pomelo / 5084 posts
@Finfan: Gotcha. I drink mine at work then drive straight to the doctor so to ask about water/.bathroom breaks I would have to call .. .maybe I will anyway? Thanks! Congrats on being DONE with it!
clementine / 912 posts
@wrkbrk: I was always allowed water during my glucose tests. During the 3 hour one, they encouraged it.
clementine / 912 posts
@Finfan: Thanks! And yay for passing the 1 hour test. I have to take my 3 hour test soon. I'm hoping to get it done before school starts so I don't have to take a day off.
persimmon / 1436 posts
I'm just about to hit the third trimester! This pregnancy is going so fast. Can't believe it is August already.
persimmon / 1135 posts
@Finfan: me too! I can't believe how fast it is flying by!
I'm now going for weekly appointments to make sure my cervix stays a decent length but it's nice to be able to see the little guy each week I take my glucose test in a little over a week and not looking forward to it
Hoping the rest of the summer isn't as hot as it's been. Anyone else hibernating inside? way too hot for me!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: DEFINITELY staying inside - I am not a particular fan of summer.
Did your doctor say why you need weekly tests? I also need cervical checks for the same reason but we did them every 3 weeks at the beginning and now I only have two more I think (I am almost 26 weeks).
persimmon / 1135 posts
@wrkbrk: I had dd at 30wk 6d after a failed vaginal cerclage so this time I had an abdominal cerclage put in and in the beginning was checked every 2 weeks. now that I'm approaching the 3rd tri and my cervix shortened a bit he wants to see me every week just to make sure there are no big changes. the fear would be me going into premature labor with the abdominal cerclage.
persimmon / 1135 posts
@wrkbrk: she was! she was in the nicu for 34 days but mostly just to gain weight and learn how to eat, but once we reached that point she was discharged. she's now almost 15 months and besides being petite and suffering from some food allergies, she's perfectly healthy!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: 34 days is not bad! That's great to hear. Well good luck keeping your second baby in to cook longer. Yay for proactive doctors!
persimmon / 1135 posts
@wrkbrk: thanks!!! how come you are being checked every 3 weeks?
pomelo / 5084 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: I had a LEAP 12 (!!) years ago and they said that could result in a shorter or weaker cervix ... ok so far! Fingers crossed.
nectarine / 2047 posts
I've been MIA this week but I'm back from our lovely vacation just in time for my glucose test tomorrow...yay?! How's everyone's experiences/results with the test so far?
persimmon / 1259 posts
I've been MIA too, sorry! Good luck to everyone doing the test soon, mine is in two and a half weeks from now.
My mom suggested we do maternity photos last night, so I went for it. I am INSANELY big... I still want another set with DH, but I don't think we'll wait too long since my belly is so huge already!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Miss Sarah: Very pretty!! I'm not sure if we will be doing maternity pics or not. My husband is an artist and wants to do them himself, but I'm worried they will never get done!
clementine / 912 posts
@wrkbrk: I also had a LEEP a million years ago which they think may have contributed to my DS coming early last time.
@Miss Sarah: Beautiful picture!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@JennyG: Oh really? How early if you dont mind my asking? Did they monitor you throughout your pregnancy?
clementine / 912 posts
@wrkbrk: He was 35 weeks. I didn't have any extra monitoring aside from what they did because I had gestational diabetes. This time, I'm there every two weeks and weekly hormone shots.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@JennyG: I gotcha. I wonder if that will happen to me! At least 35 is not TOO bad. I am worried I will fail my GD test as well ... .ahh pregnancy.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@wrkbrk: Thanks!! It was not nearly as bad as I expected. I had the lemon lime drink and was able to easily drink it in the five minutes. I didn't feel sick at all. Hopefully that means I passed! I didn't have to fast, so maybe that helped too. Good luck Monday!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: Hey, that's good to hear! Interesting that they didnt have you fast - I bet that did make it better!!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: Lurking and so happy to hear your little guy is doing well!
nectarine / 2047 posts
Passed my glucose test! Had to be under 140 and I was at 128 My iron and red blood cell count was low though, so my midwife wants me to eat at least 2 servings of red meat a week. She also wants me to gain about 1 pound per week for the rest of the pregnancy. So far I've gained 7 pounds at 26 + 4.
persimmon / 1461 posts
I just typed up a post and my computer went wonky arrrgh!
great to hear that there have been good results on the glucose tests, I have another 3 week wait before I do mine.
@peaches1038: I have a feeling my iron will be low near the end of this preg, but I'll have to supplement as I can't digest red meat properly. Iron tablets = ugh!
25 weeks today, I have had a few relatives find out about my pregnancy and question why I hadn't told them. An aunt living overseas got a bit stroppy with me, so I told her I don't advertise to the world what goes on in my family, and If she wanted to know earlier she could have called me to say hello. so there! what ever happened to a simple congratulations and moving on?
ladies, talk to me about moisturisation - I'm starting to feel my old stretchies gearing up to turn bright red again... itchy skin even though I slather on Nuxe body oil every night. (smells so ahhmaaazing). Any holy grail products that you use?
kiwi / 557 posts
I just did my glucose screening yesterday, came back at 102. Baby girl was measuring big back at the anatomy scan so I'm relieved it isn't due to GD. The test definitely wasn't bad so those who have yet to take it. Hgb was low so doc suggested bumping up the red meat, crazy thing is I already feel like I eat a good amount of it.
persimmon / 1135 posts
@NorCalWayfarer: hi and thanks!! we're both doing well - 28 weeks this week and can't believe that with A I was already on bed rest for 12 weeks at this point!! Just hired a mother's helper to come during the week to help relieve me with A so I can have more time to rest.
Glucose test on Thursday not looking forward to drinking that terrible stuff..
persimmon / 1135 posts
@FannyMae: I love Nuxe products, they smell amazing! I've been using Burt's Bees mama cream for my belly just because it's been a bit itchy and it is very moisturizing, but didn't really get stretch marks with A (besides my bbs) since I didn't make too far with her and was pretty small in the belly the whole time.
apricot / 358 posts
@FannyMae: I use vitamin e oil. I didn't get stretch marks last pregnancy, but I'm guessing that has more to do with genetics? I did get broken blood vessels in my thighs, so now I'm using the oil there too!
I passed my glucose test (non-fasting) with a 98. So relieved! I'm a sugar addict. I definitely have anemia though.
How are you all feeling? I'm starting to feel that third trimester lack of energy, but at least I'm a little less out of breath these days. I learned that I have an anterior placenta, which explains why I've felt less movement this pregnancy.
Sending you all good sleep with minimal midnight bathroom visits...
pomelo / 5084 posts
Took my glucose test yesterday. For those ladies still waiting to take it - it was not bad AT ALL. Tasted like melted jello and I didnt feel the least bit sick afterwards. Found out just now that my number was 113 - so passing! (It has to be below 130). YAY!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@clover: Our baby is big too so I was dreading the test results but all is ok! Congrats to you!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: Congrats!! Yay for passing!! My doctor told me to expect to DOUBLE my weight gain from week 27 (this week) on. Yikes.
apricot / 358 posts
@wrkbrk: I don't think it's that bad, either. Maybe it's all that Sunny D my mom bought when we were kids...
persimmon / 1259 posts
So happy to see all the passing glucose tests ladies! I take mine next Friday... And I am nervous. Not really for the test itself, but I have been a total sugar addict as well this pregnancy, and baby girl was measuring big at the anatomy scan.
@wrkbrk: Double your weight gain?! Eek! I've already gained 15...and the range most docs have given me was 15-25. I even had one doc told me 15 should be my total limit. Whoops.
Today marks the official start of the first trimester for me! Due Date is exactly three months away. I'm so excited, but increasingly nervous. Especially since inservice just started this week for my very first teaching job and I am crazy stressed out about it all!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@FannyMae: I use burts bees lotion and coconut oil. Usually I switch every other day. I also have a lush bar that I use sometimes.
@clover: @sometimesshesings: @wrkbrk: yay for passing!!!!
My shower is next Saturday!! I'm getting s o excited and have been stalking our registry Ours is a little early at 29 weeks but we have to travel for it and scheduling was an issue.
anyone else having their showers soon?
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: me too girl - 12.5 so far and my target is the same as yours! My OB was unconcerned though.
persimmon / 1461 posts
How you all travelling this week? 27 weeks here, saw my OB on Friday and have been under the weather all week - caught a cold and now have a lingering dry cough that is making my chest ache. I saw my GP and he gave me a script for a ventolin pump, so hopefully that will help this tight achey cough. I got my referral for the glucose test, now I have to get around to actually doing it
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