grapefruit / 4584 posts
Congrats @avivoca: and @amorini: !! Keep the cute babies coming
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@whiskers: hooray for housefuls of girls! Did your DDs have a preference for their sibling? Mine were only willing to consider the possibility of a sister (the older one said "No. Ew!" When I mentioned the possibility of a brother...). Yet one of their friends who is from a two girl family is badgering her parents for a little brother.
watermelon / 14467 posts
Thinking of you ladies as you wait on your babies! Our first night home went very well i think. A is super sleepy, so she is pretty much only awake to poop and eat. It's very different from H, who was super alert early on. But at least I am getting a lot of rest! My body is definitely reminding me that I just had a baby.
Also, my cat thinks the car seat is her bed.
kiwi / 657 posts
@PinkElephant: DD1 initially only wanted a sister and we found out it was a girl and she was happy. Then she started school and made friends with some boys and wanted it to be a boy. At this point she hasn't really voiced much disappointment so I think she's happy with another sister again.
kiwi / 657 posts
@avivoca: Sleepy babies are the best! It'll give H a lot of opportunities for one on one time.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@whiskers: Yes, that is my thought as well. Plus i'm making sure to tell A that I have to do something with H (even if she's not complaining).
cherry / 128 posts
Last day of work for me... feels so surreal to know that I won't be back here for so long! I'm mostly just sitting around cleaning out my inbox and trying to figure out what to do for the next 5 hours that will actually get done before I leave. We're hoping that baby decides to hold off until after the weekend as we currently have NO plans whatsoever and are both recovering from horrible colds, so a lazy weekend with just the two of us sounds so nice right now.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@cnidaria: Enjoy those days if you get them
I stopped work Monday and it's been nice to be off although now I am over it.... lol
pear / 1767 posts
@cnidaria: Hope that baby holds out until you recover! Yay for the last day of work!
Next week is my last week of work!
eggplant / 11861 posts
Gahhhh I emotional roller coaster! I cry because I am done
Cry because I am not ready
Cry thinking about leaving DD
Who has a cold
Cm on AJ!
kiwi / 657 posts
@cnidaria: freedom! Hope you both feel 100% before baby comes.
@FaithFertility: I'm also up and down about all my feelings over it all. Trying my hardest to just stay busy and not think about everything.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@whiskers: Yes as much as I am.glad to have had these past few days off of work I think the "extra" think time has me a basket case
pomegranate / 3921 posts
Had another appointment this morning (38 + 2). No huge changes, now I"m a "full 2cm," ha--I was "almost 2" a couple of weeks ago, and now 60% effaced.
No indication she'll want to get out early, but my doc won't start talking induction until closer to 41 weeks. (DD was born a day early, so we'll see what happens.) I feel like I need to make it to Friday at work in order to be able to leave without feeling like I'm totally leaving my team in the lurch, so after Friday I'll be happy with whatever timing happens.
How's everybody else hanging in there?
pear / 1767 posts
I just got back from an appointment and I'm 37 weeks. I went from 1 cm to 2 cm and I'm slightly more effaced than the 70% I was last week. She confirmed that I lost my mucus plug and that the baby is posterior and positioned directly over the cervix now. I'm also working until Friday and am supposed to get the 2 weeks off before my due date without tapping into my maternity leave so I'm really hoping nothing happens too quickly. Mama needs time to get ready and I'm not really that uncomfortable yet!
They said that I can schedule an induction for 39 weeks but that I'd have to come in at 3 a.m. for the induction. Ugh! That sounds awful to go into an induction totally sleep deprived. I think I'll only cross that bridge if nothing happens at 41 weeks...
nectarine / 2210 posts
@mfa_lady: still hanging in there too! I had about 30 mins of strong regular contractions last night and thought that might be it, but they didn't last.
My next appointment is tomorrow where they'll check fluid level with an ultrasound. An induction is scheduled for next Monday, but still don't see making it that long.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
I'm still here. Just over 39 weeks. I haven't been checked since 35 and a half weeks bc BH were really amping up. I was 1-2 cm and thin then so who knows now (this is my third). I feel like my stomach is getting more firm during contractions but I was telling DH these days/weeks before labor just psych you out as.contractions get stronger but still not labor so by the time it's real you're like yes I'm 40 weeks pregnant but there's no way this is real labor bc its always false labor and I'm going to be pregnant forever.
And my lunch was just an entire medium pizza and several oatmeal choco chip cookies. Might need to get some fruit in there. I'm feeling good so staying really active but my hunger this week has been insane.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Shantuck: Sounds like great progress! I hope you get some rest before baby comes.
@Miss Ariel: Hope it's time for you soon!! Sounds like baby is getting ready for some action for sure.
@Maysprout: Haha, yes, I've been eating like crap all of a sudden. I don't feel TOO bad about it (my weight gain is fine) but I really want to do better after baby comes.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@mfa_lady: still here at 41 weeks or 40+1 depending on Who you
Original due date was 10/10 then based on 1st u,s they moved it to 10/16 then at my 28 week u/sh they moved it 10/10 again!
Either way he is now OVER due and so am I!
I can't sleep at night AT ALL!!!!
But truly doing rather well physically
Mentally isis another story
kiwi / 538 posts
I have my C-section is scheduled for tomorrow at 9am! This kid has been moving non-stop for a while now and it's SO uncomfortable. I'm beyond over pregnancy at this point- horrible sleep, no appetite and just generally worthless as far as being able to do anything around the house. Since we did IVF the entire 9 months has just been pure anxiety for my husband and I- glad it's finally going to be over soon and I finally get to meet my son!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@dookie32: So exciting! I didn't do IVF but got PG with my DD after years of IF, IUI and loses so I was an anxiety wreck PG with her so I get ya! Hang in there!
apricot / 430 posts
Hi ladies! Ethan arrived 10/8 at 1:55 am and it's been a whirlwind ever since! Hoping to catch up with all of your news soon...if he stops wanting to eat every hour!
pear / 1767 posts
@dookie32: Sending good thoughts! So happy you are going to meet that baby soon!
@BUNBUN: Congratulations!
cherry / 246 posts
I'm still hanging in at 39 + 2. Soooo much cramping and sooo many contractions (but nothing regular/timeable so far)....just trying to stay comfortable! Oof.
Thinking of everyone!
cherry / 128 posts
@BUNBUN: Congrats!
@FaithFertility: I can empathize with the complete inability to sleep at night. Lately I get excited if I make it more than an hour without waking up. I hope your LO doesn't keep you waiting much longer!
We managed to get our free weekend together, DH smoothly headed off his parents' attempt at monopolizing our Sunday to visit them - yay! I actually feel like I'm starting to get over this cold and have enjoyed a couple of lazy days at home. Baby is welcome to show up any time now! If not, induction will be scheduled sometime around the 27-28.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Just checking in on my fellow mamas & soon to be mamas. I've barely had time to turn my laptop on, chasing after these two girls!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Still very pregnant here at 38 weeks 2 days. I am the most pregnant I have ever been. At my last appointment on Thursday I was 2cm dialated and 50% thinned. My doctor advised "private personal time" with my husband and lots of walking. I am hoping I don't see her next week but this little boy seems determined to bake forever.
cherry / 246 posts
@jaguar: Still hanging in. My due date is on Sunday. Lots of cramping and contractions but nothing major or regular. Extremely uncomfortable and trying to remain patient. Also trying not to be annoyed by the constant well-meaning check-ins from family and friends Lots of bouncing on the yoga ball!
cherry / 128 posts
We've joined team pink! Liana arrived Oct 21, early afternoon. Had to stay in the hospital overnight due to prolonged second stage labour, but hoping to go home today.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@TapDancer: Thinking of you!! x
@cnidaria: What a beautiful name - congratulations
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