Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: oh man I'm sorry lady. I know how scary any sign of bleeding can be. You had a great scan so focus on that! When is your next appointment? Do you get another scan before th NT?
    @Plainpistachio: I definitely have better days than others but no "good" days yet. Everything about pregnancy is a roller coaster.
    @LAZB: sorry about your work funding issues. That'll be stressful if you have to job hunt while pregnant
    @CedarMagnolia: hoping for good news from you today!
    @kes18: that's great you get a scan at 10 weeks! When is it?

  2. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
    MrsRcCar - 11/2 {#3}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
    Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
    PinkElephant - 11/7 {#3}
    LAZB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    CedarMagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
    Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
    Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
    Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    M4mi - 11/29 {#2}
    Littlebear16 - 11/30 {#2}

  3. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Anyone team green?

  4. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Plainpistachio: Mostly my symptoms just change with the time of day. I feel like crap until 3 or so. I start feeling better after my daughter is napping and I've gotten a shower. My chest doesn't really hurt at all this time, but it was my first symptom last time. I wish it would hurt because it made me feel obviously pregnant last time!

  5. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: appointment this wednesday which will hopefully ease my anxiety a tad after talking to my doctor. No scan until the 13-week that I know of... I suppose I could ask for another but I bet my doc will say not necessary. Although now I can't imagine not knowing if everything is okay for another 5 weeks! If I had it my way, I'd get a daily ultrasound haha

  6. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @delight: phew, it was a good news day
    We saw our little baby, measuring one day ahead, heard heartbeat of 167

  7. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @cedarmagnolia yay! Congrats! Lovely.

  8. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: congrats! Great news!
    @delight: we were team green with our first and will be team green again. I LOVED the delivery room surprise!

    I've been MIA from HB all weekend - definitely having down days and some okay days, but no good days with nausea and exhaustion. I'm down 2.5 lbs because nothing sounds good to eat! I'm definitely not one of those people who can graze or snack to keep nausea at bay - I just don't want anything.
    I know I'm late to this but here goes...

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee (Southern California)
    Occupation? higher ed communications
    Favourite Book? Another Harry Potter lover here! But I read quite a bit with my bookclub so my fav changes every few months - we read mostly award-winning books.
    Favourite Music? I hardly ever listen to music! Maybe indie or acoustic? I also like southern gothic but that's probably just because my husband likes it.
    Favourite Hobbies? Reading, cooking (when I'm not pregnant), Netflix, decorating my house, shopping for kids clothes (so much more fun than dressing me!) and our little homestead with a dog, chickens and a garden.
    How did you meet your SO? In college - he was friends with a roommate I was randomly placed with and we became friends. Then he left to study abroad and I realized I really liked him so we started corresponding and then dating.
    How did you find out about HB? Weddingbee! I started here when hellobee was in beta, but didn't become active until I was pregnant with LO1!

  9. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Goldengirl: so sorry you are dealing with this! Hoping for a good news update after your appointment.

  10. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: great news! congrats!
    @delight: my scan is 4/28...2 more weeks away! Feels like it is going to slow. I really hate the first trimester though so it drags.
    @Plainpistachio: I had been having a lot of nausea (due to smells) but yesterday and today (so far) have been pretty good. Except for some headaches. Not too much nausea (just a touch here and there). So I have some *better* days in there lol. I think it's normal. Sure hope so! I mean with my last I only had 2 days of symptoms at 6 weeks (fatigue and MS in the AM only) and then NOTHING until 8 weeks (when it stuck around for a few months).

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LatteLove: I was team green too the first time and it was awesome. This time I think we will find out. I just want to know everything that's going on this time.
    @CedarMagnolia: so happy you had a great scan yesterday!!!
    @kes18: waiting for scans sucks. I have one next Friday and time is dragging. I'm glad you've been feeling better the last few days!

    I'm really having trouble with nausea. I should just suck it up and go on diclectin or something. I'm already taking aspirin and progesterone daily and I hate putting extra meds in my body. I just feel so awful all the time. The only time I feel good is for about 5 minutes after my morning toilet hugging session.

  12. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Wonderful!

  13. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: I'm sorry you're feeling so bad! Are you able to eat?

    I've lost about 3 pounds so far. I think I'm still eating enough food, though just a lot less than I was.

  14. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @littlebear16: yes I can still eat but not healthy food at all. Chips, French fries, KD, pizza and bagels is basically it. I haven't gained any weigh but haven't lost any either!

  15. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: I'm sorry, that stinks that you're feeling so bad. I know it sucks putting extra stuff in your body, but maybe the meds are for the best.

  16. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: Good! I've always thought that I would only take medicine if I wasn't able to eat enough. If you're miserable though, I might consider it. Mine is affecting my parenting. I cry some nights after I put Emma to bed because I feel like a bad mommy

  17. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @delight: dude. TAKE THE DRUGS. That is all (Also, outting myself for more stalking )

  18. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @delight: I think we've just made the decision to go the drug route to combat the nausea - we were told it's totally risk-free, and if it helps get more nutritious food into your body, why not? At least that's our view

  19. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    PS Thank you very much everybody for all the well wishes about our scan! It was a good day, and feeling very, very grateful.

    Also.... I AM NOW A COFFEE BEAN!

  20. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    If it's not too divisive a topic, what are everyone's thoughts about midwife vs. OB-GYN? (or family MD?)

    We were thinking midwives, but had a disappointing first appointment today and are now re-thinking things. I'd love to get your views!

  21. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LovelyPlum: lol I love that you stalk!
    @LAZB: @littlebear16: @CedarMagnolia: I think I just always tell myself that maybe tomorrow I'll feel better (but then I don't). I'm just a little paranoid about everything that goes into my body right now, I know I'm being a little neurotic! I'm starting to snap at my DH though because I feel crappy all the time. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet!

  22. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    So nervous about this scan in exactly 12 hours. I can't sleep!
    @CedarMagnolia: congrats on your great news! I had a midwife (at a military hospital) with my first born. Not sure if the same experience but I did like that she wasn't so technical and didn't push regarding tests etc. also she knew I was tired at 39 wks and pulled out my mucus plug. I was fairly warned that it didn't necessarily mean I'd go into labor etc etc but my daughter was born the next day via emerg c-section. I do not blame her at all but having been through it I'm going with an MD this time around. Like I said it was a military hospital so my experience could probably be taken with a grain of salt.
    @Plainpistachio: thinking of you DD buddy lol.
    @delight: sorry to hear MS has you like that. That's how I was with my 1st. I'm praying it's not the same road this time around although I am always nauseous without an appetite. Hope something gives for you!

    Thinking of being team green. Although I'd have to discuss it with my DH.

  23. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @M4mi: Good luck tomorrow!

  24. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @M4mi: can't wait to hear! Hope it all goes well!

  25. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @M4mi: best wishes for a wonderful scan!!!! I haven't heard of someone pulling out a mucous plug before! Is that similar to a membrane sweep?!

  26. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @delight: I think after a membrane sweep you lose your mucus plug. She said she pulled it out and I felt it. (Sorry if tmi )
    @LatteLove: @littlebear16: thank you ladies!

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @M4mi: lol there is no such thing as TMI here!! Best wishes today!

  28. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: I use an OBGYN, but I never considered a midwife. I know a lot of people like them, but I really like my doctor, so I stick with her.

  29. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I found baby's heartbeat last night using my Doppler at 9w2d, it was awesome! I used it with my last two as well, so I have lots of practice. Anyone else use one?

  30. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LAZB: no way that's so awesome! I was thinking of getting one but was worried it would cause extra anxiety. Can't believe you found it so soon!!!
    @CedarMagnolia: we had an OB with DD and going the same route this time. I had a great labour and delivery. The nurse did all the work anyway! I have had lots of friends who have had good experiences with their midwife. A close friend recently had a home birth and it went great.

  31. rara0614

    pea / 11 posts

    Just finished my panorama test, an hour later and they may have gotten enough blood....

  32. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @delight: I have zofran and phenergan on hand (from a really bad case of the stomach flu a month ago) but I think I am going to start taking b6 and unisom (which is the same thing in diclegis). I'm going to try 25mg of b6 3x a day and then half tab of unisom before bedtime. I think you can up the unisom to 3x a day if you need more. I also have some emetrol I might try. My nausea is worst from 4pm - bedtime! I took a zofran this morning and feeling pretty good so far but I'd like to try to stick with the more natural route if possible so I'm going to try it out.
    I haven't been throwing up by I have a LOT of nausea and it makes it hard to work and parent (I often just lay in bed with DD and put on tv-pbs when we get home at 5:30).

    @CedarMagnolia: I have an OB. Mostly because it doesn't seem there are many midwives around here. But I did switch to a different OB in the same practice. My OB left last time before I delivered and I (and my DH especially) really liked the OB that delivered my first. So I am seeing her.

  33. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @M4mi: How was it? How was it?!
    @Goldengirl: Hoping your appointment today helps put your mind at rest (as much as it can be!)
    @RARA0614: Haha! Hope they left a little blood for you! Is the Panorama test another name for / an equivalent to NIPT, FTS or is it something completely different?

  34. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @kes18: I have heard of the b6 and Unisom combo. I would try that! Can you get Unisom over the counter or do you need a script? DD and I have watched way more tv than we should. It is so hard to work full time and then have energy left to entertain her!

    @rara0614: oh my! How much blood did they take? I only had two vials for Panorama. Good luck with your results!

    I expect my Panorama results tomorrow. I'm so nervous. Last time I did it, my genetic counsellor called to give me bad news. I am trying to stay positive but I'm so scared.

  35. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: I believe Panorama is NIPT. I am likely going to do NIPT as well and there are many options!
    @delight: @LAZB: Ha, I was thinking recently about the doppler and my sister told me it will cause me way too much anxiety so I'm staying away... although it is so tempting, and cool that it actually works! That's amazing you could hear it!

    I've had a pretty rough 24 hours. I started a new job just before getting pregnant and it hasn't been going great. Yesterday I had an awful day and it essentially caused me to have a crazy panic attack/meltdown later in the evening. My entire body felt like it was shutting down and I couldn't calm down, even all night while I lay in bed. Talked with my husband and doctor and decided I'm going to leave the job. Totally scary because I might not be able to find anything else to qualify for mat leave benefits and feel like it's a really risky move to make. But eventually came to the conclusion that having so much work-related stress/pressure/anxiety is more of a risk, to me and baby. I know it's the right decision in my gut but am terrified. Will probably start looking for some part-time work once I get my head in order (and sleep!).

  36. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: Thinking of you and praying for good results! I've had some awful things happen to me in the past so have issues believing things can work out, but I keep repeating to myself "good things can happen." Wishing good things for you

  37. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: Hoping for great results!
    @Goldengirl: dopplers definitely aren't for everyone, they can definitely cause stress, so you may want to skip getting one. Good luck with the job stuff! I've been super stressed about my job, even though I love it, we have lost a lot of funding (nonprofit), and I may not have a job soon. I have decided that if that is the case, I won't look for a job until after this baby is born. I will probably work until at least the end of July.

  38. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @LAZB: Thanks! I was in nonprofit before and know how that is. Hope you keep your job!

  39. rara0614

    pea / 11 posts

    @cedarmagnolia: Yes, the Panorama is an NIPT!

    @delight: They only needed two vials, but after four different attempts they probably got one and a half. My veins are the worst! They had me come in first thing this morning and told me to fast beforehand. Turns out that was unnecessary and the nurse practitioner thinks I was dehydrated making matters even worse. Hopefully it ends up being enough!

  40. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @rara0614: OMG I can't believe they had you fast!! Jerks! I hope they got enough. I'm worried about "inconclusive" results.

    Ok I swear I did not look like this when I got dressed this morning. My tummy grew 10 fold today.

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