Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @LAZB: so glad for a good appointment! Seeing that ultrasound is such a relief, huh?

  2. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: @LatteLove: thank you! Yes, such a relief! I had no reasons to think anything was wrong, but I'm a worry wort, so I feel soooooo much better!

  3. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @Goldengirl: Your scan is today, right? Good luck! Hope all is well with baby!

  4. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @LAZB: congrats!!!

    @littlebear16: yes it is, thank you! I am a huuuuge ball of anxiety right now. Trying to have positive thoughts. I've had a lot of problems with my health so it's hard to imagine getting good news. I am due for some though so I'm crossing my fingers this is it!

  5. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @LAZB: Creeping on you to say YAYYY!!!! What a beautiful little bean!

  6. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @Plainpistachio: I think you get points for the salad! I can't look at most foods. I'm just eating toast, cereal, and some fast food for lunch because I can't cook (I want to puke the whole time I am cooking).
    @Mrs. Sunshine: so sorry for your loss
    @LAZB: glad everything went well!!

    Is anyone else struggling with what to eat? I really hate eating fast food so much but I don't know what else to do for lunch. I had subway this week and a chicken sandwich and an arby's sandwich. I just can't cook at night, it's making me so sick to try. Which is a problem because I have 2 adults and a toddler that need to eat. And I always have eaten leftovers for lunch at work. I'm thinking the next few months I can do some things that don't take much time like bbq chicken, crockpot soup, etc.
    But I still don't know what to eat myself I guess I can buy some Amy's frozen entrees and at least those are healthier than fast food! My problem is that while cooking it makes me so sick that I just cannot eat the food. Not that night or any of the leftovers!! So I make it for others while trying not to puke and then I never eat any of it. So I have no food for me to eat except toast and cereal and oatmeal lol.

  7. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @kes18: I have to same problem. I have a hard time opening the fridge sometimes. My DH gets home from work late, so I really need to have dinner ready when he gets home. I was very tempted to tell him to pick up fast food on his way home yesterday. I'm thinking of having him prepare meals for me the night before, so I'll just have to throw it in the oven or on the stove.

  8. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @lazb congrats! Such a pretty bean.
    @kes18 No nausea yet for me, but I do have extreme food aversions. Right now chicken is my enemy. But once I get into my head what I want, it's the only thing I want. Luckily I've never been the cook. My husband has always been the cook since our first date 7 years ago. The kitchen and fridge grosses me out majorly right now. I was in there the morning and the trash stunk so bad. My husband ran it outside for me lol.

  9. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Goldengirl: thinking about you
    @kes18: dude I am totally struggling. I am currently eating a Big Mac. I just cannot force myself to make lunch in the morning and I'm on the road a lot for work so fast food is easy. Dinners are rough. We have had Kraft Dinner three times this week. My DH is not complaining because his fav foods are KD, pizza and grilled cheese. I can't eat any vegetables right now unless lettuce on my Big Mac counts. I make an effort to give DD something healthy on the side but boiling some frozen veggies for her is about the extent of it. I'm just trying to get by and make sure we don't all starve!

    I'm so tired too. I'm sitting in a park eating my McD's and seriously contemplating a car nap.

    I have my NIPT bloodwork this afternoon. I know that odds are in my favour that everything will come back low risk, but after having one babe with a genetic disorder I'm terrified. Anyone else doing NIPT bloodwork soon? Would be nice to go through the waiting for results with someone here!

  10. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @littlebear16: That is nice he can prepare it! I did have my DH make burgers but ugh the onion smell...I had to go outside to get away from it (I was making caramelized onions to go on top)
    @Plainpistachio: yeah, I feel you! I think mine is a very strong aversion to smells. It causes nausea and I also have it anyway. So cooking doesn't work too well with that I'm glad your husband is the cook! I wish that were the case with my DH! But I might give up and let him make spaghetti every week now.
    @delight: at least I don't feel as bad now that I'm not the only one who doesn't know what to eat for lunch except fast food! I have my sights set on a cantina power burrito from taco bell for lunch. At least today I am craving something lighter and this has romaine in it. Romaine is healthy right?! My nausea is very bad in the morning so the thought of picking something out for lunch is something I cannot do. My DD and DH had frozen pizza one night and last night I gave her meatballs (the frozen kind) and hummus and blackberries. Reasonable I think!

    Hope the NIPT goes well! I am planning on getting it but my appointment is not until 4/28. so it is a long wait!

  11. rara0614

    pea / 11 posts

    @kes18 I've been trying so hard this week to cook for poor DH, our trips to Mcdonalds were getting out of control, but all I want to do is nap. I can officially say I had my first food aversion last night too. I made lemon garlic noodles and immediately wanted to spit them out!
    @delight I'm really hoping to have the NIPT testing done next week, but my insurance is being difficult. They can only tell me if i'm covered if they have the lab codes and getting them from my doctor is more difficult than I thought.

  12. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @Lazb: Congratulations on your beautiful scan. I am loving seeing all these babies! You must be thrilled
    @Goldengirl: Sending you ALL the luck for today girl!
    @Delight: Happy weekiversary! Thursdays are our "moving on to the next week" days too

  13. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Goldengirl: thank you!
    @MrsKoala: thanks!!! I think it's pretty cute too
    @kes18: thank you!
    @Plainpistachio: thank you!
    @CedarMagnolia: thank you, I am!
    @delight: I am doing the panorama blood work in a couple of weeks, I have to wait until we get back from vacation.

  14. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I'm having some major issues eating, but all of a sudden a good burger really appealed to me, so I'm sitting outside on this beautiful day enjoying one for lunch before I go to my next meeting. Hopefully it sits well with me after I eat it.

  15. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @rara0614: Yeah, I may not get the NIPT either but I really hope to. Mine says they cover it for sure if you meet the requirements (you know, over 35, high risk, etc) but if you don't meet the requirements it says "May not" be eligible. May not??? Why don't they just say "are not"???! It kind of baffles me. I am going to have the NT scan if it's not covered since I know that one is.
    If it helps I think the code is 81420

  16. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @LAZB: I'm having a difficult time making my lunch right now. Those fries look amazing, though! I'm also jealous of your weather.

  17. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @kes18: I'm not covered for the testing, but I am willing to pay out of pocket. It will be $395

  18. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @littlebear16: they are really good fries, I'm just making sure I don't eat too much, that's a sure fire way for me to get sick

  19. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @LAZB: OMG when I called the company I asked what it was out of pocket if your insurance didn't cover it and she said "thousands" WTF. I hate insurance and the medical field sometimes.

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @kes18: I thought it was more too, but that's what my doctor's office told me yesterday

  21. rara0614

    pea / 11 posts

    @kes18 I'll try that code and see what they say, thank you!! I'm totally willing to pay out of pocket if it isn't an astronomical price, but my appointment is Tuesday and my doctors office is closed on Fridays.

  22. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    Congrats November Moms!
    Location: Chicago Illinois

    EDD: 11/6

    How far along: 9.5 weeks

    First child? No. My first child is 13 months old! His name is Gershom.

    First doctor appointment: 4/19.

    Any symptoms so far? So nauseous. I never felt like this with my first. UGH. Its awful. And I am showing ALREADY!

    Who have you told? My parents, siblings, MIL, FIL, SIL and BIL.

  23. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    @LAZB: OMG! burgers are the one thing that I can stomach right now. YUMMY. Plain, cheese and ketchup! GIIIRRRLLLL LOL

  24. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    Welcome @daniellealys:! Aaaand.....totally going to get a burger for lunch now. Thanks a lot @lazb:

  25. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @daniellealys: Welcome and congrats! I don't think I felt so sick with my first either. I think it might be because I have to feed and take care of a toddler now, though!

  26. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: @narwhal: happy Thursday!! Love seeing the new fruit each week in the What to Expect app. Haha.
    @daniellealys: welcome to our group!! Sorry you feel awful. It's hard with a toddler too! No time for rest! I'll add you to our list tonight!
    @kes18: "thousands" sounds a bit rediculous! I know if mine wasn't covered it would cost 800$.
    @LAZB: we had very similar lunches today! Unfortunately I was sitting in my car looking at melting piles of snow. I'm jealous you can eat outside!
    @kes18: romaine is totally healthy I can't remember if you said already... Did your nausea last a long time before? Mine has Always lasted until 16w. That seems so far away!
    @rara0614: I find most family doctors don't even know much about NIPT. I see a genetic counsellor who is On top of things. I was telling my family doc this week about how I was getting the NIPT done and I had to explain it alllllllll to him. He was baffled that I could have a blood test done that showed the gender and genetic composition of the baby. I admit it is a little sci-fi. Hopefully your doc figures out all the codes and you can get it done.

  27. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    @littlebear16: thank you, congrats to you as well!!!
    ha, could be! I am still nursing my toddler regularly....I swear laying down to nurse or when I pump I get more sick

  28. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    @delight: Thank you!! congrats to you as well. This will pass, I am sure. I haven't had any rest since having Gershom LOL We both have colds right now so complete exhaustion is in full force...

  29. daniellealys

    pea / 21 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Thank you. Congrats to you! I want one too! I had soup. UGH. Burger for dinner? LOL

  30. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @delight: My MS last time was from about 8-16weeks. This time it started at 6weeks. This feels worse than last time but maybe I'm just not remembering it well Last time I definitely threw up and I haven't thrown up yet but I don't remember having these awful reactions to smells like I do now. I remember I didn't have a problem cooking as long as it was something I wanted to eat! Not now. At least I had cravings last time. I have no cravings yet (well I did before the MS started but none since).

    It sucks I'm wondering if I'll just end up with the NT scan instead. I'm just going to bring the paperwork to my OB and see if it sounds like it is/is not covered to them.

  31. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @delight: Thanks! 1/4 mark and double digits today! I've been hit with a new wave of complete exhaustion this week, so that little kumquat must be growing like crazy! I also have the Ovia app and there are alternative sizes... and the baby is also the size of a lego man this week

    @kes18: and yup... a few pages back I explained my meltdown over pizza last week. The struggle is REAL!!

    @LAZB: @LatteLove: So happy you two had positive ultrasounds!! The best feeling!! My screening one should be fairly soon, I'm excited to see the growth!

  32. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @daniellealys: welcome!

  33. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    Congrats everyone!

    Location: Virginia

    EDD: November 29

    How far along: 6 weeks 2 days (or 1 day depends on which app I look at)

    First child? Nope. DD is 6 years old

    First doctor appointment: Next appt is 4/13

    Any symptoms so far? Nausea and bloating. I get nauseous because I'm hungry and 2 bites in I'm so full I wanna barf. Not cool. Lol

    Who have you told? The hubster and my Closest friends and family

    So I suffered a miscarriage January 25th and since I started getting pos pregnancy tests (6 days before missed period) I've been hiding out and just stalking the page because I've been afraid to jinx this pregnancy. I'd joined the September group before.... And leaving the groups and apps was dreadful for me.

    Well I went to the doc 3/22 and she confirmed it with a blood test and even took a look and said everything looked good. I'm passed 6 weeks now and I've got a good feeling about this one so I'm letting go and letting God.. Plus I have soo many questions!! Google is great but live feedback is so much better!

    OK. I wrote a book. Sorry.
    Wishing happy and healthy babies and future pregnancies for everyone.

  34. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    Hey @daniellealys: that's a lovely unusual name you gave your child! How did you come up with it? And do you have any ideas for the next little one?

  35. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @M4mi: Welcome and congratulations! So glad you made the jump and joined the Nov board
    And don't apologize for writing lots - I LOVE hearing the stories of the ladies on here, it's so nice to think of lots of different people in lots of different places all thinking the same things, same worries and hopes etc.

  36. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    PS sorry if I clutter up the board with lots of posts right now, but I hate peas and love coffee beans

  37. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @LAZB: glad food sounds good! I just can't stomach the thought of eating anything today. I had a protein shake for breakfast before the nausea got bad but now I'm just sucking on pepperments

    @daniellealys: @M4mi: welcome, ladies!!

  38. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Isn't it incredible, I have literally read my thoughts written by someone else on these boards. And you just reminded me I haven't had my coffee for the day. Yay coffee.

  39. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    Is anyone planning on telling more people soon? I'm thinking about telling our parents this weekend. We'll be moving to our new house over the next couple of weeks and they'll be helping out. I'm sure they'll wonder why I don't feel well and not carrying heavier boxes. We wanted to wait until after my first appointment, but It's so far away! I just won't feel confident that baby's okay until I can hear/ see it, but I don't want to lie if they ask.

  40. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    I just got great news! My due date is October 23 now instead of what I guessed at Nov 5. The baby has little arms and legs and wiggled around like crazy.
    @LAZB: that looks delicious. I'm not a big meat eater usually but hamburgers taste amazing right now.

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