blogger / apricot / 389 posts
@delight: thank you! Breastfeeding is definitely getting better but he latches on and off a lot which gets frustrating and painful. And those little hands in the way!! Nipple pain is improving after the all purpose cream prescription from Dr. Newman's blend.
grape / 78 posts
Hello November ladies, love and luck to everyone and congratulations on all the new arrivals!
Our precious little Autumn arrived on Nov 17 (her due date!) at 4.40am. Everyone is happy and healthy, and we are taking things slowly and just trying to appreciate every little moment.
Labour and birth went better than we could have ever hoped, and i am completely in awe of my wife's strength and serenity as she delivered our daughter.
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and support, your birth stories helped me so much and im looking forward to reading some more!
cherry / 175 posts
@Mrs. Marshmallow: congrats on your sweet boy!
Nursing for me seemed to have started off well but now her latch seems to be off/hurting more. Not sure where we went wrong!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@CedarMagnolia: yeah congratulations on your baby girl! I love her name too. So glad that the delivery went great. Much love to you and your wife. Enjoy these first few days. Newborn snuggles are the best!
pomelo / 5326 posts
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 8~ J (CaterW)
Nov 8~ (GoldenGirl)
Nov 8 ~ (Mrs. Marshmallow)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
Nov 17 ~ A (CedarMagnolia)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Teacherbee - 11/25 {#1}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Littlebear16 - 11/27 {#2}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
Plainpistachio- 11/28 {#1}
Sandy - 11/28 {#3}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Marshmallow: yes the APNO from Jack Newman is what I am using too. It is the best. Forget Lanolin, nothing compares to this ointment!! I made sure I had a script in my hand before I left the hospital! My guy latches on and off too. Ugh. I also have to me more diligent and making sure he is opening up wide. Sometimes I'm just in a hurry to get him attached that I don't pay attention to the actual latch and then it is really painful. With my DD, I was in pain until 6 weeks. I hope that's not the case again!
@dragonsword: get the Jack Newman all purpose nipple ointment It helps with soreness, especially if you have any blisters.
apricot / 441 posts
I'm still pregnant, hanging out and waiting. I had a burst of energy and motivation over the weekend and got a bunch of stuff done at home so I thought it might start Saturday night, but no.
My mom's flight arrives in a little over an hour and then I'll be ready! Would love to have baby tomorrow, but I know we just have to wait and see.
BH have been picking up at night - every 10 min or so, but belly doesn't feel lower, and haven't had any other symptoms yet, so I am thinking we are still in for a bit of a wait.
apricot / 485 posts
Congrats on all the new babies! I love seeing them!
I am 40 weeks today and just like I suspected, still pregnant. My DD was born at 41 weeks (induced) and this time I am thinking about scheduling the induction at 41+3 or 41+4 (that would be my preference) but that is over the weekend so I'm going to check today to see how that works. Otherwise maybe 41+2 or 41+5. I really don't want to come back to work next week but I don't want to sit at home all week with nothing to do. I have an appointment today!
I'm pretty boring, just like the last time- no contractions, no bleeding, no mucus plug. Nothing except BH. Just as comfortable as I have been the past 5-6 weeks.
cherry / 116 posts
@kes18 similar for me. My 40 weeks isn't until Monday, but I'll be coming into work if no baby and I'm not looking forward to it. Mostly because I've dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's and I'll just be waiting around more at work hearing everyone continue with, so you're still here, huh? I think next kid I'll lie to everyone and add a week or two to my due date! lol
I have no signs, not even BH. Ones that I can feel anyways. No dilation. Nothin! Bummer.
cherry / 106 posts
I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and was 0cm and then again on Tuesday and was at 2cm but still "thick". He said he can feel the head down low internally as well. Tons of really strong BH and lost my mucus plug, basically every labour sign you can have besides the water breaking for the past 1.5 weeks but still no real contractions or baby! I'm 40 weeks tomorrow and getting so uncomfortable and worried about going over and needing to be induced.
cherry / 116 posts
Chloe Alexandra arrived on the 22nd via scheduled c-section. I woke up with contractions that morning and ended up bring dilated 4cm before the surgery. Looks like baby was.coming that day anyways!
She was 6lbs 15oz and 19.5in. Almost 2 pounds lighter than her sister!
grape / 78 posts
@littlebear16: Congratulations Mama, what a beautiful babe and a lovely name!
cherry / 116 posts
@littlebear16: Adorbs! She's cute. Congrats. How's your c-section recovery compared to last time? Better, I'm hoping??
cherry / 116 posts
@CedarMagnolia: thank you!
@teacherbee: Thanks
@Plainpistachio: So much better! I'm already starting to decrease my pain med. The bleeding is slowing faster this time too.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
Evan arrived 11/22/16 via scheduled csection at 8:07am. 7lbs 7oz and 19.5 inches.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@littlebear16: so glad your csection went well!
For me this was the hardest csection compared to my previous 2. When they opened me up, baby was stuck and they had to do a lot of pulling which I've never experience before. They also discovered a lot of scar tissue from my last csection and my OB said my uterus is paper thin there so it will be an issue for future kids. I told him this is our last thankfully. Then in recovery my uterus wouldn't clamp (also happened with my first but resolved itself quickly) so I spent a long time in recovery with the nurses trying to get my bleeding under control. But once that was all resolved my recovery has been great and I'm off the pain meds except for some Motrin. I do have a lot of bruising from them trying to assess and control the bleeding from my uterus and it is painful and ugly but I feel pretty much back to normal. LO had his infant check and he's nearly back to his birth weight which makes me feel good about how breastfeeding is going.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@littlebear16: congratulations mama. She is just gorgeous!
@Plainpistachio: @teacherbee: so excited to hear about your babies. Hope everything is going great!
@sandy: so happy E is here safe and sound. Sorry the section experience wasn't great this time but I'm glad recover is going well. Your pictures are so sweet.
I'll update the list today!
cherry / 116 posts
@sandy: Thank you! I'm sorry you had a difficult csection! DD1 was stuck too. I felt like they were going to pull me off the table they were yanking so hard. Not fun. Your pictures are gorgeous! Congratulations!!
grape / 78 posts
@sandy: Congratulations on your beautiful new addition! Glad to hear he is healthy and putting on weight nicely
Looking forward to exciting updates from @teacherbee: and @plainpistachio: !
pomelo / 5326 posts
@teacherbee: @Plainpistachio: Hope you both aren't still in labour!
I will get around to updating list but I'll wait for these two ladies to share their news!
cherry / 106 posts
Whew he's finally here! Exhausted but healthy! 40 hours of back labour at the hospital, 2 hours of pushing then they tried using the vacuum to assist since his head was stuck in my pelvis. Ended up getting an emergency c-section where we found out his head was simply too large for my pelvis as well as turned sideways so he was not ever coming out on his own. Cameron was 8 lbs 13 oz and 22" long.
cherry / 116 posts
My boy is here too! I'm completely enamored with him. George was born on 11/29 at 9:41am weighing 7lb 10oz and 20.5 inches. He's a cutie pie and a champ latcher. And I discovered my body's amazing birthing ability I didn't think I had! I was induced when I got a high blood pressure reading and called in on Monday. I wasn't dilated but was 80 effaced. Misopropol was all it took to get contractions in full swing. 7 hours later my water broke and they started me on pit. 8 hours and an epidural later I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed him out in 22 mins! I'm in shock how fast it went. I had a second degree tear. The surgeon came in and stitched me saying it was borderline 3rd degree even. Super swollen and painful down there, I can hardly move about my hospital room. Baby is doing well and dad and I couldn't love him more! Blood pressure is back to normal and I'm eating carbs and sugar again! Home tomorrow.
@teacherbee congrats! What a big guy! Sorry his head wouldn't cooperate and for the back labor! Ouch you poor mama. Glad baby is doing well. Way to champ through that!
pomelo / 5326 posts
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 8~ J (CaterW)
Nov 8~ (GoldenGirl)
Nov 8 ~ (Mrs. Marshmallow)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
Nov 17 ~ A (CedarMagnolia)
Nov 22 ~ E (Sandy)
Nov 22 ~ C (Littlebear16)
Nov 29 ~ G (PlainPistachio)
Nov 30~ C (Teacherbee)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
Mrs. Confetti - 11/29 {#3}
pomelo / 5326 posts
@teacherbee: congratulations!! Do I have the date right?! Glad baby boy is here safe and sound!
@Plainpistachio: way to go mama. Beautiful boy! Let me tell you, I was in the worst pain with my 3rd degree tear and borderline depressed. Three weeks later and that is all a thing of the past. By 10 days PP I was feeling so much better. Days 4-6 were the worst for me. I assure you in a couple weeks you will be feeling way, way better and barely remember the pain. Stool softeners were my best friend. Tucks pads and padsicles were also heaven sent. Good luck on a speedy recovery!
cherry / 106 posts
@Plainpistachio: congrats! What a cutie!
@delight: November 30th actually. Thanks!
apricot / 441 posts
I'm late to this party! We had a baby girl! (E) on Thanksgiving morning! (11.24), 8 lbs, 4oz and 21 in.
She was born after an emergency induction for very low fluids (it was crazy - hardly a trickle came out when my water broke and the doula said almost none came out when she was born either!)
I labored for 7-8 hours with mild to moderate contractions 3 minutes apart and almost no dilation (2-4cm during that time). Then it picked up quickly, dr broke my water and things got very intense. I was ready to push three hours later. Holding off for my doctor to arrive I was able to feel the baby moving down with each contraction and when it was time to push, she was right there and came out in about 5 pushes (10 min!)
It was a rough first week - my husband had dysentery and my mom had a bladder infection on the day I went into labor - then I had flu symptoms a couple days after her birth. So recovery and lack of sleep was really hard for a while. But I'm starting to finally break out of the haze today and E has been a dream baby. Great eater, good sleeper, never fussy and is already past her birth weight!
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
Hi! Sorry I have been so absent on the boards - with two crazy boys, life just got in the way. Baby #3 was born 11/29. Leila Scarlett. Born 6:36 pm after a long slow day of induction and two crazy hours of active labor. We are doing well and we came home today to lots and lots of love from little big bro A (and general indifference from big big bro C - he'll come around soon I'm sure). Congrats to all the November mamas!
pomelo / 5326 posts
Oct 15 ~ S (Pink Elephant)
Oct 25 ~ O (MrsRcCar)
Oct 30 ~ R (LazB)
Nov 1 ~ R (theknest)
Nov 6 ~ G (delight)
Nov 8~ J (CaterW)
Nov 8~ (GoldenGirl)
Nov 8 ~ (Mrs. Marshmallow)
Nov 11 ~ V (dragonsword)
Nov 17 ~ A (CedarMagnolia)
Nov 22 ~ E (Sandy)
Nov 22 ~ C (Littlebear16)
Nov 24 ~ E (Lattelove)
Nov 29 ~ G (PlainPistachio)
Nov 29 ~ L (Mrs. Confetti)
Nov 30~ C (Teacherbee)
November Due Dates!
RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
Tasha - 11/12 {#1}
Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
Mrs. Grizzly Bear - 11/26 {#3}
Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
M4mi - 11/28 {#2}
milag64 - 11/28 {#1}
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Confetti: @LatteLove: congratulations ladies on the births of your beautiful girls!!
cherry / 116 posts
@delight thanks for the tips. Yeah you are right, days 4-6 are rough!
Sorry, TMI but I had a traumatic experience with my first BM on day three. I wished I'd taken stool softeners round the clock and more water and fiber. Lesson learned. Holy hell pain! Healing is taking longer than expected. I still waddle around and can't do much.
But at least baby is feeding well. He's not letting me sleep enough though. My husband and I've started doing shifts. Should we start a postpartum board?
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Plainpistachio: my first week of BM were all tragic. TMI: I had no muscle strength down there so couldn't push at all. The only way for me to get by was to take stool softeners twice a day. When I woke up I would take 30 ml of milk of magnesia, eat a bowl of Raisin Bran and drink a glass of prune juice. At that point I just had to hover near the bathroom and pray I made it on time I basically just forced my body to empty itself with no pushing and that's how I survived that aspect of things. After a week or so I could get by with just stool softeners which I am still taking daily. I went for my first big walk with the family yesterday and was amazed how normal I felt at 4 weeks PP. I started going for short walks (like literally half a block) at 10 days PP and waddled down the street. It gets better I promise. We should get a PP board going.
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