Hellobee Boards


October 2014 Mothers-To-Be!

  1. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: Sadly my insurance doesn't cover it either so it is all out of pocket It is very peaceful though, my experience there was night and day from my hospital experience! I had my one midwife and assistant, they let me do what I wanted to do in regards to movement, my baby was put on my chest and they didn't even try to take her from me until I was good and ready even then she was never more than a few feet from me, I didn't have nurses coming in and harassing me every few minutes, no pediatrician yelling at me telling me I was killing my child by denying the vitamin k shot... I am sure people have great experiences with hospitals but I did not

    As for the back labor, I never really had back issues before but I do tend to get menstrual cramps more in my back so that's all I can compare it to. She was sunny side up so I'm pretty sure that's why I had back labor.

  2. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @cyndistar3: you are more brave than me! Lol. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Hopefully I didn't come off as being snarky...I could just never go med-free!

  3. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I *think* I'm feeling girl...but I'm just not sure! With my daughter, there was no doubt in my mind that she was a girl. Then with my son, I had no feeling either way so I was convinced it was going to be surprise twins! This time around I've *felt* both...boy early on and now girl. Who knows!! Lol.

    Even though I had a csection with my others, my last delivery began with back labor as well. It wasn't too bad until I progressed to 5cm while waiting for my surgery to begin. At that point, I turned to my husband and told him they either need to get me on the operating table for get me some drugs! Lol. I definitely respect those that can handle med-free births...it's just not for me.

  4. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: No, you definitely didn't come off as snarky! I honestly think you are braver than I am, I have a terrible needle phobia and the main thing that scared me about the c/s was the spinal block. Well when it took them 5 times to get it in right and repeatedly hitting a nerve it was enough to scar me for life. Not to mention the fact that the injection site hurt all up until a magical massage therapist seemed to have made it better about a month ago.

  5. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cyndistar3: I also chose a med free birth partially because I am afraid of the epidural. I am so worried that it won't work right or I'll have migraines for life. My med free birth really wasn't too bad with DS, despite being in a traditional hospital setting. I am hoping for a similar positive experience this time around.

  6. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I hope you get another positive experience as well, I think mind set can get you a long way in getting through it. I went into it with the mindset of pain meds not being an option and I think that really helped me not fight the pain as much.

  7. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cyndistar3: I agree totally. I feltbreally prepared from our childbirth class and had a firm conversation with the nurses and Drs about not offering meds unless I specifically requested them. Thankfully, everyone was great and I was able to move around and change positions as I needed to.

  8. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @bushelandapeck: that's awesome that they listened to you about the meds, I've heard of a lot of people being pressured into it by nurses

  9. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cyndistar3: the nurses were great! Honestly, the only pressure I got was from the doctors...I think they wanted to speed things up and I was adamant about allowing things to happen on their own. I should have switched to a birth center this time but I stuck with what was familiar. I hope I don't regret it!

  10. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Hi all!
    I feel like it has been forever since I posted, but I've been following along faithfully! I just wanted to say that it has been so awesome knowing that others are going through the same things that I am - you are all so reassuring! I had my 37 week checkup today, baby girl is totally "engaged", and they're saying I could go at any time! Originally this was scary since she's been measuring small all along, but I had a final measuring ultrasound yesterday and they're estimating 6lbs, 3oz so they're ok with whenever she comes. Official due date is still 10/15, but...we'll see what happens! It's nice to be able to breathe deeply again...though I could do without her head-butting my bladder all the time!
    The last few weekends, I've been all about getting stuff done so the nursery is complete (I'll try to post a pic when I can), all the clothes are washed, hospital bag is packed, etc. I've even finalized my continuation of operations plan for my leave at work, so I'm ready to get this show on the road!

    I can't wait to find out who will be the first of us to deliver!

  11. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    I had my 34 week appointment today and finally got to talk to my doctor about what having gestational diabetes will mean for labor. I switched OB practices around 30 weeks, which has been frustrating in a lot of ways but I'm overall pretty happy with the care I'm receiving and I feel like this OB actually remembers who I am and cares about how I'm doing, which is a huge change from my old practice. Of course, I came in wanting to see the midwife side of the practice and got simultaneously diagnosed with GD so they sent me over to the OBs and classed me as high risk....

    Anyway, the really disappointing thing is that she said that she doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks. That if baby isn't measuring too large, they might let me go to 39 weeks, 5 days. But it doesn't sound like I can go to my due date or even a few days past. I would prefer not to be induced, and I know sizing ultrasounds can be really off and that there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence based reasons for inducing women with gestational diabetes, so I'm hoping to at least push the induction to maybe the Monday after my due date, to give myself the most chance to go into labor.

    The good news is, the OB is totally supportive of having as an unmedicated a birth as possible, and is all about letting me do telemetry monitoring and labor in the tub and walk around and do all of that during labor, so I at least feel like even if I get induced, it might not be that bad. It was just disappointing to hear that they won't even let me get to my due date.

    As for working up until my due date, at birth class, they told us that if you are in early labor, you should still go to work, etc. because it might be a long time before things happen. I work with a neighbor who lives around the corner, so if I go into labor at work, she can drive me home and somebody else will have to bring my car home (I work 45 min away), but my office is close enough to my sister's house that I think she and my brother-in-law will be able to drive it up. My coworkers have assured me that they will help me out if I go into labor at work, so I don't need to worry.

  12. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @cyndistar3: okay good! After I posted that "yikes," I was worried it would come across the wrong way through the internet! Glad it didn't. I've had super positive experiences with both of my previous csections, so I'm hopeful it will be the same this time around. Although I will admit, I'm the most nervous this time. Not sure why.

    @Rocker2014: I also can't wait to see who goes into labor first!! And in dying to find out what my fellow Team Greeners end up with! The suspense is getting to me now...

    Something kinda scary to think about...I'm 37 weeks today, and I went into labor during my 37th week with my last pregnancy! Eek!

  13. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Sorry to hear about the GD complications but glad that your OB is willing to give you some extra time before talking induction! And also that your OB is supportive of your desire to have an unmedicated birth. I ended up having a small dose of poticin with DS but was still able to labor without pain meds, so it is possible!

    @Rocker2014: So exciting! Sounds like you are ready!

    @bunnylovesbear: I can't wait to hear who goes first and what you team greeners are having as well!

    I had my 38w appointment this morning and am 2cm, -1, and 20% effaced. My OB said if I am still pregnant at my 39w appointment next week we could do the membrane sweep to speed things along if I want to. Not sure how I feel about that but I guess it will depend on how this next week goes! Oddly, I also lost 1lb this week, despite feeling like all I've been doing is eat. Lol.

    Any STM's who have had a successful membrane sweep and can tell me how it went?? I've heard it is pretty painful and doesn't always work so I'm skeptical.

  14. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: @bushelandapeck: I keep thinking we should start a betting pool or something! But maybe I've just been playing too much fantasy football at work

  15. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @Rocker2014: totally engaged! Do you work on fifths palpable where you are? In the UK we work as 5/5 being completely free, head above pelvis and 1/5 being ready to go. At 39 weeks I'm 3/5. Are you already 1/5?
    @Ms.Mermaid: sorry to hear they won't let you get you our due date, but hopefully you will go into labour yourself. Don't feel to bad about it though, any of us could end up getting induced at anytime, at least you know when.
    @bushelandapeck: you sound like you are on your way to labour! I haven't had a sweep myself but ill get one at my next appointment too, I figure it might be uncomfortable/painful but anything to get this show on the road!

    I'm 39+1 today, 6 days till due date. I am so excited to see what this little green baby is! I feel boy but its my first baby so I've nothing to compare it too. This excitement is keeping me going through the tough days, finally I am glad I stayed team green as I was jealous before that I didn't know but now I think ill push much better with the buzz of finding out!

  16. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mrs tartan: wow!! 6 days til your due date?!! Eee!!

  17. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: I know it's crazy! I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to labour, I'm symptom spotting even worse than when we were ttc waiting for it to start!

  18. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    I'm at work right now and everyone is putting days on a calendar to guess when I'll go into labor. No one thinks I'll make my due date. I'm so excited for you @Mrs tartan:!!!!

  19. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Oh wow I can't believe you only have 6 days until your due date!!! How is it that close already? I totally get you on the symptom spotting, I'm not even that close and I'm already having a hard time not reading into things too much!

    @Mrs.Panda: LOL that's hilarious! Not knowing when it's going to happen is so hard :o

  20. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I've always secretly hoped my work would do that, too!! Haha

  21. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    So I started to lose my mucus plug this morning after an awful night awake with cramps and heartburn. I have no idea if it will end up meaning anything over the next few days but it's nice to know my body is doing something! Now if only I could get some decent sleep. Happy Friday everyone!

  22. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I thought I might have lost some of my plug last night at work too but now I'm thinking it was just discharge. How do you tell the difference?

  23. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Whoo! Hooray for progress!

    I think that I may have lost some small bits of mine following a cervical check on Weds, but we'll see.

    I' also just kind of hanging out, symptom-spotting like crazy (I totally feel you, @Mrs tartan!). The baby is still down low, at either a -2 or -1, I can't remember which- the OB said he could feel the head during the check, which kind of weirded me out! I'm "a good 1 cm" dilated, and am still around 50% effaced.

    Crampy and waddling and getting kind of grumpy, yesterday I had 2 separate people at the office tell me that maybe I should start staying at home from now on, lol. I'm now on mostly full time work at home status, but may go in on Tuesday to clean up my desk and turn in some HR paperwork. I feel a lot better knowing that I probably won't go into labor at work and have to ride the train back home while trying to time contractions. I get the feeling it'll be a lot more relaxing to be able to go into labor at home!

  24. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I had a very similar night last night. I. could. not. sleep. I've never had much trouble sleeping while pregnant, so I can't complain too much, but it wasn't fun. I've just been laying on the couch all morning, so that kinda made up for it. I probably should've taken a nap instead of watching tv. oh well.

    I also thought I might have started losing my plug, but I'm really not sure if it was that or just the typical discharge.

  25. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: it was brown tinged...remnants of blood which is supposedly a good sign

  26. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    So last night around 9pm I started getting contractions. Very infrequent and I managed to sleep through until 4am, then from 4am until now (around 5pm) they have been coming and going all day. When a midwife checked me today I am 100% effaced and 2cm dilated. Eeeek!
    If I don't go into full on labour tonight then I've to go in for a trace at 10am to ensure baby is happy enough to stay put until I do.

    It's all come out of the blue, I didn't notice any mucous, no bloody show, no more discharge, no water breakjng.I didn't have sex or eat curry or go for a walk. One minute I was getting ready for bed and the next I was having painful contractions.

    Right now I'm lying watching tv in my pjs with a hot water bottle and just about to go for a bubble bath to ease the back pain.

    @bushelandapeck: @Mrs.Panda: when is your Edd again? Any more symptoms?

  27. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Eee!! Very exciting stuff! Sending lots of happy thoughts your way!

  28. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Mrs tartan: so exciting!!! Sounds like you'll be the first one! I'm not due until 10/8 by early ultrasound measurements. My EDD based on my LMP is 10/2 so we shall see! No more symptoms so I'm thinking the contractions from Weds were because of the cervical check. Those suckers hurt! Lol.

  29. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @Mrs tartan: how exciting! Hope things progress well for you, and you get to meet your baby soon!

  30. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Well, I just lost more of my mucus plug...in the grocery store of all places. With DS I went into labor around 36 hours after I lost my mucus plug. We'll see if the same holds true this time

  31. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs tartan: Woooo how exciting!

    @bushelandapeck: Yay for mucus plug loss! Hopefully that means we see a baby in the near future!

    So, I don't think my next appointment can come soon enough, I looked at my files online for some stupid reason and found that I tested positive for GBS.... I thought I was going to be safe since I didn't have it the last two times but I guess not

  32. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    @Mrs tartan: @bushelandapeck: Could be a race between the two of you for first to deliver! Congrats and good luck ladies, I'm so excited for you!

  33. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Mrs tartan: wow I'm so excited for you!! How are you doing now? I'm sure you're so ready! I'm not due until the 25th so I have loads of time!

    @bushelandapeck: you guys may be neck and neck for this labor race!

  34. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Very exciting!! I've lost little bits of mine, but nothing substantial just yet. I've been feeling a lot of pressure, but that's nothing new this pregnancy. Lol. Sending happy labor thoughts your way!!

  35. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    Hey girls! I gave birth yesterday at 2:05 pm.

    Her name is Sami Katsue! She was 7 pounds and about 21 inches long.

    Thursday night I went out to eat with some other pregnant girls, and around 8 I felt my pants get really wet. I went to the bathroom and I couldn't tell if it was amniotic fluid or if I had just peed myself, so I didn't tell anyone about it. When I got home, I laid in bed around 9:30, and started having painful stomach and back cramps… nothing like the Braxton Hicks I had previously been experiencing that had no pain at all. I began timing them and around 11pm they were 7 minutes apart. I called the hospital to tell them that I thought maybe I had broken my water, and MAYBE I was starting labor, but I wasn't really sure. The nurse told me to come in and they could check for me.

    I drove to my husband's fire station (I had two contractions on the way that made it very hard to drive), then he drove the rest of the way to the hospital. We checked in around 11:45p, and the nurses monitored my contractions and checked for amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid test was inconclusive but my contractions were coming at about 5-6 minutes apart so the doctor on call admitted us.

    It was crazy at the hospital. The hospital we chose only has two labor rooms and three recovery rooms, plus a nursery. That night about six women came in to give birth. We were lucky enough to get one of the labor rooms, but they ended up putting one woman in the nursery and another woman had to labor in the ER. The two nurses who were on duty were running back and forth between rooms, poor things.

    So we were admitted at 11:45p. I labored without pain medications until about five in the morning. I didn't plan on getting an epidural, but my contractions were more painful than I thought they would be. At 5am I was measuring six centimeters so I got the go-ahead for the epidural. In the hour before that, they gave me an IV drug called Fentinel (sp?) that was pretty much worthless. It made me feel drunk but didn't take away any pain, so I couldn't focus on breathing or anything during contractions. I do not recommend it. My contractions were so painful, I remember yelling for help at one point. I was really frustrated because it took so long for the anesthesiologist to come and administer the epidural. Two things that really worked for me and the contractions were walking during contractions and also the hot shower jets.

    The epidural process was not as bad as I thought it would be. I did have to hold still during two contractions, which was frustrating, but the effects of the epidural were worth it. The worst part of it was the numbing medication because it really does feel like a bee is stinging your back, but the process of it all is really fast. I had a great anesthesiologist, so I didn't have any weird side effects afterwards.

    Once I received the epidural, I could feel the full numbing effects by 6am. Everything from my belly button down felt numb, but I could still move my legs, which was nice. From 6am to 10am, my husband and I rested and tried to nap a little, since we had both been up for about 24 hours at that point. By 10am, the doctor came and measured my cervix and I had hit 10 centimeters and was fully effaced. He decided to rupture my membranes, which was not uncomfortable at all. In fact, not much liquid came out.

    From there, it was about two more hours until my contractions were close together enough to start pushing. I couldn’t feel my contractions at all, but I definitely could feel the pressure in my tail bone when it came time to push. I thought with the epidural, I wouldn’t feel the birth of the baby at all, and I was incredibly wrong. For the first of my two pushing hours I felt only pressure when it came time to push. I was getting exhausted having to hold my breath and bear down over and over for every contraction. I began to fall asleep between contractions. Finally, when the head was crowning, I felt all of the pain and the ring of fire that everyone talks about. It was terrible. It literally felt like my vagina was on fire, and like someone had stuck a knife up my urethra. It was the most pain I had felt in my entire life. I was screaming at the top of my lungs between every breath, and even for some pushes. However, once the head was out, the rest of the birth was easy. The shoulders took one more push, and the rest of the body just slipped out. The nurses had her on my chest before I could even realize that the birth was over at 2:05pm.

    The only complication with birth that I suffered was with my placenta; it didn’t detach from the uterus, so I had to be put under for ten minutes while the doctor went in and scraped my uterus out. I didn’t have any side effects from the epidural, besides some minor itching while I was on it. I was very anti-epidural before giving birth because I thought it would interfere with breastfeeding, and it didn’t at all. However, I realize that not everyone is as lucky as me when it comes to medicines. Another girl who gave birth around the same time as us had uncontrollable shaking, nausea, had to wear an oxygen mask, and has terrible headaches. Other than that, I had to have two stitches, but everything down there is sore anyway so I’m not sure that it makes much of a difference.

    All in all, I definitely do not want to repeat the experience any time soon (or ever, if I’m honest). Recovery has been surprisingly easy. I took a shower that night and have been walking around. My vagina was super swollen and is super sore, but ice packs and Motrin have been assisting me with that. I had a small bowel movement today, which was a little sore, but I think it will just take time. I had an amazing experience with our hospital, and am staying for the full two days. Tonight they are setting us up a “stork dinner” with fancy cloth napkins and everything. They take the baby and let you have one last meal together before going home the next day. The nurses have been super considerate and basically let us do whatever we want with the baby. They always ask permission before taking her vitals and if we chose not to room-in with her, that would be fine, too. The queen-sized beds in the recovery rooms are a plus, as well, because we are comfortable during our stay.

  36. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @mrskoloa: OMG congratulations!!!! She is beautiful and love her name!! What am amazing birth story

  37. ottilie

    cherry / 143 posts

    So it has been a while since I posted on here, but that is partly because I had my baby! Oliver was born September 22 at 2:40 after I was induced that morning. I was induced because of high blood pressure and preeclampsia and was 37 weeks 3 days. It was actually a really positive experience though and went smoothly. He was about 20 inches and 7 pounds 2 ounces.

    The only thing now is that after he arrived, we learned he has a heart murmur. He had an echo cardiogram while we were still in the hospital and we learned that he has a VSD, meaning a small hole in his heart between his left and right ventricles. So far he is still healthy and happy, and we hope it will close on its own, but it means continuing with extra doctor appointments and extra anxiety.

    Recovery is going well. I will share more of his birth story when I am not typing one-handed while nursing. (Although it feels like I am ALWAYS nursing, but in a good way.)

  38. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @ottilie: omg that sweet little smile! Congratulations mommy! That is scary about the heart murmur but hopefully, like you said, it will close up on its own. He looks great! P.S. you should join our Facebook group!

  39. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @ottilie: so sweet! Congratulations!!!

  40. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @ottilie: Hooray for more babies!! He's so beautiful, and you look fantastic!

    Hoping that his heart issues resolve quickly and that he continues to be a totally happy, healthy baby!

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