Hellobee Boards


October 2016 moms!

  1. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @avivoca: That's smart!! I hope this is the day for you and am thinking and praying happy, safe quick labor thoughts for you! If I had gone by pain level I wouldn't have made it to the hospital in time so definitely let the contractions be your guide.

  2. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Kitkat: @avivoca: Thinking labor vibes for you both.

  3. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Baby O is head down and I think ready. I received my last shot this past Friday. Contractions have been kicking up. I am 36 weeks today and I have an appointment tomorrow so only time will tell what's going on. We have everything ready for baby O's arrival tho. So now we just wait and see.

    I am curious to see who our next October baby is!

  4. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @avivoca: Crossing my fingers that no news for the last few hours is good news!

  5. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @FaithFertility: Thinking of you with this hurricane. Hope all is well and stays well!

    @Kitkat: @avicoca: I lost most of my mucus plug last Friday-ish and some more then next day. Baby's still cooking away! Hoping it means something more for you. I've heard with 2nd+ time moms it really does mean something will happen soon...not so much for FTMs. Best wishes to you both!

    With the hurricane barreling down (or rather up) the coast, my OB office has take.this opportune moment to cancel all appointments for the rest of the week. I had my weekly appointment tomorrow where I'll be 40w5d and now they say "come back Monday if you're still pregnant!" They say I can go to L&D to request my weekly BPP and NST, but it seems like a crapshoot and I'm worried they wouldn't let me leave without guilting me into inducing me. I can continue to wait it out until baby is ready, but I just want to be sure the baby's doing well. With AMA (40+), there's a slight increased risk of fetal health declining after 40w. Meanwhile baby is pummeling away and seems as feisty as always. WWYD?

  6. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Amorini: I'm sorry! That would have me flipping out! I would c watch baby's kicks and go in if weather permits for NST or well peacw of mind!!

    Where r u again?! It's so scary!!! We are in Port Saint Lucie definitely doesn't look good for us!

  7. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @Amorini: I'll jump in here and just offer my two cents as someone who has gone late with all 3 pregnancies although not AMA. (I've been 40+5, 42, and 41 weeks pregnant at delivery.) When was the last NST/BPP? If you haven't had one since being over 40 weeks yet, I think it's worth going in and doing it at L&D but otherwise, if you have, I would just monitor baby's movement and at the slightest down turn in movement head right into L&D. But that's just me and I'm not a doctor - just thinking about what has been done in my circumstances.

  8. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @mfa_lady: Still hanging out with nary a contraction in sight. Baby ha she flipped to my right side though and I'm bouncing on the labor ball right now.

    @Amorini: I would go to the hospital and have the NST done, especially with a storm coming. You can always refuse to be induced if they try to guilt you into it. They cannot keep you. As for my plug, I lost it in labor last time so this is all new territory for me.

  9. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: That's such a tough situation. I would probably go in for a NST just to be on the safe side/for peace of mind. Also, with DD2 I lost at least part of my mucus plug with blood at 38 weeks and still never went into labor on my own over the next week.

  10. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @FaithFertility: We're in Savannah where it's supposed to hit late Friday into Saturday. It's wild though that everything is closing now. As of now, we're not in an evac zone. But the timing couldn't be more worrying...

    @FaithFertility: @coopsmama: @avivoca: Thank you all for your thoughts. I think I will go tomorrow and see about an NST and BPP. My last BPP/NST was at 39w4d (a week ago today). Part of me can't believe that my OB didn't try to reschedule me for today, knowing they were going to close, or even insist (rather than giving me an option) that I go to L&D for this check! He said last week that he was comfortable with me going to 42w if I had regular monitoring... and then suddenly leaves it all up to me.

    DH is worried (and flipping mad). It took us a lot to get here (miracle Hail Mary IVF) and having so much uncertainty around my care right now is not going well with him at all. It's not a walk in the park for me either, but with a hurricane coming our way, there's only so much in our control... thanks for listening!

    @avivoca: Glad us early October girls are in this together! Hope she comes soon for you.

  11. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @whiskers: Yeah, I imagine that's what we'll do. I appreciate your thoughts! And, yeah, the mucus plug is sort of a wildcard. I wonder what would happen if you lost yours on this pregnancy like right now...would it happen faster?! I guess we will find out!

  12. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: I hope the same for you too! I'm so excited to find out who is in your belly (and I know you are too)!

  13. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Hope he comes at the perfect time.

    Insomnia has me up again at 3:30 am this week. I got some good work done without the distraction of kids.

    @avivoca: @Amorini: I keep hoping I'll check and one of you will have an exciting update.

  14. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @whiskers: insomnia is out of control over here too! Combined with heartburn and nausea. I am over it. 😭

  15. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: Had contractions about 10 minutes apart for 3-4 hours but they either died out or weakened enough that I slept for a couple of hours.

  16. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @MrsRcCar: right. Like my days aren't hard enough. Only 2 more days for me until I'm no longer at home alone with the kids all day.

    @avivoca: darn. Do you want to avoid having her on Friday or are you okay with them sharing a birthday?

  17. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @whiskers: I'd like to avoid tomorrow if I can but I know it isn't up to me.

  18. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @avivoca: As a twin, sharing a birthday isn't so bad

  19. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @avivoca: This was me last night and a couple nights this week. It was my big guys birthday yesterday. He was pretty bummed baby O wasn't here yet.
    @whiskers: I just need to get through today. My DH will be home tomorrow morning and the weekend. I am hoping we nap today but it's not looking hopeful. My boys have been nap striking to top it all off. Bring on the coffee. 😵😴

  20. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Amorini: Stat safe! Hope you can get some reassurance or babe kicks a lot for you!!!!

    This hurricane isn't looking good for us, making land fall in my city! 130-170 gusts
    Say a few prayers!!!!!!

  21. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @FaithFertility and @Amorini: Stay safe! I'll be thinking about both of you!

  22. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Had my appointment this morning. Little O sounded great on the Doppler. She did check me and I am more then 50% thinned out, 1cm dilated and he is fully engaged. So only time will tell what this little guy decides to do. She would prefer he comes after Wednesday because I will be 37 weeks then.

  23. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @FaithFertility: Are you possibly going to have to evacuate?

  24. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    Dr appt today - I was there for 2 freaking hours and I keep having hot flashes and nausea (which she said is a good sign of cervical changes) and a cranky kid so it was a long 2 hours. 1.5 cm and soft but still fairly thick.

  25. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @FaithFertility: Thinking about you!

    We are under mandatory evac orders. We had a place to stay on higher ground, but then they evacuated that area, too. We aren't sure what we are going to do.... time is ticking.

  26. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Amorini: yikes! Does that change what hospital you'll deliver at?

  27. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: Oh no! Where will you guys go?

  28. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whiskers: No, we are too far inland so storm surge isn't an issue!

  29. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Amorini: ohhhh no!!!!!

  30. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: How stressful! Hope that baby stays put throughout the storm.

    @FaithFertility: That's good!

  31. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    So... not sure yet but we may stay at our high ground option. No good options now as it is still within the mandatory evac, but gets us and our dogs out of the worst of it and close to services. That's what we've come to after weighing our options over the last six hours. It's also the only way we can still go my hospital... I went into L&D for monitoring and I'm now 0 cm dilated, 0% effaced and the baby is sunny side up....and I got a lot of side-eye for not signing up for induction then and there...They are understaffed and only doing emergency inductions but would have called it an emergency if I wanted it... so all around, kind of a crappy time and I'm predictably guilt-ridden for staying in a evac zone and not signing up for induction. The negative Nellie midwife said "Nothing good happens after 41w" and "your baby could die." DH is scared and I'm annoyed-scared.

    Talked with my doula and I'll probably return to L&D on Saturday when I'll be 41w and when my OB is scheduled to be on-call. I'll do more monitoring and have him weigh in on induction.

    Any thoughts and experiences are welcome! As I said, no great options here. We want our baby to be healthy! That's #1!

    ETA: I was 1 cm at my last appt! Oh and the baby looked "beautiful" today on the NST. They didn't do a BPP.

  32. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @Amorini: it's such a hard situation with a lot of unknowns. Hopefully where you guys are now doesn't get too much damage and the baby stays put till after the storm passes.

  33. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    So dd has been sick with a cold since this weekend and as of yesterday dh has it too. This afternoon I started feeling a little icky too, but I also had my flu shot yesterday so it could be that. Hopefully we don't wind up bringing a newborn home to a house full of sick people!

  34. whiskers

    kiwi / 657 posts

    @Amorini: So sorry you are going through this. What a crummy set of events. I will say I have had amazing induction experiences, but my cervix situation was also more favorable sounding than yours.

  35. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    @Amorini: Hang in there! You know what's right for your family and will make the best decision for your little one. Sending prayers that he/she decides to stay warm and cozy another day or so and experiences this storm from the inside! Take care and keep us posted...

  36. TapDancer

    cherry / 246 posts

    I had a horrible 48-hour migraine on Sun/Mon of this week, after a few months with zero migraines (they were very bad during the 1st tri, but tapered off in the 2nd...thank goodness). Now I have another bad one brewing right now. I wonder if this is perhaps a sign of impending labor? I'm guessing there are big hormonal changes that could be causing the brain pain. Anyone else feel sick and/or have headaches/migraines right before labor started? I'm 37+4 right now, so I guess time will tell!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Amorini: I'm really sorry that the midwife said those things to you. She's absolutely wrong. I think you have a good plan to go in when your doctor is on call and get monitored/talk induction with a provider you know. I'm 41 weeks tomorrow and my CNM and the OB's are very comfortable letting me go to 42 weeks, even with gestational diabetes. There have been no scare tactics.

    Stay safe!

    No more contractions today. I went for a mile walk with the dog, bounced on the labor ball, took two naps, and ate some spicy food. Nothing is working.

  38. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Thinking of you guys and the scary hurricane stuff. xxx

  39. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @Amorini: Just chiming in to say that maybe the hurricane will help baby come. I gave birth during Hurricane Sandy...my water broke just before the storm hit. As did several other women's. So much so that within an hour of my arrival, every L&D room was full and people were laboring in the hallway. Apparently the low barometric pressure can trigger water breaking. Stay safe....I so remember the anxiety about my baby girl's birth around the storm! It sure made for a good story!

  40. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @avivoca: Don't hate me, but...do you think you could have sex? Of all the "natural" induction techniques, that's the only thing I've ever heard to actually correlate with going into labor (other than castor oil, if you want to count that).

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