Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Babies

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: I don't have either of those apps and I just toss the milk in the freezer. Ehhh, there's a bunch in there lol! But most of it is from my dairy eating days.
    Good luck at your appt!

  2. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    Oh, and when I got my maternity photos done, I bought a package deal that included a year of pics for ds. Well today I was informed that my photographer is moving over an hour away and we'll have to travel for the rest of our pics. Grrrr! This frustrates me since she lived up here when we paid for the sessions. This just doesn't seem right but what do I know. Needless to say, I got a refund. I'll take my own pics! Eek.

    Eta: this makes me laugh now that I reread it! Poorly written and I'm over the frustration.

  3. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    Whew....just took my lunch break to catch up on most of this board. Being in California and then going back to work this week has prevented me from keeping very up to date here. It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.

    I went back to work on Monday, and let me tell you, daycare dropoff was rough. Much rougher than I thought it would be. I started tearing up *before* we even got there. Sigh. But it went really well, and my daycare has a live streaming camera in the room so I can log in and see what's going on whenever. That is a HUGE help. It is so great to see that she is doing fine. Granted, there is no sound so I don't know how much crying is going on. But that is probably a good thing.

    @ShootingStar: I am sending four 4oz bottle each day. Reagan is there from about 7:15 to 5:45 and she went through 3 of the bottles on Monday, which is about what I figured. I think I will continue to send 4 just to be safe. Between pumping after her morning feeding and two pumping sessions at work, I am able to pump 16oz. If that keeps up I will be able to supply the 12 ounces each day for daycare and keep adding 4 ounces to my stash (currently at about 130 ounces....in awe of @anbanan15 stash!).

    The one thing that I am loving about daycare is all the stimulation means she only slept for about 4.5 hours while there so she slept for a solid 9 hours straight Monday night and 10 hours last night. (Please don't hate me!) I am hoping that this will continue.

    @Ash: Baby girl loves her toy firefly (I thought it was a butterfly until I looked it up) http://amzn.to/1dV3bAA. It was only when we were in Cali that she really started grabbing and playing with toys. She has been batting at them for weeks but now she actually grabs and holds onto them.

    @Mrs. J: I am super impressed that you made it back to work with no tears! I was a mess Monday, but was good to go today. DH was actually kinda surprised when I told him that I did not get emotional today.

    @Ash: I think we will also be trying for #2 beginning next fall. Although we aren't doing anything for prevention right now....hah

  4. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Ash: Glad you were able to get a refund! That is pretty ridiculous.

  5. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Alright she is 12 lbs, 15.04" head circ. and the nurse measured her at 21" and the doc got 22"...I sort of think 21" is more accurate because the nurse measured her using the ruler on the scale and they said she grew 2" from birth to her 1 mo appointment, which I thought was a lot and I think was actually inaccurate then. The doctor remeasured her because from her 1 mo to today there was no growth with the 21" measurement and when the doc redid it she just drew lines in the examine table, which I feel is even more inaccurate as she kept tilting her head up.

    She didn't do well with the shots at all. We had a breath holding spell and the nurse was yelling at her to breath. She finally did and I nursed her before I left which took forever to calm her down.

    @Ash: I organize them in the gallon bags mainly to save space. I also label the outside with the day range in there so I don't have to dig for the oldest/newest. Totally stinks about your photog!

  6. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @NeekieRose: a 130 oz stash is AWESOME!

  7. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @anbanan15: shots are so traumatic! Sorry they were so rough. I feel like the length measurements are not very accurate. I think from one week to weeks the official measurements showed that baby girl shrunk.

    I'm pretty happy with my stash until I realize that it would only last about 5 days...

  8. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @NeekieRose: Doesn't that stink when you think about how long those ounces really do last?!

    It didn't even occur to me that she would be bothered by the shots because DS never was. He always just cries for a second and moved on. We are having trouble with her clothing even bothering her now

    Yup! DS's measurements has him shrinking from time to time. I remember the doc saying one time "well he can't shrink so...". We always had different measurements depending on which office he was at too (pedi, GI, allergy etc).

  9. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @anbanan15: Aww I'm sorry the shots were rough the length measurements always seem hard to get because they move so much. Your daughter's measurements are about the same as Nathan's were at his appointment (except for his huge head!)

    @NeekieRose: I'm glad it's getting better it's so hard to leave them. It's great that you can see her through the camera, though! I can imagine that helps a lot. My mom sends me pictures everyday and they always make me smile. She sent this one today

  10. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Ash: Gahhh that's so annoying about the pics! My MIL gifted us with maternity/newborn pics, but they were expensive! (And cheaper than she would normally be because I used to teach her son!) My dad used to take professional-like pictures when I was younger and he just bought a new fancy camera. Pretty sure I'm gonna have him take pictures of Nathan from now on!

  11. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @lilteacherbee: He doesn't have a giant head!!

    Both of our babies have heads smaller than the 50th %tile.

    After her screaming inconsolably for the last few hours I finally gave in and gave her Tylenol (I don't like using meds unless I have to. Nursing didn't help and she can't sleep so I gave in). It seems she finally is almost passed out but I have to hold her completely vertical. The worst part is I wasn't/didn't think the shots were a big deal and I have a test first thing in the am that I need to study for luckily my mom kept DS so I only have to take care of one baby tonight, but I think it is going to be a rough one (DH is working until 3 am).

  12. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @anbanan15: Haha well maybe it just seems huge! It was over 15 inches at birth!

    He was fine after his shots, but the day after was horrible. I didn't want to give Tylenol either, but I ended up giving it to him because he was miserable. It seemed to help. Hope the night doesn't go too badly for you/her!

  13. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    So. Apparently I'm getting my period back at 8 weeks PP despite EBF! I started spotting today and suddenly my nausea and bloating over the past few days makes sense. I totally panicked because of our nursing problems - convinced it's back because my supply is screwed, so we went in to see nurses at the health unit today.

    Turns out I have thrush again, and it feels like it's ductal because letdown hurts like a mofo. My nipples are totally beat up from bad latch. But both nurses there said she does seem to have a slight tie, and she was assessed as borderline by the LC. We were going to try to tough it out with suck training this week but the nurses called the clinic and she's likely getting a clip tomorrow afternoon.

    I'm so incredibly nervous about it but desperately hoping it's the answer to our problems. Nursing is 8/10 on the pain scale now and I can't keep going if it doesn't get better.

  14. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @NeekieRose: our method of prevention is abstinence lol! Am I the only one who hasn't gotten it on postpartum? Poor dh.

    @lilteacherbee: Awe look at the little farmer! He's so sweet! I'm gonna take the pics myself - we have a dslr but I just have to learn how to use it!

    @anbanan15: oh no! Sorry for a bad appointment. I hope the night wasn't too awful. Good luck on today's test.

    @MrsDragon: good luck today.

    Ahhhhhh! I am at my wits end. Anybody else have a restless baby?

  15. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsDragon: good luck today!!

    @Ash: Thanks my granddaddy was a farmer when he was young, so it makes me smile. He would have loved Nathan so much

    Aaaaand no. Def no DTD here ahhh I'm just always to exhausted and I'm kinda scared... It's been since AUGUST! Yikes.

  16. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Awe I that! I wish my grandpa was around to meet C too.
    It's been since the night I went into labor for us (8 weeks today) but I only did it to get the baby out so it wasn't enjoyable lol! I'm also very scared and too tired. Poor dh! Poor us too! Just glad I'm not alone!

  17. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @NeekieRose: How was your trip to the west coast? Hope you had a great trip and your little girl was good on her first flight. That's so cool that you have a little view of daycare all day.

    @anbanan15: oh man, those breath holding spells are the worst! E had one of those too when he got his shots. Hope she's not too sore today. Good luck on your test!

    @lilteacherbee: Nathan's such a little hunk so cute!

    @MrsDragon: periods...thrush again...tongue ties...intense pain while bf...I want to reach through this screen and hug you! How are you treating your thrush? I'm halfway through my diflucan and I feel like the thrush on my left side is already back for round 2. I'm going to make an appt with my OB again and hopefully end this madness.

    @Ash: No action over here either. We totally want another kid, but definitely don't want it to happen too soon. We will probably start trying again though before the year ends. And I was at my wits end this AM at 3:30. Hope your lo chills for you soon.

    I have my follow up appt today to see if "operation: supplement and plump up my baby boy" was a success. I really hope he has gained weight...although, with the biggest pooSPLOSION ever yesterday, he may have shed a few ounces. I'm talking up the back and filling the sleeper outfit. Soooooo nasty...I couldn't believe he was just sitting there smiling while I gagged.

  18. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @MrsDragon: I am afraid I am too! And I'm EBF as well but I had what could be described as a short period at about 8/9 weeks pp and then again at 11 weeks pp. Both were only a few days long so I am holding out hope that maybe it was just residual pp bleeding....but I'm probably being naive. Ugh, and it means I'm going to have to actually do something about not getting preggers again too soon.

    @lilteacherbee: OMG, he is so cute! I LOVE the future farmer onesie.

    @anbanan15: Sorry DD is having such a hard time with the shots. Hope the Tylenol helped and you were able to get some studying done!

    @Ash: If it makes you feel any better, my DH is always the one to initiate post baby...hah

  19. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @NeekieRose: Bahahah my dh tries but gets turned down. Every night.

  20. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @sweetooth: Cali trip was great! She was amazing on the flight. I thought it was going to be awkward when a 15 year old boy sat in the seat next to me for the 6 hour flight, knowing that I was going to be breastfeeding multiple times, but it wasn't bad.

    She started fussing about 10 minutes before our scheduled departure time so I started nursing her, hoping that the nursing session would last throughout takeoff. It didn't, she fell asleep right as we were taking off. I thought for sure she would wake up and scream due to the pressure, but she slept right through it.

    On the landing she was sleeping as we began the descent and I figured I would just nurse her if she woke up. Well she woke up and didn't want to nurse, she was perfectly fine throughout the entire landing, just smiling and playing with her toy.

    Needless to say, my dad, stepmom, brother, and sister LOVED baby girl and I am so glad we were able to make the trip to see them. It was also really nice to be in the warm weather with it being so cold at home (it was -4 when I left the house this morning).

    Her casts ended up not being a very big deal at all. She didn't mind them and they came off the Wednesday that we got back. She now has some special little shoes that she will hopefully only have to wear for a month or two.

  21. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Ash: hahah...how very tenacious of him!

  22. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    LOL am I the only one to DTD post partum? We've only had sex once so far, but we do...other stuff ;). It's kind of a balance right now between prioritizing sleep and prioritizing DH. Usually sleep wins though, lol. And he's understanding about that.

    @MrsDragon: You poor, poor thing :(. I am extremely impressed with your tenaciousness about breastfeeding. When we were dealing with thrush, it was no where near as bad, but I kept getting to the point where cluster feeding was like torture and had DH give him a bottle instead. I thought it was just normal bf-ing pain and wondered how anyone could possibly EBF. I hope you guys get it straightened out, but if you can't, formula is not the end of the world. You deserve to start enjoying your daughter more.

    @sweetooth: I hope you get some good results! D has started pooping only every other day, and the last time we had a major blowout too. All up the back, I didn't even know where to start!

  23. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    We tried DTD once at about 9 weeks PP, but it hurt so we didn't. We'll try again soon I guess. My dr gave me a scrip for the mini pill, but I'm not very good at remembering to take it, so we need to figure something else out unless I want to end up KU again quickly. We will probably start trying again before the end of the year, but I would rather not have 2 LOs that can't walk at the same time.

  24. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    I'm going to have to tell DH that he is lucky. We have DTD pretty regularly since about 5 weeks PP....it might be easier for me though since I had a c-section?

  25. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @NeekieRose: so glad the Cali trip went well and your LO did well with the casts. That must have been so uncomfortable.

  26. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @anbanan15: I hope the Tylenol helped. When LO got hers, it was the only thing that helped and even then, she still wasn't happy unless I was holding her for the rest of the day.

  27. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @NeekieRose: the c-section probably did make it easier. I had a 2nd degree tear and stitches, so I had a big knot there for a long time while it was healing. (Probably tmi...)

  28. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @lilteacherbee: he's so cute! I love that your mom sends you pictures every day. I think that would be one of my highlights every day.

    @MrsDragon: you are a rockstar for sticking it out this long. I hope cutting the tie goes well today and things get better.

  29. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @NeekieRose: I had one too... I'm not sure I have a legitimate excuse.

  30. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Ash: @lilteacherbee: We haven't DTD yet either. I'm too tired and too scared! Poor DH it's been since April bc I had placenta previa and we weren't allowed to while I was pregnant!

  31. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    Haaahhha, we've done it, not super often by any means though. Between baby and sleep, sex has fallen by the wayside (which I don't mind at all). I never filled my mini pill prescription, we've used condoms the few times we've done it.

    @NeekieRose: Glad the trip went well!! Were heading to Florida in April for fun and I'm already dreading the flight!

    @sweetooth: Hope it goes well! Keep us updated!

    @Ash: Boo for restless babies! Rest up, momma (ha, good joke, right?)!

    @MrsDragon: 8/10? Yikes, hopefully after today it gets better!! Fingers crossed!

    DH came and went for the night on Monday, it was good to see him for a little bit! LO has been doing great, sleeping seems to have (knock on wood) evened out. She's still melting down if I don't get her asleep quick enough, so at bedtime every night I just cross my fingers that I won't miss the window (too early she won't fall asleep, too late, she screams for an hour)! Feeding is going fine, still shorter and faster sessions during the day, but she is pooping and peeing so I assume all is well. I'm able to plop her on her playmat for 15-20 minutes, which has been SO nice!

    I'd like to start trying to lose the last few pounds, but basically refuse to cut any food for fear of my (little as is) supply. I guess I could try to eat healthier, but it's just so much easier to throw something in the microwave than to actually cook. I'm SO ready for spring, I can't wait to get out and go for walks! The only exercise I get now is doing laps around the kitchen with her in the carrier.

  32. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: @sweetooth: @NeekieRose: Thanks! No studying got done, but the test was super super easy!

    She slept maybe 4 hours last night. I just got home and my mom said she thinks she is in pain. She keeps fussing and won't sleep/settle.

    @NeekieRose: That's great! I'm so glad the casts didn't bother her. Hope the shoes do the trick!

    @stine_ciro: Aww poor babies!

    @MrsDragon: You've had iT all! Hope today goes well and you get some relief.

  33. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    So the right side of her face is red and swollen. I called the pedi and the nurse didn't think what I described sounded like a reaction to the vaccines or Tylenol, but questioned if there was anything new in my diet (umm yea I've been eating the same 3 foods for 3 weeks). Anyway what do you ladies think? My first thought was the vaccines, she really is not handling them well, but the nurse said no. My second was the Tylenol, which she also said no to, but advised me not to give it to her again. Would you give the next round of vax individually? @ash: thoughts?

    It was her right side for the face. It was puffy and red. She has been unsettled all day and screaming out randomly in her sleep, which she only sleeps for a few min at a time. We were told to keep her vertical with a cold compress. If it gets worse call back. If she shows signs of ana dial 911/head to ER.

  34. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    ^i think I repeated myself several times. Sorry. FWIW, I had an allergic reaction to varicella, which my doctor at the time never saw before, but I have been fine with all other vax.

  35. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: yikes! Why didn't the nurse have you come in? My first thought is a reaction to the vaccines as well. I'd be so afraid as a mama! I would definitely split them up next time! How scary! Did she say to give her benadryl? Keep an eye out for increased swelling and wheezing or any sign of respiratory distress (which you obviously know, I'm just thinking out loud). I think tonight calls for extra cuddles. I'll be thinking of you!

  36. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: I don't know why either! I got off the phone and my mom asked if we were going in and was surprised when I said no. It seems a little better, but I still am not confident in the advice I was given or even if she took me seriously... Errr. The pedi we see next time, who we also saw yesterday, had an MSPI baby, so maybe she will understand when I say I'm scared to give her a vax again even if they didn't think it was a reaction to them.

  37. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: I'd be scared too! I'm definitely learning that parents know best (which I've always told myself) but it's more believable note. The main thing I notice is that nurses and doctors really don't take us seriously. Ugh! I hope the physician you see next time understands! So scary! I'm really in shock they didn't bring her in. So frustrating!

  38. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: I know what you mean! I love our son's allergist because she always says things like "that's what I would have done" and treats you like a real person that's on the same level as her and what you have to say has value, even if your ideas are crazy she doesn't discredit them. We need more people in the medical profession like that.

  39. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: you got that right! That's why I love my job. And the doctor I work with is amazing! Dh and I are still considering switching pedis but we're gonna wait and see how this next appt goes (it's with a "well seasoned" doc who knows his stuff and not with the one who constantly poo poos our concerns).

  40. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @NeekieRose: we're the same way- at least 1x a week since 5 weeks PP (csection here too) I was def. not into it the first few times but hubby was pretty persistent that we at least try- because being afraid it would hurt still was my biggest worry-- because it hurt like hell the entire pregnancy-- it wasn't so bad so now there's nothing getting in the way besides the baby waking up!

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