Hellobee Boards


November 2019 Mamas!

  1. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: i think we have settled on naming the little guy after my grandfather! it isn't a name that had stood out to me or made it on my previous lists, but DH was rejecting a lot of ideas and said he really wanted to pick a name we have some family connection to rather than just something we are picking more randomly. suddenly my grandfather's name popped in, and it's kind of perfect! i love the nicknames (which i can't say for many classic men's names), and i think it fits with our other two--relatively formal, classic, a couple good nickname options if they want to have their nicknames grow with them a bit.

    of course, now DH is saying he's not sure yet because it's too soon to decide for sure, but he does that basically every pregnancy. i told him this was our name until he comes up with something better, and he agreed, and i'm pretty sure that means it's the name

    what are you thinking for names?

    @karenbme: i looove your choices! i have always loved iris.

  2. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @nwm: I've always love Iris, too! And going in I would've bet money that it would be our girl name, but DH saw something that projected it was going to be the #2 girl name for 2019, and now he's not into it anymore. I'm glad that you found a name that you both like and has significance for you! I'm chuckling at your husband dragging his heels on picking something now, but probably not going to change his mind, because I feel like mine is the same way.

  3. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @nwm: @karenbme: My husband is the same way with names! With our second, we had a boy name we were 100% set on, and a girl name we were preeeeetty sure about. While I was in labor he suddenly told me he wasn’t sure about the girl name. Whaaaa?! When our baby was born and we found out she was a girl, he immediately said her name was the one he told me hours before he wasn’t sure about. 😂

    PS, I love Iris!

  4. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @karenbme: @LemonJack: lol at these DHs with their naming issues. @LemonJack: with our first, my DH was so overwhelmed by delivery he basically gave me the final say, but with our second, _after the name was on the birth certificate_ he asked me if we should run the middle name by his sisters before we commit. i was like 1) uh, we have already committed my friend, because if you think i am going through the paces to legally change a middle name i love you are out of your mind and 2) i didn't just go nine months not telling a single person i know what this name was--for the express purpose of not receiving unwanted feedback--only to put it out for committee vote after the fact. SMH, haha. unsurprisingly, her middle name stayed the way it was. so now i definitely assume he's going to question everything at the last minute but then not follow through

  5. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    ladies, i have a dumb question. how do you measure how many months pregnant you are, rather than weeks? assume your due date is 10 months and subtract? assume your LMP is zero months and add? whenever i get asked how far along i am i either just say the weeks or i just kind of guesstimate what month i'm at but i feel like i wind up being five months pregnant for at least two months. i think i'm doing it wrong! haha.

  6. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @LemonJack: LOL at the sudden change of heart and then changing back again!

    @nwm: I can't imagine changing the birth certificate over a middle name. You made the right call on that one. Hopefully he's more sure not less this time! Also, for months, I've just been dividing the weeks by 4, but just realized that'll make me 10 months pregnant at the end... Would love to hear what others have been saying as well!

  7. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    Hi everyone! I've been following along, but haven't had much of a chance to post lately! We sold our house and are closing on a "new" property next month. I say "new" because it is a 103 year old home that will need a major renovation...apparently 4 kids in 5 years wasn't crazy enough for us We just got back from a 10 day camping vacation, which was super fun!

    I had my anatomy scan today at 21w0d...baby is measuring about a week ahead, which is about how my other babies have measured as well. She was all curled up, so we didn't get any good pictures, but we DID confirm that she is still a girl so that's nice I feel like *I* am set on a name, but DH is always wishy washy until delivery...sounds like that is pretty common! lol

    Oh, and as far as months pregnant...13 weeks is 3 months, so at 21 weeks I say that I'm about 5 months.

  8. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Oh man. I was wondering why it was so quiet.. it turns out I accidentally unsubscribed

    Glad everyone is having good anatomy scans!

    We have a name picked out and I absolutely love it. I am so excited for it.

    @nwm: I subtract the number of months from my due date from nine. I am about two weeks and three months so I say I am five and a half months.

  9. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @karenbme: Not sure what made me think of this randomly at work, but what about Ettie for a nickname for Bernadette? I am probably biased though because DS calls DD Ett (only barely resembles her name) and it is so freaking cute hearing a 13 month old chasing her yelling "Ett!"

  10. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @bees_knees: Oh man, you're going to have your hands full with a reno and everything else! Glad you were able to take some vacation and hopefully relax a little before life gets even crazier. Glad everything went well with your ultrasound, too!

    @Ms. RV: Glad you picked a name you love! We're trying to avoid E names because there are already nieces named Emily and Ellie on DH's side, so adding another E---y sound, even a super cute one like Ettie, is something we're trying to avoid. I do like Birdie/Bertie or maybe finding an O name for a middle and calling her Bo, or just convincing DH that we should use Iris or Lena, which also means strong--his main argument for Bernadette.

  11. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @karenbme: I love Bo for a nickname! I don't think the middle name has to start with O to make it work. But I think Iris and Lena are awesome, too.

  12. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    @karenbme: Birdie is one of my DH's absolute favorite girl names. I love it, too. I hope you end up with a "Birdie!"

  13. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: @Beebeeholiday: I like Bo and Birdie a lot, too. Super cute for a tiny person and then she could transition to Bernadette when/if the time felt right. I feel like DH is going to get his way on this, because that's how it tends to work in our relationship, but who knows.

    On a totally unrelated note, is anyone else having nightmares? This week I've been having the most terrible nightmares. Yesterday I dreamed that I miscarried, and had to check that I wasn't bleeding at 3am that's how vivid it was. And then last night I had another one where I was in a hit and run car accident and no one could tell if the baby was ok. I wouldn't stress about them, except that I had similarly bad dreams with my first miscarriage. Fortunately baby still has a strong heartbeat on the doppler, so hopefully it's just hormone/stress.

  14. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    It’s been quiet around here lately. I hope everyone is doing well! We’re trying to get some projects done before baby comes, and we also test drove some vans yesterday. I’d been leaning toward the Odyssey, and it’s definitely my #1 choice after test driving. But, I have a friend who wants me to drive her Pacifica Hybrid before I make a decision, so I’ll do that this week. I love the idea of a hybrid minivan, but I’m really leery of Chrysler’s reliability (experience with a lot of broken down cars growing up!). Does anyone have a Pacifica and like it?

    We also need to buckle down and decide on names. We’re pretty sure we’re good with both our boy and girl options, but should probably make sure every other name we’ve discussed is officially vetoed. Is everyone else pretty set on their names at this point? @karenbme: Are you set on Bernadette?

  15. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @LemonJack: Still doing well here! I have no advice on minivans, but am definitely pro-hybrid if that's one of your options. Bernadette is still probably our top name, but we're not set set. Lena is the other one that's still at the top. I think we won't know until we meet her, but in my head right now she's B/Busy Bee, because this little girl kicks like crazy. The doctor advised to start counting kicks and if it takes more than an hour to get 10 to call, but I've never gotten past 10 minutes to get 10. It's reassuring, but also kind of annoying when the activity comes at bad times, like last night between 12:30 and 2:00am, but take the good with the bad I guess.

    Is anyone else having a shower/sprinkle? I know more and more repeat moms are doing them, but idk what all of your plans are. By the time you get to 3rd/4th babies I bet it feels like you already have too much stuff! Mine is coming quickly, which is exciting. My parents are hosting, so it's about a 3 hour drive for us, but more convenient for my family and about the same as if we were to have it here for DH's. My close friends are also planning a little lunch at a gorgeous inn right on the lake here in town just for four of us, which will be nice and mellow.

    Hope you all are still doing well too.

  16. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @LemonJack: glad things are going well there too! We are also looking to get our bigger car soon (we're doing a 3 row suv), although I’ve managed to get my heart set on a 2020 model so we may be getting it juuuuust under the wire.

    We are pretty set on a name including middle. We’re in the same place as a couple weeks ago where DH has agreed to this name as our best option but still holding the door open to better ideas. I’d put the odds of him coming up with a better idea at close to zero though especially because I’m so fully referring to the baby as his name in my own head that I’ve nearly used it with other people a few times even though in theory we’re keeping it to ourselves.

    @karenbme: yay, such fun celebrations to look forward to! My sister insisted we have a sprinkle for my second, which was very sweet, and basically everyone just used it as an excuse to get little girl clothes which are so fun. Now we are having a second boy and truly need next to nothing, but I do feel a little bad this little one won’t have his own celebration. Maybe I’ll make my mom and sister do a lunch with me and call it the sprinkle

  17. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @nwm: You might be able to get a 2020 sooner than you think. I bought my current vehicle in mid September and it was the next year’s model. It probably varies by manufacturer though. If you want to you should def do a celebration for this kiddo.

  18. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @karenbme: I’m pro-hybrid too, but am nervous about Chrysler’s reliability. It could totally be a non issue though! 😬 It’s exciting your shower is coming up! We aren’t having a sprinkle. My mother in law wanted to throw me one after I had the baby the second time around, but I wasn’t that into it. Our first two were born at the same time of year and ended up being the same sex, so we needed literally nothing. This time around we’ll need some newborn winter clothes as well as a new infant car seat since our old one expired, but those are things we’re picking up already here and there.

    @nwm: I agree you might be able to get a 2020 soon. Some of the dealerships already had 2020’s on the lots yesterday when we were out.

  19. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    Sounds like everyone is hanging in there! Second trimester (usually) isn’t as full of as many woes as the first and third, probably why we’ve all been so quiet

    I’m 24 weeks today! Been dealing with looots of pelvic pressure and sciatica already, as well as feeling like I’m constantly fighting off a UTI or something 😑 It’s like my body knows this is the 4th pregnancy in 5 years and it’s just...over it 😂

    We are moving this week...we close on the house we are selling AND the house we are buying on Friday. I’ve been trying to take it easy (ish) even though we need to pack everything up and I still need to keep my 3 tiny humans alive 😂 DH has been really understanding, I feel useless sometimes but I obviously can’t carry anything heavy and any time I spend too much time on my feet it feels like my vagina is going to fall off 🙃 My mom has been a good help with the boys too, so everything is going as smoothly as it can!

    We have been so busy with all of this we haven’t even hardly discussed names. We probably won’t until closer to DDay...usually we aren’t *set* until we are at the hospital or shortly before!

    We are looking at the new Ford Expedition Maxes...obviously we can only make one big purchase at a time, and right now it’s a house 😂 But we need to get something different before LO4 arrives so we have enough tethers for everyone.

    I have an OB appt next Monday, as well as a follow up US. I had my anatomy scan last month but the tech (who was awful, btw) didn’t get all of the pics he needed. This will be my FIFTH ultrasound this pregnancy...with my others I only had 3 total, including a growth scan at 36 weeks (which I will have again with LO4)

    No sprinkle/shower for me! This is #4, so we are set on gear...we could use girly clothes, but I like buying those myself anyways 😂 plus we have a lot of “boy” clothes that will obviously work. I just like any excuse to shop 💁‍♀️

    ETA: I’m 95% sure DD is still breech...I feel almost all of my big kicks super slow. I also have an anterior placenta, but I occasionally still feel things st my bellybutton too...so I’m pretty sure it’s just that she’s breech. I’m only 24 weeks so I know there’s time to turn, but all of my boys were head down by now so I’m getting anxious! I’m also annoyed that I have an anterior placenta again...I had one with DS1 and he ended up coming out sunny side up, which was...unpleasant. Hoping that was a weird coincidence, although antidotal internet searches tell me there is some correlation!

  20. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @bees_knees: 😂 LOL to your body being over it. I don’t blame her after 4 babies that quickly! Sounds like you have a ton on your plate right now, good that your mom’s around to help and things are still going well. Baby has plenty of time to turn still, too. I’m pretty sure I felt a full flip over the course of about half an hour last night... Lots of kicking up high and then a slow motion/pressure across my belly top to bottom, some bad rectal pressure, and then like 15 minutes later lots of kicking up high again. 🤸‍♀️I’m 24+3 so hopefully your girl gets turned around soon.

  21. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @bees_knees: wow, so much exciting stuff going on! good luck with the move--so glad your DH and mom have been so understanding and helpful, that is key!

    sorry your AS tech was so bad, that is annoying! i kind of enjoy extra ultrasounds but that is crazy that he didn't get all the pics needed in the first go-round.

    also fwiw my first was breech at 34 weeks but the doctors said he had been flipping basically the whole pregnancy, and indeed he got turned around head-down in time! (and i had an anterior placenta that time too.)

  22. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @LemonJack: Totally hear worries about Chrysler, but my fingers are crossed that you love it. 😉

    What are you doing for winter gear? We got a car seat that comes with a shower cap thing, but it seems like bunting/snowsuits are crazy expensive for something we’ll probably need in two sizes plus there are all the recommendations not to put anything puffy between the baby and the car seat straps. And I worry about tucking blankets in with a newborn. But some how we have to keep the baby warm until the car heats up when it’s cold out.

  23. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    @karenbme: So my sister actually just asked me yesterday about throwing me a sprinkle. I did not have a sprinkle for babies #2 and #3, so I haven't had any sort of shower in almost eight years. Also, we got rid of most of our baby stuff about two years ago (right after a loss when I was *sure* we would never try again), so we need a lot of gear! She is thinking about just doing a small ladies-only brunch/tea type thing.

    @bees_knees: I worry about this little one being breech, too, though I know she has lots of time to turn! I have been feeling the kicks up a lot higher. I swear, after going upside-down the other day at the gym in a handstand, things haven't even the same since! haha

    @karenbme: I live in the PNW so our winters are pretty mild. we have a few freezing days, but they are far and few between (winter is mostly just 50 degrees and drizzling). In the past (I have a November 25 baby), we have just dressed in sleeper/booties/hat, and put a really warm blanket over the top of the car seat once they are buckled in.

    @LemonJack: We don't feel super set on names yet! There is one first name that has been in my head for years (I was actually doodling it on paper with my there girls names starting, I don't know, THREE years ago?!?). However, I feel like it's way too early to commit, as I have a looonnggg list of names I love.

    DH is really gunning for Marigold as middle name, as a compromise, since his favorite name is GOLDIE and I just can't get behind that as a full first name. I feel like Marigold can be a good middle name if the first is right.

    I am still feeling really good. I think I am 24 weeks and a few days? This has by FAR been my best and easiest pregnancy. I have heartburn every once in a while at night, and a little bit of hip pain throughout the day, but that's about it.

  24. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @karenbme: This is our third winter baby! Def don’t put them in a bunting before you buckle them in. When they are small enough to be in the infant bucket, we used a shower cap style cover as well as good booties, long sleeves, and tucked a nice blanket around them after they were buckled in.

    @Beebeeholiday: a handstand?! I don’t think I’ve done a hand stand in...maybe ever? Haha 😆 I think Marigold is adorable for a middle!

  25. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: I love a mellow ladies brunch style shower. They’re so much more intimate/personal feeling than the big ones. Sounds super fun 😃 Also, I LOVE the name Marigold, and tried unsuccessfully to sell DH on it months ago. It’s so versatile, Goldie and Mari are both super cute nicknames.

    @bees_knees: Thanks for the tips! I’m sure I’m just paranoid about a baby suffocating in a blanket because of all the no blankets in bed recommendations. Really, our generation all had blankets in the crib and did just fine. And it’s going to be so cold here when this baby is tiny.

  26. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @karenbme: yeah I just tuck it around the baby really well! It’s not going anywhere 😂

  27. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @bees_knees: Have you driven a Ford Expedition Max yet? OH half wants me to get a regular Ford Expedition so we can tow with it instead of his truck.

    @karenbme: What are you supposed to do after the car heats up? Mine will get so warm that I can't have my coat zipped.. but if I put blankets or a car seat cover around the baby... won't he get too warm? I never considered this! My first two were summer babies!

    @Beebeeholiday: Marigold is so pretty for a middle name!

  28. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I have no idea which way this guy is facing. I think he might be sideways. Sometimes I feel hands down low, sometimes I feel feet. Both DD and DS were head down from at least anatomy scan onwards so this is different!

    I am going to be in the third tri on Friday. Yikes. That puts him here in like 11.5 weeks. I am still in disbelief that I am going to have three kids.

  29. bees_knees

    persimmon / 1064 posts

    @Ms. RV: we haven’t driven one yet....but one of my friends has one and loves it! I love that there is extra leg room in the third row and the car seat safe tilting middle row (to access the third row...there’s a fancy name for it I’m sure but I can’t remember it 🤣) We will also tow with it. It’s between an Expedition Max right now or another Yukon XL!

    @Ms. RV: @karenbme: we always have our vehicle garaged or warmed up before we get in...so I’ll tuck the blanket around while we’re outside but take it off in the car. Unless it’s a short (<10 min) trip, then I’ll just leave it. It seems to always be warmer in the front than in the back of the car...prob bc of the sun coming in the windows, plus the heat can actually blast on me...I always worry a baby in a RFing seat gets more chilly!

  30. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: Wow, third tri!! OMG, that makes me realize I'm just about two weeks away from that myself. Time has flown this time. I've also been in Yikes/disbelief stage the past few weeks. The sheer logistics of three feels overwhelming at times, but I guess we'll make it work somehow!

  31. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    I am slightly anxious about something and I would love some HONEST feedback.

    A couple months ago, DH and I started discussing going on a kid-free trip the first week in October. We were going to go to Greece before I found out I was pregnant, but since I will be 7+ months along, we decided to stay somewhere closer to home. This will double as a big birthday trip and a last baby moon.

    Anyway, I ended up booking Cabo at a nice, luxurious, and reputable resort. I got the OK from my OB...she said she isn't at all concerned about Zika, and her only worry would be me needing medical care while in Mexico. However, she said I am low risk and 34 weeks is her general "cut-off" for travel (and I will be 32 weeks at the time).

    However, now that it's booked I am wondering if I made a bad call. So many forums I am googling have people talking about how going to Mexico while pregnant is a bad idea. Bad medical care. Food poisoning. Questionable water. I know forums aren't exactly reliable sources of information, but now I am wondering if any of you would book a similar trip at 32 weeks pregnant?

    I have gone to Mexico several times and NEVER gotten sick, and never been offered anything other than bottled water at the nicer resorts.

    I bought travel insurance, so I could change the trip to somewhere state side, but of course, I'd rather not. There's nothing like relaxing at an all-inclusive on the beach.
    What would you do?

  32. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: IMHO you should take the trip. You deserve it! I am definitely planning to travel for work (to sadly much more boring places) up to 34-36 weeks and I think you definitely deserve a little babymoon getaway!! To ease your mind, you could (1) try to get some information in advance about medical facilities there and the best doctors/care available in the area of your resort, so you have a game plan in case anything were to come up and (2) be extra careful about the water what you eat. But personally none of these things would stop me from going and relaaaxing. Hope you go and have a great time

    We can't make it work for before baby comes this time but I've set my sights on a trip in late april sans kids for our fifth anniversary, for a long weekend to an all inclusive resort, and I have a feeling day dreaming about that will carry me through the rest of this pregnancy!

    ETA especially if your doctor signed off on it! I wanted to go to a wedding a three hour drive from my home at 38 weeks, but my doctor nixed it, which I was surprised by. I'm sure she would raise an issue if she saw a real one.

  33. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: @nwm: I agree you should go but have a plan. If you already bought travel insurance, those policies usually include medical coverage in addition to trip cancellation. And if you’re doing a nice resort vacation the concierge could be a great resource to explore private doctor/hospital options and lean on if something does happen while you’re there. If your doctor were worried she would tell you, that’s literally what she’s there for. By all means be careful about food/water, but most of the time you’ll be fine in places that cater to Americans.We had planned a trip to Switzerland for next month that started as a hiking trip but turned babymoon, but unfortunately decided with the doctor that it’s best not to go due to my preterm labor risk. You should definitely go though and I will live vicariously through you!

    @Ms. RV: @bees_knees: I just assumed that I’d turn the heat down after the initial warm up so that I was comfortable in a coat and baby would be fine bundled in the back seat, but now I don’t know! Warming up the car is probably a better plan, but my car needs to run for like 10-15 minutes before it’s warm.

    @Ms. RV: @nwm: Third trimester! It’s crazy to think about, considering this is my fourth pregnancy and the first time I’ve even made it out of the first. DH and I were actually talking about this the other night, because he thought we were already there (because the first tri is often referred to as 12 weeks and we just hit 24). It’s starting to feel like this might actually happen this time. 😍😬

  34. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts


  35. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    is anyone else totally burnt out on discussing your pregnancy with total strangers/acquaintances/work colleagues? maybe it's the compressed time span of all my pregnancies, but i really cannot have one more conversation about how i'm feeling, which pregnancy this is, blah blah blah. there are still more than 3 months to go! surely we can think of something else to make small talk about, but it's like people see the bump and are consumed with the desire to comment and can think of nothing else.

    i think i am especially bitter because once we work through the standard questions (this is your third?! your other two are how old?!) the primary reaction i'm getting is like "eek, that's going to be rough, good luck." we didn't exactly plan to have our kids this close in age, but i'm actually quite EXCITED to welcome this baby into our family and even though the stress and chaos is going to increase, i'm quite confident the joy and love will too! if you don't have anything positive to say about a pregnancy that is already 6 months along, STFU!

    phew, i feel better getting that off my chest. thanks internet buds

  36. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @nwm: Yes to all of this 100%. I also get the "weren't you just pregnant?" a lot. Sometimes to that I want to say something crass like "didn't you used to mind your own business?" but I don't have the guts.

  37. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Anyone else having a lot of Braxton Hicks? I was up for two and a half hours in the middle of the night a couple of nights ago. They eventually subsided but I still get at least a couple per day.

  38. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: oh no! up at night is no fun. i did have my first noticeable braxton hicks yesterday after lifting a bunch of heavy bags, but they subsided pretty quickly. i wouldn't say they've been regular but i have been feeling more pangs.

    also, i didn't get the notice for your last comment, but yes exactly!! i honestly think a lot of people are confused and think maybe i'm now/still pregnant with my second, and i really don't even correct them. i'm trying not to be rude because i know everyone means well (sort of), but i am all about shutting down the conversation quickly. i love your proposed response

  39. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: @nwm: Oh no, nobody wants to be up at night. I haven’t had any contractions since the heat wave we had last month, but I have been getting woken up by kicks every few nights recently.

    Is anyone else feeling kicks mostly down low? At my appointment 2 weeks ago I’m pretty sure baby was breech because the doctor found the heartbeat up by my belly button. I know she’s got plenty of time to turn, but still, I’d feel better if I knew it was normal to be getting kicked in the bladder/pubic bone.

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @karenbme: You might get kicks down low even if she's head down. With DS, I was getting kicks near my hips for the entire third tri - he was head down but had both his hands *and* both his feet in front of his face. The bright side was no rib kicks!

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