Hey ladies as we get closer to our due dates (next month!) I thought it would be nice to start a new thread. Our old one was also getting super long. I know I'm a newer poster so I hope you ladies don't mind.
Due Date: October 14!
Boy, Girl, or Surprise: Surprise
What do you have left to do?: Hospital bag, complete birth plan, making sure house stays clean, finish organizing nursery, and a ton more I'm forgetting
Most nervous about: My natural child birth plan
How are you feeling?: Terrible at the moment but hoping my illness goes away soon!
Any thing you would like to do before LO arrives?: Keep up on my pedicures, would love to go on DS's first field trip but it's Oct 9th and I'm due Oct 14th so we will see, and get all of my quilts for LO done (highly doubt that will happen).
All we have left is September then it's BABY TIME!