persimmon / 1259 posts
@peaches1038: My husband is going to make a wooden play gym too!! I love the simple look of them and that they are customizable based on the toys you want to use.
I also am starting a brand new teaching job in August, so I want to get some things done before the school year, because I think time is going to fly by far too quickly after that!
Other nesting to-do items for us, besides my closet overhaul:
-get a rug and new ceiling fan for the nursery
-reorganize the kitchen cupboards (what a mess!)
-get the living room carpet cleaned
-Create little map pinwheels for the nursery, and other little decorative projects
-Make freezer meals for late pregnancy and postpartum
kiwi / 557 posts
DH finished painting the nursery and her bathroom yesterday. Next will be cleaning the carpet and putting together the crib, dresser, and storage units that are all here in boxes. I already went through the newborn through 3 month clothes from DS, he was born in a different season but there are some things we will use for baby girl around the house. I still need to figure out decorations for DS's new room and the nursery. With recently moving DS to his new room I feel like its double the work right now but its slowly coming together.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: dw is also a professor and wants to try to be productive before the end of August! We just ripped up our carpet and got hardwood. And we got a new washer and dryer and microwave. Now we are working on painting the trim outside.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Finfan: @clover: hopefully you will be able to reuse a lot of things!
@wrkbrk: that's awesome! I love new appliances haha. I bet the hardwood looks awesome
@Miss Sarah: yay! What style are you going with? I think DH has decided on a bent wood one. Like this:
we all have so much going on, but it is definitely making time go by quickly!!
apricot / 448 posts
I've been a no show on these boards - busy with LO1. Just wanted to pop in and say congrats to everyone who's found out gender recently!
Our LO2 - a boy - is due November 22! We are so excited.
persimmon / 1461 posts
naww those wooden play gyms look lovely! I spent the weekend cleaning out our garage & storage, we have all our baby stuff packed away in our garage wardrobe so there was quite a bit of tetris being played with boxes. I went to work late today, and left early too ran into my MIL at the mall and had lunch together which was really nice. Also managed to find DD a pair of pink Bobux boots in a size 29 for half price, so chuffed about that!!
My last OB appointment was on Friday which went really well, he was happy with baby's heartbeat and movement, and babe was head down this time with little legs poking upways. He asked me if I had any questions about labour, I told him I wasn't even thinking about it yet! hahahAnyone else feeling short of breath?? At only 22 weeks I feel like my lungs are compressed and I get rather dizzy if I lean on my back for too long. OB says normal (of course!).
@AggieDaze: Congrats on the baby boy! Will update the list
persimmon / 1461 posts
November Mamas
November 6th: CaliCatLady
November 7th: Sicem07
November 8th: nanilani
November 10th: EleanorRigby, FinFan
November 11th: LadyTron, littleredhairedgirl
November 12th: BigSkyGirl
November 14th: Sometimesshesings
November 15th: Peaches1038
November 19th: WrkBrk ,clover
Miss Sarah
November 21st: JennyG
November 22nd: AggieDaze
November 26th: Hoots , anbanan15
November 27th: HourThyme, FannyMae
November 28th: ChaosMaven
November 29th: Imabee
December 1st: EBSC
December 6th: Mrs Hedgehog
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: Congrats!!! So many boys this month! Any names picked out?
@FannyMae: Yay for good appointments! I get out of breath mostly when talking, which I find weird haha. I can still lay on my back easily. Sounds like you had a very productive day!
persimmon / 1259 posts
So update on the closet gutting. I filled four garbage bags to donate and two garbage bags to trash. I also brought the dresses and shirts I want to keep, but can't wear right now to an unused, upstairs closet. I cleared lots of space so that we can finally share the bedroom closet. This is necessary because his current closet is in the soon to be nursery.
So the name decision has been narrowed down to Anne Lindsey or Claire Lindsey. I know we have plenty of time, but I can't wait to start calling her by name!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@FannyMae: Glad your appointment went well! I have not thought about labor at all... Eek!
apricot / 448 posts
Is anyone else feeling intense lower back pain yet? I have a feeling mine is from picking up my 32 lb-LO1, but there's not much I can do to avoid that from time to time (car seats, cribs, etc). Also pretty sure I've been getting dehydrated and feeling Braxton hicks already. Darn Texas heat!
@misssarah: love both the girl names you are considering, and the wooden playmat. I want one of those but decided my toddler would likely knock it over onto the baby.
@peaches1038: I actually started a name thread last night. I'm pretty partial to Rhett at the moment, but open to anything that sounds good with Hayes (LO1).
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: No back pain or Braxton hicks yet! Hope you feel better soon! I think Rhett is cute and some of the other suggestions you've gotten are good too! It's so hard to decide!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
Had my 22w (22w5d) appointment today. I measured 24w, but thinking back I think I measured around a week ahead at this time with each pregnancy and my babies were both under 7.5 lbs. Got my labs for my GD test to do anytime between now and my next appointment. Otherwise nothing too exciting.
Baby was moving a ton on doppler (they don't have an in house u/s), but I can't feel any of it most likely due to position...She thinks he is way low and over my right side almost in the back, which makes sense because when I do feel movement that's where it is at (I can only feel it if I am very still and putting counter pressure on that side)....a few weeks ago I was feeling a ton of movement, but not since he moved into this new position.
No headway on names. I seriously think he is going to end up having no name my DH is impossible! My favs are Loden (what I wanted to name DS, so I have loved it forever) and Greyson.
kiwi / 673 posts
@anbanan15: I love Greyson! It sounds terrible with our last name, so we had to cross it off our list. I really love the nickname Grey! I think my LO also moved lower this week. I can still feel him/her often, but much lower. Last week I was feeling them up by my belly button.
@AggieDaze: I've had terrible back pain. I just started seeing a chiropractor since my ob thought it could be sciatic nerve issues. It's almost unbearable at times. I've only been once so far, but it really seemed to help!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@AggieDaze: I haven't had terrible back pain yet, but it has come and gone depending on how I slept. I am having foot pain and it's so annoying!
@anbanan15: Glad your appointment went well. I hate how some days I can feel baby moving around like crazy and other days, I can't feel her moving hardly at all! It causes me too much worry. But I suppose, like your little guy, she could just be in a position where I can't feel her as much.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: That sounds like awesome progress with your clothes! Yay! I need to get motivated to do the same ... Also, I vote for Claire! Both names are lovely but Claire is a tiny bit more unusual.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@wrkbrk: DH admitted to me last night that Claire was his slight favorite. He doesn't want me sharing our name choice yet shhhhh!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Hoots: I like Greyson!!
@Miss Sarah: Claire was my vote too!! So pretty.
clementine / 912 posts
@Miss Sarah: I just saw a segment about capsule wardrobes on the Today show. I'm totally going to do it after baby. Also, I vote for Claire as well. Love it!
@anbanan15: Good luck with the upcoming GD test! I also like the name Greyson.
Nothing too exciting going on here. We're trying to get our old house ready to rent and finish up lots of little things at the new house so that's been keeping us pretty busy. I have a follow-up ultrasound on Monday to check out the little lady's kidneys. She is quite the wiggler.
Hope everyone stays cool today!!! Drink water!
kiwi / 673 posts
I think I felt baby hiccups for the first time today. Kind of a small rhythmic muscle twitch at the top of my uterus. So weird.
Also, does anyone have wicked leg cramps in the middle of the night? Like wake up screaming leg cramps? Anyone know of something that might help prevent them?
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Miss Sarah: Claire is so pretty, really *sunshiney*, a happy name!
@Hoots: last time around I had horrific calf cramps, the only way to soothe them was to arch my foot and point my toes upwards. hoping so much they don't start happening again. I'm wondering if hiccups will be starting soon too, DD was a major hiccupper! I've just started to be able to see kicks from the outside, my belly goes BOOP! I think babe has moved into a rear facing position though as kicks have been very quiet the last 2 days, mostly just turning movements and what feels like hand or shoulder taps down low.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@FannyMae: I saw a baby kick from the outside for the first time today! I was pretty excited about it, lol.
@Hoots: No hiccups yet... But I think it sounds fun!
@JennyG: Yay for another peak at baby! I wish I had another one to look forward to soon, haha.
persimmon / 1436 posts
I had my checkup last week at 25 weeks with the CNM at my ob's office. I really liked her so I am thinking of switching to her care if I stay low-risk. The doctors that I have met so far are hit or miss.
The midwife said I get two more ultrasounds (at 32 and 36 weeks) because my first baby was so big. I'm planning on taking my GD test first thing Monday morning since I don't have to be at work until lunch time.
clementine / 912 posts
We had another ultrasound today. The tech said its definitely a girl, which was exciting. Her kidneys looked great and were well within normal range. Normally the 3D pictures kinda creep me out, but they were cute this time.
The only issue was that my cervix is considered short for 24 weeks. Since DS was born early, this can be especially concerning for another early birth. I'm already getting weekly progesterone shots, so they just want me to come back in two weeks to check it again. Yay for another look at baby!
How's everyone's Monday going?
persimmon / 1135 posts
@JennyG: Yay for a healthy girl!! How short did your cervix measure? I'm going weekly now to monitor mine and shots as well. Just really hoping for no bed rest. We've gone ahead and hired a mother's helper to play and help with A starting in 2 weeks so hopefully that will give me some down time and also get A used to not always getting my attention.
clementine / 912 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: 2.4 cm which isn't terrible, but not the greatest. I feel you on the bed rest. The last thing I want is to use my paid days before babe gets here. How early was your LO?
kiwi / 673 posts
@JennyG: @littleredhairedgrl: Just wanted to say I'll be thinking about you guys and praying for no bed rest!
We started putting our nursery together this weekend. And by we, I mean DH and FIL since I'm still not allowed to do much. Paint was done last week. Crib, dresser, nightstands, and rockers got put together this weekend. It's so exciting to see it start coming together!
persimmon / 1135 posts
@JennyG: yeah mine is about the same measurement right now. did the dr tell you to get more rest? A was 30wks 6days and it was a tough time but now she's a little maniac running everywhere.
@Hoots: thank you!
clementine / 912 posts
@Hoots: Thanks!
@littleredhairedgrl: He didn't say anything about getting more rest. The doctor I saw today is from the maternal fetal ultrasound office. I see one of the doctors from my normal practice next week. DS was born at 35 weeks.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: @jennyg: fingers crossed for you both!
Also I'm so excited that I passed my 1-hour glucose test!! I still am probably going to deliver a giant baby since that's how my family rolls.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@wrkbrk: I started to feel really sick toward the end and was convinced I was going to fail. But I perked right up after a trip to the vending machine (I had forgotten a snack! Don't do that!).
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Finfan: ok haha! i have heard people bring a granola bar for after the blood draw. can you drink water after the sugary concoction or no?
persimmon / 1436 posts
@wrkbrk: She said I could have a tiny bit of water so I mostly rinsed my mouth out. I was glad that it was OK to use the bathroom too.
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