Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Mamas

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Cara M. 17: I might have to look into these preggie drops! My belly is bloated too... I feel so fat. And gross. I'd like it better if it was baby!

  2. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @sweetooth: my birthday is 11/14! EDD is 11/22 and DS was 9 days late with an induction, but I guess I could potentially share a birthday with this baby. Still working on my feelings on that one lol. I'm thinking more a Thanksgiving baby :). Myfeiend from HS actually shares a birthday with her first born!

  3. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Ash: preggie pops drops. I bought them on amazon but you can get them at BBRU also.

  4. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @anbanan15: How cool! Are you a fellow Scorpio then? If I end up missing out on Thanksgiving dinner because I'm in the hospital, someone better save me a BIG plate of leftovers. Mmmm, Thanksgiving leftovers are the best...

  5. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @sweetooth: I'm really hoping baby comes before Thanksgiving! With my luck I'll go into labor during dinner.

    When do you guys think you'll need to buy maternity clothes? I'd really like some new spring/summer stuff but it seem so silly to buy things now.

  6. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCB: It would definitely make for a memorable Thanksgiving if it happened during dinner

    I've been pinning some maternity dresses in my private pinterest boards. I have an event in the middle of June and I would think by then I'll have a new waistline. I don't know, how early is too early? Do you need clothes for your new job?

  7. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @sweetooth: Yeah, my office is really warm, so I could use some more work stuff that's not sweaters. I wear a ton of cardigans and camis now, and I'm dying heat in here most days. I'd really like some nice short sleeve stuff, but anything maternity is too big and I'm not sure when I'll fit in that stuff. Maybe I won't need summer maternity clothes? Or maybe not until closer to July or August.

    I have an event too, a wedding in the middle of May, which should be interesting. I'll probably just look like I've been eating too many desserts. Although I'm not thin to begin with, so maybe no one will notice, lol.

  8. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @sweetooth: oh daaaaang, I better not miss out on Thanksgiving dinner. I'm sure DH's mom would bring me a fantastic plate of leftovers but still!!

    @MrsCB: I am thinking I'll be looking at stuff for summer... ie... maxi dresses and skirts. :))
    ETA: And leggings!

  9. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @MrsCB: I bought maternity clothes with my last pregnancy, just because I didn't want to stuff my ass into regluar clothes when maternity clothes are 10x more comfortable. I have 4 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of leggings, 2 maxi skirts and 2 shirts. I don't wear the shirts because they're clingy, and I hate clingy but it will look good on a bump. I'm super bloated, I can still easily fit into my regular jeans but I wear jeans everyday, so I def. have my maternity ones in rotation! Everything was on sale is why I have so much

  10. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @Cara M. 17: DH bought me Preggie Pops, the suckers, they're pretty gross..are the drops better?

  11. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    I think I had to officially retire one pair of work pants today...I tried to fit my ass into 'em when I was getting ready for work, and the amount of sucking in I had to do in order to get them snapped was impressive. They hurt, so I switched them for another pair. I'm totally going to go ahead and blame it on the fact that they were dried instead of hung though...

  12. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    Lol, how crazy is it that I have next to NO maternity clothes? I guess because I always wait and wait and wait because I don't know what size I'll be and, being plus-size anyways, I can make things work until the very end. I really only need stuff in the last 6 weeks anyways and I am FAR too cheap to buy clothes I'm only going to wear that long. But. The rubberband trick to make jeans work that long gets kinda annoying, so maybe I'll actually buy some new stuff this time. I'm kinda bummed- I just lost almost 75 lbs. and now I can't even go out and buy a ton of new "skinny" stuff because there's just no point. I have stuff that sorta fits me now and I'll just have to make do with them for as long as I can. Who knows how much weight I'll gain or what size I'll be once this baby comes.

  13. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @sweetooth: I will be pretty upset if I miss thanksgiving dinner. If I do, someone better deliver some leftovers to the hospital!

  14. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @MrsCB: I'm planning to get some maxi dresses and looser style shirts for summer. I am hoping not to need maternity until closer to August? I honestly have no idea. I work from home so I can get by with leggings for quite a while

  15. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @MrsTiz: I haven't had the pops, only the drops. They come in sour flavors - apple, lemon, raspberry, cherry, etc. I think they are similar to jolly ranchers actually. Your post about stuffing your ass into your pants literally made me laugh out loud. That's going to be all of us soon!

  16. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @sweetooth: DH was born on thanksgiving (11/24)! His grandparents were on their way to the hospital with a plate of food for his mom and they got in a fender bender... The food ended up all over the floor of the car lol.

  17. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Cara M. 17: I ordered preggie drops last night and they should be here tomorrow! Thankfully, my nausea isn't bad this morning. I also ordered a Doppler because I know I'm going to be nervous this pregnancy and I think it will help keep me calm.

  18. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @Cara M. 17: I might have to try the drops!

  19. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Which one did you get? I want one just because i'm a worry wart, but not so much where I want to spend $250 on one!!

  20. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsTiz: I got a sonoline b from clinicalguard.com. It was $55 with gel included! I've wanted to get one but I waited to order until now because by the time it gets here I'll be close to 9 weeks and hopefully I'll be able to hear something.

  21. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Ooh, it has good reviews. Tempting!

  22. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @lilteacherbee: My SIL has a doppler... I wonder if she would share since she had her baby last month. :)) Maybe I'll ask once we tell her.

  23. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I was looking in my DH's "present drawer" yesterday because I needed some checks, which he said he put in there, and I saw a doppler :). I wonder when he's going to give it to me :).

  24. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @MrsCB: Awwwwwwwwwwww!! :))

  25. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I just want you to know I am 100% hopping on the zits everywhere bandwagon. o.m.g.

  26. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Cara M. 17: I might look into them... I do fine managing at home... it's when I'm at work that I think they'd help me most. Thanks!

  27. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsCB: awww, that's exciting and sweet!

  28. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @MrsCB: Oh my gosh, so sweet!

  29. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Ash: Woooohoooo!!! Welcome aboard!!! Hahahaha, I showed my mom yesterday (my chest and back where they're just AWFUL), and she was completely and totally disgusted. Yessss.

  30. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Bahahah! Gross alert: I asked dh to pop one on my back but he wouldn't. Yuck. My face is atrocious. There's one behind my ear. One on my scalp. Plus, my back and chest. Oy!

  31. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Ash: hahaha I asked DH to pop one on my back last night and he said it "wasn't ready yet." Ewwww

  32. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @sweetooth: Yes! Haha DS was born on Easter Sunday and my mom did just that! DH went to Easter dinner their house and my mom packed a huge plate of all my favorites for me. The hospitals idea of an Easter meal was less to be desired lol.

  33. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @lilteacherbee: lol! Oh man! They have no idea what they signed up for. Hahahah!

  34. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Ash: OMG I am so broken out on my face and back! I have one IN MY EAR!

  35. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @MrsCB: That is super sweet!!!

  36. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Cara M. 17: Join us on the zit bandwagon! I have had a couple in my ear too. I can't help but fidget with them til they pop!

  37. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I just peed on my last Wondfo strip. Tomorrow I will be 6 weeks, and I have my first ultrasound. But I just needed some reassurance (I also love to see the 2 lines!).

    My question is this...do I buy more Wondfo strips? Or do I chill out and relax? I may have missed this discussion since I joined the group later, but how long did you all continue to POAS to have peace of mind?

  38. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @sweetooth: I haven't poas since my bfp! Once was enough for me! I have a ton of wondfos if you want me to send you some to get by. Hahah!

  39. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @sweetooth: I POAS until about 5 weeks. I got my BFP at 8dpo so I peed on sticks for 2 weeks straight and thats when I ran out of tests (and DH wouldn't let me buy anymore). When I had my ultrasound at 6.5 weeks, I felt a lot better.

  40. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCB: It's totally hard to know when you'll fit into maternity clothes. I think just take it as it comes. Go out and get what you need, when you need it. Hopefully you won't have to buy too many things. - Oh! And the "present drawer" discovery? Too cute

    @Ash: @Cara M. 17: Looks like we all better keep our families informed to have leftovers prepared for us just in case

    @lilteacherbee: Now that's a memorable thanksgiving!

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