Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    So, I'm hoping that there are others in this club that are a) overweight or b) struggling to eat healthy during your pregnancy. I have really bad eating habits, but right before I got pregnant, I had been doing pretty good eating healthy. The past couple weeks, though, have just been crappy. Last night I made a big pot of pasta - four servings - and ate it all by myself! And of course I feel sick today.

    I'm a little depressed because my belly is growing, and I know its my eating habits, not the baby! I want to try to be healthy for the baby, and I also don't want to get as big as a house. Still, I want a milkshake SO bad now after reading that other thread a minute ago... and if you can't treat yourself when you're pregnant, when can you!? Sigh.

  2. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I struggle with eating healthy too. I usually try to have one meal (lunch) that is fairly healthy to make up for the rest of the crap I eat. I'm used to being a lot more active, so not being really active combined with eating lots of French fries, ice cream, and baked goods is taking its toll. I hope we can all find a good balance soon!

  3. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @BunInOven: and @knockedup_nowwhat: thanks for understanding! As I get closer to Monday I'm starting to freak out.

    @knockedup_nowwhat: I also struggle with the eating. I started out WAY higher than I wanted to. I definitely weigh more than last time. I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry and making better choices. That said, I just had chocolate cake for lunch. : /

    My sis found this pregnant workout program that looks great. I'm going to try it later today.

  4. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I hope you get some answers soon, the waiting to find out if all is well is just excruciating I'll be thinking of you!!!

    @evansjamie: that doctor sounds like a JERK!! Glad you got the U/S and the nice hospital staff, though!!! And I don't know what I would do if someone asked me point blank if I was pregnant!!!!! I guess that's a perk of working from home, I don't see anyone!

    @knockedup_nowwhat: overweight here. I was 10-20 lbs from my goal and had lost about 50 when I got preg, but I'm still heavier than I should be. Having PCOS means I store a lot of fat in my stomach area. I know it'll be a while before I LOOK pregnant because of that. Although my lower belly bulge (mine is like a B- a roll above and below my belly button) is totally different now. Under the fat I can FEEL a little hard belly protruding, and the lower belly sticks out a little more. It's so cool! But not at all noticeable except to me.

    @Jennimac: Let me know about the pregnant workout program!! I just don't have the energy to run like I did pre preg so I would like to do something.

    I missed you guys the last few days, I was traveling for work Thurs/Fri. Still recovering from the mystery illness (did I share that? Thought I had strep but had an ear infection?) so I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend!!!

  5. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @KJfromNJ: it's pregofit.com. Apparently it goes month by month and its free If you sign up for the club.

  6. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: @evansjamie: @Jennimac: @KJfromNJ: I'm struggling with the same stuff. I had finally gotten serious about losing some weight at the beginning of the year, and was starting to see some results when my body decided to celebrate by getting pregnant, ha. So I'm starting this off 30 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with my son -- NOT ideal. I gained about 45 with him. And of course right now the health(ier) stuff I had been eating does not appeal to me right now. And I've been so tired, so I haven't been as active, either.

    I asked about tips to keep weight gain down when I had my appointment, and she just looked at me like I was kind of stupid, like "Duh, don't eat as much as you did the first time?"

  7. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: I am down to PP weight but still overweight. I am really struggling with being hungry all the time and already bloated and feeling like I'm showing.

  8. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @Jennimac @ladybee @buninoven @evansjamie @mrs. Monkey @knockedup_nowwhat @KJfromNJ: Thanks for all your thoughts ladies! I really love I have you girls to turn to.

    Dr called today with my blood test results. My Hcg is 37,000 but progesterone is low (below 20). Dr says with Hcg levels that's high he should have seen a heartbeat, but I can take progesterone to help see if that will give the boost needed to keep the pregnancy. I'm doing some research but wanted to see what you ladies thought. I have no experience with this and my gut is I would want to take it for the chance that this continues to be a healthy baby. It may still not work but I want to know I did all that I can. Any thoughts?

    I'm still nursing DD morning and nights. Will taking progesterone affect that (as in, do I need to stop?)? I will as my doc too buy just wanted to see your thoughts.

  9. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm not sure how progesterone affects breast feeding. Sorry I can't be of any help!

    Ladies, I am going out with a friend tonight for dinner and I feel awful. I'm happy I feel awful, but whoa! I didn't have this with my first, which this difference makes me feel better, but it is still kicking my butt.

  10. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @Jennimac: right there with you ... Ugh!

  11. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @littleveesmommy: Definitely have no first-hand experience but please keep us updated.

    OMG I need to complain about the fatigue for a moment. It's a quarter after nine and I'm seriously about to throw in the towel. It wouldn't be such a big deal, but I do some freelancing and I have to work when LO is asleep. Lately I'm lucky if I can do an hour's worth of work before my concentration is absolutely shot. Making my deadline will be tight this time.

  12. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: yucky! And you have daylight saving time to deal with. Ugh!!!

  13. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: tell me about it! I was training for a half marathon and doing barre Bootcamp and starting to see a change in my body before my BFP.

  14. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    I already told my BEST best friends but today I told my core group of friends (my BFF from them knew, but the other 4 I am SUPER close with and hadn't told yet.) It is so fun to be able to tell people!

  15. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    I go to the doctor tmrw and I'm a basket case. I want to cry at everything and I feel queasy all day long. Then, I worry that it's all in my head. I'm so excited for trmw and thankful that my mom will be with me, but I really wish DH was going to be there. I'm terrified that I'm going to hear bad news. I'm so upset.

  16. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Jennimac: we have our first appointment in Thursday and
    I'm scared as well. Our first and last u/s was the only one we had. We didn't make it past 7 weeks. I imagine your fear is about 10,000 times worse than mine. I just keep telling myself that I prayed for this baby. That I prayed that God wouldn't allow me to get pregnant again unless we were going to have a healthy pregnancy. This has to be that pregnancy. I'm sorry I don't have anything else to offer. If I were you, I'd buy one if those home dopplers for this time around. Hang in there I keep thinking that two loses in a row would be too cruel if God but I've seen it happen before.

  17. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Jennimac: @ladybee: I'm praying for the two of you! I hope that the appointments go well and your worries are put to rest.

  18. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Jennimac: @ladybee: praying for both of you!!!! Can't wait for your anxieties to turn to joy!

  19. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @KJfromNJ: @evansjamie: thanks ladies! I feel ok today but I know I'll get more nervous as the week goes by. Tomorrow Ill be 7 weeks and I lost our last pregnancy the morning of 7 weeks. I think I'm more nervous for tomorrow right now. Once that passes Ill fixate on Thursday

  20. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @Jennimac: @ladybee: Hoping that your appointments go well. Looking forward to hearing your good news this week!

  21. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @evansjamie: @ladybee: @KJfromNJ: @Mrs. Monkey: thank you guys so much. Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow with great news!

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ladybee: This baby had fabulous hCG betas and I have a great feeling about it. Your Thursday appointment is going to be a breeze and you'll feel much better after you've gotten to see or hear that heartbeat! Then give it a week and you'll be worried again. It's a vicious cycle.

  23. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @Jennimac: Thinking of you today and hoping everything goes well! Can't wait to hear your good news!

  24. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Oy the fatigue is definitely hitting big time. I am so sleepy by 2pm at work and it's so hard to keep my eyes awake. And by 9pm I'm ready for bed too but wake up still tired! =P

    @Jennimac: Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts for your appointment today!!! Praying for good news.

    @ladybee: You'll rock the appointment! =)

    I just took my first progesterone last night. It's... uhm... interesting! I had to do it right before bed and lie down so it absorbs. Feel a little queasy this morning but I felt queasy last week anyhow so not sure if it's the med or just my hormones. I have an appt with my OB on Wednesday at noon for a follow-up u/s and blood test to see how things are progressing with the progesterone boost. Keeping my fingers crossed! I spent the weekend crying and scared, but told myself I need to stay positive. Can't be all sad and sending such negative thoughts to the little baby if all works out well, right? =)

  25. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Back from the doctor! No U/S, but we heard LO's heartbeat with the Doppler! Baby is fine, HB was 171, and I go back on April 8!

    @Jennimac: Thinking about you today!

  26. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I keep telling myself the same thing about negative thought. As we all know I'm anxious about mcing again so I keep thinking that my negative thoughts will affect my baby but sometimes it's hard to stay positive.

    AFM, today I have 0 symptoms today which I'm trying to appreciate instead of worry.

  27. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @evansjamie: Hurrah for hearing the heartbeat!!!! So happy for you. You must be so relieved! Hopefully you get to see the little one at the next appt too.

    @ladybee: Yea it definitely is hard to stay positive with all this worry looming over us. *hug* I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  28. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @evansjamie: How exciting that you got to hear the HB! So happy for you!!

    @ladybee: I had a day off from my symptoms yesterday and today my morning sickness is back, keeping me company once again. I hope you can enjoy today and not worry!

  29. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I wish! I get exactly one ultrasound, and that's at 20 weeks. I think I can settle for hearing the heartbeat though. It was so cool!

  30. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @ladybee: I had a couple of symptom free days this weekend, and it's back this morning with the exhaustion and sore boobs.

  31. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @evansjamie: Are you with a midwife practice? I was when I was pregnant with DD and only got to see her at the 20 week anatomy scan. It was mostly just Doppler to hear the heartbeat, but definitely cool to hear!

  32. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm with an OBGYN/midwife practice. I was adamant about going with this group and this hospital because they have a low intervention rate and are pro natural birth/skin-to-skin/birth center experience.

  33. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    But yes, my main practitioners are the midwives, unless I become high risk, then I will transfer over to the OB.

  34. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @evansjamie: That sounds awesome! That was what I did with DD too and labored in birth center. Much more relaxed setting and they let you do what you need to do to get through labor.

  35. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    Hi ladies... just wanted to pop in as i'm trying to catch up on all the posts from this weekend. I felt pretty crappy all weekend between fatigue and massive amounts of indigestion. Sucks because we had so much to do too. We're throwing a party next weekend to celebrate st. patty's day and the completion of our addition (we added a powder room, breakfast nook, and bar/lounge). luckily my parents were able to come up and help us finish the last few projects and my mom helped me clean the whole house.

  36. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Jennimac: can't wait to hear from you, girl!!!

    I'm having a bad day - not preg related- and am trying to breathe and remind myself it will all work out! But I just want to sleep

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Chillybear: I hope you start feeling better soon!
    @KJfromNJ: I hate that feeling. Pregnancy hormones just make the feeling worse, too.

    We officially came out as expectant parents today, both at work and on FB. My mom/MIL are thrilled because now they can buy stuff. It will be nice to not have a secret anymore, too. My sister texted me today and said, "You know, I lied for you at church yesterday." I was in tears laughing, but seriously, it's nobody's business whether or not we are having kids. She just wished that the lady had waited until next Sunday to ask.

  38. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    Somehow my due date and appointment never made it onto the list. So, I thought I would add them... Now 9 weeks and still fatigued, nauseated, and have headaches. Hope my symptoms let up soon.

    10/1: KaitlynB - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/17: JenniMac
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee

    3/11 - Evansjaime
    3/11 - Jennimac (ultrasound)
    3/12 - Red Mini1 (ultrasound)
    3/12 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (8-10 wk initial appt)
    3/13 - KaitlynB (12 week ultrasound)
    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound) beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)


  39. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    I wanted to update with my next appointment.

    10/1: KaitlynB - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/17: JenniMac
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee

    3/11 - Jennimac (ultrasound)
    3/12 - Red Mini1 (ultrasound)
    3/12 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (8-10 wk initial appt)
    3/13 - KaitlynB (12 week ultrasound)
    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound) beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/8 - evansjamie - 14 week appointment
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)


  40. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @TFrances: This fatigue is killer, especially with DST this week. I get really dizzy at night when I get up to use the bathroom; does this happen to you too?

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