Hellobee Boards


November 2019 Mamas!

  1. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    Holy buckets, I missed a lot but I am here! I had the stomach flu most of the week (awesome 👎) and am now solo parenting for 7 days. We are also in the middle of trying to find a house to buy and I’ve been only a little stressed about it

    Glad to see everyone coming back with clear scans and positive news! I’m (almost) 17 weeks, been feeling pretty consistent movement now, still nauseated all day 😑, and finally thinking about digging my maternity clothes out We’ve also been talking some names, although DH never wants to finalize anything until DDay (or should I say, BDay harhar) Hope everyone is having a nice weekend...it SNOWED here in Montana yesterday. Happy first day of summer!

  2. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    November 2019 Mamas
    10/17: Umberto (#2)
    11/8: Mrs. RV (#3)
    11/19: chuckles (#2)
    11/21: nwm (#3)
    11/23: lemonjack (#3)
    11/27: rattles (#4)
    11/29: karenbme (#1)
    12/2: Beebeeholiday (#4), bees_knees (#4)
    Always in our hearts
    schubro3, sweetcaroline, raspberries

  3. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @bees_knees: Sorry to see that you’re still dealing with snow! I thought we had long winters in VT, but geez! Glad things are good otherwise though.

    I had another appointment with the specialist today. My cervix is slightly shorter than it was, but the doctor described it as stable and they’re not worried about loss at this time. Which is so relieving. I still might deliver early, but since things are looking stable they’re not worried about second trimester loss. I may still need a cerclage this summer, but for now we’re good.

    Also, we asked, and the doctor took a peek between baby’s legs after checking the heart rate and we’re having a girl! 👧😍😍😃 Knowing the sex makes it a lot more real. We have some front runner names, and we’re trying to get a nursery done by 30 weeks just in case so it helps to know. 😃

  4. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @karenbme: ahhh a girl! So happy for you! And what great news that your cervix is looking good (now that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say...😂) Excited for you all around

  5. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    November 2019 Mamas
    10/17: Umberto (#2)
    11/8: Mrs. RV (#3)
    11/19: chuckles (#2)
    11/21: nwm (#3)
    11/23: lemonjack (#3)
    11/27: rattles (#4)
    11/29: karenbme (#1)
    12/2: Beebeeholiday (#4), bees_knees (#4)
    Always in our hearts
    schubro3, sweetcaroline, raspberries

  6. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @karenbme: eeek!! Congratulations all around! Hooray for a wonderful little girl, and I’m so glad that all is stable!

  7. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @rattles: are you team green? Or when is your anatomy scan? We are 5:2 in favor of the girls!

  8. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @bees_knees: @rattles: Thanks, ladies! We’re both so excited! And @bees_knees: 😂 Trust me, We’re on the same page!!

  9. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @karenbme: That is awesome news! I bet you are breathing easier!!!

  10. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: Omg you have no idea! Still gearing up for early delivery (we're going to check out a used Stokke mini-crib/crib system after work tonight). But feeling like I know this pregnancy is going to work out really for the first time.

  11. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @karenbme: Someone in your other thread recommend a Ktan, but if you are expecting a NICU stay along with the early delivery, I don't recommend it. They hook up a pulse ox to the foot in the NICU and because of how you have to frog the legs, the sensor has to come up over the top of the carrier and it ends up causing a lot of false alarms and therefore annoyed nurses. If you plan to wear at all during a NICU stay you would be better off with SSC that is open on the sides (not Ergobaby) or a traditional wrap. But hopefully you won't need to worry about a NICU stay!!

  12. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: Thanks for the tip! I'm hopeful that we won't need to be ready in September. If things stay stable it's like an 80% chance of going to term, and if they do have to place a cerclage it's like 50/50, with almost all the women who don't go to term giving birth between 32 and 37 weeks. But if we do wind up in the NICU I'd rather be in the NICU than running around trying to get things.

  13. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    Congrats on a baby girl! Little girls are so fun!

  14. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bees_knees: I think we’re going to find out, but it doesn’t feel urgent. In full disclosure, we’ve had it in an envelope since we got our NIPT results back a month or two ago 🤭

  15. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @rattles: 😱😱 how can you have it sitting there and resist the urge to open it?! My hero. 😂

    @karenbme: I hated the Ktan. I like ring slings for when when are itty bitty, though I have no experience with NICU babies/equipment/babywearing. If I were you, I’d check and see if there are any local babywearing groups (ie Babywearers International). Many of them will have lending libraries where you can try and/or inexpensively rent different carriers to see what you and your baby like They’ll also make sure you’re safely and comfortably fit with any carrier. It was one of the best groups I stumbled upon when DS1 was born!

  16. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @karenbme: sooo happy for you on all fronts! Great news!!

  17. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @rattles: You are a zen master. I couldn’t even wait until my anatomy scan, I heard they might be able to tell me and immediately asked. I can’t imagine sitting on it! 😱

    @LemonJack: @nwm: Thanks, ladies!

    @bees_knees: How did you get hooked up with the local groups? Social media?

  18. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @karenbme: I actually happened to stop at a booth they had set up at a Baby Expo, but they have a social media presence as well. I bet you could find one pretty easily if you did a little digging. Maybe even call a local baby boutique and see if they have any info? It really was one of the best communities I joined when DS1 was born!

  19. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @karenbme: If you’re having trouble finding a local resource, I reached out to the local La Leche League chapter when I had my first, and they put me in touch with a babywearing group.

  20. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @bees_knees: @rattles: Thanks for the tips!

  21. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    How’s everybody doing? I had my weekly appointment today and everything is still stable 😃 if it looks the same next time they’re saying they only need to check every two weeks.

    Hope you all have a great 4th of July! We’ll be at my dad’s cabin in the Adirondacks doing the family thing and enjoying some lake time.

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @karenbme: that’s awesome! So glad to hear things are holding steady!

    Nothing new to report here. Anatomy scan is in a week. We’re hosting a cookout and pool party for a few other families on Thursday. My kids and I tie dyed patriotic shirts today for that and for tomorrow’s USA-England game. My biggest girl is loving the tournament, so we’re having a watch party tomorrow. This summer has been so busy. I feel like this pregnancy is flying! I can’t believe we’re halfway!

  23. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @karenbme: that is awesome! what a positive development, yay.

    things are going pretty well here. i had an exhausting work trip and then came directly back to my DD's first birthday party, but that was really lovely! and now both kids have come down with various ailments so we're just trying to work through that and keep them comfortable. i'm excited for the wwc game too @rattles: ! i'm WFH this week and trying to pump DS up to watch with me but he's too little to really care. i'm looking forward to having kids big enough to enjoy this stuff with me

  24. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @karenbme: that is great news!

    @rattles: I second that this pregnancy is flying by! I’m 18 weeks and feel like I should be 6 weeks

    @nwm: birthday parties are always fun, even if the trade off is that someone will inevitably get sick afterwards (or at least my kids do! Haha) We had a big family reunion gathering with a 5 hour (each way) road trip. Plus the kids hardly slept. So I’m assuming they’ll all get some weird summer colds in a few days

    My anatomy scan is scheduled for July 22. I’ll be 21 weeks but we will be out of town the entire week before. I got two huge boxes of hand me down girl clothes yesterday and I. Am. Dying. over how cute they are 😍

    We are also in the process of possibly buying a house that needs a huge remodel...that would begin right around my due date. Soooo not ideal timing. But we can stay with my parents while it’s happening and my mom is a huge help, so I don’t think it’d be too awful 🤷‍♀️

  25. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    Anatomy scan today!!

    Baby girl looks great. Slight concern with part of the placenta being “rolled up,” which, worst case scenario can mean small growth because it’s less surface area for the baby to derive nutrients from. She said it’s more concerning when the entire placenta is curled up, and it’s looking like half for me. She said we will monitor it but didn’t seem too worried.

    Other than that everything was great and she’s moving around like crazy in there! She’s currently breech.

  26. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    @bees_knees: we are starting a HUGE remodel in our house around the same time baby is coming. So we will have each other to commiserate with.

  27. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @rattles: @bees_knees: Oh man, I’m on the opposite page in terms of the pregnancy flying, it feels like my hemorrhage at 14 weeks was months ago. But I guess that’s what worrying will do. 🤷‍♀️

    @Beebeeholiday: Congrats on the good anatomy scan! I also wouldn’t worry too much about breech at this point. Mine has flipped in between each of my ultrasounds so far, and there’s plenty of time for yours to move!

    @nwm: Summer colds are the worst. 😕 Hope they feel better soon (and come around on the wwc)!

    @bees_knees: @Beebeeholiday: Oof, not jealous of Reno’s with new babies. We finished a full rehab on our house about 2 years ago and even if you’re not living there the logistics were so much to manage.

    DH and I picked out nursery colors last night, but seeing the samples on the wall, I’m worried that the main wall color is too purple, I was going for like pastel/dusky purple but may have gotten cotton candy instead. But that’s what samples are for.

  28. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: cute little profile! ❤️ Are you living through your Reno or relocating during it? And are we insane? Lol

    @karenbme: my first pregnancy drug on foreverrrrrrr. And I didn’t have any complications. I think it’s going so quickly because my three little dudes are great distractions

  29. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @bees_knees: My anatomy scan is late too. I considered calling to reschedule for an earlier date, then...just didn’t. 😆
    Good luck with a potential reno!

  30. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: Baby girl is looking great!

  31. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @karenbme: Glad to hear things are going well, and hopefully it’ll start to feel like the pregnancy is flying by soon! We’ve been super busy around here, and things seem to be going by lightning fast. Later this month or next month we hope to move our two girls into a room together, so I’m already wondering how that will go!

  32. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    hi ladies! had my detailed anatomy today, everything was looking really good (they were able to rule out club foot that they sort of tentatively ruled out at the early anatomy), and the SCH has resolved! i'm super happy to be in this second trimester phase and be past this milestone. i'm feeling fairly high energy and not too huge (though i've been popping more), and the panic of handling three kids hasn't set in yet, so it's a happy medium!

    how is everyone doing?

  33. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @nwm: Congrats on the good scan! Good to hear the SCH has resolved! Hopefully you can enjoy the second trimester before things get too hectic. 😃

    As for me, you’ve seen my other thread so you know what’s going on there (for those who haven’t I had an urgent cerclage on Tuesday for cervical shortening). So I feel like we’re in planning overdrive right now. Heading to my parents’ area 3 hours away to pick a stroller and hopefully find a light finish solid wood dresser this weekend (for whatever reason places around here only have cherry and darker). We’ve got paint colors picked for the nursery and have started buying clothes. Still trying to be ready in mid September just in case.

    My anatomy scan is Monday, but she’s looked perfect on all of the weekly ultrasounds, so I don’t really expect any surprises there, which, at least, is one piece of good news.

  34. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    And we just found out we have a daycare slot at our second choice place!! 😆😆😆 it even starts at exactly the right time (assuming I don’t deliver until Oct/Nov)!!

  35. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @nwm: The clear anatomy scan is great news! I’m also impressed you aren’t worrying too much about three so far. I’ve found the last few months to be more exhausting with my two, so I’m definitely getting nervous about three! @karenbme: Have fun finishing up the nursery, and congrats on the daycare. Fingers crossed your little girl decides to stay put until November.

  36. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    Gosh, I have been feeling this baby like crazy. The girls can all put their hands on my belly and feel it from the outside and they just think it's the neatest thing ever! I can see her moving, too.

    What is everyone thinking for names?

  37. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: That’s so exciting that your girls can feel the baby! Are they excited or a little more hesitant about another kiddo?

    We have a few front runner names, but DH is pushing hard for Bernadette, which I think is a great grown up name, but harder for kids to say. We’d have to think of a nickname, maybe birdie. Other favorites are Iris and Lena. And then for the middle name I’ve always wanted to use my and my mom’s middle name, Cassandra, which was also my great great grandmother’s name. What are you thinking?

    I had my anatomy scan was today and everything looked good. Baby was in the third quartile for all the measurements, but had especially long legs (like me) and a big head (like DH).

  38. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @karenbme: I got home from teaching and I saw your name up on the last post made so I decided to "creepy peep 👀," which I rarely do. ANYWAY, your little one's profile is ADORABLE. 💕 What a cute, little button nose!
    FWIW, I LOVE "Bernadette" as I have a dear aunt with that name ... while in her youth, she went by both "Bernie" and "Birdie" (which is ironic bc she breeds cockatiels 🐦!). I also love Iris (it would be a middle name for us as my daughter's middle name is "Rose."). Lena is also unique... in my husband's 2nd generation Italian family, there is an Angelina (Lina or Lena) and Angeline (Angel). I truly love your frontrunners ... of course, as you see, I may be a bit biased. 🤔😉🤣

  39. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Kaohinani: Aww, Thanks, mama! And so funny that all our picks are family names for you. 😃 We don’t have any particular connection to any of them (except that none of our nieces and nephews have them already). Bernadette has grown on me, and may wind up being the one, but I’m reticent to name my kid Bernie in the middle of this election cycle especially as a Vermonter. 😂 I also like Lena more and more. DH’s paternal great grandparents emigrated from Germany, so our last name is unmistakably German, and it feels like it fits well, since it’s a common girls name in Germany.

  40. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @karenbme: No, way! So funny ... My husband also has a German last name (* his father is French, South African, Italian, and German). Sounds like a famous vocalist/musician's name but spelled with an E. His mother is 100% Italian. She is 1st gen 100% American citizen as her parents had dual citizenship and spoke 75% Italian. For a German last name, Lena is perfect! (* Although, my French side wants to argue that "Bernadette" is better! 😉🤣) In any case, your little cutie will be well-suited for a name.

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