Let's use this thread to chat about whatever we want, mamas!
Let's use this thread to chat about whatever we want, mamas!
pomegranate / 3160 posts
Like the fact that I ate every.freaking.thing. in sight this past weekend? No food was safe. I ate it all. I'm TERRIFIED to find out how much weight I've put on at my next appointment... But seriously though...cake pops, Reese's eggs, chocolate bunbuns, Easter meals...omnomnom.
Just sayin'...
clementine / 825 posts
I ate so much this weekend too! And dessert...I never eat dessert! Maybe this means it's a girl!
pear / 1571 posts
I'm starving. STARV.ING. I stopped in the middle of what I was doing this morning and roasted a head of cauliflower. So. hungry.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy. It's like it's not even a question in my head. I just know. I had the same certainty with Deere Boy, but was completely confused with Tractor Girl (we were team green both times). I'm just freaked out that my wishing for another boy is impressing itself upon my subconscious.
pear / 1571 posts
@ms.janedoe: That all sounds beyond amazing. Oh my word. I haven't had sugar in months. *drool* Hope you enjoyed it for me!
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Yeah...a roasted head of cauliflower prrrrobably doesn't compare... BUT, you win for healthy points!
I'm not sure one way or the other on gender... My mom, MIL, and best friend all think girl--MIL and BFF because at my 8 week ultrasound, the heartrate was 167. I think DH really wants a boy, but of course will be completely happy with either (he's said if it does end up being a girl, she'll be a tooootal "daddy's girl..." dawwww...). I...still don't know!!! Can't believe it's another (approx.) 2 months before we find out!!!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
Haha Love this!
I still can't taste anything which I'm not sure is pregnancy or vitamin D related (has been going on since mid-January), but this was my first holiday meal in almost 2 years where I didn't need special food for myself to accommodate my son's allergies and it was rather lack-luster :(. I just want food not to all taste the same for once!
pear / 1571 posts
@anbanan15: Boo! Major suckage! What good is nommy food if you can't taste it?
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Exactly my point! Since the day DS stopped nursing I haven't been able to taste! So ironic since for 21 month I ate quinoa and a small sampling of fruits and veggies daily now the food world is my oyster and it all tastes like poo!
coconut / 8472 posts
Anyone else not have a ton of symptoms? I keep getting nervous that the baby's not going to be viable, but all my betas have come back great. Except for the first few days I haven't really had any nausea. I do have sore boobs and I switch off being disinterested in food, to being ravenous.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MrsCB: I'm not having a ton of symptoms either. So trust those betas! That's what I'm doing!
coconut / 8472 posts
@sweetooth: I kind of thought about it and realized it's not that I'm not really having symptoms, it's that I'm just not nauseous. And I felt the same way last week when I got awesome beta numbers. So I have to just relax!
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@MrsCB: Yepppp, basically zero symptoms. I can try to convince myself that just maaaaybe my nipples were sore (maybe?!), and maybe I'm sleeping like crap at night (but really, let's just go ahead and blame that on DH)...but that's it (oh, aside from zits, but you've all heard way too much about those).
I've had seriously NO "serious" morning sickness at ALL. Like...none. At my ultrasound last week (8 weeks exactly), everything was looking good!
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsCB: Yep, me. But this is normal for me. I know the little teeny symptoms that tell me I'm preggo and that works for me.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I didn't really have any symptoms until last week. Now, eating feels like a chore because nothing sounds good. And if I actually find something that does sound good, I have to eat it RIGHT then or I'm over it. I'm having minor nausea but its mainly at night.
Also, I NEVER have sore boobs. Not in my last pregnancy, not as PMS symptoms, never. This morning, my nipples were really sore so that's new.
I'm not sure if this is pregnancy related or not, but I'm usually a really patient person, especially at work. The kids really have to be going nuts for me to lose my patience. Last week, my patience was reallyyyyy thin. Also, my assistant is also pregnant and a week behind me and neither of us has very much patience these days. Thankfully, it's spring break this week!
pear / 1787 posts
All I want to eat are POTATOES! French fries, baked potatoes, twice baked, jo-jos...yum.
I am grateful to be pregnant but annoyed by my symptoms! Nausea, fatigue, aching breasts...no fun.
pear / 1787 posts
@lilteacherbee: woohoo spring break! Mine was last week. This morning was so hard! (I'm a community college instructor.)
honeydew / 7909 posts
@lilteacherbee: Oh man, my patience is gone. With everyone.
Okay, so I know vivid dreams are a common symptom and in last night's dream I was in Jamaica (ya mon) but when I woke up, I remember having cramps. Now I'm not sure if they were real or part of my dream. Hmmm. Hahah. Oy!
honeydew / 7687 posts
Eep congrats November mamas! DS was born 11/12 and I'm hit with baby fever again so ill be lurking on the new mama boards trying to distract myself until we can ttc again!
nectarine / 2705 posts
How would you all feel about sharing a birthday with your baby? My birthday is 11/9. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea if there is a chance I could be early. But I think it might be fun to share a birthday with my baby
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Ash: I've had dreams like that! Hope you're not cramping in real life and I hope you can escape to Jamaica in your dreams whenever you like
@scg00387: thanks for saying hello to us new November mamas Congratulations to you!
honeydew / 7909 posts
@sweetooth: I think it'd be the best birthday gift ever!! And as for Jamaica, dreaming is the only way I'll get there hahaha!
@scg00387: Awww, thanks mama!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@sweetooth: thanks!! November will be err before you know it. It's funny you posted about the birthday thing too- I went ino labor at 11 pm on my birthday and delivered the day after ,11/25. It's a little tricky remembering to say his birthday correctly because eleven twenty four eighty seven has been rolling off my tongue for a decade or so
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I just keep accidentally clicking on ya'lls thread. Oops. I'm an November 2012 old fart.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@scg00387: awe, thank you!!! :)) representin'!
@highwire: bahahahahaha! That's alright. You could probably help us out a bit since you've already been here.
Wooooooooow! Hello, exhaustion! I'm at home on-call for work today and at 1430 I have napped 3 times already. Eesh.
coconut / 8472 posts
I think my biggest symptom is aching boobs. I told DH the other day it felt like he'd been punching me. He got horribly offended and wanted to know how I'd know what that felt like since he's never hit me, haha.
I keep waiting for the nausea to hit again, but so far nothing since the first week I found out. I do have some cravings/mild aversions though.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@MrsCB: If it weren't for nausea I'd feel totally normal. It's pretty much the only thing going for me symptom wise -- I bet your little baby is doing just fine!
I am so effing sick. I'm taking three Diclectins a day and should probably be taking the four that my doctor gave as the max, but they're costing me $1.70-ish a pill! Brutal. I know that morning sickness (and by that I mean ALL DAY EVERY DAY NEVER ENDING sickness) is supposed to be a good sign but I'd be happy with just oooone day of not feeling like I'm gonna hurl all the time.
I feel bad because I'm a pretty whiny, cranky pregnant lady. Come on 2nd tri!!!
pomelo / 5132 posts
I was on my couch all of spring break because I was so nauseous...and today (first day back at work), I am so hungry I could eat EVERYTHING. I stocked my snack drawer, but I'm scared to eat too much! haha.
@sweetooth: I think my mom eventually got over the fact that I was born 2 days before her birthday--I was 6 and a half weeks early, so she had to be in the hospital for her birthday when I was born. My grandma, on the other hand, LOVED having my sister born on her birthday! She called her her birthday baby.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@MrsDragon: my nausea is ALL DAY SICKNESS as well. And I am incredibly whiny... can't wait to let people know why hahaha!
@Mrs. J: I take tons of food with me to work... I take things like cottage cheese and other higher protein stuff. :))
nectarine / 2705 posts
@scg00387: I bet that does get a little tricky!
@MrsDragon: What are Diclectins? A morning sickness pill?
@Mrs. J: I haven't really thought about the whole labor part - being in labor on my birthday I was thinking more about sharing the actual day as the years roll by. I think at this point since the idea of being pregnant is so new to me - the idea of birth is even farther away from my mind
@Ash: mmm, cottage cheese. Good idea.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@sweetooth: it works for now... until it makes it onto my aversions list. Like a lot of my favorite foods have.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@Ash: Ya mon! I'm having crazy vivid dreams over here too. Very strange ones that DH asks me about before I even get to tell him because they are so weird haha
I'm not really sure whoever named it "Morning sickness", it really should be "Most miserable time of your life sickness" or "All freaking day long sickness". I am nauseous, I am starving but literally get sick at the thought of eating. My kitchen is disgusting because I can't wash dishes or else I will for sure puke, and i'm just so uncomfortable. This sucks!
@FarmWifeGina: I'm feeling a boy too! I would prefer a girl but I don't know why I keep saying "he"! DH would just about die if it turns out to be a boy. He needs a fishing buddy
pear / 1571 posts
Strangely enough, I've been experiencing a lot of nausea the last few days. Nothing bad enough to make me actually puke or lay down, but it's rather miserable. On top of that, I'm having aversions to almost everything I can eat- the thought of any kind of protein or veggies makes me wanna hurl. I was so yucky-feeling on the road this morning that I had to stop at a has station and I totally glutened myself with a breakfast taquito that I'll be feeling in a few days, but it did make feel a little better. They didn't have much selection for snacks that wouldn't be too damaging to my diet, so almonds and taquito is what I ended up with.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@sweetooth: It's the Canadian, pre-made version of the B6/unisom combo -- just B6 and an antihistamine, apparently combined with some sort of time release dealio to make it best for pregnant ladies. It's not really working very well for me, though. I took two last night rather than one and am feeling slightly less horrible today, though, so that's a start! I'm thinking I might need to switch to an iron-free prenatal. Definitely gonna bug my doc next Friday!
On the plus side, I actually ate FRUIT today. Hurray!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Well... My 15 year streak of not throwing up is over. Well to be fair, I've gotten sick twice since I was 8 years old, but both times were a couple of years ago when I had a stomach ulcer.
DH just witnessed a crying 23 year old who is afraid of throwing up because she never does... Ack, that was awful
honeydew / 7909 posts
@MrsTiz: yep, all day long sickness here too. And it's worse in the pm for me... dinner here suuuuucks. I don't even wanna cook. Poor DH. Luckily, I'm married to the most simple man ever and he doesn't care.
DH and I keep calling baby "she"... not sure why... but I'll take a girl!
@lilteacherbee: Awe, I'm sorry!! I threw up at the beginning of my bfp cycle from a migraine but before that it had been probably close to 10 years. Yuck! Nasty! :(( I scoped out the bathrooms at a funeral we were at today because I was so nauseated... I'm pretty good at checking out my surroundings lately just in case!
clementine / 825 posts
@lilteacherbee: Aww that is awful! I've been popping Preggie Drops non stop and they've helped a lot.
I noticed today that my lower belly is looking a little bloated. Wish I could say it's from baby and not all of the food I've been eating...
clementine / 825 posts
@Ash: YES mine is at night too! Starts about an hour after dinner and lasts through bed. ugh.
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