How are the November mommas feeling?
So far nothing for me. Drinking more water which means more bathroom breaks. Also a bit of a back ache.
How are the November mommas feeling?
So far nothing for me. Drinking more water which means more bathroom breaks. Also a bit of a back ache.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I wanted to share another symptom I remember from last time early on. Burping and tasting my prenatals! Switching up brands helped a lot. The ones I started on originally had Red dye in it which I wanted to avoid and the fish Omega3 made the burps worse and I felt like I was going to be sick.
After trying a few brands I have found I love the Vita Fusion Gummies. The other nice thing about the VitaFusion is that it is 2 gummies per day so to help soften the impact on my stomach I would take one in the morning and one at night.
They dont have iron or a bunch of calcium though. Iron just depends on the person. Some people get anemic very easily (usually you are really tired) and iron helps with that. But iron also can cause bad constipation which is another lovely pregnancy symptom a lot of women encounter.
I eat a lot of cheese, yogurt and milk so I think I am ok on calcium.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
Dude, I was thinkin' I was toootally fine and felt absolutely nothing...seriously. Literally like, 10 minutes ago, I just got hit with a huuuge wave of nausea... Holy. Balls. I was able to scam some Saltines off of my friend at work, so fingers crossed that'll fix it for now. Oh, also, last night at about 9:00, I had to get up out of bed (I wasn't sleepin' yet, but just computerin') and find something to eat.
Agree with the more water=more bathroom trips...although I drank quite a bit of water prior, so it doesn't look out of the ordinary at all!
Otherwise, nothin'. My boobs are fine, I haven't noticed any bloating, there's been a liiiittle bit of cramping here and there, but I guess that's about it!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ms.janedoe: I know what you mean, my husband asked me last night after dinner if I was still hungry and I said no. By the time I got to bed though I was starving again! My goal is to keep it down to 25-30lbs this pregnancy so I am trying to watch the diet (not give into cravings) and increase my activity for as long as I still feel good/normal.
pomelo / 5132 posts
I'm currently getting a cold, I think, so I'm trying to stave it off. I keep going to the bathroom, but I'm not sure if that's the pregnancy or the fact that I'm sick and drinking fluids (although no more water than usual so far).
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
This is kinda crazy but I found out at 9dpo and had symptoms for a week at that point -- my ovaries felt weird from the beginning, with lots of cramping and twinges, and I have been getting the chills and feeling nauseous for a few days now. My lines came up pretty strong for as early as it is, so I'm hoping that's a good sign! I've been getting headaches, sore boobs, and I am ready to kill my husband right now.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsDragon: Those sound like great signs!
I didn't really have any symptoms last time so I am hoping this time around its the same. But, a good friend of mine is convinced you can tell the gender for the second depending on if your pregnancy was the same as your last one (for example she had a girl and was super sick and her second pregnancy was totally different and was a boy).
pomegranate / 3160 posts
I still don't really have much of anything at all... Not sure if that's good or bad. The 5 or 6 other times I tooootally convinced myself I was pregnant I had symptoms like crazy, now that I actually AM pregnant, I feel...not much (and again, I get that it's early).
My boobs have been normal for the most part, I haven't been super exhausted... I have had some light cramping here and there, but that's really about it...for now!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I think the biggest sign for me has been that anytime I see a food or talk about a food, I immediately want it! I read about pizza on the boards this morning and I really want some! Now whether or not said food would actually smell or taste good by the time I got it is a different story!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@ms.janedoe: Mine seem to be coming on and off and if I didn't know I was pregnant I'd probably just think my period was coming, honestly. Today I have more energy and feel less sick but it goes back and forth.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
Hungry and slightly tired. I had a sinus infection around when I first found out I was pregnant though so once that cleared up I've got way more energy. I was telling my husband I thought I had mono again from how tired I was. So now I'm not nearly that tired but I still want an afternoon nap.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs. J: Its terrible that I want to eat everything in sight! But while I still feel good, I am trying to really watch my diet so I can give into the cravings later on.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@Maysprout: I'm battling some sort of cold thing...luckily my fever broke today. This has been the worst because I can't take anything but Tylenol and drink fluids!
pomelo / 5132 posts
Okay...obviously hormones are kicking in because I am catching up on the show "Parenthood", and I am crying!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs. J: aww too sweet.
Omg ladies it had been a few days since my last BM but I got cleared out today. Then for dinner I had a big salad and now I am so gassy. There are GIANT air bubbles rumbling around and popping in my belly. I was rocking DD to sleep and it woke her up. I may have to find some beano or something.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Baahahahha. Farting FTW!!!
Still not much happening here. Same dull cramps here and there, backache, and perhaps the start of sore boobs/nipples (maybe? Fingers crossed? Sigh, gimme something, here!!!). Also, I'll jump on board with the gassiness train!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ms.janedoe: thanks for not leaving me hanging!! Honestly it's odd rumblings in my stomach but no farts coming out.
pear / 1614 posts
I am having lots of cramping- now I remember that I felt like this last time too, until sometime in second tri I think. Glad I forgot this part.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@shellio: Yesyesyes, same here. It comes and goes; it isn't constant. It's still there enough to make me freak out every single time it happens though!
pomelo / 5132 posts
@T.H.O.U.: so. much. gas. OMG. lol def. feeling bloated today!
@shellio: @ms.janedoe: I'm with you on the slight cramping! I tweak out and I always check that there's no mysterious bleeding when I pee for the umpteenth time.
pear / 1614 posts
@ms.janedoe: I sometimes wondered if I should worry about it the first time around, but since there is nothing I can do I just tried not to think about it. If that makes sense. But I had a lot of cramping for a long time, I don't remember exactly when it stopped but definitely all the way through the first trimester and into the second.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
I just wanna say that @Mrs. J: and @shellio: , you have ridiculously similar silhouette-y icons and it's making me feel super lame and not flexible or athletic...I wonder if there's an silhouette icon for like, beaching yourself on the couch...hmm...
pomelo / 5132 posts
@ms.janedoe: I spent five minutes trying to find you one lol. If I do, I'll let you know!
EDIT: yesssssss.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
My boobs are SO SORE. Just wearing a bra hurts. And I am still cramping, and still having twinges in what feels like one of my ovaries which makes me nervous. I can't wait to get an U/S and ease my mind a bit!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsDragon: I've heard the breast soreness goes away quickly so hopefully you'll get relief soon.
Here is a funny note I read in the WTEWE app.
Here's a quick tip: Lean forward when you pee to ensure that your bladder is completely emptied each time. This way, you might need fewer trips to the bathroom. But don't be tempted to cut back on liquids — your body needs a steady supply of fluids.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@Mrs. J: Baaahahahah. Yes. Yesyesyes.
I haven't had any real super noticeable boob soreness at all. Assuming that it's either too early or my body just missed that memo... Sigh, hoping the over-analyzing will just...stop...soon?
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I'm getting pink spotting and cramps today and it's definitely freaking me out. I know it's normal but I really don't like seeing it.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsDragon: try to relax and take it easy. Can you find something to do as a distraction tonight?
pear / 1787 posts
@MrsDragon: If it makes you feel any better, I also have lots of weird twinges/cramps/a general "heaviness." It's normal!
My breasts hurt so bad too. I want to whine but then I remember WHY they're sore and I get excited all over again.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@T.H.O.U.: We watched some funny YouTube videos which helped. I'm going to eat & go to bed soon and hopefully feel better tomorrow.
@DigAPony: that does make me feel better (though I'm sorry you have cramps!).
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@MrsDragon: Thinkin' of you lady! I've been having cramping here and there, too... Supposed to be a "normal" symptom, but it sure isn't very reassuring!!!
Otherwise, still not much symptom-wise. My boobs are...fine. Stillll waitin' for symptoms to hit harder!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsDragon: Hope you slept good!
@ms.janedoe: @DigAPony: Sorry about the cramps. I know they are no fun!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I had a pretty crappy night/morning, honestly, but on the bright side there was only that one bit of spotting and it seems to be over now. Just gotta count down the days I guess!
Hope everyone else is feeling well today!
pomelo / 5132 posts
Nausea hit me HARD yesterday and this morning. Wheat Thin crackers are my friends!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs. J: Oh my! How many weeks are you now? (Times like this I wish HB had tickers).
I hope you feel better soon! I've heard sour candy helps too.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I had a bit more spotting today but I feel a lot more calm about it -- my chest doesn't hurt as much but the band around my ribs does, which makes me think maybe things are expanding? I've also had pretty much no appetite -- I got a bit hungry around noon but nothing seemed worthwhile eating.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
Still much hungrier than normal, bloated and tired but some nights I have a bit of insomnia.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@Mrs. J: Did you have any nausea leading up to yesterday/today? I'll be 5 weeks on Monday and still haven't had much nausea (aside from a minute or two long wave here and there) at ALL.
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