Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome, and we are in the same boat! My LO will be 28 months when the new kiddo is here. We had also planned on waiting for at least a three-year age gap. Whoops.

  2. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Sweet T: my sister and I are 20 months apart and it is just the best! I'm sure the thought of all the WORK though it daunting! Just think, you'll be able to stop diapers FOREVER earlier!

  3. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Thank you! I've always enjoyed your posts because our LOs are close in age. I'm excited that these LOs will be close too! Our sons seem to have achieved a lot of milestones at the same time.

    @KJfromNJ: I will be so happy to be done with diapers! We're thinking about doing cloth with this LO but I don't know much about it. I have a lot of research to do!

  4. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome and Congrats!

  5. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @evansjamie: Thank you!

  6. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @Jennimac: Glad your appointment went well!

    @Sweet T: Welcome!

    I totally agree with everyone about the food issues. What I wouldn't give to be able to just cook and eat a regular meal like one with vegetables and meat! I'm counting down the days until the first trimester ends and hoping that the nausea goes with it.

    I was wondering for those who have been pregnant before, when did your food aversions end? Did the aversions get better in the second trimester? Were there still any foods that you were not able to eat throughout pregnancy?

  7. Redmini1

    cherry / 163 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome to the thread!

    It's for real ladies, there is definitely a baby coming!! The ultrasound was awesome, we saw the heartbeat and the baby was wiggling around. The dr says everything looks good, I'm measuring on time so my due date says the same. So freaking happy to know that everything is ok, maybe now I'll be able to relax a little bit.

  8. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Sweet T: welcome!

    @Mrs. Monkey: thanks!

    @Redmini1: yay! Glad it went well!

    Afm, my mom talked to me tonight and told she can tell I'm being reserved about this pregnancy. I said she is right and I think I'll feel better when I'm past 20wks. She told me that wasn't fair to me or my daughter's memory if I take this gift we've been given and be worried and hesitant about it. She is right. So, I'm trying to fully embrace the excitement about it all and keep my spirits up. No worries. I'm just going to be happy.

  9. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Mrs. Monkey -- I'm sorry to impart my previous pregnancy experience. My food aversions never let up. I was nauseated for all 9 months. I'm hoping this isn't the case for this pregnancy, but am not holding out much hope. Of course, every pregnancy and person is different. Hoping you have better luck than me...

  10. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @Mrs. Monkey: @Redmini1: @Jennimac: Thank you!!

  11. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome and Congratulations!

    I'm glad to see that everyone is having a great week so far! As for me, I am 7w2d today and I have lost 95% of my symptoms. All I have left is being beyond tired even though I've slept 10 hours. My hCG started pretty high (94) and trippled every day for a week (thats as long as I was tested). I had ms starting at 3w and my boobs started hurting 3w3d and we got our positive test at the same time. I'm wondering if maybe my levels will level out early since they were higher to begin with? I am the type of person that needs to make logic out of everything so my lack of symptoms and no logical reason bothers me. Thankfully I only have 33 hours until we see babies hb!

  12. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    Oh geez ladies. New low point for me this morning -- five mins spent heaving my guts out over the toilet while my LO cried because I wasn't reading him his new book (which he then began hitting me in the back with).

    Good times.

  13. ChefAimee

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    Good Morning Ladies! I just wanted to share that last week I had my prenatal lab tests done, which included a cycstic fibrosis screen. I found out yesterday that I am, in fact, a carrier of the disease. My husband goes in today for his test. I'm praying that he's not a carrier, that way there is nothing to worry about! Have any of you found out that your a carrier? If so, how did you cope?

  14. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @Sweet T: Yay and welcome!!!!!! Super excited to hear your updates. This BFP was a surprise for us too (DD is 13.5 months) and I am also afraid of not being able I have a VBAC. At our initial appt with OB he already said its very unlikely since I got pregnancy less than 2 years from my c-section. How long is one supposed to wait?

    @Redmini1: Hurrah for an awesome visit and seeing a dancing baby! That's so exciting! =)

    I have my follow-up appt with OB today for an ultrasound and blood test to see if bb2 has developed further. I have been taking progesterone supplements since the weekend and am flying out to Cali tomorrow morning, so they wanted to see me before then. Wish me luck ladies! Super nervous.

  15. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Oh my.... I unfortunately can totally picture this, because we are also in a very needy mommy pay attention to me now phase. I hope you are feeling better!

    @ladybee: Its great that you are still feeling good. There are plenty of women that just have a great pregnancy and don't have the typical crazy symptoms! Be thankful you feel good and you are pregnant carrying a baby!

    @ChefAimee: I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know anyone as a carrier, but I would try not to worry about anything until you know more about your husbands status.

    @littleveesmommy: Good luck at the ultrasound!

  16. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @Redmini1: Yay! Awesome news.

  17. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome and Congrats!! We're also thinking of doing cloth diapers. Oh! Apostophe and Young House Love's blogs both have great posts written about the process

    @knockedup_nowwhat: We're doing the screening tests, my office doesnt do an 8 week ultra sound so unless we want to wait until 20 weeks the 12 week is our only other opportunity to have it done. I'm a planner so while i see how it could be stressful knowing the risks and percentages I'd rather know than not. I hope your next appointment is a little more reassuring.

    @Mrs. Monkey: My SIL had a weird aversion to almonds all 9 months... so far i have issues with cooked fruits, raw onions, and seafood/fish.

    @Redmini1: So glad to hear that your appointment went well

    @Jennimac: My mom had 2 miscarriages between my brother and I and when i told her about my pregnancy and how scared I was to have a miscarriage she told me "You're pregnant and you're pregnant until someone or something tells you you're not anymore... nothing is a guarantee in life, So enjoy it as much as you can for as long as you can." Thats been pretty much getting me through the last month or so esp not having much reassurance at my first appointment.

    @ladybee: My symptoms have come and gone pretty much the whole time i'm just grateful that when i feel crappy its pretty much only at night or on the weekends. This week my boobs stopped hurting and i think theyre less swollen/full

    @Mrs. Yoyo: if only you had a video camera... i could see that one on AFV

    @ChefAimee: I just had all my bloodwork done yesterday for what i assume is genetic screening, They took like 9 vials of blood.

    @littleveesmommy: good luck today!

  18. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    Updating to add my Monday appointment and also Sweet T to the due dates list

    10/1: KaitlynB - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/20: JenniMac-saw heartbeat!
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee
    10/30: Sweet T
    3/12 - Red Mini1 (ultrasound)
    3/12 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (8-10 wk initial appt)
    3/13 - KaitlynB (12 week ultrasound)
    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound) beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/18 – April K (10 week initial appointment)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    4/1-JenniMac (11 weeks/ ultrasound-if good, we will go public)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/8 - evansjamie - 14 week appointment
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)

    @Jennimac: I am similarly nervous as you were that my symptoms are caused by the prog and we won't get good news on Monday. I need to chill out but telling myself that is useless ;p Hopefully we hear the heartbeat but my doc doesn't do ultrasounds at that point. boo.

  19. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Sweet T: @Chillybear: We're (I'm) thinking about doing cloth diapers too! I love the fluff! DH doesn't care either way.

    My symptoms have come and gone as well. Right now I have mild nausea, and my boobs are less full, but I'm still super tired.

  20. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    I don't know what Id do without you ladies a d you're reassurance. I'm very emotional today and nervous about tomorrow so I think it's probably all in my head!

  21. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @Sweet T: Welcome, welcome!

    @Redmini1: Oh, yay! That's the best.

    @Jennimac: That's so great that you are having that attitude, though I think how you are feeling is totally normal. This is my first pregnancy, with nothing to indicate anything is going wrong, and I still am reserved!

    @ladybee: So excited for you to see that heartbeat!

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Oh, man. I keep thinking that I have no idea how second-time moms do it. Being pregnant is so exhausting as it is! Hang in there!

    @ChefAimee: That's a little scary, though I'm sure everything will be fine! I'm not sure that we did / are doing a CF screen. I need to look at my paperwork again.

  22. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    Re: food aversions, like @TFrances: I'm also probably not a good person to ask... I was really, really sick through about 15-16 weeks, got some relief for a few months, and was back on zofran every day for most of my third trimester. I was still puking on the delivery table. I was hoping this pregnancy would be different, but so far it's shaping up to be the same...oy.

    @Mrs. Yoyo: @Sweet T: I wanted to space kids 3 years apart, DH wanted them 2 years apart, and New Baby is due 11 days after LO turns 2.5. I figure that's fair

    Re: prenatal testing, we're skipping the screens and going straight for a CVS. We have a history of previous pregnancy loss due to a chromosomal abnormality, and I can't actually relax about pregnancy until I have more info. My last pregnancy we waited till 16 weeks to do an amnio, and I couldn't get excited- I was just pissed off for 16 weeks waiting for something to go wrong. I've been through NT screens (both getting back normal results and getting back way-abnormal results), and invasive testing before, so if anyone has questions about how it works, let me know.

  23. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: I honestly can't imagine being a SAHM while being first-trimester-sick. At least at work I can throw up in peace, and DH has been functionally single parenting for the last week at night and on weekends. Hats off to you, girl.

  24. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    My sister is getting married 4/6 and I'm not publically sharing until 4/2 so my mom wanted me to tell family early to not take away from my sister's day, which I get. And I think she wants people to talk to about it. She's one of ten so I have a huge family. JUST sent them an email... and now starts the terror of PLEASE LET THEM NOT WRITE SOMETHING ON FACEBOOK!!!!!!!! Just under 3 weeks left! COME ON FAMILY don't let me down haha!

  25. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    I think we are going to go ahead and skip the first trimester screening. I truly hope we don't regret it, but I feel like the anxiety it will induce is probably not worth it, when you look at the actual odds of something being wrong. Even if there is something wrong, we wouldn't terminate, so I feel like I just need to remove that from the list of things that are stressing me out!

    I appreciate everyone's reassurance about our "just okay" first appointment. I know I will feel much better when we go back in two weeks to hear the heartbeat!

    So, this might not be the best place to post about this, but I don't want to draw the attention of starting my own thread about it. DH & I are really concerned about finances, childcare, etc. because this was a surprise pregnancy. My parents have very kindly offered for us to move in with them to save money and have help with the baby (we live in the same city). Are we crazy to seriously consider it? DH thinks one year under the same roof could put us on a path to being out of debt, owning our own home, etc... it sure sounds nice, as does the help with the baby. But just imagining coming home with our newborn and not really having that "us" time as a family... it makes me a little claustrophobic! We would have our own space in the house, but we would still share a kitchen... and share a HOUSE. What do you all think?

  26. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @KJfromNJ: I'm putting a disclaimer out to my family that if they post anything to facebook it will be deleted and they will be immediately unfriended.

  27. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: we lived in my in-law's before moving and it helped IMMENSELY. As long as you set a goal, and you know you can handle your parents, and set ground rules (like if you need space for something, or ifyou can't be disturbed a certain time) then it's do-able. Feel free to chat with me about it anytime. I hate my IL's but we were in a BAD SITUATION and well, i still hate them but it was worth it! And they don't realize how much I hate them hahaha. I put on a brave face But if it was my mom? NO PROBLEM NO QUESTION. If we move to NJ ever we will probably do that.

  28. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: thats a hard decision to make, Its a very generous offer and i think a lot would depend on the relationship you and your DH have with your parents, the type of boundaries you can set, and the space you will have to yourself.

    My cousin was in the same boat last year and they moved in with her fiance's dad and his girlfriend. they live in the basement walk out apartment and for now it works but its definitely a temporary situation.

  29. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Chillybear: i put in bold not to post on fb. And I'll delete if they do! FB WATCH 2012! lol

  30. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @KJfromNJ: I worried about that SO MUCH! DH specifically told his sister that she wasn't allowed to talk about it on FB until we announced, and she got really huffy about that. I went so far as to tell everyone to not buy baby things (which annoyed my mom), but my parents live in a really small town where everyone knows everyone else and someone would put two and two together when Mom shows up at the Walmart checkout with onesies and a car seat.

  31. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    Hi ladies! Wishing you all the very very best with your pregnancies and looking forward to everyone's birth stories come October. Unfortunately I won't be joining you ladies - we just got back from u/s and there is no heartbeat. Thanks so much for the support.

    Can someone please take me off the list?

  32. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    10/1: KaitlynB - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/20: JenniMac-saw heartbeat!
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee
    10/30: Sweet T

    3/12 - Red Mini1 (ultrasound)
    3/12 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (8-10 wk initial appt)
    3/13 - KaitlynB (12 week ultrasound)
    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound) beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/18 – April K (10 week initial appointment)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    4/1-JenniMac (11 weeks/ ultrasound-if good, we will go public)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/8 - evansjamie - 14 week appointment
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)


  33. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry!

  34. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry to hear that. I've been there, please allow yourself time to heal. I'm so very very sorry.

  35. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I am so sorry. Thinking of you.

  36. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry. You're in my thoughts

  37. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @littleveesmommy: so sorry to hear. I am thinking of you and your family!!

  38. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry. You are in my prayers.

  39. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @ladybee: @Chillybear: @knockedup_nowwhat: Thank you all for the warm welcome!

    @AprilK: Thanks for adding me to the list!

    @littleveesmommy: I am so sorry for your loss.

  40. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    @littleveesmommy: So sorry and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Updated after today:


    10/1: KaitlynB - saw baby jumping and kicking!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/20: JenniMac-saw heartbeat!
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee
    10/30: Sweet T


    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound) beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/18 – April K (10 week initial appointment)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    4/1-JenniMac (11 weeks/ ultrasound-if good, we will go public)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/8 - evansjamie - 14 week appointment
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)



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