Hellobee Boards


October 2014 Mothers-To-Be!

  1. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @mrskoloa: she is lovely! Congrats on your amazing birth!

    @ottilie: aw what a little doll he is! Congratulations! Happy to hear that his health issues are only temporary.

  2. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @mrskoloa: Wow what a story, sorry the epidural didnt work as you hoped! Congratulations again, she is absolutely gorgeous

  3. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @ottilie: Oh what a handsome little guy, congratulations! Glad you are doing well, I hope everything heals up on its own

  4. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @ottilie: congratulations!!!! He is just perfect

  5. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    October mama's, how do I join the Facebook group? Is there a name I can search? I had walled mrskoloa my email buuuut I think she's had her hands full

  6. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @cmbknyc: If you want to wall me your email I can invite you

  7. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: walled you, thank you!!!! how are you feeling? Has your back started bothering you like it did in the beginning? I'm starting to get some major pain again...

  8. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @cmbknyc: walled you back. I'm not having the back pain like I did before, thank goodness, but my pelvic bone is pretty achy. I'm just waiting for it to happen though I'm sorry you're feeling pain again, do you do any stretches or yoga?

  9. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: oh good! I'm so glad although I'm so sorry you're pain. I'm in physical therapy for a torn miniscus so I can't do any yoga but my therapist sneaks in some back work also, so weird bec I don't have a single notification or invite. Maybe if I search for the group name ...

    Eta: OMG I searched my email on fbook thinking it was my privacy settings and someone started a fbook acct using my email address and name!!! I reported it and requested that it be deactivated stat. At least that explains the mystery...

  10. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @cmbknyc: It's a secret group so you won't be able to find it I can see if I can find you by your email address and invite you that way.

    ETA omg that is crazy! Why would someone do that??

  11. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: no clue, but they used my maiden name which is interesting...oh internets

  12. Mirage

    grape / 81 posts

    @ottilie: congratulations! Sending good vibes that he recovers well!

  13. Mirage

    grape / 81 posts

    @mrskoloa: congratulations! You must be thrilled. What a crazy birth story! So sorry your epidural didn't work as planned. That's totally my biggest nightmare. Glad to hear you are on the mend though!

    It's crazy to see all these babies being born, my official due date isn't until Friday but I'm definately waiting anxiously! It's so weird not knowing when this life changing event will happen

  14. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: My pubic bone aches....is that weird?! It was so painful during parts of the night last night that I couldn't sleep. I don't remember experiencing it with DS but I'm assuming it's normal.

    So exciting to see our group starting to have their LO's! I am still in denial that it's happening so soon for me, despite knowing that it could happen anytime. I know we are as prepared as possible, but it's still so hard to imagine how it will be with another LO in the mix. Hope everyone is feeling okay this morning!

  15. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @ottilie: Glad to hear your birth was a really positive experience. Congrats on little Oliver! That picture is just precious! Sorry about the heart issues - remain positive that everything will work itself out.

    @cmbknyc: Yikes! That's kinda creepy!!

    @bushelandapeck: I've been feeling the exact same way. Our house is ready and we're all anxiously awaiting the arrival on the new LO, but at the same time, I CANNOT believe we are awaiting the arrival of a new LO! My husband installed our newborn carseat into my minivan last night, and seeing that makes it so much more real! I think he's feeling the same way because he posted a pic of the two carseats to fb with the caption "oh boy..." Lol.

  16. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: We installed the base this weekend too....and realized that we definitely need a bigger car! Lol. I like to sit in the backseat with DS when we don't want him to fall asleep and there was basically no room for me to sit comfortably. We had planned to buy something new already but haven't gotten around to it. I thought we would probably wait until the spring at this point, but maybe not!

  17. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @bushelandapeck: No kidding, things are getting real!

    I've been having pubic bone pain for a while as well, but in the past 2 days it's been getting worse, I've been hobbling around like an old lady! I suppose it's due to the baby dropping? I'm feeling so much pressure these days... I never quite understood what pregnant ladies meant when they said that they felt like the baby was just going to fall out, but now I do!

  18. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: that's exactly why I'm driving a minivan right now!! Lol.

  19. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: Exactly! It's so painful to get up and start walking...once I'm moving, it's not too bad, but the initial shock of getting up is terrible! I keep expecting my water to break from all the pressure, or for me to pee my pants. lol.

    @bunnylovesbear: I can't get DH on board with a mini van but we are looking at some large SUV's!

  20. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: Oh the pelvic pain is the worst! I dread going to bed at night because rolling over hurts so darn bad! I've kind of decided once I get past 37 weeks I am going to start trying simple things that encourage labor because I am done with pelvic pain lol...

  21. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I bet he'd be surprised by all the cool stuff that comes with a minivan. The automatic doors are amazing...everything opens at the press of a button. I'm also loving the navigation system, satellite radio (free for a yr!!) and DVD system! It's pretty cool, even if it's a minivan. lol. I'm shocked by how much I'm loving it!

    So I just realized I'm further along in this pregnancy than I made it in my last. My Johnnyboy was born at 37 +3, and I'm officially 38wks tomorrow! Guess that progesterone really did the trick!

  22. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: I have a few friends that absolutely love their minivans! My DH is more of a sport car kind of guy so getting him to like our Subaru Outback was tough enough! Lol. He wants something bigger but still sporty. If we didn't have a big black lab, it would be a lot easier!

    Anyone else having BH contractions all the time?? I swear I have one every few minutes. It's annoyng and uncomfortable!

  23. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: yes on the BH! I've been getting loads of them since like 24 weeks, but they're definitely increasing in frequency and strength.

  24. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    @cmbknyc: Omg! I didn't even get any notification of a wall post! I'm so sorry! In fact, I barely get half of the notifications HB is supposed to be sending me, for some reason. It's really irritating. I see you made it in though... so sorry!!!!

  25. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    Hello ladies!

    I've been MIA as I was having my baby BOY
    His name is Torin, he weighed 6lb6 and was 50cm long. He is heavenly!
    My waters broke at 3am on Saturday morning after labouring for about 12 hours (bearable, nothing awful), I got to hospital at 4am, I was 3cm dilated. I had diamorphine injection and had and air until 6cm then opted for the epidural, which worked enough to get me two hours of sleep but then completely wore off and didn't work again even after 2 top ups. At 3.15pm was 10cm and started to push, he was born at 5.05pm on the 27th September.

    Normal vaginal birth, very painful and fairly traumatic but 3 days on I feel much much better about it and realise its just something that we have to do to meet our babies! I had one first degree year internally which has stitches, everything else was very smooth and nothing out of the ordinary for a birth story.

    We stayed in hospital for only that night and came home the next day at lunchtime, so we have been home for 2 days. It's exhausting but so so amazing. He is the love of my life!

  26. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @ottilie: congratulations and well done on being the first of us to have your baby. Oliver is lovely, I hope his medical issues mend themselves and you are enjoying motherhood. I know what you mean about nursing, I feel like my boobs are always out now!

    @mrskoloa: aww congratulations she is lovely! Do our babies share birthdays? Our birth stories with the epidural sound fairly similar, being able to feel everything certainly did not feel natural or Mother Nature like, I can't believe people chose not to try take that pain away, I also hear you on the ring of fire. After his head was here is felt like a piece of cake! How are you settling into motherhood?

  27. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @bushelandapeck, @bunnylovesbear: I've been having BH all the time lately!

    When would you start timing BH contractions, if at all? I haven't been bothering to time them, because I kind of thought that if they were worth timing, they would be more than the regular old BH that I'm used to (kind of like the whole saying, "When you're actually in labor, you'll know!")... but I feel like I'm having so many, that maybe it's worth it? I have a Dr appt tomorrow and will ask, but thought I'd crowdsource here!

  28. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Aah, what a sweet baby boy!!! How excited were you to finally find out!?!

    Congratulations on your beautiful son, and hope your recovery continues to go well!

  29. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Wow congratulations! I can't believe how many babies have been born already and it's not even October quite yet! Sorry things didn't go quite as imagined but glad all is well now, he is so handsome and alert looking!

  30. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: I know, so creepy! Still trying to resolve it sheesh. Also, hoooray on making it further than your last pregnancy. That's great

    @mrskoloa: OMG do not even think two seconds about it or apologize. @mrs.panda: totally rocked and figured it out! You enjoy that beautiful baby. How are you feeling?

    @Mrs tartan: Congratulations!!!!! He is so so beautiful!!!!

  31. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    Hope no one minds but I've added an arrivals list (I can't believe how time is now flying!!!) If I have any of the facts wrong forgive me and feel free to edit or let me know and I'll fix. So exciting to see all these beautiful babes.


    9/22 - Mrs Tartan, Torin
    9/26 - Ottilie, Oliver
    9/27 - Mrs Koloa, Sami Katsue

    Due Dates
    9/29 - Mrs.Koloa
    10/1 - Mrs.Tartan
    10/2 - JasmineGreen TBD
    10/3 - Mirage
    10/4 - Megan TBD
    10/8 - BushelandPeck
    10/10 - HoweverBriefly
    10/10 - ottilie
    10/11 - Ms. Pumpkin
    10/13 - hotpink
    10/13 - Mrs.Thinmint TBD
    10/14 - Cole TBD
    10/14 - bunnylovesbear
    10/14 - hellocupcake
    10/15 - Wonderstruck
    10/15 - Mrs. Deer TBD
    10/17 - lioneyes
    10/19 - butterbean TBD
    10/23 - cyndistar3
    10/24 - Rocker2014
    10/25 - Mrs.Panda
    10/25 - cmbknyc
    10/27 - becksabee TBD
    10/31 - ms.mermaid
    10/31 - Mrs. Scottish

  32. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Mrs tartan: he is so gorgeous I can't take it!! Congratulations!

  33. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Mrs tartan: congratulations!! I have been thinking about you and hoping you were enjoying some newborn snuggles!

    @Ms.Pumpkin: I haven't timed them and I don't think I will. I've had some contractions over the past week or so and they feel totally different (ie: more painful) so I think we will know the difference when it happens. I don't know if I'm the best judge of things though, as my water broke with DS and I wasn't havung any contractions. I keep wondering if I will know it's really happening unless my water breaks again. Lol.

  34. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mrs tartan: wow...congrats!! Did you have a feeling it was going to be a boy or were you totally surprised?

    @Ms.Pumpkin: I haven't been timing anything just yet either. I also have a dr appointment today and Thursday, so I figure I'm pretty safe. lol. I do tend to look at the clock when i feel the first one. I think I read somewhere that if you're having more than 10 in an hour, you should be timing them? I also try to change positions mid-BH. If the pain eases a bit, that's confirmation that it's not real yet. But like you said, I feel like I'll just KNOW. I'm also convinced my water will break again, so there won't be any chance of not knowing. Lol. However, I was also convinced the baby would be born on Sept 29th for some reason, yet here I am still pregnant!!

  35. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: thank you, I was do happy to hear he was a boy, it was such an amazing moment in the delivery room when is forgotten to ask and a nurse said "so what do you have?" And DH had a look and told me "it's a Boy" and kissed me. Lovely. As for bh I wouldn't bother timing them until they are getting sore, my back got really painful and it felt like someone was tightening a belt around my waist. I didn't think I would know the difference but its really as simple as bh are not sore, contractions are, it might be slight at start but they are sore once they are close enough to time.
    @cmbknyc: thanks so much for this list, one change for me please - Torin was born on the 27th sep. can't wait to see how many boys and girls there is by the end of the month!
    @bunnylovesbear: funnily enough 29th September was the date in my head when I would give birth! I always thought he was a boy, I felt that he was, but I'm still never sure if that's because our family is all boys!

    Thanks everyone for my congrats, looking forward to all of your announcements now! Feels like the past 9 months from when I first joined this board has just flown by.

  36. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Oh my gosh, so many new updates!!

    @bushelandapeck: Oh my pelvic bone right at the symphysis is sooo achy when I'm in bed. Rolling over is a pain, literally. It doesn't help that baby girl gets really irritated if I'm on one side and she happens to want to be on that side, too. She starts kicking and trashing around until I turn over As far as mini vans, they have come a LONG way in how swanky they are! My brother and SIL just bought one and it is fancy! Side view cameras for changing lanes, doors that open and close automatically, DVD player, I can't even remember all of the features. DH would never go for a mini van, though haha. I don't know if I can bring myself to, either. We have Jeeps and we really love them.

    @Ms.Pumpkin: Yes I feel the pressure, too! We were walking around Target over the weekend and I had to go sit down in the shoe department because I was so tired and had so much pressure in my pelvis I thought there was something wrong. It was nothing but it definitely got me concerned. I'm a worrier though

    @cyndistar3: Yep, once Saturday hits the labor inducing methods are on I have already been taking Red Raspberry Leaf capsules and should be getting some of the tea in the mail. I've also been told that pineapple and primrose oil are good, too. I'm nervous to be taking all these supplements that aren't FDA approved, though.

    @Mrs tartan: Congratulations on your sweet baby BOY!! He is so precious! And I love his name. I'm sorry the birth was traumatic for you, but you're right, it's something we all have to do to meet our babies. He is perfect is your MIL out of your house now?

    @cmbknyc: I'll update the list to reflect the birth date of Torin

    I told my DH about how these babies are coming a little before their EDD and he is freaking out now lol

  37. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts


    9/26 - Ottilie, Oliver
    9/27 - Mrs Koloa, Sami Katsue
    9/27 - Mrs Tartan, Torin

    Due Dates

    9/29 - Mrs.Koloa
    10/1 - Mrs.Tartan
    10/2 - JasmineGreen TBD
    10/3 - Mirage
    10/4 - Megan TBD
    10/8 - BushelandPeck
    10/10 - HoweverBriefly
    10/10 - ottilie
    10/11 - Ms. Pumpkin
    10/13 - hotpink
    10/13 - Mrs.Thinmint TBD
    10/14 - Cole TBD
    10/14 - bunnylovesbear
    10/14 - hellocupcake
    10/15 - Wonderstruck
    10/15 - Mrs. Deer TBD
    10/17 - lioneyes
    10/19 - butterbean TBD
    10/23 - cyndistar3
    10/24 - Rocker2014
    10/25 - Mrs.Panda
    10/25 - cmbknyc
    10/27 - becksabee TBD
    10/31 - ms.mermaid
    10/31 - Mrs. Scottish

  38. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: thank you very much and also thanks for updating the list. Yeah my mil moved out on the Monday and he was born on the Saturday, so so thankful he held in those 5 days. Looking at it now I definitely would not be able to cope if she was here now!

  39. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Oh I'm so glad! I don't blame you, I would go insane!

  40. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: my midwife suggested Christopher's birth prep, it has red raspberry leaf in it along with lots of other stuff. I personally don't think much of FDA approval because I hear a lot more cases of serious illnesses and deaths from fda approved meds than most of these natural remedies that are recommended but that's just me

    @Mrs tartan: That is great to hear she moved out before your lo came! It's always nice when things work out

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