Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @kjfromnj @evansjamie: God.is laughing at me now! Dh and I went to target and out to eat. We were supposed to go to Loses and grocery shopping. Didn't do the last two stops because I had to pee. Then we started Skyfall and I was out by 7:30. Yup, still tired and pregnant!

  2. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Happy Sunday ladies! Still no more spotting, and the nausea/sore boobs are back with full force - which feels so reassuring. My second HCG is today.

    @KJfromNJ: I read the same thing this morning! I'm feeling so much more optimistic, I hope that I'm in that 20-30% more than anything!!

    @ladybee, @Jennimac: Isn't it weird how having awful symptoms feels kind of good? Like yes... it's still in there!

    @evansjamie: Your post made me think of Shamrock shakes! It's 3:45 am here (pregnancy insomnia is killing me) and now I want to go to McDonald's. Like right now.

  3. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @runnerd: Also, I swear I'm not a crazy stalker, but your posts about the spotting on the September board have been so extremely reassuring to me. I am so happy to hear it has resolved and I hope things continue to go smoothly for you!

  4. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Last night was one of the worst nights- increasingly NOTHING sounded good and I didn't eat at all after 5ish. Luckily I have an amazing husband and we got potatoes and he's currently making me mashed potatoes... The only thing I can think to eat without feeling nauseous. Hope this passes soon!

  5. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: haha!! well I stalk this board so I don't mind I'm glad it helped give some reassurance!! I have definitely learned my lesson that not all spotting is m/c. Although I am on pins and needles waiting for my next u/s on Thurs! I think I will finally be confident after that

  6. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @KJfromNJ: I hope so too! We went to our favorite restaurant today for breakfast and none of my usual favorites sounded remotely good.

    @fuzzypeaches: I hope you got your shake!

  7. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    @KJfromNJ: My eating habits are horrid. Things that sounded delicious 2 days ago sound disgusting now...

    Last night: All I could stomach was chicken fingers and kraft mac and cheese. I am so healthy usually, but I've had to cope with the fact I have to eat whatever I can actually swallow...

  8. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @JenniMac: Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Hope you start feeling better soon!

    @fuzzypeaches: I'm so happy to hear the spotting stopped! Hope you were able to enjoy your weekend!

    I'm right with you ladies with food not sounding appealing! I took 2.5 hours to decide what I wanted for dinner last night and then only ate a couple of bites after DH cooked. I've still been able to eat home-cooked meals, but it just doesn't sound good or taste the same. I have found that cottage cheese is the only thing that will curb my nausea for a while and still sounds/tastes good.

  9. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    Totally agree with you ladies about food issues. DH and I decided that we should cook our own dinners for a while because he doesn't want to eat toast and yogurt for dinner! Is anyone else eating out a lot? I feel like it's starting to add up, but I can't think of anything appetizing to cook.

  10. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    @BunInOven: Cottage cheese is one of the best things you can eat for nausea. Eggs or chicken too. Anything with high protein. My mom's good friend was in chemo and they told her that high protein foods will curb nausea better than anything else.

    @Mrs. Monkey: Yes....I had to have Chickfila the other night because it was the only thing I could imagine eating. I've also gotten pizza and thai food...weird things, I know...but I will sit until 7pm and still not think anything sounds good so we have to go get something. I ALWAYS used to cook (I love it) so I hate eating out so much.

    By the way, the past 3 days have been the worst. The first days I have dry heaved or gagged and actually ALMOST thrown up. Everything leading up to this has just been awful nausea. I should be 8-9 weeks so I heard it can get worse around this time period...just a heads up! Bad headaches too...but I took 2 kid's tylenol (I didn't want to take adult strength if I didn't need it) and it worked! It was only the dose for a 40lb kid lol.

  11. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    Thinking of you ladies and hoping your ms (or all day sickness) gives up soon! We are only at 5 weeks today so I don't have many symptoms minus a ton of cm, my boobs hurting now and then, and getting worn out easily. I'm more relaxed than I was last week since you've all reassured me.

  12. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Hi ladies.

    I am due Nov 3 but its my second child. As long as its not halloween I wouldn't mind a late October baby.

    We are still adjusting to the thought of two!

    @ladybee: I am still really early too without many symptoms. I had a bad back ache yesterday.

  13. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: My due date is October 28th, I am really wishing for a non-Halloween baby!! Like you, I'd be ok with an early November baby

  14. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @ladybee: @T.H.O.U.: Too funny! I would actually love a Halloween baby but it won't happen (10/14) but I like it because every single thing in our relationship has happened on a holiday... met on 4/20 (a holiday for SOME), dating on cinco de mayo, engaged on christmas eve (he bought the ring on Halloween), and married the week of St Patty's day. We even moved the week of Memorial Day! I'm wondering what day baby will come! I might have to whip out my "every day's a holiday" drinking calender from college hahaha to see what we'd be celebrating that day.

  15. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @KJfromNJ: you never know you might be able to get to the week of Halloween?

  16. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: LOL I dunno if that makes me happy or .. OMG. HAHA!

  17. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @KaitlynB: Thank you for the useful information! I had no idea it was the protein that could have been helping with the nausea. I'm 6w6d today and have been experiencing the same symptoms you described for the past 5 days; gagging, dry heaving, and nearly throwing up. I've been eating a little bit of cottage cheese every 2-3 hours and it has really been helping.

  18. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @Mrs. Monkey: I totally break the bank on eating out during pregnancy (I did with my first, and it's looking to go that way again). When virtually nothing seems appealing, if I can find anything that sounds remotely good, I go for it. I also do a lot of grabbing pre-made food from Whole Foods or other takeout-ish places... I find that if I decide I'm hungry, I need food NOW, and if I try to wait till I get home and make something, I'm just upset and miserable and sick.

  19. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    We eat out a lot normally because the very last thing I want to do after sitting in traffic for 30 minutes is cook something, but it's getting excessive now. We actually made grilled cheese and soup last night, and the smell of toast gagged me. It was awful.

    This weekend DH was sick with food poisoning, and now we both have head colds, and I've had an on-again, off-again low backache from spending nights on the couch I guess.

  20. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    I went public at work today. Fingers crossed that I get to take 12 weeks in addition to my two weeks of vacation (I work for a small non-profit and am not covered by FMLA).

  21. ChefAimee

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    Hello Ladies. Just wanted to add my current standings. I was a bit off on my dates...according to the US I am now 7w4days which puts my new due date at 10/10. My symptoms all but disappeared between weeks 4-6, but now they're coming back and much worse. It comforts me knowing that others can't stand the thought of making any food (which for me is unheard of) and only wanting to go out. I have been going through that for the last week. I'm determined to cook my own food this week, but planning isn't very easy when everything you look at makes you queasy. I guess this is all part of the fun! I'm not too concerned as I haven't gained any weight, in fact I've lost some weight. I haven't been vomiting sick, either, so it isn't because of ms. I guess it's okay since I am overweight to begin with.

    My first official appointment is next monday (3/4). I've been lucky that my mom has been scanning me to keep me up-to-date!

  22. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @evansjamie: I'm trying to figure out when the right time to tell my office is and i think i'm right near you dd wise (10/9) i'm curious as to why you told them prior to 12 weeks? I have my first appt next monday. Ideally i'd like to tell maybe 2 weeks after that around 10 weeks but still feel its bit early

  23. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Ultrasound today went well!!! 7 weeks stands so 10/14 Due Date stands too. Here's the pic! We got to see the heartbeat!

  24. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @KJfromNJ: October 14th is Columbus Day! Looks like you might have a holiday baby!

  25. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @KaitlynB: Good to know about cottage cheese! I have some in my fridge but I haven't touched them yet. I will have to incorporate that into my breakfast.

    Anyone else only feel okay right after they eat? I am more or less constantly nauseous (not vomiting though) and even though food is usually unappealing, I always feel better after I eat. I need to do better about keeping crackers and things like that around, but I feel like I am constantly eating! I'm already overweight and I don't want to gain a ton with this pregnancy, but it's the only thing that makes me feel better!

  26. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Chillybear: Part of my job requires help with set-up/tear down for events, so I felt that it was starting to look suspicious when I wasn't helping or able to lift things, and also needing to miss work for various doctor's appointments. Since I'm not covered by FMLA and our family leave policy is vague at best, I thought that going public early would be best, both for mine/LO's health and the opportunity to discuss my leave with my employer early in the pregnancy. Ideally, I want to take my two weeks of vacation and another 12 weeks unpaid.

    My immediate supervisor knows I'm pregnant, but I went public to our Dir. of Finance and HR and the Director of our organization to flesh out our maternity/family leave policy. They are keeping it quiet until I'm ready to tell the others.

  27. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @evansjamie: thanks for the insight... i believe my company does have FMLA, however even though i work with mostly all women, in the 8 years i've been with the company no one in my department has been pregnant. The one person in a neighboring department only took 3-4 weeks leave when she had her child.

    My direct manager isn't very understanding, shes very much a just push through it type of person, however the supervising manager has had 3 kids (all teens now) and would be more supportive. Among the 8 women in my dept most are either newlyweds or engaged and babies are still a few years down the line, so i'll be kind of setting the precedent.

  28. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @KJfromNJ: YAY! Your U/S looks just like mine did. Our due dates are so close!

    @evansjamie: @Chillybear: I'm waiting as long as possible to tell my job for several reasons, but if I did any kind of physical labor, I would probably tell sooner, too.

    Okay, another random question: Is it totally ridiculous to buy maternity clothes in the first trimester? Obviously I am not showing yet, but all my pants were already too tight on my waist, and with my ravenous eating, it is just getting worse. Some maternity pants don't have a panel, they just have stretchy parts at the waist, and it feels like they would be sooo much more comfortable right about now.

  29. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: i've already purchased quite a few tops on clearence at target and khols

  30. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I've bought one shirt, but my friend loaned me a bunch of her work-appropriate shirts (she's a SAHM now) and two pairs of work pants. I've worn the pants once, but the shirts are definitely more for second trimester. I'm rotating out a dress, pants, and a couple of skirts right now.

  31. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I feel MUCH better after eating...sometimes the nausea comes back in 15 minutes, but initially it makes me feel better.

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I bought about $150 worth last week from Gap and Old Navy. I got it all 40-60% off. I figured I might as well buy things when they were that cheap. No pants though. I'm really tall and all their maternity pants got bad reviews for being short. I'm living in leggings and yoga pants...most of the stuff I ordered were tanks and tunics. Things I can grow into.

  32. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @KaitlynB: Doesn't Gap have a "long" option on their pants? My boss is 6'3" and I feel like when we were discussing maternity clothes she said she got all her pants from Gap since they were available in long.

  33. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @KaitlynB: @evansjamie: @Chillybear: Wow, you all make me feel better! I admit part of why I won't let myself buy anything maternity yet is because, what if we lose the baby? I can be a little superstitious! I might spring for some maternity pants if I can find some on sale though, or I will be wearing dresses to work every day!

    @KaitlynB: I just ate a late lunch after starving all morning and I feel so much better! It's like taking medicine, haha. If only it lasted...

    Another question: Any of you big soda drinkers? I love Diet Coke and it has been so hard to quit! I might cheat and have one today... even though I already had one over the weekend...

  34. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I'm a big coffee drinker, and I just try to keep my caffeine consumption under 150 mg/day (sometimes I'm way under, sometimes I'm a little over). A can of Diet Coke only has 45 mg of caffeine, so I honestly wouldn't worry about it.
    I get migraines, and the prescription med that my OB has me use during pregnancy (in the place of my preferred ibuprofen, which is now off-limits) has 40 mg/caffeine in it.

  35. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I'm starving now! So far I've had a nutri-grain bar, an apple, a spinach salad with an entire red pepper, cheese and cranberries, and a cup of yogurt. That's just at work.

    I'm not a huge soda drinker, but I do indulge once a week on Coke. It's so good!

  36. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @Lozza: It's not as much the caffeine I'm worried about as it is the chemicals and artificial sweeteners... but I feel like I am compensating for it by buying as much organic produce as possible, switching to non-toxic household products, etc...

    @evansjamie: At least you are eating healthy! I had cereal for breakfast and half a leftover bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries for lunch.

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I'm trying to make up for LO's massive French fry addiction. Baby love fried carbs. I think I will get some bagels and cream cheese at the store for an afternoon snack.

  38. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Looking at my U/S on here it's like ugh, the worst quality pic of a pic ever haha! She didn't get a great shot compared to what we saw- it was awesome!

    I've been feeling so sick that I can't eat anything we have at home. I had chick fil a for lunch and then subway for dinner, and those were fine! I guess I just have to eat out forever... oh well

    @evansjamie: @Chillybear: hope you guys have favorable maternity leave situations!!! I am anxious to find out mine but because I don't work with anyone in person I am holding off telling my boss. Plus I wear yoga pants all the time, so no one- even ME!- can tell!

    @knockedup_nowwhat: @Chillybear: @KaitlynB: I have been holding off on maternity clothes but as a former Old Navy employee, that sale was hard to pass up! The baby and kids sale is literally HUGE deals so I got 4 onesies. But since I work from home in PJ's it doesn't make sense to buy new clothes until i REALLY need to. I have a wedding in the summer though that I'm SUPER excited to buy a dress for, since I don't get to dress up a lot!!!! It's hard to tell how my body is changing right now because of the constant yoga pants, so when we go to friends' on Friday it should be....... interesting when I put on real pants.

  39. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @KJfromNJ: I just inhaled a large fry from Chick fil A. Well, I shared them with DH, but they were the best fries ever!

  40. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @evansjamie: same! that and chicken!! All i wantd were chicken minis :'( but they were an ok second. DH kept saying how great it was to see me eating. If only he saw me DESTROY the 6 inch sub half an hour ago hahaha

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