Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. KaitlynB

    olive / 63 posts

    I am so relieved and happy right now. I am 11w2d today and we had our appointment. They tried to get a heartbeat on the doppler (I was bummed I wasn't going to get to see the baby). When my doctor couldn't get a heartbeat because "the baby is moving around - I can hear him"...He switched to a stomach ultrasound. It was my first one NOT transvaginal....AND we saw the little baby! It was jumping up and down and twirling around and madly kicking it's feet. I almost cried. The baby sat still enough to snap a quick picture. The most precious little profile (:

    My next appointment will be in 5-6 weeks.

  2. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @KaitlynB: that's so awesome!!!

  3. Redmini1

    cherry / 163 posts

    @littleleveesmommy: my heart hurts for you, I'm so sorry!

  4. Redmini1

    cherry / 163 posts

    @KaitlynB: I love the pic, so cute!!!!

  5. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry. You'll be in our thoughts.

    @KaitlynB: Yay! That's awesome that you were able to see the little baby wiggle around. I'm going for an ultrasound on Saturday and I'll be 10.5 weeks. I feel nervous and really hope that I'll be able to see some movement as well.

  6. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @KaitlynB: that's picture is so cool! I'm so happy your appointment went great!

  7. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    AFM, I don't go till 4:45 eastern time tonight. I took today off work and thought it was such a great idea until now. Ill be home all day with nothing to do but worry. Eek! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers today and I will keep you updated!

  8. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @ladybee: I'm thinking of you all day!!!! I can't wait to hear an update from you. Do you have a home project you could start? Like, organizing a closet?

  9. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @ladybee: Good luck today! Looking forward to your happy update!

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @ladybee: Looking forward to your update!

    AFM, last night was the best night of sleep I've had since my BFP. Naturally, that means I'm exhausted today at work. Getting up at 6:30 is not agreeing with me.

  11. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry. Keeping you in my prayers.

  12. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @KaitlynB: That is such a perfect picture!! So happy for you!!

    @ladybee: Thinking of you today and hoping the day goes quickly. I can't wait to hear your good news! Good luck today!

  13. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Hi ladies!
    I am sorry for my crazy MIA status - with the whole spotting thing and then done crazy work dramz my hormones were just crazy.

    But I did end up having the us last Tues and they saw a heartbeat and I haven't had spotting at all now for 2 weeks! I'm hoping that's all a good sign! Some of you have the cutest bumps! I just look like my pasta addiction has gotten out of control

  14. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @ChefAimee: I am a carrier, but I knew I would be because my brother is as well. DH went in for his and came back that he is not a carrier. The odds of both of you being a carrier are slim, but even if you are, there are a million types of CF and some are less severe then others so you'll move to genetic counseling to get more information on the type you carry. If you are both carriers there is a 25% chance your child will carry the gene and possible have CF, if only you are there is like a 2% chance. I remember being sooooo panicked and upset, but you have to remember that the odds are in your favor.

  15. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @littleveesmommy: I'm so sorry.

  16. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    @KaitlynB: OMG, that is an amazing picture! What great reassurance.

    @ladybee: Thinking of you today!

  17. knockedup_nowwhat

    grape / 91 posts

    Updating the list with my next two appointments.


    10/1: KaitlynB - saw baby jumping and kicking!
    10/3: RedMini1
    10/4: Purple
    10/4: Evansjamie - saw heartbeat!
    10/6: Orangepekoe
    10/7: ChefAimee
    10/8: Mrs. Monkey - saw heartbeat!
    10/8: MRSTIZ
    10/9: Chillybear
    10/9: Mrs. Mochi - saw heartbeat twice!
    10/10: Mrs R. - saw heartbeat!
    10/11: Mrs. Spoon
    10/11: AprilK
    10/14: KJfromNJ - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: Lozza
    10/15: Buninoven
    10/15: KnockedUp_NowWhat - saw heartbeat!
    10/15: TFrances
    10/20: JenniMac-saw heartbeat!
    10/24: LAWTo9
    10/20: fuzzypeaches
    10/20: MRS. YOYO
    10/22: Beaker
    10/28: ladybee
    10/30: Sweet T


    3/14 - ladybee (7 week ultrasound)
    3/14 - beaker (8 week ultrasound)
    3/18 – April K (10 week initial appointment)
    3/22 - Mrs R. (12 week appt)
    3/22 - BUNINOVEN (ultrasound)
    3/25 - TFrances (11 wks / ultrasound)
    3/26 - Chillybear (ultrasound)
    3/26 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (quick doppler for heartbeat appt)
    4/1-JenniMac (11 weeks/ ultrasound-if good, we will go public)
    4/2- KJfromNJ (12 week appt/ultrasound- ON BIRTHDAY!)
    4/3 - Mrs. Mochi (Nuchal screening - blood/ultrasound)
    4/8 - evansjamie (14 week appointment)
    4/22 - KnockedUp_NowWhat (15 week check-up)
    4/23 - Mrs. Mochi (15/16 week follow-up appt - ultrasound)


  18. Mrs R.

    pea / 13 posts

    @Mrs. Monkey: This is my first time to be pregnant but I've had a definite aversion to grilled (not fried) chicken since almost the beginning. My nausea isn't even that bad and it's never made me sick but I can't bring myself to eat it, which is bad because our usual go to dinner is chicken or steak and fresh vegetables. I hope it does not last entire pregnancy but at this point I feel like I will never eat grilled chicken again!

    My symptoms are mostly non-existent but I guess you would say my aversion to chicken and my inability to brush my teeth without gagging/dry heaving would still be part of the nausea. Some days I just wake up feeling so great, I feel like there's no way something is going on in there, but I'm trying to have hope. 1w1d away from next appointment!

    I tried to tell my husband I need to buy a home doppler but he doesn't think it's a good idea. He thinks it will make my worrysome nature even worse if I have trouble using it, and he's probably right.

    @littleleveesmommy -- so sorry to hear

    @KaitlynB: Love the picture!

  19. ChefAimee

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @LadyBee Thanks for the words of encouragement. My husband got his blood drawn yesterday, so now it's just a matter of time until the results come back. I've come to terms with any of the outcomes, so I know I'll be okay.

    @Mrs R. I am the same with my symptoms. Mine have been almost non-exsistent from the beginning which makes me wonder what is actually going on down there. The only thing that has been bad is the fatigue, but I'm normally tired all the time anyway, so I wonder if that really has anything to do with the baby, and it's not just me. Although, heartburn has just started yesterday, and it's kind of a pain (no pun intended).

  20. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    @littleleveesmommy so sorry for your loss

    My u/s went well today, but I'm actually not as far along as I thought, only 6w 6d according to babys measurement, which gives me an EDD of Nov 1! I guess I should move over to the Nov board... Although DS was early so I bet this one will be an Oct baby anyway...

  21. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @ladybee: thinking of you right now! Saying a prayer for you!!

  22. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    Moms of 2 (or more), how are your symptoms comparing to your previous pregnancies?

    With DS I had heavy fatigue during the first trimester. I dealt with nausea and dizziness occasionally but only if my stomach was empty. This time around, I've had all day nausea and dizziness since 2 days after getting my BFP. I've also had headaches and my nipples hurt so bad! I know it could be worse and I am so grateful that I'm not hugging the toilet throughout the day, but it sure is hard chasing a toddler when you feel terrible all day long!

  23. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    We are back (had a few errands to run) and the appointment went great! I am 7w3d but I am measuring 8w2d. Baby's heartbeat was 175, we got to see it and hear it!

    ETA: Head is at the bottom, bum and tail are at the top

  24. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @KaitlynB: @ladybee: I LOVE seeing your sweet babies! I can't wait to see mine jumping around (hopefully) at 12 weeks. Thanks so much for sharing the pics from your appts!!!!

  25. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @ladybee: I'm so thrilled for you!!!!!!!! Crying tears of happiness!!!!

  26. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @ladybee: SO EXCITED for you!!!!

  27. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @ladybee: Hooray!

    @Sweet T: I *so* hear you. With DS I had practically zero sickness, just a couple of random food aversions. But right now I have nausea on and off all day and absolutely nothing sounds good (except at lunchtime, which seems to be the one time of day I can eat a normal meal). For dinner tonight I had crackers and cinnamon bread. Then DH came home and I had to run upstairs because he was fixing pork shumai. I swear I can still smell it up here

    Kind of bitter considering the first time around, I could have just rested all day if I'd wanted. Now, not so much.

  28. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @beaker: glad you had a good appointment. I am lurking between October and November. My LMP EDDis Nov 3 but for a second kid maybe they come early? I go for an u/s tomorrow and maybe will be adjusting due date based on size.

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ladybee: I told you everything would be great!!! So happy for you! Did they tell you why they think you're measuring almost a week ahead? Do they think ovulation is off or you just have a super growing baby?

  30. Mrs. Monkey

    cherry / 193 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Great news!

    @ladybee: Yay! Glad your appointment went so well.

  31. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I am on cloud nine today! My symptoms are pretty much gone, I feel great and my baby is healthy!

  32. BunInOven

    olive / 51 posts

    @ladybee: That's such great news!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  33. Redmini1

    cherry / 163 posts

    @ladybee: So happy to hear the appointment went well. Love seeing the ultrasound pics.

  34. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @knockedup_nowwhat: Sorry, remove me from the list, i'm a November mama now!

  35. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: I can't believe how different it is this time around. I know everyone says "every pregnancy is different," but I wasn't expecting to be so sick! I feel so bad for DS! I am irritable and not fun to be around. I really just want to lay around on the couch and do nothing.

  36. Protectlove

    cherry / 124 posts

    Look at all these happy soon-to-be-mamas ! I love it!

    I originally posted that our due date was Oct. 16th and apparently that was a miscalculation by my nurse that phoned me the results of the ultrasound. At my Drs. Appt on Monday I was informed it is actually October 1st! I like that! Although it is quiet close to my birthday either way (October 12.)
    That would be a neat birthday present but I don't want to make a sweet baby have to share their special day.

    Cheers to all the growing bellies!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Thank goodness it's FRIDAY!!! What are you guys up to this weekend? We will be starting our baby shopping and chilling out after a stressful week.

  38. TFrances

    apricot / 286 posts

    Okay everyone, I have something serious to discuss. For all you second or third timers out there: What are your feelings on VBACs and CBACs?

    I just read http://www.hellobee.com/2013/03/13/not-natural-my-cbac/ and am now trying to think through the topic. With my twins (10 years ago) I had an unplanned c-section. The doctor opted for one because I was way past my due date and the babies were not in any position for a natural birth. I felt confident in going along with the doc's professional opinion.

    With this pregnancy, my doc (different from last one) says I have an option as long as things go normal. Some days I want a VBAC and other days I think that I will probably end up having another CBAC, so why not schedule it? Feeling very conflicted lately...

  39. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @Sweet T: I know, I have been really sick and I feel bad for my son. On the days hubs is out of town for work there is a lot of tv viewing going on. But I have felt soooo horrible. And he learns so much at daycare that I'm sure a little tv at home won't kill him, right? Oy!!

  40. Sweet T

    pomelo / 5321 posts

    @TFrances: I'm hoping to be able to have a VBAC this time around. I planned for an unmedicated, vaginal birth with my first and ended up with lots of interventions that led to a csection. I have a toddler now and I'm hoping for a faster, easier recovery while I transition into life with 2.

    @AprilK: Oh, there's been a lot of tv time here too! I hate it but it's the only way I can distract him enough to get some rest.

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