Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    I feel like I'm the crazy person who posts in here too much. Oh well. RANT TIME.

    My BIL got engaged this month and they want to get married in May, June, or July. One of my best friends is gettnig married 7/13 and I planned to fly home (FL --> NJ) for her wedding then shower Sunday, so my out of town friends don't have to make two trips that summer. I told my BIL "the only weekend taht doesn't work for me is 7/13-14" He said they were thinking 7/21.

    Talk to him today... 7/14 now. Because of her "female schedule." He clearly forgot what i said. I had my "WHAT?" and he explained why. They meet with the venue tomorrow so maybe they can find another date that works for them. I told him to do whatever he needs to, it's his wedding. Just hope they can find something else to do. I really don't want to miss one of my childhood best friend's weddings and ask friends to travel out of state twice in a short period of time. Also.. horomones. I may or may not be crying over this. Please tell me I'm not crazy.


  2. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    You guys, I am freaking!
    Two days of brown discharge and very light spotting. No cramps, still feeling nauseous (or terrified?)

    I called in sick so i can get into the Dr. I know so many places say it's normal, don't worry but I just feel so anxious about it and keep thinking its because I ran, or I'm not eating enough or drank enough water.

    Ugh I'm losing it.

  3. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: keep us updated! I heard that as long as it's just brown and not more than a panty-liner full that it's fine... were you able to make a doctor's appt? I hope you can get in today and confirm that everything is fine!!!!!

  4. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: definitely keep us updated! I had some brown discharge that was due to a YI. Praying for you!

  5. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: That has to be so scary, but I am sure you are totally fine. As you said, that is supposed to be super normal in the first trimester.

    I hope you make it into the doctor and are reassured!

  6. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @KJfromNJ: @evansjamie: @knockedup_nowwhat:

    I did make it in to see her - it's too early to see much on u/s (only 5w5d) so the plan is to do serial hcg (one today and then one Monday bc nothing is open Sunday) and go from there.

    So ill just cross my fingers and hope it was just a little pocket or something! Ill keep you guys updated for sure. I love this board.

  7. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: update us this weekend how you're feeling and such! I'm clearly on here um A LOT, so I'm always happy to chat

  8. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: We've had a boys named picked "William Thomas" nn Will or Liam. but if i actually have this baby on my due date - my grandpop's birthday he may end up with Carmen in there somewhere. No clue for girls.

    as for telling people we told or parents and our siblings. I told my cousin who is practically my sister. we have our first appt in a week or so. once we go to that we'll consider if we want to start telling others

  9. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Hope you're doing ok? can you take it easy this weekend? Keep us updated

  10. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Chillybear: Carmen would be a really pretty girl name (first or middle) if that works out!

  11. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @KJfromNJ: yeah its def on my short list, its also my dad's name. I love my grandmas name too Gemma

  12. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Chillybear: Gemma with a J is one of our names! But we don't like it with the middle name we want to use for our first girl so that'll be for a 2nd girl if we have one. You are lucky it's a family name! We liked it since SOA

  13. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    oh i'm addicted to SoA we just finished the 1st season

  14. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @KJfromNJ: My husband won't even think about names until we find out the gender. Then even after that he won't "agree" on one until after the baby is born. He's so annoying about it! Last time we each had a name that we liked and he said he was "waiting for a sign"... then a friend of ours used his name like two months before I was due. I was so excited and thought he'd def agree on my name after that but he wouldn't really give in until the birth, when I guilted him into using my name by pushing a human out of my body. But the good news is that I think he'd have let me name the kid "spoon" at that point if I'd wanted to! haha. So hopefully he is less infuriating about it this time!

  15. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @AprilK: that's what we agreed too- but we had names already picked out that we liked before, and we just randomly started talking about it the other day! We have one girl name and 2 boy names, but we have a preference which the 1st boy would be. Both our #1 boy and girl names are initials EJ!! Very random as that wasn't on purpose! I guess if we have fraternal twins they will match, lol!

  16. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Chillybear: I KNOW it's it the best show! I only catch some of the ep's as DH watches them and I love them. Though it can sometimes get a little dark and I have to watch Rules of Engagement right after to clear my mind

  17. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @KJfromNJ: My son's first and middle initals are EJ! I feel like half the people who met him in the first few weeks were like "So can we call him EJ?!" I was like "NO, you can call him his name, Emmett."

    I thought it was so funny - if I wanted to call him EJ I'd introduce him as EJ!

  18. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @AprilK: that's so weird that people would assume that! I hate when people push on weird nicknames. My MIL (crazyville population 1) started callnig my nephew Charlie-pop (like lolly pop) and we ALL said we hated it and she just keeps it up. Then again, I call him Charlie Badger so I'm probably also doing that.

    The E boy name for us is my mom's maiden name (without the S at the end) and the middle J is my FIL's name as well as my grandpa, uncle, and cousin's name. My SIL used that as her son's middle name after I told her we'd use it, and even after telling me she was using something else. I tried to think of an alternative but then I said you know what, I don't care!

  19. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    @KJfromNJ: @Chillybear: BAHAHAHAHA I'm trying to convince the hubs to find a way to name our boy Jax....I love that their characters have cool names....

    @fuzzypeaches: Don't worry!!! I was spotting for a week and a half straight...brown and BRIGHT RED. They found out I have an "angry cervix". They said as long as you aren't filling a pad in an hour you should be fine. It started after too much Jillian Michaels and getting it on with the hubs (separate events lol)...I just had to take it easy for a few days...I've been clear for a week now!

  20. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: My doctor also said it is common to spot during the first trimester. Rest as much as you can this weekend and, although it is so much easier said than done, try not to stress. Let us know how you're feeling this weekend!

  21. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I'm sure that everthing will be fine!

  22. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @Chillybear: @KJfromNJ: @KaitlynB: I have the biggest crush on the guy who plays Jax. He's a total babe! I was shocked to find out that he's actually British!

  23. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Mrs. Monkey: YES we said the same thing! It was shocking! It was the same for me finding out the guy on House is British.

  24. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Two weeks until my first appointment! I am super excited, and so is DH! But first, he must get well. I feel kind of bad, he got food poisoning from McD's chicken nuggets (that he got when I was craving fries and a shamrock shake) and now he's got a head cold.

  25. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Hey everyone! I never got the results of my HCG on Friday, which is so frustrating, but the good news is that the spotting is much less (dare I say not even there this morning?) I'm still cautious but I'm feeling a little bit hopeful. I won't get the results until Monday now :s My u/s is currently scheduled for March 14 (8w4d) but she may move it up depending on the results.

    Thank you to all of you lovely ladies for all your support, I thought I was losing my mind! I'm taking your advice and just taking it easy this weekend. I'm the kind of person that likes to be all over the place, but I'm hoping the forced rest helps keep everything sticky in there.

    @KaitlynB: That makes me feel so much better :s I hope mine goes away for real too!

    I love the names! I knew a little boy named Jax actually and he was the CUTEST! Gemma is nice too, it just makes me thing of such a sweet little thing.

    Also, Charlie-Pop LOL. So funny.

  26. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: glad to hear about the reduced spotting!

  27. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @evansjamie: Thanks girl! It looks like the pregnant long-distance walkers club might be a reality haha.

  28. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: I'm so sorry you've been having a scare with spotting. I'm glad it's stopped!!!

    Afm, I had that horrible cold, which then led to tooth pain. Well, it wasn't tooth pain but an infection in my salivary glands. But, Thursday night I ate a snack because I had I take my progesterone and I bit down and something now has hurt one of my teeth in the back. I had to go out of town yesterday and I wasn't still completely sure it wasn't related to the gland issue. It's so weird. It's my crown, but it doesn't hurt with hot or cold. It just hurts on the top of the tooth. I'm going to leave a message at my dentist's office this afternoon and maybe he can fit me in tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

    So I've had a mini breakdown on these issues, but I'm trying to remain calm. I never had anything like this before so that (oddly) makes me feel better. I'm not even sure why, but it does.

    Hope everyone else is doing well! Oh, and I'm starting to feel sick if I don't eat immediately when I start to feel hungry. That's making me feel better because I didn't really have any kind of sickness with our first pregnancy.

  29. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    HUGE congrats to all of the October 2013 mamas from an October 2012 mama. Happy and healthy 9 months to all of you!

  30. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: yay!!! Glad to hear it has lessened, and hope Monday brings great news.

    @Jennimac: it's great that you can see differences to help you feel more confident! I've been feeling sick I I don't eat right away too. I almost cried when chick fil a told me they were out of breakfast today. McDonalds chicken biscuit was a good stand in though!

  31. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Tidybee: Thank you!!!!

  32. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @jennimac: I've been wondering where you went off too! I hope you feel better!

    Monday will be 5 weeks and pretty much all of my previous signs of pregnancy have gone away. This makes me panic but there is nothing I can do but wait. Same thing happened with our previous pregnancy that ended in mc so I think I'm over aware right now.

    Since everyone is ahead of me, how did you all feel at 5weeks? What were your symptoms?

    ETA: I feel so stupid even asking because I know I'm just worrying for no reason, as google likes to point out everytime I search about symptoms leaving.

  33. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @ladybee: I didn't feel anyone pregnant at 5 weeks. I was sleepy, but not overly so. My boobs are still big. I'm feeling more pregnant this week. My lower stomach seems poochier. I'm curious to how soon I will start showing since I got halfway through and was already showing.

  34. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @jennimac: thanks for replying. I needed a logical answer so I googled and googled. What I've come up with is that a lot of people lose their symptoms between 4-5 weeks because your body has gotten used to the hormones and then they typically come back like crazy between 6-7 weeks so maybe I should enjoy the next two weeks of not feeling like poop! I feel like our mc is haunting me. I'm so nervous now that the inital excitement has worn off. I keep telling myself that all of my labs came back great and I don't need to worry but it's hard.

  35. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @ladybee: I know. My dr didn't so any bloodwork or anything for me, just prescribed me progesterone. I just have to have faith that it is all going to be ok.

  36. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @ladybee: the worry and fear are normal no matter what so its only natural to be nervous bc of the previous m/c. I think the only thing that helps is time! I have had relatively no symptoms, only sore boobs, and at nearly 9 weeks. I have to talk myself off the worry cliff every day! time sure does crawl in these early weeks, but it'll be doctor and u/s time before you know it!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @ladybee: At five weeks, I didn't really feel much of anything. My boobs were a little tender, but nothing like now at 8 weeks. I didn't feel any nausea at all until 6 weeks, and the tiredness didn't start until then either. I'm still not as exhausted as the books say, but I get tired easier and it's rare that I can stay up past 9:00. You are in my thoughts and I hope that the doctor has very good news for you on Monday!

  38. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @ladybee: week 5 was the best for me! Week 6 hit me HARD just like you said. Week 5 I took 2 pg tests just to be sure, so I get it!!

  39. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: I thought of you today, my Sprout app this week and today (they have weekly and daily updates) were both about bleeding and spotting being normal and I think it said that 20% of pregnant women experience it in the first tri. So- yay! Hope that's all it is and you're just a 20%-er

    I feel worse today than I have thus far. Not nauseous but just really worn down. I napped today (I never nap!) we have our new property manager coming Monday and I have a LIST of things to do before she comes by... I got almost zero done. I just can't do anything but lay in bed!!!! I'm going to talk to my doctor Monday to make sure I'm not sick AND pregnant but either way I am just beat!

  40. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @KJfromNJ: me too. We got out in the yard to take apart the garden plot, and I was beat after a few minutes of raking. I'm still not used to the fatigue.

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