Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Hello and thank you! It is actually Moses son. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gershom

    It took a lot for us to get to that name. Summed up: His first name is a combination of my grandfather Jerry and Exodus 2:22 and his middle name is a combination of my grandmother Jo and Yoseph from the book of Genesis and Exodus. Hebrew doesn't have J....

  2. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Maysprout: Wow, what a great scan!

  3. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @littlebear16: it's such a great surprise. I've been so tired and nauseous this time. With my others it usually lessens around 14 weeks so it was like she said two less weeks of morning sickness.

  4. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Maysprout: haha, that's exactly the same thing I would have been excited about!

  5. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @LatteLove: Thank you!
    @littlebear16: My friends know because I like wine..... And telling my mom was like telling my siblings-she can't hold water. We're waiting till after the 1st tri to tell in laws and the rest of the family. Having just had a miscarriage in Jan DH doesn't want to share too soon. Edited to add: I feel you on not lying! I personally wouldn't lie and considering the circumstances with your move I don't see why you shouldn't tell!

  6. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @Maysprout: that's such an awesome surprise! I'd take a healthy sooner than later any day! Congrats!

  7. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @daniellealys: yep, cheeseburger all the way!

  8. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Excellent choice glad I could help lol

  9. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @M4mi: Welcome and congratulations!

  10. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @Maysprout: that's great news! A lovely October baby. Would love a surprise like that, but i dont think there's too much room for error with IUI

  11. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @lazb yummy! That looks like a lovely lunch setting.
    @daniellealys Welcome!
    @M4MI Welcome! Due date buddies! Also my Dr. appointment is also 4/13! We can cheer each other on. Though it'll be my first so I'm super nervous that everything looks ok.
    @littlebear16 I inevitably tell more and more friends everyday. The only place that I'll wait the customary 1st tri is for work and FB but other than that, my friends know me too well to watch me turn down wine or not eat certain things. I know it would suck to tell them about a loss, but I'm hoping for the best.
    @maysprout congrats!

    I had an ah-ha moment today about my EDD. I was thinking about my O date on CD34 and how weird that was. I went to lunch with my friends and told them about how I'd always O'd on CD16-17 and this cycle was an anomaly. They don't have kids so they were asking all these questions, they're fascinated by TTC science. Then I was talking about how I spotted pretty decently CD 16-19 for the first time ever. Then I realized, what if that spotting sort of reset my clock? It wasn't period heavy, but it must mean that my hormones dropped enough to cause the spotting. That means I technically did O on CD17... which would make sense. Anyways, I'm rambling. But it's been interesting/confusing to me that my EDD could be off by 3 weeks. Guess it doesn't matter since I'll find out on Wednesday!

  12. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Plainpistachio: That'd be crazy if you got to skip 3 weeks! What would tour EDD be then?

  13. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    Great news, just had our ultrasound is there IS indeed a baby in there! With a heartbeat and everything! The sonographer was totally straight faced the whole time and I thought, this isn't good. Then she suddenly turned the screen toward me and said "that flicker is the heartbeat" and that was it. I could barely process it! So relieved and overwhelmed Still nervous about the spotting but everything looks good right now. They couldn't find any reason for the bleeding, so who knows.

    Had a long appointment after with my maternity nurse who gave me a TON of reading material. Then went for some bloodwork, and now have to start making some decisions about genetic testing. I will definitely have lots of questions for experienced mamas!

    Thanks to everyone for the good vibes

  14. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @goldengirl yay! Congrats!! Such a relief!
    @littlebear Right now, according to my LMP they'd say I'm due 11/10. But because I know my O, I'm saying 11/29. The only way to know for sure will be the dating scan on Wed. I'm interested to see if I'm right. I had 4 signs of ovulation so I feel like I'm right.

  15. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Goldengirl: awesome news!

  16. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Goldengirl: congrats!

  17. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Goldengirl: yay! Great news!

  18. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Goldengirl: so glad to hear that!

  19. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    Thanks everyone! I'm sure there will still be much more anxiety to come, but I feel for the first time that I can allow myself to get excited about the pregnancy and believe it's all happening. I'm currently up to my ears in reading material from the doctor's office

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614- 11/2{#1}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Deserttransplant- 11/5 {#1}
    DanielleAlys - 11/6 {#2}
    PinkElephant - 11/7 {#3}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    CedarMagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
    Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
    Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    M4MI - 11/29 {#2}
    Littlebear16 - 11/30 {#2}

    Let me know if any names or dates or anything is incorrect. Welcome to new members today!

  21. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: oh my gosh so amazing!!! I'm so relieved for you! Can I add you to the list?! When is your EDD?

  22. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: I have been so superstitious but I think I need to get over it or I'm never going to enjoy this pregnancy! You can add me, Nov 20... #1

  23. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @Goldengirl: Hooray!!! Was hoping so much to see a positive update from you and there it is Congratulations due date buddy!

  24. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @Goldengirl: PS i totally don't understand the genetic testing options, so I'll be right there with you avidly reading the answers to all your questions

    Have you read "Expecting Better"? I liked it but I think it only added to my confusion as far as testing is concerned. Apparently there is a high percentage of false positives and false negatives so some tests don't really give you that much info? (might be getting that totally wrong)

  25. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Yahhh! Sounds like a good date. And yes the genetics stuff is confusing... I hate having to make decisions, would rather just be told what to do!

    ETA: Haven't read that book although I think it might make me even more confused so will likely avoid it. But yes there are lots of false positives which I'm worried would give me even more anxiety (which I don't need), so I'm leaning toward the most expensive test (which costs $$). Posted about it on a different thread so feel free to follow, hopefully some others with experience chime in.

  26. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight, I think that Evelyn_Jane is Janeybee If you go back to page 4, it looks like they are the exact same info, posted one after the other.

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Plainpistachio: oh thanks for the heads up.

  28. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614 - 11/2 {#1}
    MrsRcCar - 11/2 {#3}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Deserttransplant - 11/5 {#1}
    Daniellealys - 11/6 {#2}
    PinkElephant - 11/7 {#3}
    LAZB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    CedarMagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Goldengirl - 11/20 {#1}
    Lattelove - 11/21 {#2}
    Kes18 - 11/23 {#2}
    Norcalwayfarer - 11/27 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    M4mi - 11/29 {#2}
    Littlebear16 - 11/30 {#2}

  29. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    It's crazy how much smaller we are than the October board! I guess people are still joining... But it must be true-- people avoid holiday-time babies. Thought I suppose actually that's not for the Canadians here.

  30. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Plainpistachio: I know the October board is huge!! I find our board to be hopping today though. I am finding it hard to keep up!

    Anyone up for a GTKY quiz?!

    Canuck or Yankee?
    Favourite Book?
    Favourite Music?
    Favourite Hobbies?
    How did you meet your SO?
    How did you find out about HB?

  31. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    I'll Start!

    Canuck or Yankee? Canuck!
    Occupation? Speech Language Pathologist
    Favourite Book? The Book Thief
    Favourite Music? I listen to Sirius Satellite and my fav stations are 90's on 9 and Lithium. My favourite bands of all time are Veruca Salt and Radiohead. I also enjoy classical music.
    Favourite Hobbies? Reading, Golf, Tennis, Poker, Scrapbooking and drinking lots of wine.
    How did you meet your SO? DH and I went on one date in high school but I thought he was lame because he brought one of his friends. We met up at a pub about 6 years later, after University. We started chatting and he asked for my #.
    How did you find out about HB? I started lurking over at WeddingBee when we were engaged. I gravitated towards HB when we started TTC back in 2012.

  32. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee doodle
    Occupation? Communications for cities
    Favorite Book? Pride and Prejudice
    Favorite Music? I teach barre classes, so these days it's a lot of pop, hip hop, and EDM. I like anything I can dance to. I love to dance!
    Favorite Hobbies? Barre, bicycling, traveling, wine, dance, instagramming, exploring...is Netflix a hobby?
    How did you meet your SO? In 2009 at a 90's themed party. I was dressed up as Pre-Gay Ellen (love her) and he was wearing a PBR cutoff sweatshirt.
    How did you find out about HB? I think I was googling something when I was 5 months in TTC and the thing I googled popped up on a board here. I'd seen other boards but this one seems more inclusive and inviting.

  33. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee
    Occupation? Stay at Home momma
    Favourite Book? Harry Potter
    Favourite Music? Alternative rock
    Favourite Hobbies? Cooking
    How did you meet your SO? High school hallway.
    How did you find out about HB? I found out about HB from WB. Came over while in Beta.

  34. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @MrsRcCar: can I add you to our list?
    Is it weird I have never read Harry Potter? Hah
    @Plainpistachio: I think Netflix can totally be a hobby. Last week I watched two seasons of Broadchurch to take my mind off my upcoming ultrasound. Have you seen it? So good!

  35. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @delight: yeah. I think I gonna hang out in both boards for now. I know I will have my baby in October but I am more in line with you guys weeks wise. 😊 I am due November 2

    And not weird at all. I feel a little weird that it's my favorite but I do love it.

  36. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I added you above!

  37. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @Plainpistachio: so awesome! It's been 7 years since my first (she was born December 30th) and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten everything so I'll be right here with you! My sono is midday with OB right after. I can barely contain myself! So close yet so far away

  38. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    I like It..

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee

    Occupation? Transitioning to sahm possibly
    Favourite Book? So many! I'll choose outliers bc it's the first I thought of. I am into Liane Moriarty novels now.

    Favorite Music? I listen to it all. Country 90s R&B Latin I'm always tuned into Pop2k on XM radio.

    Favourite Hobbies? reading? Hulu? And crocheting. I'm pretty boring. I like the gym too, most days.

    How did you meet your SO? Working on a ship

    How did you find out about HB? Google or weddingbee....

  39. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @M4mi: oh I love her books! What Alice Forgot was my favourite! Did you know that Big Little Lies is coming out as a television mini series? I think Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon are in it!

  40. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @Plainpistachio: With my first we had to move my due date by 3.5 weeks. I guess it was nice to get to skip ahead I had pretty heavy implantation bleeding so I assumed it was my period. But I guess I was pregnant! My EDD went from like the 25th to the 3rd of the month

    @Goldengirl: great news!!

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee
    Occupation? Research admin/contracts
    Favourite Book? not sure!
    Favourite Music? Lots. some pop, some country, classical, jazz, some hip hop, almost anything. I also listen to a lot of AM radio (more than music) from Oct-March.
    Favourite Hobbies? reading, baking, wine, watching basketball, hiking if I could do it more
    How did you meet your SO? At a bar!!
    How did you find out about HB? WB, sometime before my first was born. Still go there a lot (more than here) because I'm amused/entertained by some of the posts (read: drama) and it helps pass my work day lol

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