Hellobee Boards


October 2016 moms!

  1. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @avivoca: I woke up to the litter box smell today. I made DH promptly change the boxes. He wasn't pleased but it was just wow.

  2. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @avivoca: I have been so sensitive to smell this past week. I have our air purifiers out and keep harassing DH about giving the dogs A bath.

  3. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Alexandra603: Congratulations!!!!!!

  4. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Baby is fine. I go for an Ultrasound/ non-stress test on Wednesday if I do not deliver before. They couldn't tell if baby was sunny-side up or if her back was in front because I was having a contraction from laying on my back.

  5. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @avivoca: Just logged on to check and see if you'd had your appointment. Glad baby girl is doing well! How are YOU hanging in there?

  6. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @avivoca: Glad she's doing good in there. So sorry you're still pregnant though. Are you thinking induction at any point or...?

  7. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @coopsmama: No talk of induction until Friday. I did get a stretch and sweep though (OW). It was hard enough getting in for a BPP/NST because all the hospitals are booked. I was lucky that another post-dates woman happened to deliver while I was seeing the midwife and I got her spot.

  8. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    Just got back from my 36 week appointment and I'm 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. The doctor told me to make sure my bags were packed. Hoping this is just second timer stuff and that these numbers don't mean things are starting to happen. I just found out a couple weeks ago that I can take off from work starting at 38 weeks and go on short term disability and it won't cut into my maternity leave. So if this baby comes early, I lose the ability to take that free time off work with no baby and still get paid (I know, I know, first world problems!). I have a long list of things to get done and my biggest comfort as of late is that I'll have that time at the end of my pregnancy while DS is in school....

  9. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @avivoca: That's super frustrating! I didn't realize you would have to go to the hospital for a BPP. I'm lucky in that my midwives have an in house ultrasound tech and all the necessary equipment for NST's and BPP's so we can have them at any time.

    You know my story of waiting until 42 weeks to have my M...I feel for you because I know waiting isn't fun! I'm hoping you go into labor asap!

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @coopsmama: Mine do too, one of the techs is just on vacation. My appointment ended up being with my office so I really lucked out. I was going to have to drive all over creation to another hospital in IN and then back to my midwife (also in IN). I love just across the river in KY and it was going to be an all morning event.

  11. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Shantuck: I was 1 cm at 36 weeks and as you know, I'm hanging out here post dates at 3 cm/80% effaced.

  12. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @avivoca: Ok, good (for me - hope things move along for you soon!). Last time around I lost my mucus plug at 36 weeks but was barely dilated or effaced the day before my water broke at 38 wks 1 day (the rational part of my brain tells me these numbers don't mean much most of time!). Sending all my good labor vibes your way!

  13. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: I'm sure it is hard, but hey you are closer to meeting her today than you were yesterday

    @Shantuck: Hope you get at least some of that time. I'm always dilated by 36 weeks and have never had them before 39 weeks (when I kick them out).

  14. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Shantuck: Ummm no I started FMLA today, DD goes back to her sitters tomorrow and I pray I can have 1-2 days of all day sleep, relax and enjoy my time before he comes!!!!!

  15. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @FaithFertility: I'm crossing my fingers for you! A few days to get organized and even relax would be amazing for my sanity. Hoping it works out that way for both us!

  16. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: Very true.

    Had a sweep today and have been contracting fairly regularly since 12:30. These actually hurt, so hopefully they are here to stay for awhile.

  17. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    Hi ladies, I'm still a day behind @avivoca: at 41w2d. I've been pressured / recommended to induce since 40w5d last week. I had a NST/BPP then and again yesterday. Baby's great but still my OB's recommendation is to induce. I declined yesterday and said maybe today, but cried through the night and woke up with feeling it was not the day. (We are still displaced from our home and without water and power after Matthew). It gave me great relief to not make myself go in today,, but then they called and said they are now booked for inductions tomorrow and Wed, so they want me in today. I'm still stalling. It just goes against every cell in my body to induce just because of dates, however I know there is an infinitesimally small increased risk of stillbirth so that's also weighing on me. I'm 1 cm, 20% effaced and a -2, so things aren't favorable and I'm setting myself up for the cascade of interventions... I've tried to read about positive induction stories but 99% of them involve a favorable cervix and/or narcotic painkillers and epidurals. I know it's still possible to have a positive outcome and healthy baby... I'm just trying to make the best choices I can that will set baby and I up for the a smooth recovery and happy bonding.

    My doula and I are going to go for a walk to continue to move things along and talk about it. I walked three miles yesterday and continue to lose more mucus plug.... it's happening, just slowly.

    I decided to start my leave today to just clear one stressor from my plate. That's another reason to not wait until Thursday. I only get 8 weeks and every day of bonding and recovery will be precious...

    Last part of my complain-fest: With all of the street lights out in town, we were rear-ended today and need a new bumper.. Everyone's fine and we are grateful but what a drag.

    I probably won't update again until we are on the other side. Just too many things happening and I feel the need to just go "inside." Thinking of you all and hoping for happy and healthy outcomes all around.

  18. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: Know that we will support you no matter what choice you make. This is a tough one, and if it were me I would go with my gut I think. But my practice is very hands off, I asked about it today and they discouraged induction since baby is fine, it's my second and I had a successful vaginal delivery before. My glucose is fine and my weight gain has been perfect, so they are not recommending that I induce until 42+1.

  19. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @avivoca: YEAH! Hope this is the real deal for you.

    @Amorini: You're doing a great job and we've got your back, no matter your decision. You are weighing so, so many factors right now and you're doing it with very thoughtful grace! No matter what happens, you'll meet your sweet little baby soon. Thinking of you!

  20. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Amorini: I'm so sorry. The pressure would be intense. I know my situation was different with my cervical issues, but I was terrified about an induction and it turned out really well - best laid plans with birth and all that, it never goes the way you expect it to! Whatever happens, your baby getting here safely is what's important. Big hugs. xx

  21. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Amorini: Sorry you are having to deal with such a chaotic situation from the hurricane on top of everything else. I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to an update once this is all behind you.

  22. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: So sorry this is getting to be so stressful. I can't wait for you to come back with news of a baby and I truly hope a birth story you are happy with.

    @avivoca: Ahh, hope this is it for you!!

  23. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Contractions are a bitch.

  24. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: I hope that means I'm waking up to some baby news from you.

  25. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @avivoca: REAL ONES? Yeah!

  26. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @avivoca: YAY! I know they are awful but I'm so excited for you!! Good luck.

  27. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @avivoca: Yessssssss. You got this!!!!!

  28. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @avivoca: I keep coming back thinking tonight is your night.
    Go you!

  29. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @avivoca: Wahooooo!!!!!

  30. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @avivoca: Thinking of you this morning - fingers crossed!

  31. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Omg my Mom is driving me. CRAZY! CALLS daily/texts daily! Asking how I feel, telling me signs of labor...etc....
    Hahaha I know she is excited but man......

  32. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    My task for the day is to sanitize all the bottles and pump parts. Then there is literally nothing left on my to-do list.

  33. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whiskers: Bottles....... Need to buy more hahaha

  34. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @FaithFertility: Hahahaha. I have a coworker who is convinced this baby is just going to fall out at the office, and he's driving me insane. I'm convinced he's going to have trash bags laid out under my desk before it's all said and done.

    @whiskers: I need to do that, too....but it's not the last thing on my list.

  35. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @FaithFertility: Man, that would be rough. We need distractions not constant reminders.

  36. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whiskers: She was in Seattle when DD was born so I think she is just so excited being here this time, but....lol

  37. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @whiskers: I need to do that too! I was also thinking about buying new nipples, but hadn't yet.

  38. Kitkat

    apricot / 325 posts

    Just got back from the doctor. I'm 2cm and 70% effaced, which is basically what I was last week. Super annoyed that all the contractions I've been having have done nothing. I have an induction date of 10/17. I have a wedding I REALLY want to go to on 10/21, so it's looking like that's out of the question now. Sorry to be such an Eeyore...just really upset.

  39. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Kitkat: The cervical checks don't always really tell you much. I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced with DS (and super discouraged) the day before my water broke. I'm trying to remind myself of my own advice for the opposite reason... I'm 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced but I'm really hoping to make it another few weeks. Hoping that your baby comes sooner rather than later!

  40. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Kitkat: I'm sorry, but there is still a lot that can change between now and then! If not, we may be induction buddies. Depending on my cervical status on Thursday I may try to push mine back, though.

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