Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @mrsjyw: Thanks!!

    @My Only Sunshine: OMG!! YES!! DS was never a great sleeper to begin with. Makes me nervous of what to expect in the future with two kiddos. Eek!

  2. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Alivoo01: welcome and congrats mama!!

  3. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Alivoo01: congrats!

  4. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    October 2015 Mamas

    October 1: daymare
    October 3: charm54
    October 5: novbaby1112
    October 6: leialou
    October 8: littlepumpkins
    October 9: cranberry, renee0106
    October 10: My Only Sunshine
    October 11: belugabean
    October 13: babycanuck
    October 14: natalie403
    October 15: hilsy85
    October 16: jodyblair, bluestripedbee
    October 17: babybronco, mrsjenbug
    October 19: alivoo01

  5. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @NovBaby1112: @Leialou: Thanks ladies!

  6. natalie403

    grape / 91 posts

    Hi there! My good friend is active on here and has been telling me for a year to join so now that I have my official BFP from IVF here I am!

    Location: CT

    EDD: Oct 14

    How far along: 4 w 5 d

    First child? yes

    First doctor appointment: I am an infertility patient so my first beta was last Thursday at 184 and then Saturday was 426! I missed my follow up today because of snow storm so I will go back tomorrow.

    Any symptoms so far? I am on Endometrin 3x/day so hard to say if my symptoms are better attributed to that. Sore boobs, random cramping, nausea in afternoon and lots of fatigue so far!

    Who have you told? Husband and a handful of close girlfriends who have been with my through this long IF journey. Waiting til 12 weeks to tell family I think.

  7. babybronco

    cherry / 126 posts

    Hi Team! I'm back. I had to switch usernames because I'm my previous username on everything and I got really paranoid. (It started with an F) I was following some new boards on pinterest and my friend was like "Do you have something to tell us??" I'm only 4w2d and I was like.. sh-t.

    So I'm back! We're going to tell my parents this weekend Valentines day gift, and his folks the next (my MILs birthday).

    I had a freak out on Saturday (We found out on Thursday) and had some spotting. Still having some brown spotting but only when I go to the bathroom. Anyone else?

    Other weird symptoms: aversion to milk (I love yogurt and ice cream but every time I try to eat them, I get dry mouth), cramps like i have gas. Ug and fatigue.

    Woo hoo!

  8. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @natalie403: welcome! There are several of us due in October that are pregnant with our first after infertility.

  9. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    Hi all! I just got my 2nd beta numbers and everything looks good so far, so I'm going to cautiously join I was an Oct 2012 mama too!

    Location: NYC
    EDD: Oct 15 (3 days before LO1's bday!)
    How far along: 4w4d
    First child? nope, LO will be exactly 3 years when this LO is born.
    First doctor appointment: I had two betas done so far--12dpo was 75 and 14dpo was 262! First dr's appt and ultrasound will prob be the first week of March

    Any symptoms so far? random tingly boobs, veins definitely more obvious on my chest (this was actually my tip off that I might be pregnant), more tired, some cramping. And really vivid dreams every night.

    Who have you told? DH, both sets of parents, and my sister.

    So excited to join you all!

  10. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Alivoo01: @natalie403: congrats!!

  11. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @hilsy85: I'm glad you joined us!

  12. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @natalie403: welcome:)

    @hilsy85: yay! awesome numbers!!! So glad you joined us

  13. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @natalie403: welcome! I think there are 4 of us (including you) that has had IF and 3 of us (with you) have gotten pregnant by IVF! Welcome. Such a great month for all of us.

    @babybronco: Lol! Yeah, I've had to switch up usernames so they would find me on the various social media sites I use.

    @hilsy85: welcome! I remember following your journey for your first LO.

  14. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Alivoo01: welcome!! I too followed your journey for your first baby.

  15. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @natalie403: So glad you're on here!! You have an awesome group of October mamas here - especially all of the IF ladies that were able to "graduate" at the same time! You are in such good hands with them

  16. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @Alivoo01: @natalie403: @hilsy85: Welcome!

    I had my first appointment today. So different from my appointment with my daughter. I won't have an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks unless I have issues since I'm low risk. I would rather be on this side but I had one with LO at 8 weeks so it seems like forever to wait.

    I had a ton of blood drawn and then go back on March 16 at 10 weeks to hear the heartbeat!

  17. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @BelugaBean: oh wow! That is a long time to wait, but at least you have another appt where you can hear heartbeat!

    I know it's early, but is anyone having random cravings? All I want to snack on lately are choc covered strawberries- I've gone through 3 huge cartons of strawberries and 2 cans of choc frosting in a week

  18. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NovBaby1112: haha that sounds amazing!! All I can really say I've been craving is carbs and cheese--even better, cheesy carbs

    @BelugaBean: @bluestriped bee: @Leialou: thanks ladies!

  19. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @NovBaby1112: that sounds so good! I've been craving spicy foods. My diet had been great until this weekend when nausea hit. Yesterday I ate mostly carbs.

  20. babybronco

    cherry / 126 posts

    @NovBaby1112 @Leialou: I just want carbs. I normally have greek yogurt for breakfast, nope couldn't even get myself to put it in a bowl. Instant dry mouth.

    Carbs and bananas. I just want carbs and bananas. Omg i'm going to give birth to a monkey.

  21. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hilsy85: that's too funny, normally I'm a huge carbaholic but nothing really sounds good to me except fruit, veggies, and meat- so unlike my usual diet!

    @Leialou: sorry about the MS! Has it been bad mostly in the AM or all day? I'm a little queasy but haven't thrown up since a few days ago, thank goodness

    @babybronco: your comment made me LOL

  22. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NovBaby1112: ooh that was like me with LO1, which makes me wonder if you're having a boy this time...!

  23. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @NovBaby1112: When I'm pregnant, I just want to drink juice. Exact same craving as with my daughter and it already came on so strong! I never really drink juice in non-pregnant life but my last grocery trip I bought OJ, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, and peach nectar! I think it's that tart/sweet thing. I mix them with sparkling water so I'm not getting too much sugar.

  24. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    I totally feel like something is wrong with me...no cravings, no aversions...nothing yet. Besides being tired, I don't feel KU!

  25. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @Leialou: Oh man I hope your MS isn't too bad! I've had occasional waves of it but nothing too long-lasting so far. Last time, from weeks 8-18 I felt that feeling like I had just gotten off a boat.

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @babycanuck: I was totally like that with my first LO--I totally understood how people did not know they were pregnant, because I felt no different at all.

  27. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hilsy85: oooo interesting! I would love to have a little boy next (but would love another girl too!) we'll see!

    @My Only Sunshine: haha whoa that's a lot of juice! That's too funny

    @babycanuck: try not to worry- with my first LO I had literally zero symptoms and everything was fine! I couldn't even believe I was pregnant. All pregnsncies are different...your betas look awesome and are doubling so that's what matters

  28. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @NovBaby1112: @My Only Sunshine: it hasn't been too bad. It lasts about 20 minutes in the morning and then I don't really feel hungry until lunch.

  29. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @babycanuck Same here. I'm really not having any symptoms and it's so hard not to worry. I know everyone's different so I'm trying not to worry. This is my first so I have nothing to compare it to!

  30. babybronco

    cherry / 126 posts

    @renee0106: high-five for first timers!

  31. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @babybronco Yes! Glad to have someone else going through their first! Seems like so many people on here are on their second or later.

  32. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @renee0106: First time I've been pregnant here, too. I've been navigating the infertility world for the past 3 years, so to be actually pregnant is so new to me.

  33. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @BlueStriped Bee: Yay! Glad to have another first-timer too!

  34. babybronco

    cherry / 126 posts

    @bluestriped bee: High-five to you too!

    We tried for 9 months and I knew something was wrong. I had that "fun" hypersomethingorrather and they found a polyp. When they went in to do the surgery they found a boatload of polyps, blocking my left tube. 4 months later (and some clomid) and we're pregnant! I'm scared to death and excited as can be!

  35. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    October 2015 Mamas

    October 1: daymare
    October 3: charm54 (#2)
    October 5: novbaby1112 (#2)
    October 6: leialou (IF)
    October 8: littlepumpkins (#2)
    October 9: cranberry (#2), renee0106
    October 10: My Only Sunshine (#2)
    October 11: belugabean (#2)
    October 13: babycanuck (IF)
    October 14: natalie403 (IF)
    October 15: hilsy85 (#2)
    October 16: jodyblair (#2), bluestriped bee (IF)
    October 17: babybronco, mrsjenbug (#2)
    October 19: alivoo01 (#2)

    Updating with info on which of us are on LO #2 and if you guys don't mind since we have 4 IF (Infertility) graduates, thought it would be nice to point us out.

    Let me know if this is current.

    Next appointments
    Feb 10: natalie403 (b/w); Daymare
    Feb 11: LittlePumpkins
    Feb 16: leialou (u/s & b/w), BluestripedBee (u/s), MyOnlySunshine (b/w)
    Feb 21: novbaby1112 (u/s)
    Feb 25: Cranberry; charm54
    March 2: alivoo01, BabyCanuck (u/s)
    March 3: renee0106 (u/s)
    March 4: Hilsy85 (u/s)
    March 5: BabyBronco
    March 9: JodyBlair (b/w)
    March 16: BelugaBean (u/s)

  36. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm on #2 as well!

  37. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @BelugaBean: Thanks! I didn't catch you when I first skimmed through the thread. Gotcha now.

  38. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I was reading through one of the other due date threads and they suggested adding a list of upcoming Dr visits and what they were going for. Do you think that would helpful?

    If so, please list your next dr's appt and what you are going for.

  39. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @bluestriped bee: one more week and we'll find out if we are having one or two (or more?)! I can't wait.

  40. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @babybronco: Do you want me to put an (IF) next to your name? Oh, the HSG... yeah, they are so fun, aren't they.

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