pomegranate / 3917 posts
I can't remember, is anyone else Canadian on here? I feel like we don't get the "percentages" with regards to baby size with appointments? It's never really talked about with any Mom's I know? Hmmm.
Question! C has found her hands the last two days or so....and sucks on them......like tries to fit her fist in her mouth, lol. So is letting her suck on her hand "better" than giving her paci so she doesn't? Obviously this is her fed, and not hungry. Or hand mitten things so it doesn't turn into a habit?
TMI but I am still bleeding like crazy, so effing sick of it and totally crusty about it. Just want it to be over.
I went to the mall today to buy stockings. I saw a Mom from the birthing class we went to, just a quick hi as she passed by, she was with her baby/stroller, and another Mom with a stroller. I then began to see so many Mom's/babies/strollers and everyone was with someone. I was totally ok before that being on my own, but I don't know why seeing all of them made me feel "lonely".
This is awful, but the one friend I do have that has a baby, I like her, but I'm not interested in being a Momma friend with her. She keeps asking me to go to Mom groups with her, or other places and I don't want to, I'd rather do my own thing.....I know I am a bit of a snot with regard to meeting new people too, so I am not sure what to think, feeling lonely, but not interested in the one Mom friend I do have! There are oodles of Mom's in my neighbourhood, and I know the one I do get along with and will be close with, she just had her baby last week, so she and I will likely be together a lot soon, but just for today I just feel in a foolish spot, snotty, but lonely for today with what I saw at the mall, lol.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: I did the same thing re junk food. I ate it all and haven't allowed anymore in the house. Should help me shed some pounds. I'm not Canadian but my doc has never mentioned percentiles. I think he's a bit laid back. At the last appt, I asked about green stool. His response was as long as hes gaining weight who cares. Lol I see a lot of moms out on their own. I don't have any mommy friends so I'm usually out and about by myself.
I have my work Xmas dinner tonight. My parents will be watching LO. Looking forward to a little no baby time and being able to eat with out rushing thru.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@mrskc: hahaha DH just got home from work with a crispy crunch and wonderbar choc bars for me......ok....maybe after these ones are done
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: I figure if they want to become thumb suckers, it'll happen whether we want it to or not, lol. I wouldn't stress too much over it--right now, whatever L uses to soothe himself is fine by me, since it probably will help him sleep longer! But in general, I feel like it's easier to get rid of a paci than to stop thumb sucking, since I can't really remove his thumb, lol. Also, my pedi didn't give us percentiles--I looked them up when I got home because I was curious.
@mrskc: ha he sounds relaxed! Which is good--my pedi is similar in that she's very no nonsense, she doesn't really buy into a lot of "trendy" or of-the-moment parenting ideas. Hope you had a good time at your dinner!
I don't really have any mommy friends either, although I've been going to a mom's group once a week. We only have one more session though; I hope I stay in touch with some of the girls (women actually--they're all older than I am, some of them much older!)
I think we're going to get our tree today, yay! Anyone else have fun plans for the weekend? @mrskc, I am also going to attempt your photo shoot with the lights! I also am regretting some of the purchases I made for L on cyber Monday--I bought him 4 sleepers in 0-3 month from carters and now it seems like he'll probably outgrow them in another few weeks, lol. Oh well, save them for the next baby I guess.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beehive: it depends on how long he's been sleeping...if it's only been like 15 minutes, I'll rock him back to sleep or put him in the moby. If it's been an hour, I'll just get him up.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: I wish you lived closer! I have met a lot of mommy friends and I find that I'm busier now than before we had C. We have a regular happy hour one day and go to lunch another day. With the warmer weather, we've been walking on those days too. I had an OT come out to the house to work with C's latch - she is a suck specialist that also works in the city if you ever need her. Before she even got her coat off, she could tell what was wrong with C. She was awesome.
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: aw I wish I was closer too (you're in NJ right?). Ooh that is so great to hear about the specialist!!! What sort of info did she give you (I feel like our LOs have similar issues, sorry if I'm being nosy! ). And yes I would love her name (you can post to my wall?) just to have on hand in case!
nectarine / 2054 posts
@beebug: Our pediatrician gives us the percentiles of height, weight and head circumference at each visit, along with a printout of a chart showing where he is in relation to the average! last time he was 65th percentile height, 35th weight and head circumference. I'm guessing it's because the parents in my area are very into data! The only thing the doctor mentioned about it is that it doesn't matter what percentile the baby is, as long as it stays on that percentile (or goes up) - so if he's 35th percentile for weight, that's fine, as long as he isn't 15th percentile at the next visit.
I know what you guys mean about mom friends - I have one very close friend who has a 7 month old, but she lives a bit too far for us to hang out all the time, and she's back at work now. @hilsy85: are you in Manhattan? If so, we should meet up! Is anyone else an NYC mom?
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Good luck with the photo shoot of your LO!
Dinner was nice. It was fun catching up with all my coworkers. They all wanted to see pics of DS. DH was more anxious/nervous leaving Alex than I was. lol I knew he'd be fine in the care of my parents. They took good care of him. I can't wait to do a date night with just DH and I.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beehive: I'm in Brooklyn! I would love to meet up--maybe in January, after our LOs have their 2 month shots/holiday craziness dies down?
@mrskc: I attempted it unsuccesfully, lol. I think I need to buy more lights to really get the twinkle effect.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
so i thought i saw some stuff about DTD postpartum on the board but i can't find it...anyone have any tips? DH and I tried today (6w pp) and it hurt a lot...like a stretching, ripping feeling and now i am bleeding a bit. wahhh! i'm scared it'll never be back to normal again!
@hilsy85: @Beehive: i'm an NYC mom too! i'm in queens...1 subway stop from manhattan. i hope i'm not barging in here. would love to meet more mom friends and get out of the house more often.
squash / 13764 posts
@JessLC: yay! I totally agree, would love to meet more mom friends.
We also tried dtd last night...it didn't really hurt but I was so tense it wasn't really much fun! No advice except lots of lubrication and take it slooow.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Still bitter about not DTD yet.
I feel like this stupid period is never going to end, and silly as it sounds I feel like it will be so weird to do it again, and awkward with how much I hate my body right now.
DH and I went to dins tonight with two other couples, we went early for just us time....I felt like I was an annoyance.....didn't seem to be clickimg and nothing to talk about, which is so not like us. Dins was good, but freezing rain was bad so we headed home earlier than planned. It's so icy and miserable out!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: sorry to hear your date night wasn't so great! I totally get feeling awkward about your body...I feel so unsexy --breastmilk everywhere, sore boobs, flabby tummy. It's not exactly conducive to a romantic evening! Hopefully this will pass for us though and we'll feel like more of ourselves and get back into a groove with our DHs! (hugs)
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Thank-you! I really hope it was just a bad moment with DH, he gave me a really sweet kiss last night as he went to bed and I nursed, so it made me feel 10x better.
Love little miss C, but we have got to find a way to shift this sleeping! She goes down about midnight (finalllllly, nursed her at 10 and then it was "bedtime) and sleeps until 5:45 this morning. Nurses again and is down still. Do I cut her naps short in the daytime to try to move bedtime earlier, or do I still just have to deal with it? Not complaining crazily, but I'm a morning person, so would way rather have an earlier bedtime and early awake, then late to bed, and a sleep in!
We took her over (the couples we went out with last night were our neighbours) to their place last night so they could see her, and she played shy (or what seemed like it, I thought it would be too soon?) she freaked in her face and started to cry, then turned her self/head to my chest and just stayed there until I soothed her.......was kinda crazy to see that much of a reaction/emotion from her......!
I read to her last night (trying to get her to sleep, lol) for the 1st time too, two Robert Munsch books, Love You Forever, and Good Families Don't.....she totally coincidentally was giving big gummy smiles through the perfect parts of Good Families Don't and it was so funny.....shows how sleepy she wasn't, lol.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Mrs.B: Did you switch from GDipes to BGs if I remember correctly? I opened my BG's a size/snap yesterday for her, and it felt way too soon to be doing that, but I feel like they fit better? Have you done that yet? If you're in BGs, I can't remember! I threw one medium sized FuzziBun in to the mix too, will try it today. Small's say to 14lbs, and I know she's definitely not 14lbs yet, but who knows with the fit and her "shape" I guess, may just work better? We're not getting leaks or anything, just feel like I have to do them up so tight to get the right fit.
bananas / 9357 posts
We've attempted to DTD we haven't gone all the way yet. I think I'm too tense. I still feel a bit sore when we try. Is it just going to hurt the first time? Or maybe I need to heal a bit more?
@Beebug: sorry your date night didn't go well. DH and I have off nights too.
clementine / 961 posts
@Beebug: I still have my BG's on th smallest snap down setting. A is a shortie but weighs 13lbs. Not sure if that makes a difference but the I think she will be on the lowest setting for a bit longer. My BG's are my favorite we haven't had any leaks with them. I bought the Flip covers and inserts for when we travel. I used them for a day and love them. Excited to test them outwhen we take her on her first flight in aweek. Are you going to CD when you travel?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Mrs.B: We're not going to CD when away! We're flying Sunday, returning Friday, and between her gear, Christmas gifts, etc, and just learning/experiencing traveling with her for the 1st time, we're going to buy sposies when we land and just use those!
I love the BGs too, they are my favourite. I find the leg elastic is stronger than the FBs and the few leaks we've had have been with the FBs!
squash / 13764 posts
Well, I think I reached a new low in this breastfeeding saga...I just emailed pictures of my nipples to my LC--not pretty!
nectarine / 2054 posts
@hilsy85: @jesslc: How exciting, let's definitely meet up once everyone is back from the holidays.
@beebug: When does C take her last nap of the day before bed? We're still not consistent with J's schedule yet, but for example last night J was due to start another EASY cycle around 8:30pm or so, so we decided to just put him down for the night (which ended up being around 9:30pm). He woke up at 3:30am and ate (he hasn't done that in a while, but maybe because he went to bed early?) and then woke up for the day around 8:30am. Is there a way to shift C's schedule up by replacing the last nap of the day with the start of her nighttime sleep?
I have been having the hardest time keeping J napping. He'll go down for his nap just fine (in his crib) after eating and playing for a bit, but he'll always wake up about 30 minutes later. I've been swaddling, which helps a little, but I'm not sure how to extend his naps to a reasonable time! Has anyone figured this out? Just now I went in there and replaced his paci and wiggled him a little in his crib, and his eyelids got heavy, so he's definitely still tired!
re DTD, we haven't tried yet (we plan to try this weekend), but another thing I'm a little worried about (apart from the hurtiness) is being interrupted by the baby! How have you timed it?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beebug: i have the same issue with LOs sleep...she won't go down until 11pm, then sleeps until 5ish. but i'd like to start putting her down earlier. she won't go down unless she's had enough to eat during the day but i can't seem to get her to eat more often during the day!
@hilsy85: oh no sorry to hear that. i hope your LC can help you. i have been following your bf-ing saga - and i must say, you are one tough lady!
@Beehive: i do the miracle blanket while lo is napping and its almost like she sleeps too well in it, that i have to wake her up to feed her. but she won't stay asleep if she isn't swaddled because she startles herself awake every 5 minutes with her arms flinging out to the sides. even with just a regular blanket swaddled, she'll break out, so miracle blanket is a must for us. the one time that we attempted to DTD, baby was sleeping!
@mrskc: i think part of why it was painful was because i was tense, we were using a condom (Which has always hurt me), and it has healed differently on the inside and maybe thats why there was bleeding. its been so long that there are cobwebs in there. maybe it needs to stretch out again! sorry, TMI.
squash / 13764 posts
@JessLC: LOL re: cobwebs...that's how I feel too! I am also so not a fan of condoms, I'm considering doing the mini pill even though I was hesitant about it before. Thanks for the encouragement re: breastfeeding...sometimes I say to myself, why am I still doing this?! Seems a bit crazy, but I guess I'm just unreasonably stubborn about some things. I figure I"ll give it to 12 weeks and re-evaluate.
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: aw I'm sorry you're still having a hard time BFing. Hope your LC can help you.
@Beehive: we're not very consistent with naps either. He'll nap anywhere from 30 min - 2 hours. Right now DS naps in his swing or my arms. I'm not sure how to keep him napping longer either.
So tried to DTD again last night. Used a condom and did it w/o going all the way in. Sorry if tmi lol. Just taking it slow and we'll work up to full penetration.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
LOL cobwebs.
@hilsy85: Oye about sending those pics! Still hurting and roughed up? Poor nipples!
@Beehive: Last nap is also so inconsistent too, last night she went down at 11, I woke her at 5 to nurse, then down again until 9:20! Sometimes the fussiness gets in the way of evening nap, I am glad we even got to 11 last night, put her down with paci and she was out, spat it out and stayed down. Going to try for 10:30 tonight
@JessLC: It worked a few times for us, I can't remember if you're bf'ing or not, but bottle of breastmilk before bed, ensured she was nice and full and she got great sleep!
IUD day today, sort of excited, lol.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
anybody have days where LO just didn't want to eat as much as usual? she is sleeping a lot, seems normal, no temp...just not as hungry. like going 4 hours between feedings and only staying on for 5 minutes and crying/fighting when i try to put her back on....i am using the Baby Connect app and its shown that she is feeding much less in terms of time in the last week.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beebug: we are trying to give her a bottle before bed every night but it turns into a 2 hour long process for 2 ounces. she doesn't like the bottle. she will take it from me, strangely, but really struggles when DH tries.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: not sure what the issue is now, but they are not looking good. Hope your IUD insertion went well!@JessLC: maybe a growth spurt? How many weeks is she? I feel like my LO never ate all the time like I heard was common during growth spurts, but he did sleep more.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@JessLC: Is she getting more efficient perhaps? Eating as much, but more quickly?
C spits up if she feeds too long, so we have 3-4 rounds of boob with like 10 mins of burping between each....bleh!
IUD in, and got a flu shot.......not feeling any bit comfortable right now
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Jesslc: Perhaps your LO is just growing. We noticed with DS that he sleeps a lot more when he is going through a growth spurt. The days prior to the growth spurt he eats like crazy. My DH commented on how he was going to hiberate like a bear.... O.o My Dad is a NP and he said not to worry too much unless LO is losing weight quickly.
@Hilsy85: I hope that the LC helps you out. On my end it looks like I have thrush again....I am not happy about it. On the plus side it looks as though DS doesn't have it yet. I would like to keep it that way. Last time he got thrush it was awful..we were starting to get away from pumping as much until my nipple on one side cracked. I thought it was healing ok until two days ago when I noticed white spots on the nipple. I feel a little upset about it. I just keep telling myself breastmilk is best for LO and its free....Sometimes it is the only thing that gets me through.
@BeeBug: I hope your holiday travels go well. I have been traveling with DS since he was about a month old. All I can say is be sure not to overpack. I am blessed in terms of all the places I have traveled with DS has pack and plays or portable cribs for him to sleep in. All I have to bring are enough diapers, wipes, clothes, and bottles with me for however long I am staying. I try to pack light because I realized that I was bring WAY too much with be before. All overpacking did was weigh us down more. (Plus I should point out I was traveling alone with LO because of work.) I learned fast to only pack the basics. I hope placing your IUD went well, I am too chicken. Plus DH and I are planning on having another child in the near future. (Crazy I know, but we are looking at about 2 years apart.)
DS has been going down to sleep around 10:30-11pm and sleeps until 5:30-6. If we could just learn to go to sleep when he does we would be in business but no such luck so far. I am sure 5:30 wouldn't look so yucky if I would go to sleep when he does. I am have been getting to bed around 2am most nights. We are currently staying with my folks until we get into our own place after the first of the year, so I spend a lot time chatting with my mom and helping with things around the house.
Our holidays have always been busy even before baby. This year I was hoping that the maddness would be less but again no such luck. We are starting our holiday trek on 12-23-12 with a 3 hour (normally) ride north to DH's family. We are then driving back to my folks on 12-25-12, to meet up with them, and drive 2 1/2 hours to my Grandparents home for our family Christmas. We will end up staying over night at my Grandparents and meet up with some family friends on 12-26-12 and then at some point drive home 2 1/2 hours. It seems to never fail that we end up running everywhere. This year I had hoped everyone would come to us.
This weekend we have a family Christmas Party 2 1/2 hours away. We are doing a down and back trip so that is 5 hours in the car for LO in one day. We shall see how that goes.... I am not predicting good things here. Hopefully we can plan it around his eating schedule so he will sleep in the car.
Tomorrow DS is getting his 2 month shots. I am not looking forward to this. I HATE needles and I know that he will just feed off my feelings. Also his doctor ordered x-rays for his hips to make sure that they are properly formed. Both of DS's hips click when they do range of motion. Hopefully it is nothing, perhaps we will get the X-rays done before his shots tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well. And here is a picture of Nolan just the other night.
PS: Sorry it is so long...
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Who knew cramping following it going in could be "up to" early labour cramps.....she said I could take advil....oh I want to!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@MrsRcCar: Yes about packing light....quick trip too, so that will help!! Are you back to work already?
We are planning for kids close together too....IUD will likely just stay in until June/July Going as close together (if we got preggo right away) as we can, so long as I get my hours in (600 from when I go back to work in October) until I'd go off again!
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsRcCar: oh no to thrush! That's awful...do they have you on meds? My LC said that taking a probiotic helps with yeast; maybe try that? I hope it clears up soon. And goodness, you're brave re: all the traveling you're doing! Good for you though, making sure you see all your families. Good luck at your appt tomorrow! L gets his shots on Monday, I am not looking forward to it. @Beebug: yikes! My OB kind of scared me about the IUD, she said it could be pretty painful, so no thanks for me!
Ahh isn't it crazy to start thinking about 2nd babies?! DH keeps trying to convince me to start trying for #2 next summer...I want them more spread out than that though.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Beebug: I never really stopped working completely. I work for my Dad's office. I mainly doing billing for his medical office. I haven't really been back to work in the office yet. I work from home a lot though and I do go to the office a couple times a week to just clean up some paperwork stuff. I used to work nearly 50 hours a week before I had DS. Now I work about 10 or 15 hours a week sometimes less. My dad would like me back in the office full time weeks ago but fact of the matter is I am not ready. After the holidays I plan to work more at the office plus my mom will be able to look after the baby more for me. My mom works in retail so she is working a lot right now with the holiday. After the first of the year she will be working only 2 days a week and will be able to look after DS for me. She is pretty excited about it.
My brother and I are 15 months apart. I would like my kids to be more like 16-24 months apart. Yes I know big range. My DH and I plan to have four children but we shall see about that. We love Nolan so much, and can't wait for him to have a sibling. I was lucky when I was pregnant with him I had a pretty easy pregnancy. I am sure my veiw would have changed if it was rough.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I really only thought about how many kids I wanted (3-4) before having C, not how far apart.
I now think I only want 2, DH says the same, but I really hope we can have them as close together as possible to get another mat leave (93% pay for 12 months, umm yes please) and then go from there. Awful to say it, but thinking that close to just "get it overwith" (I'm awful for saying that!). My sis and I are 8 years apart, nothing in common and grew up so differenty, so I think that fuels my want for close together babies!
Married couple friends + 16 month daughter were over last night, was funny as it would be close to that for age difference (more like 18-20 months) and DH and I after I think agreed we're nuts, but people do it/it's doable. We talked about just 2, not 3-4 like a week after having her. Said let's have 2 as close as we can, get them into school (and out of daycare and that cost) and then go from there, and I'm so on board for that! With his fam halfway across country, travel will always be part of our lives, plus wanting to be able to "give" them as much as possible in temrs of sports and opportunities, and that does play a role with how many kids too......like it does for everyone, surely! I'll be 27 in the new year, DH 34, so age a semi-factor on his end, too!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: @Beebug: @MrsRcCar: i hope its a growth spurt...its frustrating. just when i thought bf-ing was getting a little more tolerable (i really hated it for a long time), stuff like this happens! also, LO has been on antibiotics for a week and my boobs have had these sharp and quick pains in them for the last day or so. not terribly painful, but unusual for me. do you think its thrush? what are the symptoms that you guys had? that is the only thing i have noticed. LOs mouth looks normal too, no white spots. i have been so paranoid about getting thrush that i actually didn't take antibiotics that my doctor prescribed me for an ingrown toenail...yes. i'd rather have my toe fall off than get thrush. (my toe is fine though)
as for #2...i don't even want to think about it! this motherhood thing has been so hard for me!
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: we plan on me being slightly pregnant by the time #1 turns two years old. But honestly, I just don't know. I'm all for them being close in age (I want to be done at a young age) but then again, I am exhausted just thinking about it:/
@JessLC: mine did this today! Slept pretty much all last night, all day and is currently sleeping. He's done some nursing but only a little & he's going 5h in between feedings (he usually only goes 3h). I'm assuming its a growth spurt? I dont mind all that sleeping, as LO g as it doesn't throw off his sleep patterns for the upcoming days/week.
@mrskc: so glad I'm not alone. We haven't gone full penetration either:/ I think we will try again tomorrow. I just hate getting started and then not...finishing:/ blah...
honeydew / 7235 posts
Wow! I missed a lot again!
We haven't DTD yet --- my 6 week checkup is today so if she clears me we will be trying very soon - I'm scared!
As for baby #2 - DH brought this up the other day, which is crazy because I can't imagine doing it all again - but we want one more and we want them close in age and we are getting older.... So, we will probably start trying this summer. Yikes. We are going on vacation in July in Europe, and he wants to start trying then. We will see - I may push it off a little longer! It did take us about 7/8 months to get pregnant though...
Too much to think about right now!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@JessLC: I got sharp pains when I had cracked nips? Could it "just" be that, or ?? No experience with thrush, but when I got cracks, it was nearly intolerable, life hating pain.
Hope everyone had ok night! C was suuuuper fussy last night, tried for 10pm bedtime as it was just too much. She laid awake with paci until 11pm and finally crashed. She woke just after 3 to nurse, and after I put her back down, I couldn't get back to sleep. I was wide awake and felt anxious/stressed, but about nothing in particular, I think it was 5:30 before I fell asleep (usually I hit the pillow and am out!) and DHs alarm went off at 6....!
The pain from the IUD was so short lived. I shouldn't have posted on here about it, it was literally awful for like 1.5 hours and aside from slight, slight cramping since then, I already feel totally back to normal, my arm hurts more from the flu shot.
Is anyone still using bassinet? C is, and we didn't have plans to switch her to crib until after our Christmas travels.....but looking at her in it this morning.....she's going to be too long for it soon! That will I guess force her out of it, something I didn't really think about.....crazy!
Reason # 454229 why I love DH. I send him a text this am, just saying good morning and ended it with "love you, you have praccy tonight, right?" and he texts back responding to everything except for yes about praccy, realistically I thought nothing of it, he always has hockey practice Wed after work. He then calls me and said he was already feeling guilty, said he got tonight off practice and he was going to go Christmas shopping, but didn't want to lie, hahaha....oh I love him and his guilty conscience. He then asked what I wanted and I am so not the type to say anything....last time he asked I said windshield wipers and a bike tire pump for the stroller, lol.
squash / 13764 posts
@JessLC: ugh I hope it's not thrush! Have you noticed any white spots on your nipples or in LO's mouth? Also, thrush pain is typically like a deep throbbing pain in the breast and nipple--feels like shards of broken glass (fun stuff). I would maybe start taking a probiotic just in case, those can be helpful in warding off yeast. @Beebug: we moved LO out of his bassinet into his crib at night at 4 weeks, but we still use it on the stroller. I hate when I can't fall back asleep atnight--insomnia is the worst! That's so cute of your husband, and I hear ya on the more practical gifts...I want to ask for those storage bags that you can vacuum seal and that get small, so I can start storing away my maternity clothes!
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