cherry / 175 posts
@caterw: congratulations! Glad to hear you both doing well. The name Julia
grape / 78 posts
@delight: @theknest: @caterw: CONGRATULATIONS MAMAS! Well done and thank you for sharing - looking forward to any birth stories I can get my hands on!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@caterw: yay!!! Congratulations and so happy mama and baby are healthy and happy! Beautiful name!
cherry / 106 posts
Congratulations to all of you! I've been reading but haven't had a chance to write. Glad to hear everyone is healthy and just loving the pictures!
kiwi / 566 posts
Baby came a few days ago, couple weeks early after an induction. We love him so much! Has been a really difficult few days though, the labor was rough and the sleep deprivation has been constant. Hoping it gets easier as we get the hang of things. For now our apartment looks like a bomb has gone off Happy healthy baby though, so all good. Will soon be posting all of my million questions/FTM worries that have popped up
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Checking in on our other November mommas! I am thinking about all of you!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@Goldengirl: @caterw: Congrats!
@delight: congrats and how cool! Reminds me of the Call the Midwives episode where they did the breech vaginal delivery!
I'm scheduled for a repeat c-section on December 1, assuming he doesn't make his appearance on his own prior to that. Since I'm a vbac they will not induce or augment labor so we're pretty much left to wait and see... Been incredibly uncomfortable and just ordered a belly support band so hopefully that will help. Also super busy at work so not really ready for next week to be my last!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@dragonsword: how's it going mama?!
@Goldengirl: wow congrats!! Welcome baby boy!! I hear you on the rough labour. I'm 6 days PP and still in so much pain. Hope you're starting to get sleep. I was never one to bed share with my DD but I have to right now. I can't nurse sitting down and it's hard for me to get up and transfer him out of my bed when he falls asleep. When was little boy's birth date? I'll update list at some point.
@caterw: when was J's birthday?
@NorCalWayfarer: hang in there mama. I know it must seem like you have a long way's to go. I have heard about the CTM episode but not sure if I want to watch it yet I'm proud of myself for getting through it but man is my bottom a mess.
All worth it though. Here is little Gregory.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@delight: what a cutie!
I'm so lucky, my delivery and recovery was a breeze. I don't say that to brag, but to give hope to the ladies who haven't given birth yet.
Here is my little guy R
cherry / 175 posts
Hi ladies! Violet was born yesterday at 12:40pm. Unfortunately she has blood in her stool so she's in the NICU right now. I had blood when my water broke so the doc thinks she may have just swallowed that, but they are monitoring and doing tests just in case.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@LAZB: lol stop bragging My first birth recovery was a breeze. I naively thought this would be the same. I'm glad you're feeling well. R is such a cutie. I love newborn lips.
@dragonsword: welcome to V! So sorry she has to be in NICU. I hated when G was in there, even if it was only for a short while. I hope she's back in your arms soon. She is a beauty!
pomelo / 5326 posts
November Arrivals!
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 7 ~ J (CaterW)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Mrs. Marshmallow - 11/3 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
CedarMagnolia - 11/17 {#1}
Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Littlebear16 - 11/27 {#2}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}
pomelo / 5326 posts
November Arrivals!
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 8~ J (CaterW)
Nov 8~ (GoldenGirl)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Mrs. Marshmallow - 11/3 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
CedarMagnolia - 11/17 {#1}
Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Littlebear16 - 11/27 {#2}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Goldengirl: what is baby boy's birth date and name ( or initial) if you want to share?
persimmon / 1445 posts
Sorry to have been so absent everyone! I've been meaning to type up my birth story and share a picture of Julia but every time I go to do it, I end up staring at her sweet lil face and get totally distracted.
So. Here goes.
DH and I planned to have my mom spend the night with DD1 and check into the hospital at 6:45 am on the morning of 11/8. When we called to make sure they had room for us, they didn't have a bed available so we ended up going out on a breakfast date and waiting for the hospital to call us back. We were able to check in at 9 am and my doctor placed a dose of Cytotec at 9:45. I started feeling contractions within a couple of hours, but I wasn't really progressing- I went from almost 2 cm at 9:45 AM to almost 3 cm at 5:45 PM. My doctor then asked me if I wanted him to break my water since they would not give me another dose of Cytotec and I said yes. Within 45 minutes I was feeling insane contractions (I had dilated to a 5/6) and I told my husband "I am NOT doing natural birth. You go get the anesthesiologist NOW!". They came and placed the epidural at about 6:15. By 8:30 I was feeling some pressure, so we called in the doctor- sure enough baby was about to pop out! My doctor said "Do not move, laugh, or sneeze or that baby is going to fly across the room!". I pushed for about 20 minutes and Julia was born at 9:01 pm. After her head and shoulders came out, I was able to pull her the rest of the way out myself, which was the absolute coolest thing I have ever experienced. She was 9 lbs 6 oz and 21.5 in. I had a very, very small tear and have been healing amazingly well. For all the morning sickness and back pain, I think that having a quick recovery time has totally made up for it. I feel great and have been able to run out to the grocery store and play outside with DD1 already.
Here's a picture of my two sweet girls meeting for the first time! They loooooooooove each other.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@caterw: thanks so much for sharing your birth story! I'm so glad everything went well and your healing has been great. How sweet to have two little girls. What a blessing.
pomelo / 5326 posts
Ok I was inspired to write my story too. Sorry it's so long!
With Halloween come and gone, we started talking induction and decided to induce on Nov 6 which was 41 weeks. The night before we went to the hospital to have the foley balloon catheter inserted to allow me to dilate to 3cm. It was a bit uncomfortable and gave me some good contractions but nothing serious. The next day we were called to the hospital at 11am. Grandma came over to watch our 3 year old. At the hospital, the resident came in to break my water. He looked at me and asked when my last scan was (20 weeks ago!). He told me he thought he felt a bum, not a head so wheeled in the portable machine. Sure enough, baby's head was hanging out way up in my ribs. It makes sense now since I hadn't gone into labour yet and baby never really felt like they had dropped at all. The resident told us we would have to have a C Section so we started calling our families to let them know.
A few minutes later one of the on-call OBs came in to talk to us. He explained that while it isn't done very often anymore, he would like to try a vaginal breech delivery. He had a lot of experience and I was a good candidate. I have delivered vaginally before and baby was frank breech which is the only position they will deliver breech. We decided to trust him and go for it.
At 3pm they broke my water and we walked around about 1.5 hours to see if contractions started. Baby was still super high up at this time. Contractions were few and far between so Pitocin was started at 4:30pm. At 6:30 they checked me and I was 4cm. That was discouraging but my contractions weren't that strong or regular still at that point. They kept upping my Pitocin every 30 minutes and by 8:00 I was in complete agony. I was super embarrassed by the way I was crying and screaming and even peed on the floor a few times. I kept apologizing to the nurse and DH who obviously didn't even bat an eye about it. I asked for an epidural but it took a good hour before the anesthesiologist came.
I got the epidural at 9:00pm and shortly after I was checked and much to my surprise I was 10cm. The epidural felt much different than when I had one with my DD. I could feel a strong sense to push this time which I never experienced with her.
They wheeled me into the OR before 10:00pm. I had to deliver in the OR in case I needed a section and there was also a NICU team there. We were briefed before hand about how breech babies are often quite stunned at birth and need some initial help. Pushing wasn't too awful and in 18 minutes, Gregory John was born. They had to hold up a sheet to shield us from his dangling bottom since we were Team Green. DH admitted he knew a few minutes into delivery that he had a son. They had to give me an episiotomy to deliver his head and I also tore.
G was held up for one second and then whisked away with the NICU team. I later found out his one minute APGAR was 3 which is quite low. He was having trouble breathing and needed CPAP and a tube for a bit. DH went with him while they stitched me up. He was in an adjacent room and our OB kept going back and forth and was assuring me that everything was alright. It was awful lying there being stitched up and not being able to hold him. There were also a bazillion people in the room watching everything since vaginal breech births don't happen often at our hospital. Only 3/20 OBs will perform them. I just happened to be induced on a day where one of them was on call.
I was brought back to the recovery room and texted back and forth with DH who kept telling me everything was fine and they'd soon be back. It felt like a really long time but 3 hours after delivering him, G was back and I got to finally hold him. He latched right away which was great and he was given a clean bill of health.
He's a week old now and he is doing so awesome. His big sister loves him but we can tell she is having a hard time adjusting. I am still in a lot of pain which has been difficult for me because my recovery with DD was a breeze. I want to get out with my son and go for walks and hang out with friends but I can't walk or drive yet. I'm super thankful for this little guy though because it was quite a journey to get here for us and I feel our family is complete.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@delight: awww!!! Welcome little Gregory! He's adorable!!! Congrats!!!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@dragonsword: beautiful little girl and love her name! Hope she's doing ok!!!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@delight: wow!!! What a birth story! You did amazing and so glad everyone is healthy and happy! But that sucks your reocery has been so tough so far! Crossing my fingers that you're feeling better soon! Great job delivering your breech baby - just amazing!
apricot / 441 posts
I have been so MIA, but late night pregnancy insomnia has me up and I wanted to check in. Can't believe how fast this fall flew by.
congrats to all the nov. mamas with babies in arms! I'm 39 weeks and just finished my last day of work/school so now the nesting can begin!
apricot / 441 posts
@delight: what a crazy story of breech birth - I'm glad they let you try it and hope your recovery picks up soon!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@LatteLove: enjoy the last few days before baby comes! Best wishes for an easy L&D!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
Hi all! Our little man made his arrive on November 8 - and yes, we had a BOY
Things are going fairly well at home. I ended up having a c-section, and recovery is slow, but I'm definitely feeling better now and am working on my birth story for the blog. His announcement post went up on the blog this morning.
Breastfeeding is going fairly well - certainly a challenge, but he's gaining weight. He's gained 3 oz from his lowest weight on Saturday and the midwives are pleased with his progress.
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
Oh and a huge congratulations to you all with your sweet arrivals, and sending comfortable and patient thoughts to those nearing the end
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Marshmallow: oh my goodness he is adorable!! Congrats on a handsome baby boy!!
What are you finding challenging about breastfeeding? I find it painful again. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case the second time around. G will be two weeks tomorrow and it is certainly better. I slather on prescription ointment which helps tremendously. I think I'll go see a BF consultant this week though just to make sure our latch is correct.
pomelo / 5326 posts
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 8~ J (CaterW)
Nov 8~ (GoldenGirl)
Nov 8 ~ (Mrs. Marshmallow)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
CedarMagnolia - 11/17 {#1}
Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Littlebear16 - 11/27 {#2}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}
pomelo / 5326 posts
Where are all the November babies at?! We must have had some more this week!! Can't wait to see some updates! Hope all the new mamas are doing well with their babies.
I'm slowly recovering. We went on our first family outing to Costco yestersay and I drove for the first time today. It is still very painful to sit but every day seems better. Our little G is doing awesome. He went up a pound in a week. I never co-slept with DD but because nursing laying down is the least painful option, we have been sleeping together each night. I'm enjoying the extra snuggles. My DD is slowly adjusting, her behavior was awful for a few days but this weekend she seems to be back to her lovely self. All in all, I'm in much better spirits than I was last week.
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