Hellobee Boards


November 2019 Mamas!

  1. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    @nwm: I feel you on the pelvic floor concerns. This is my fourth and I have some embarrassing issues from time to time. I have thought about doing pelvic floor physical therapy after this one.

  2. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Beebeeholiday: @nwm: Same. I haven't gained any weight yet, which I'm sure won't last now that I'm into week 2 of no exercise beyond prenatal yoga and walking for 60 min or less, but none of my pants fit and I'm on my second round of new bras (+3 cups from my pre-pregnancy size...). I also definitely don't look pregnant, just fat. Plus when I stopped running when I had the bleeding around week 8 I gained an extra chin basically overnight. Soon we'll all look pg, but for now it is what it is.

    @periwinklebee: Yeah, we had hoped for a summer baby for exactly that reason--even just sitting out on our porch looking at my garden while nursing, etc. would be such a help to me mentally vs. being shut in. But it worked out that the one that stuck is due at a time when my going outside is usually limited to as short a period as possible. It'll probably be worthwhile to invest in a museum membership or two, and I'll def. be signing up for newborn play groups. There's also a greenhouse in town here that offers flower subscriptions that I plan to put on our registry (because who doesn't want fresh flowers once a week) that would at least be a reminder that everything isn't always frozen.

  3. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @karenbme: We also tried for a summer baby but in the end I really enjoyed a winter baby. By the time summer rolled around lo was big enough for sunscreen and summer outings (he nursed around the clock as a newborn so it was a few months before I felt like I could leave the house, beyond walks around the neighborhood...) and by the time he started daycare cold and flu season were over. I’m a bit more nervous this time about a winter baby with an older one at daycare to share germs....

  4. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: @karenbme: thinking of you both, hope the appts go well today!!

  5. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @nwm: Well, my cervix was a full centimeter shorter today than it was 2 weeks ago. The MFM doctor said that it could be due to different sonographic techniques, but they can’t be sure, so I have to go in weekly from now until 24 weeks to have it remeasured. They’re starting me on vaginal progesterone as soon as my pharmacy can get it in and if things keep trending in the same direction I’ll need a cerclage in addition to the progesterone. That said, the doctor put my odds of pre-term labor only at about 20% so fingers crossed. This doctor was also much more reassuring about activity and said that there’s no evidence that anything I do up to and including sex can change whatever is going to happen. So I’m still going to avoid running, lifting, and volleyball but I don’t think I’ll pass on hiking or paddling this summer.

    @Ms. RV: How’d your appointment go?

  6. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Total shocker but babu's heart looks normal. They will redo the echo after birth though to be sure. I think I saw some boy parts, too.

    @karenbme: That news sounds so much better than your last appt!

  7. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: That’s fantastic news! Congratulations, mama! And yes, my news is looking a lot better today than it was a couple weeks ago. The doctor explained that my risk isn’t as high as most of the women who enroll in studies because even though my cervix is very short I’ve never had a pre-term delivery before. We’re a little freaked that the number changed as much as it did, but we’ll have a better idea if/how it’s changing next week.

  8. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: amazing news! congrats! hope you'll join me on the list of boy mamas, too

    @karenbme: that definitely sounds much more encouraging! awesome! and so glad you don't have to pass up on hiking, boating, etc. hopefully the change in measurements is just a change in the measurer, instrument, technique, etc., and it sounds like even if not, the doctor has a plan, so that is helpful.

  9. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @nwm: I am eager for Wednesday to see if I was right. It was just for a second while she zoomed into the heart. But I am pretty sure I saw two leg bones with something in between.

  10. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @nwm: Yeah, it’s still really stressful, but it does feel good to have a plan. And like I’m sure you’ve felt, being able to do the things that make me feel normal will help. But I do feel like it’s not a coincidence that I found my first gray hair last week. 😉

    @Ms. RV: Somehow I totally missed that you had a guess at sex!! I’ll look forward to knowing if you’re right!

  11. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Not knowing how the rest of LOs anatomy will be I am probably jumping the gun a little but I already have nursery bedding picked out for a boy. I am actually reusing DS's mobile and rail guard so I am excited I found something that will work.

    I am even further jumping the gun because LO probably will sleep in the master with me for the first six months until DS is ready for a toddler bed and DD is ready for a twin.

    Anyone else thinking nurseries yet?

  12. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: Glad you can reuse some things from your son! We’ve been thinking because we need everything. This baby is the first on my side and the youngest by a few years on DH's so we don’t really expect any hand-me-downs. We’re decided on an outdoors theme, and if we have time I want to paint a mountain mural on one wall. We’re also trying to figure out what we want for a crib. DH likes the idea of a mini crib because a lot of those convert right to twin beds. But I’m worried about finding bedding and potentially growing out of it too soon. We’ll probably room share at the beginning, but I feel like I’ll probably want the baby in their own room pretty quickly.

  13. Beebeeholiday

    olive / 74 posts

    @Ms. RV: babe is sleeping in our room
    For the first six months at least. Our master is really big and there is a little nook where a crib will fit perfectly.

    I want to wait til everyone is adjusted before I start moving siblings around, as big sister will likely have to move rooms and share in order to create a new nursery for baby sister.

  14. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @Ms. RV: We’re trying to decide what to do about the nursery. We’ve been team green with all three, so the nursery itself is neutral and good to go, but our two year old is still in there in her crib. We’ll need to move her into big sister’s room. I’ve considered just waiting until next summer when the baby is six months, but it might be easier just to transition her this summer. Either way, I’m doing it during the summer because I’m home (I’m a teacher) and can better handle some rough nights when I’m not working!

  15. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @LemonJack: and others that have LOs close in age, I'd love to hear what you've done RE the crib. LO will be 23 months old when this one is born and I don't really want to buy another crib to use just for a short period. LO is 99th percentile for height and I have a feeling will outgrow his crib sooner rather than later. With LO we started using the crib daily around 2-3 months. So do I transition LO before the baby is here, when I don't have to deal with a newborn as well, or wait until the baby needs the crib and he is a bit older, which may make things easier?

  16. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: we are keeping the baby in our room for the first probably 4 or so months then moving him into DD's room, so we don't have too much to do; basically we will just need to put back together DS's crib and swap it into DD's room for a large chair that's in there, which we'll put into DS's room. i also kind of want to paint because i painted DD's room pink in a fit of gender conformity, and now i guess in continued gender conformity i feel bad putting a baby boy in such a bright pink room. i'm not otherwise changing much of the decor because i anticipate when the littlest one is bigger and sleeping more like a toddler we'll eventually put the two boys in together.

    OTOH, i am going kind of nuts with nesting in the rest of our apartment. we moved in september and it was a big, expensive, overwhelming project just to move and make sure we had enough furniture to live in the new space, etc. there were a lot of things (e.g., curtains/shades for the living and dining rooms) that i just didn't bother doing because they didn't feel like critical necessities. now i'm trying to knock allllll those projects out before the fall.

  17. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Got the official results back from my ultrasound... no anomalies!!! It is first for me! And I was right!

  18. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Ms. RV: I’m so thrilled that there are no complications, and congratulations on another little mister! I’d love to see what you’ve picked for the nursery!

    @periwinklebee: I’ve done it both ways, and both have been fine, fwiw. My girls are 23 months apart. Someone gave us a free crib, so we used that for DD2 and waited to move DD1 to a twin until we moved to a new home when she was 28 months. DD2 was still in our room until them, so it would have been fine to wait. With DS, we moved DD2 to her big girl bed at 21 months and moved her in with her big sis because we didn’t want it to feel like her brother had taken over her room and bed. That went fine too.

    @nwm: that’s a lot of decorating to do! It sounds fun but overwhelming too.

    @karenbme: my DS’ nursery is loosely national parks themed, and he has a mini crib! We’ve used it for two of my kiddos, and it’s fit them both just fine. I think it’s getting tight now (he turned 2 last month), but this is around when I moved my girls to big girl beds anyway. If it’s helpful, I can send the info for his nursery/bedding. There are fewer choices, but I loved what we ended up with.

  19. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    I had a 17 week checkup today, and all looks well. My anatomy scan with the MFM is in 3 weeks.

    We’re definitely thinking about the nursery because we’ll be making a decision about our kids’ room arrangements too. If it’s a boy, he’ll just go in with DS, who I’m planning to move to a bed soonish anyway. I think it’s a girl though, and that’ll be more complicated. My girls have been rooming together for a couple of years (since DS was born), but they’ve never slept well, and DH separated them about a month ago. If it’s a girl, I think we’ll bribe them back into one room with bunk beds they’ve been asking for for months, but that’ll involve repainting and making that room theirs instead of just DD1’s. It also means losing our guest room for a nursery. I’ll likely reuse our nursery furniture and just get some new linens/decorative stuff. We’ll see!

  20. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: wooo so awesome! congrats!

    @rattles: not so bad, i'm having fun with it : ) in general i love our new place so i think this process will help it feel truly ours.
    & glad you had such a great appointment!

    i would also love to see any nursery stuff folks have already picked out or are considering! i'm a real sucker for nursery decorating

  21. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @rattles: Thank you - super helpful!

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @periwinklebee: I hope it goes smoothly whichever you decide! It stressed me out trying to guess what would be best, but like most of parenting, it is what it is in retrospect, and you just deal!

  23. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @periwinklebee: My tentative plan is to convert DD2’s crib into a toddler bed in early July. If that goes okay, we’ll move her into her sister’s room by the end of that month. We could just keep her in there for the time being, but like you said, I would like the baby to be able to nap in the crib. I also like the idea of moving her before the baby is born so she doesn’t associate the baby with being “kicked out” of her crib/room. If it doesn’t work this summer though, I’m going to just go with it and wait until next summer when she’s three and the baby is six months. In the meantime, we would set up a pack and play in our bedroom for the baby to nap in.

  24. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @LemonJack: That's a good call to play it by ear, like if it's a total disaster at first attempt easy enough to go back to the crib. We're doing some renovations to our house between now and early fall, and DS will need to move rooms around Oct anyway, so may be a good time to make a first attempt... DS was the pickiest infant sleeper ever, we were eventually able to get him to go down in his crib but had zero luck with a P&P or basinet weirdly enough. Maybe this one will be less picky - I can dream

  25. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: Congratulations! So excited for you that everything looks good! Also, congrats on being correct about a boy!

    @rattles: Ooh, good to hear that it's worked well for you. Our nursery is small (we have a bigger room that we use for a guest room and don't really want to sacrifice that, but have been going back and forth). I also read a tip about putting a mattress on the floor for an early transition to twin size that makes me less anxious about potentially moving a two year old into a real bed. Any leads you have would be helpful!

    @nwm: Moving is the absolute worst, and it's a pain that you can't take your time to fill in the gaps. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate for the summer!! We've had drywall/flooring for our (already framed in) laundry room on the agenda for about a year and DH has assured me he's going to get it hired out by the end of the summer, but I don't envy all the curtain picking/decorating it sounds like you have to do.

    I had a normal 16 week OB appointment this morning, and all the low risk metrics look fine. She seemed a little worried that I'm not really gaining weight yet, and asked me to describe everything I ate yesterday, which was lame. I eat when I'm hungry, so I'll start to gain pretty soon, and I know it's probably worse if you're gaining more than they want you to, but come on... I'm eating I swear. She also told me that the high risk doc might be able to tell me the sex the next time I go in. My anatomy scan isn't until 7/15, so we would def find out a lot earlier if he can tell us.

  26. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @periwinklebee: Good luck with the renovations! Our oldest was a terrible sleeper, so I know that pain. Our second was a great sleeper. I’m nervous to see what we’ll get this time around!

  27. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @Ms. RV: Congrats on being right about it being a boy! It’ll be exciting to have your younger two both be boys so close in age.

  28. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @LemonJack: Thank you! Hope you get another great sleeper!

  29. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @periwinklebee: @LemonJack: our oldest was an awful sleeper, our second was better, and our third was amazing. I figure I’m due for a stinker again, but hopefully we can empathize with each other regardless in a few months!

    Has anyone put together a registry yet? I made a private one on amazon and was pleasantly surprised with their welcome box swag! We don’t need too much, but our infant seat has expired, and I may as well buy a booster for my oldest with a discount.

  30. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @rattles: That is a good idea! I forgot about the Amazon welcome box.

  31. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Ms. RV: I hadn’t bothered with my others, but I figured why not. It came today with an organic cotton elephant onesie, a zebra swaddle, a bottle, 5 diapers and a mini wipes pack, a tube of A&D, breast pad and lotion samples and three coupons/fliers. Not bad for free!

  32. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @rattles: I had no idea Amazon did that! Def going to set up a registry with them now...

  33. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @rattles: Wow that is waaaay nicer than the welcome boxes I've gotten in the past!

  34. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @karenbme: Didn't you lose weight at first? So that would make you actually have gained more than it shows.

    @nwm: Here is what bedding I am using: Carter's Explore Baby Bear 4Piece Navy, Grey, Light Blue, Orange Nursery Crib Bedding Set - Comforter, 100% Cotton Crib Sheet, Dust Ruffle, Changing Pad Cover, Navy, Grey, Light Blue, Orange https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PK14TYP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_nZRcDbFY6QS2Z

    And here is the collection that I am using for the mobile and rail guard

    That isn't the bedding I used for DS... he actually has the Be Brave collection from the first link.

  35. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @rattles: I would have been happy with just the A&D. Wow! That is awesome!

  36. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Ms. RV: I did, and I’ve leveled off like 3lbs down from where I was to start. She didn’t say anything specifically about how I should be gaining weight but she was very concerned that I wasn’t eating. 🤦‍♀️ Also, your nursery stuff is super cute!

    @rattles: Did you have to fill out the whole checklist to get that? It seems like a lot.

  37. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @karenbme: Nope, you can just check the boxes yourself instead of actually registering for stuff in each category. I’d read that you get nicer freebies with a bigger registry, so I threw a few pieces of nursery furniture on there that I have no intention of buying and deleted afterwards.

    @Ms. RV: Your nursery is going to be totally adorable! Love those choices!

  38. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @rattles: I didn’t realize you could make a private registry! I’m totally doing that. We’ll need a new infant seat as well.

  39. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @Ms. RV: oh my gosh, so cute!! those collections complement each other perfectly. this is inspiring me to get some cute bedding even though we totally don't need more.

  40. Umberto

    grape / 75 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA everyone! We're in the middle of a bathroom reno (I miss having a shower ) and things are just busy!
    I'm 23 weeks now, chugging along. Still up and down with nausea, but generally ok. Just had my final appointment with my usual OB who is now retiring from obstetrics (but not gynaecology), so my next appt will be with someone new. Fingers crossed she's nice/good.
    Re: nurseries, this poor kid just gets all DDs baby stuff. We aren't doing anything much in the way of decorating because we're aiming to move house next year and it all just seems pointless (plus I'm lazy).

    @karenbme: I'm sorry about your cervical complications, but it sounds like the recent appointments regarding it were actually a bit more positive! I really hope that trend continues for you.

    @Ms. RV: Congratulations on a great echo and a healthy boy! Such great news!

    @Beebeeholiday: I definitely recommend seeing a pelvic floor physio! My DDs delivery did not go well, and my OB set me up with one straight away afterwards. I saw her for 9 months, and it was extremely helpful. I'll definitely be requesting another referral this time around.

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