Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @delight: That just made my day! I'm going to have to look it up. What Alice forgot is my fave as well. I've yet to read 3 wishes and one other one. I was using audible for a long time because of my long commute to work and the narrator for those was not the best.

  2. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    yay fun!
    Canuck or Yankee? Canuck
    Occupation? work from home consultant
    Favourite Book? Time Traveller's Wife and Me Before You
    Favourite Music? acoustic indie - big fan of Trevor Hall and Mumford and Sons is probably my favourite band
    Favourite Hobbies? writing, hiking/camping, being creative
    How did you meet your SO? through friends (long ass story there, he had a girlfriend when we met)
    How did you find out about HB? I'm over from Weddingbee - I was a bee blogger

  3. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @narwhal: I love Mumford and sons!!

  4. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    Sorry to be such a board slacker everyone! I have been super miserable this whole pregnancy and even had to make extra OB appointments and go to the emergency room a couple of times with stomach pain. I was really worried about a tubal pregnancy because my OB doesn't do ultrasounds until 12 weeks so I hadn't had a scan yet They finally figured out that I had a bladder infection and a UTI (ew). A couple rounds of antibiotics, bed rest, and gingerale has made me good as new! I also got to have a scan in the ER- my due date might be a little later than I thought. I have another appointment later this month so I will know for sure then!

  5. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @kes- I've been REALLY REALLY sick for like... a month So I obviously haven't been cooking either. We have been eating a lot of rotisserie chicken from the grocery store with pre-made frozen rice and veggies or store bought rolls and salad. It's not the way I would normally cook but at least it's pretty healthy (besides the sodium) and not as expensive as eating out all the time. My other go-to thing lately is frozen ravioli and sauce from a jar.

  6. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @m4mi I'm a Virginia gal too!!

  7. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee (although I am from the southeastern U.S. and we don't call ourselves Yankees in the South lol)

    Occupation? SAHM, formerly in retail/ restaurant management

    Favourite Book? Gone With the Wind, The Magicians (which is like Harry Potter, but for college and definitely written only for grownups)

    Favourite Music? punk and hardcore.... Which you would NEVER guess to look at me but it's what I've liked ever since I was a teenager. Favorite bands include Strike Anywhere and Brand New

    Favourite Hobbies? reading, cooking, going on trips

    How did you meet your SO? We went to the same high school, but we actually never met until we were 20. He started working at the restaurant I was managing at the time and I recognized him from a friend's high school homecoming photo. We started chatting and realized we had tons of the same friends, used to go to the same concerts, eat at the same restaurants, etc. We started dating a couple months later and have been together for almost 8 years.

    How did you find out about HB? Former Weddingbee gal!

  8. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA. It was report card time here and crazy busy. Trying to get caught up on everyone's news.

    Are there any other Canadians on here? I feel so confused when reading about your tests and scans and general prenatal schedule because it is very different here.

    Canuck or Yankee? Canuck
    Occupation? Teacher
    Favourite Book? Too many to choose! I love historical fiction the best.
    Favourite Music? Country. We live in the countryside so my former city-girl music tastes have been converted haha.
    Favourite Hobbies? Reading, DIY projects and watching Gilmore Girls
    How did you meet your SO? We were 17 and 18 and met at a residence social during first year at University.
    How did you find out about HB? Stumbled across it when researching baby stuff haha.

  9. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @teacherbee: I'm Canadian!!

  10. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @Goldengirl: Oh yay! Where do you live? I'm in NS. Do you have to wait until 20 weeks for your first US as well?

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @caterw: oh bummer, so sorry for all the ER visits and the sickness.
    @teacherbee: so far you, narwhal, goldengirl and I are the Canadians! What are you doing for your prenatal stuff? I feel mine might be a bit different cause we were seeing a fertility specialist for the last few months. I've already had 2 scans and have another on the 22nd for Nuchal Translucency. Why do you have to wait until 20 weeks? Aren't you offered the Integrated Prenatal Screening at 12? That involves the NT scan and 2 rounds of bloodwork. It can't be just in Ontario!
    As a side note, i LOVE NS! We headed out East for our honeymoon and we had a blast!

  12. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @delight: I didn't realize that you were as well! I think your experience has been different for the reasons you mentioned. I have had two prenatal visits and bloodwork (the initial general kind).

    I believe next visit he will offer the optional genetic testing via bloodwork. Is this the "Integrated Prenatal Screening" you're speaking of? Everybody I know has had to wait until 20 weeks as they prefer to only have one ultrasound unless there are abnormal bloodwork results, complications, multiples or it's an unexpected pregnancy and they need one for dating purposes.

  13. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @teacherbee: yes that is the IPS. Ultrasound and blood work around 12 weeks and another round of bloods around 15. Then they give you a risk factor like 1 in 1000 for different conditions. There is also the NIPT (non invasive prenatal testing) that tests for genetic conditions and gives you more of an in depth results.. Like 99% accurate for Down's syndrome for instance). If you have no risk factors or anything then a 20 week scan is fine! Must just seem like a long time to wait!!

  14. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @delight: Thank you for explaining. I believe the way it works here is that if the bloodwork shows up as abnormal then you are referred for an Ultrasound.

    20 weeks feels like forever!! I just want to see our little bean and know it's okay haha.

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @teacherbee: lol you'll feel it moving before the 20 week scan! It is a long wait though.

  16. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @teacherbee @delight I can't believe they make you wait 20 whole weeks for an ultrasound in Canada!!! My ob/gyn schedules the first one for 12 weeks and I thought that was a really long time!

  17. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @teacherbee: I'm in Ontario! Have already had 2 scans for dating purposes and because I've had some spotting. Not sure what the normal protocol is. But as @Delight said, I think it's also typical to get one around 13 weeks for the nuchal ultrasound. 20 weeks seems like a long time to wait! But I suffer from really bad anxiety, so I might be an exception with how antsy I've been

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @caterw: I think it depends where in Canada! I've always been offered a dating scan at 7/8 and one at 12! But definitely in some areas here it is just a 20 week one.

  19. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @teacherbee: You'll also be able to hear the heartbeat before then! That's a pretty good way to know baby's okay. My office usually only does a scan at 20 weeks too.

  20. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    Argh... had no spotting all week and thought maybe that whole nightmare was finally over, but just went to the bathroom and wiped, and was pinkish again with tiny clot. I guess maybe it will just keep happening. Just sucks because I was really starting to feel better after the ultrasound this week and now the worry is creeping back in!

  21. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: ugh sorry about the spotting. I had lots of spotting with DD and everything was fine with her. I hope it stops soon just for peace of mind though!

  22. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Goldengirl: Ugh bummer! They didn't find any cause for it during the scan? Hope it stops!

  23. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: thanks!! I hope so too!
    @littlebear16: Nope, no cause! I see my doc finally this week so maybe she'll do some poking around and give me an exam. I guess it could be a small tear or irritation or something that wouldn't be picked up. Yesterday was only a very small bit luckily and then stopped. I just want it to stop completely, it's driving me nuts.

  24. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @goldengirl I'm sorry that's happening. It must be difficult to not know why. I've had a couple of friends who had pretty heavy spotting throughout pregnancy and delivered healthy babies. One was partial placenta previa and the other had a sensitive cervix that would bleed. It was very scary for both of them. They're the most adorbs lil baby girls though!

  25. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Goldengirl: Hope they find a reason for it to put your mind at ease!

  26. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @Plainpistachio: thanks, that's great to hear! Luckily it seems to be getting less and less frequent than it was at the beginning so hopefully that's a good sign (vs getting heavier/more often). At least that's what I'm telling myself!

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: did you ever have to go to a colposcopy clinic? That's when you have abnormal paps and they have to laser or remove cells from your cervix. I had that done years ago and my doctor says I have scar tissue left which makes my cervix extra sensitive and prone to bleeding.

  28. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: nope! all paps have been good.

  29. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: just trying to help figure things out! Glad to hear the bleeding has lessened though!

  30. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: I appreciate the detective work I have a feeling this will turn out to be one of those "we have no idea why, it just happens" things.

  31. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @Goldengirl: hey GG, sorry you're having to cope with spotting. It must be such an emotional rollercoaster! But such a good sign that it's little and decreasing. Focus on that awesome ultrasound!

  32. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @teacherbee: @delight: we're in Canada too! (although we're Scots ) Our firat u/s is tomorrow at 8.5 weeks.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOO nervous.
    But medicating with desserts

  33. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: best wishes at your first scan tomorrow!!! It's impossible not to be nervous but dessert definitely helps!

  34. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: good luck tomorrow!!

  35. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: hope it's a great scan!

  36. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Canuck or Yankee? Yankee (although from Texas, so not really haha)
    Occupation? Program Director at a non profit for people with disabilities, although possibly not for much longer We are having a lot of funding issues, so I may need to find another job soon
    Favourite Book? I used to be an avid reader before DD, but now haven't read in forever. My favorites are historical fiction, so I'll say The Other Boleyn Girl
    Favourite Music? I like a variety, but my favorite is probably country music
    Favourite Hobbies? traveling, playing with DD, socializing (aka drinking wine with friends)
    How did you meet your SO? through friends, at a bar. Another long story, but basically I used to date a different guy and became friends with his friends. They had another friend that they told about me (after I stopped seeing the other guy), and we both happened to go out with those friends that night (I didn't know about him). How did you find out about HB? I'm over from Weddingbee too

  37. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: ugh more clotty spotting when I woke up this morning. So disappointing. I know I need to relax but I feel like I'm constantly on edge, waiting for something bad to happen. It's so exhausting! Am also having back pain which is freaking me out... but that could be in my head... and I always have a bad back. I'm reading so much into everything, it's hard not to!

  38. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Goldengirl: that would definitely be worrisome, I'm sorry you're having to deal with it!

  39. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @caterw: Sorry you're been feeling so crappy! That's funny I picked up some frozen ravioli, sauce, and cheese so one of my meals is going to be baked ravioli. The other was a frozen lasagna. And then it's going to be rice and beans (burritos). I am eating frozen meals for lunch this week (the little paninis).
    @Goldengirl: I hope the spotting stops!
    @CedarMagnolia: good luck today!

    On ultrasound schedules, I am with the same group I was with my first pregnancy but a different OB. My last one only did a 20 week scan (although we opted for the NT screening so we had one earlier). This one is giving me an ultrasound at 10 weeks! And then again at 20 (plus I might opt for the NT scan again). I'm just anxious to make sure everything is okay!

  40. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    Do you guys find that your symptoms fluctuate day to day? Some days I feel so beat and hungry and picky about food. Other days I feel higher energy and no food aversions and less sore breasts. This morning I felt that way and started to get a little paranoid about it! What a rollercoaster this preggo ride is...

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