (she gets a bottle before bed, though--helps her sleep longer!) and all day on the weekends, and I pump 4x per day on weekdays. It's crazy, but it's worth it!

    When I told DH about my promotion yesterday, he thought I was going to say I was pregnant. @oliviaoblivia: it made me think of you! I know I've said this on other posts already, but so happy for you!

    @Happygal: CIO never would have worked for us until she started sucking her fingers to soothe. Until then, she was just like J--escalating quickly with no end in sight! Good luck, mama.

    @Sleepymonkey: I hope the sleep situation is looking up for you soon! When E was up last week for multiple nights in a row, I. WAS. DYING. How is it that we get reconditioned from that so quickly?!

    @Radish: @Happygal: Definitely gonna look at that site. We're doing prepackaged purees for now, but I'd love to make some too!

  6. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: E is a peanut, too! Not even 15lb (close, but not quite) at her 6 month appointment. She's quite long, though--26.5 inches! Long and skinny girl.

    @Pumuckl: @Charmed: Yes to teething taking SO LONG. E's had 2 teeth since the week before she turned 4 months old, and STILL no others have come through. She's chewing and drooling like a boss, but no sign of them yet.

  7. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @mfa_lady: congrats! I hope you celebrated in style. That website is inspiring and the food looks good enough for me to want to eat some as well.

    @SleepyMonkey: thanks for sharing that--I feel like it's seen as the biggest no-no, but it would feel crazy to wake her up once she's asleep. I always thought lack of sleep just came with parenthood, but then I read about these babies sleeping for long stretches.

    @Radish: have you tried any other of their recipes? I kind of want to buy the cookbook to support them.

    @Raindrop: how are you feeling these days? I saw you started a thread about traumatic birth experiences. Are things getting better?

  8. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Happygal: not yet. I want to try the asparagus mint one but otherwise I haven't looked much further into it.

  9. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    Six month appointment stats!
    Weight 07/23/15 7.995 kg (17 lb 10 oz) (52.29 %*)
    Height 07/23/15 0.686 m (27") (66.80 %*)
    Head 07/23/15 44.5 cm (17.52") (82.69 %*)

    I guess my kid has a big head? Does that mean he will be smart? *crosses fingers* Hehe.

    @Happygal: Thanks for asking! I'm doing better. Still going to a therapy group once a week. I'm really trying to change my life for the better. I don't know what it is but I feel I need to make a change... a big one. I think it will have to do with my work life. With that I recently requested to go to part time for work, and it was accepted!!! So I'll be starting part time the first week in August. It's less money but I think it will be great to stress out less about work. I'm only allowed to go to part time for a year, hopefully that is enough time to really get things in order and to figure out what the heck am I doing with life!

    I'm really glad I started that thread. It's really nice to know I am not alone.

  10. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @mfa_lady: Congratulations on the promotion!!

  11. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Raindrop: That is awesome about going part time. I so wish I could find part time work - I'm certainly not ready to commit to a full time job.

    @mfa_lady: It's awesome you have pumped so well thus far. Congrats on the promotion!

  12. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Raindrop: Thanks, lady! E's head is also HUGE, 90%, which is higher than her height (75th) and weight (25th). Ha!

    @Radish: Thank you!

  13. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Another random question that I can't remember if I've asked before..

    Who has AF back? Not me, yet. For a while I figured it was because of the minipill, but then I went off it because it was making me crazy. I'm surprised I haven't gotten it, because even though I'm nursing and pumping, we (knock on all the wood) sleep well most nights.

  14. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @mfa_lady: awesome about the promotion! Congratulations! Re: af, i didnt get mine back with dd1 until i dropped all day feeds and just did morning and before bed nursing sessions. Has not returned with this one yet either.

    @Raindrop: great stats update! I think we are a big headed family too!

    I think i might start moving babys bedtime back and see if that helps with the early as shit wakeup times. What time do you all put your babies down for the night and what time do they wake up? I think i asked this before and i am.too lazy to look back on my.phone...sorry!

    Unrelated i am pumping naked from the waist up and my nanny just walked in on me. Hah.

  15. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Thanks for the info! Good to know. We are being careful still, but some times more than others, if you know what I mean. So I am mostly curious if I'm ovulating to know if I should take a pregnancy test for the hell of it every now and then. Ha!

    As for bedtime, around our house it's usually 730/8 until 630/7. I try REALLY hard not to go in and get her before 7!

  16. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mfa_lady: congrats!! You should totally get pregnant again! I had my period back. Don't anymore though

    @SleepyMonkey: bedtime is about 7:30 and wake up is about 8:15. For the longest time that was straight through but the past five days have had 3or 4 wake ups, she's got another couple teeth coming up and is miserable. I'm right there with her. So tired!

    @Raindrop: congrats on part time! That's awesome. I tried to go back part time after#1 hut my childless boss kept scheduling important meetings during my off days. A month into my return and I was working full time.

  17. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @mfa_lady: no period. I want it back!

    We're going back to the RE in August to discuss when we can safely get pregnant again. Part of me would love to experience the surprise of getting pregnant on our own. Another part of me wants to do what we know works.

    Baby J's head is in the 95th percentile. Huge. I seriously think it's why she's not sitting up on her own yet. Top heavy.

    Bed time here is usually 7, earlier if she skips afternoon nap. She's still sleeping now, so it will be later tonight! Wake up time doesn't seem affected by bedtime.

  18. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @mfa_lady: Not yet. Didn't get it back until 10+ months with DD1, but she woke up all the time at night. I was just reading through my messages with DH from when DD1 was 6ish months old and I was pretty much constantly complaining about her keeping me up for hours on end each night (he was out of town for work for 2 month). B sleeps through the night most nights so it will be interesting to see if that changes it up. All I can say is there is zero chance of accidental pregnancy over here.

    @SleepyMonkey: HAHA! I put B down between 6:30 and 7:30 depending on her naps and mood. Regardless of when she goes down and any other MOTN wake ups she usually wakes up during the 5 o'clock hour, but she goes back to sleep after I nurse her. She usually doesn't wake up again until around 6:45-7:30.

  19. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: not here yet but since it's been awhile since I last got to sleep through the night (she usually sleeps 6:30/7pm to 4:30am so not too bad) I am not expecting it before she starts dropping daytime feeds. Last time around it was 8 months PP. We're not really doing solids yet (we're waiting until we're back from vacation in 2 weeks) so we'll see how long it'll take.

    @Raindrop: yeah for part time! I currently work 16h a week during mat leave. I love it and will probably go back to 30h when mat leave is over in January. We'll see...

    @SleepyMonkey: she usually sleeps to 8/8:30 am. Sometimes she'll spend some time partying in her crib after her 4:30 feed though. Since she can replace her pacifier now she'll just go back to sleep once she feels like it.

    On another note: we got a spot at our preferred daycare starting in November. So we'll have lots of time easing into it before I have to work more.

  20. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Happygal: Babyfoode is a favorite! Love that site! It's so well designed.

    @mfa_lady: Congrats on your promotion! I've had AF back since 5 weeks PP. She's due any day now. My supply definitely isn't as great as it used to be but I'm still nursing/pumping strong.

    @Raindrop: Congrats on going back to work! I'm sure you'll enjoy! I really have enjoyed being a working mama.

    @Pumuckl: I'm going back and forth on putting A in part-time in January. It seems so soon! Maybe next summer

    A is standing up and trying to walk everywhere. lol I really hope she doesn't walk soon but if it's her will, then I'll be chasing her around.

    I have tendinitis in my left wrist so it's been pretty hard one-handed parenting. DH has really been a big help which I know is hard for him during this project he's working on.

  21. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @mfa_lady: I stopped pumping with my first at 3 months and AF came back around 5 months. I still haven't gotten AF back this time around yet.

    @oliviaoblivia: Oh that's a bummer! I'm a little worried about that too... that I'll just being doing as much as I am doing full time and trying to squeeze it in part time hours. We will see.

    @Happygal: LOL we are worried about not sitting up on his own also! Hopefully our kids will do it soon.

    @Pumuckl: I can do a minimum of 20 hours but my manager says I can always do more. I'm thinking of doing 24 hours a week to see how that works out for me. Basically they took my salary and made it hourly wage and how ever many hours I do... is what I get paid. It's very interesting. My manager did tell me he's a little worried because only one other women did this before me and she loved it... when they told her she had to end it... she just quit!

    @namaste: Thanks! I actually went back to work full time 2 months ago, but it's been kind of stressful to juggle two kids, breastfeeding, house work, chores, errands and all my tasks along with putting 40+ hours in a week. I'm surprised they are letting me do part time, it will mostly mean less tasks and just making sure I do 20 hours or more a week instead of the 40+.

  22. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Raindrop: Good for you, mama! 24 hours a week sounds GLORIOUS. We couldn't afford it at the moment (damn student loans!) but that would be my dream. I don't want to not work--I actually love my team and my job--but to get a little extra baby/errand time would be amazing. So glad you asked and that it worked out!

  23. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @namaste: I think my little lady will love it since she seems to really enjoy company. She's going to be the youngest in her group but then she's used to an older brother so I'm not all to worried. My first born did really, really well at daycare and still does.

    @Raindrop: That's an interesting setup as well! Love how flexible it is! Glad your enjoying it! Since I work from home mainly it is sometimes hard to get the work done. I'll sometimes end up having to work in the evening once the kids are in bed.

    @mfa_lady: It's good to hear you really love your work. I remember you starting around this time last year

  24. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: E loves going to the sitter's, too. She's the youngest one (others are from 11 months - 4 years) and she has a BLAST. She gets excited when we walk inside! And such a good memory! Yes, even though it was super awkward starting a new job at around 11 weeks pregnant, it has worked out great.

  25. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @mfa_lady: no period yet. Not gonna lie, that's one of the reasons I'm still pumping

    @SleepyMonkey: bedtime is usually 8pm, give or take 30 min. If she sttn, she wakes up anywhere from 5:30 - 7. If she wakes up an eats (usually around 3am), she'll sleep till 7:30 or 8.

    @Raindrop: Good for you on going part time! I can't even imagine working full time outside of the house, don't know how any of you do it!

    We're looking into putting A in daycare part time (2-3 days a week) so that I can work more. Now that she's mobile, I can really only work while she's napping, and the one day that my mom watches her. It's just a catch 22, since we can't really afford daycare unless I'm working/making more, but I can't work more until A is in daycare

  26. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @charmed: Are there daycare options that you feel good about?

    I'm there with you. I work 60% of the time in the schools, so most of my paycheck goes to babysitter fees. We did an individual babysitter last school year, but we're checking out an in-home daycare for this year to save a little $$. Ideally, I would be picking up freelance jobs, but that just can't be done when she's at home with me.

    So we tried some CIO on the fly last night.Big time failure. I just don't know if that will work for this baby. I had nursed and soothed two times in a row and felt like there wasn't anything else I could really do. She was so worked up that when my husband went in to get her, she calmed down instantly. She was like a wild horse--bucking and rolling from one of the crib to the next. Quite a display. I don't really mind getting up with her during the night if it's one time--she's such a distracted nurser that it's sweet to get to hold her and calmly nurse her at least once in the day. But times like last night are the pits! And she's been doing this thing where she'll sometimes sleep until 2, then get up at 4, then around 7. Those close together wake up times are killer and I can't imagine having to go to work today.

    @mfa_lady: I love hearing that! part of my concern is J not getting individual attention, but I've tried to think of it like that--she'll make friends and get social time. After we vacationed my family and four of her cousins, I felt like being at home with just me must feel so boring.

    @oliviabolivia: how's Miss C doing with solids? Is she loving all the food? How are you feeling?

    @Raindrop: I'm glad you have a new arrangement and hope it gives you a breather. Just reading about your busy life made me feel tired! I'm not worried about her sitting up--I know she'll get there.

    @namaste: ouch! Tendinitis sounds painful. What do you do to get it to heal? Rest?

    @SleepyMonkey: Whoops! how did the nanny react? I had to pump at one of my schools in a room without a lock, and that was always my worry! Hang in there, fellow mom-to-baby-with-sleep-struggles!

  27. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Happygal: C is crazy with solids. She out eats our toddler regularly. She still nurses five or six times a day so I know she's still getting some breastmilk. This pregnancy is by far my easiest. I have no symptoms at all and often forget about it until I go to put on too small pants. My bump has really popped the past couple weeks. It's strange pushing around a six (almost seven waaaaaahhhhh ) month old with a big old bump.

    Do you think there's anything behind her night fights. We had miserable sleep last week with C and five days into it three teeth popped out and now she's sleeping so much better.

  28. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Happygal: thanks! CIO wasn't working here either. she did 3 nights in a row where she cried an hour and then the 4th night, she cried an hour and a half! so, i quit. i can revisit again later but i would rather do 1 wakeup a night right now esp since i am solo parenting. we had a terrible night on sunday - she was up for 3 hours in the motn crying. i don't know if its teeth or what. then she was up for the day at 6am. last night was better though. sleep is so up and down these days...mostly down actually! the nanny wasn't fazed and i wasn't either. she has seen me breastfeeding a bunch of times, it was mostly just funny.

  29. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: She's the perfect baby to have a sibling so close in age to her. She has already done so many big baby girl things on her own and seems to have an independent streak. She doesn't seem like a baby who will be fazed when a little brother/sister comes along (when will you find out?!) and take the place as the youngest family member!

    Man, I wish I knew what was up with baby J last night! More teeth could be a possibility, as could a growth spurt. A desire to be back in the womb? Things going haywire b/c crawling is on the horizon? Who knows. She calmed down pretty quickly after my husband picked her up, so I think whatever initially was causing the wake-ups became secondary--she needed some reassurance, but if I picked her up, she figured she may as well go in for a nursing session.

    @SleepyMonkey: glad you had a better night. They always seem to give you a break just around the time you've had enough!

  30. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    And now she's taking one of the longest naps she's had in awhile. Guess last night's party session wore her out. My husband called her Cyndi Lauper b/c girls just want to have fun and said she's prepping for college already--party all night, sleep all day.

  31. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Happygal: C was rough when she was learning to crawl. Both my girls have unsettled nights around motor milestones.

    And thanks, I think she will make a good big sister. One of my first fears was her not walking when 3 arrives, it's looking like she'll be an early walker so I'm less worried about that. We should find out the sex an a week or so. We did the harmony test this time.

  32. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @Happygal: There is one we really like, but it has a wait and the director couldn't say how long.
    Those night wake ups sound rough! Hope it gets better for you soon!

  33. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Happygal: I just got a shot at A's 6 month wellness lol it's supposed to help. I also have to wear a brace for 3 weeks.

  34. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Hey lady! Any news on the sex of baby #3? I've been thinking about you!

  35. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mfa_lady: just going nuts waiting. It's supposed to be 7-10 days. Today is 11 and a holiday up here. hopefully tomorrow!

  36. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Aw, man! Will they call you? Will it come in the mail? I'm so excited for you to find out--I feel like either one is super exciting in its own way!

  37. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mfa_lady: they're supposed to call. The longer I wait the more worried I am that something is wrong and they're going to call me in to tell me. I hate waiting!

  38. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Waiting is the worst--but I'm sure it's just the holiday! Will be thinking about you and looking forward to your update.

  39. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I would call them at this point. I messaged my doctor and they got back to me later that day when I was waiting for my results. DO IT BECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW!

  40. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mfa_lady: @Radish: it's a healthy baby girl! Found out this morning. Getting to reuse baby clothes again.

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