Hellobee Boards


October due dates yet?

  1. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @Running Elley: I have missed YOU and that little boy of yours. Hope the move went well and that you're getting settled. Won't be long now...doesn't it feel like we were just talking TTC and progesterone pills!?
    @Beebug: Cute!! I'm jealous of your and @mrskc: craftiness! I think if we didn't live in a city rental apt (and likely moving out in June, I'd try to take on more projects for the nursery.

  2. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @Tidybee: I’m hereeeeeeeeeeeee The move went amazingly, we’re all settled in and now working on the nursery! It’s so WEIRD to be at this point, isn’t it?? It’s seriously just so surreal…. I still feel like I should be taking OPKs or something. I don’t think it’ll feel all the way real until he’s here! How are you doing?

  3. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Running Elley: Thank you! Glad to see you on here! I hope baby boy is head down for the U/S tomorrow. Let us know how it goes!

  4. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Tidybee: Thanks! The DIY stuff is too fun, cannot wait to see what the final product will look like! Your LO will perhaps get a more DIY/project room for another age/stage in your new spot?! I kept saying I wouldn't go too crazy in the nursery and then when they're like 6 give them a room that pukes whatever theme they want (thinking back to my 101 Dalmations themed bedroom when I was 6) when they actually remember the room.....unlike the nursery

  5. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    Baby is head down!! Woohoooo! Everything is still looking good. I know that he still has time to flip back but I’m hoping that he stays where he’s at

  6. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Running Elley: yay! I think around 32 weeks I've heard they run out of room to flop around too much, so hopefully he stays in that position

  7. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @hilsy85: Fingers crossed! My OB didn’t do an U/S but he felt around and was able to tell me exactly how baby was positioned..it’s so cool to finally know where the random movements are coming from. I had guesses but it’s so fun to be sure!

  8. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Running Elley: ha same here! I had a feeling LO was head down as well because I'd been feeling rib pain and at my appt on Friday, my doc did an u/s and sure enough he's head down

  9. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @hilsy85: That’s why I thought he’d flipped too…the rib pain right under my right boob! Apparently that’s his little bum though! My OB said that he was head down with his butt up on the right in my ribs and his feet over on my left side. Little contortionist

  10. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Running Elley: Yay! Glad everything is lookin good and that he's head down. Hopefully he stays that way. My right rib has been hurting so bad so I'm hoping that it's his little butt that I've been feeling right under my ribs and not the head. I go next week for my 32 week appointment, so I'll ask the doc if he can tell what position he's in.

  11. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @mrskc: Can't wait to hear! I was convinced that the rib pain I was getting was from my little guy's feet. It was really a reality check about how long baby actually is!

  12. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    I've been traveling for work for the last 3 weeks and it's been insane... I'm in the office for 2 days and then back out through the next week. I've driven all over the state for meetings + had a baby shower every weekend and I am flat out EXHAUSTED! I'm ready for August to be over.
    I've loved seeing everyone's rooms... We are still working on the nursery, but it's painted, furniture is assembled and we have all of the stuff we've gotten at showers put away and pretty organized! The only thing we have left to do is buy the bedding (I think I did this backwards!). I have a work shower tomorrow and we are DONE with showers. I'm so appreciative that we had so many, but with them being so close together it's been stressful.
    My mom and I took an entire trunk load of stuff back - duplicates, too many clothes in the 3-6 month range (or super summery stuff that won't work in October), etc. Whew! But I think we are good now.
    I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow - Where is the time going ladies???

  13. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Sounds like you've been one busy lady! So lucky to have so many showers. Sounds like you're all set and ready. Time is really starting to fly by now! Before you know it, we're all going to be having our babies soon.

  14. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    hey ladies!!! i feel like I've been gone for a while, I missed so much!

    @hilsy85: love the nursery/bedding! it's so great to see everyone's rooms coming together!

    @mrskc: yay! you got your glider & crib - love them! BBB is now avoiding me I think as I keep calling & getting no response about the status of our glider! i'm going to make my husband call, but it should be here SOON, and it will be the last item!

    @CarrieLouWho: WOW - I can't believe how much clothing you got that you had to return! at least it was returnable! i wonder if I'll get a lot of clothes at the shower....

    @Running Elley: yay! glad he's head down! my little man is as well - but the doc said there is still time for him to move around. I don't think he will though, he's been in this position for at least a month.

    My shower is this sunday! I'm excited - a lot of stuff has been bought off the registry, all of the big stuff for sure, which is fantastic.... I'll have to post a pic of the nursery in progress.... The curtains are coming in this week, and the dresser/changer and hopefully the glider SOON....

    OH - so I had that elective U/S in 3D/4D -- we got a DVD & some pics - it was very cool.... Baby boy was not very cooperative but we got some great shots on video - and they said because he didn't cooperate we can go back & try again for free & get another DVD! He's gotten so big! His head is down, his face was mostly buried in my placenta - and he kept covering his face with his feet and hands! At one point he looked out, frowned, stuck his tongue out, then opened his hand wide & covered his whole face... it was like he knew we were watching. I loved it. I didn't even care that we could barely see him, but they let us go back, so why not!

    New symptoms for me: SORE HANDS. Like, major sore in the morning. It wears off as the day goes on. But the swelling & soreness is the worst in the early morning. Both rings are now off Maybe now that the weather is cooling down I can get one or both back on.

    And I do not sleep through the night at all anymore - i'm getting used to it though. there is always at least one bathroom break, and my hips get so sore from sleeping on one side, I flip to the other and wake up to numb hands, then flip again, and again... haha. It's sad, I fall right back to sleep though.

    anyone else having a shower this weekend?

  15. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Me! My two best friends are throwing me one on Sunday as well Unfortunately, hardly anything has been bought so far. But I figure people will make a mad rush on Saturday Your u/s experience sounds awesome!!

  16. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: yay! Enjoy! yeah - i definitely think there is a lot of last minute buying....

  17. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I'm barely sleeping at night now too. I've been getting up FOUR times to go to the bathroom and I used to be able to just fall right back to sleep...not anymore. I just lay there. And the heartburn... I'm missing sleep

    Have fun at the baby showers this weekend ladies!

    For the mamas who are still at work...how long are you working?

  18. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Running Elley: I'm working until the end or until the doctor lets me. It would cut into my maternity time and I would much rather spend that time at home with my baby!

  19. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @jessiejo17: I definitely agree with that! I won't be returning from maternity leave but if I was going to return I'd do the exact same thing...time with baby is most important!

    I'm trying to decide a last day and I am having issues. I know that I'm already super uncomfortable/distracted and I can only imagine how much worse that's going to get. I'm trying to decide whether to be done at 37w2d or the next week at 38w2d. Working from home at the end isn't an option.

  20. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Running Elley: Oh if I didn't have to go back, I would be done at 38 weeks, that gives me 2 possible weeks of organizing house, nursery, ect. in preperation for the baby, I think 3 weeks I would start to go stir crazy and the time would go by too slow. I'm already starting to feel distracted at almost 34 weeks, I know it's only going to get worse!

  21. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Don't get me started on BBB and my glider issues I had with them! I hope you get yours in soon. Find out who is in charge of special orders and ask for that person when you call. Have fun at your shower this weekend! I have the same issues with sleeping. I get up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom and my hands go numb and that wakes me up too. Luckily I fall back to sleep easily.

    @Running Elley: I'm going to work as long as I can as it would cut into my maternity leave after baby arrives if I take off earlier. But if I was in your position, I would definitely stop sooner. I can barely concentrate at work as it is. I think 38 weeks is a good time to stop unless you really just don't want to work anymore, then stop at 37.

  22. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Running Elley: we have been talking about this as of late. I want to try to work up until the very end.... I'm going to see if MAYBE they let me work from home, especially the last week or two, but we will see.

    i'm also having a tough time at work - it's CRAZY busy, worked until 9:15 last night, my husband came & got me & is pissed off at how much I have had to work - it's not cool!

    Part of me wants to quit in like 4-5 weeks & just prepare for the baby, but that would be dumb because we need the benefits & money... but i don't want to come back after maternity leave, but feel bad "taking advantage" of them & using up the maternity leave/short term disability..... But, I need to work, so I feel like I should stick it out and maybe when I come back after baby it will be better --- at least at that point I can start looking for a new job, one closer to home.

    ahh - sorry, that barely made sense - but that is the madness that is running through my mind right now.

  23. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @hellobeeboston: meee! My shower is Saturday at noon. It's a summer brunch:) Can't wait! I hope you have tons of fun at yours:) Come Monday morning we'll need to be posting pictures:)

  24. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    We just went on our hospital tour last night! It made it seem much more real--in two months (or hopefully less!) that's where we'll be! One bad thing is that the semi-private/shared rooms are TINY and have shared bathrooms I am now really nervous that I won't be able to get a private room (it's first come first served, and you can't request one until the baby is born). I am sending DH to do that PRONTO once LO is out and checked over.

    Also, I just put together our swing (FP Snugabunny swing) and holy moly, it is massive and had the WORST instructions! Upside--I now feel very accomplished Hope you ladies are having a good day!

    Anyone else having random side stitches? I had one this morning that lasted like 6 minutes and it was SO painful--I had to stop walking and sit down.

  25. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @hilsy85: Glad to know we weren't the only one who strugled with the Snugabunny swing! I had to leave the room since DH and I were getting frustrated with each other when putting it together! haha.

    I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a private room, I can't imaigne having to share! We are lucky that all rooms in our hospital are personal family suites with no sharing, it is first come first serve for a whirlpool tub though (only a couple on each of the two floors.)

    I've been having some random contractions, a couple on Saturday at a wedding reception when I thought DH was going to have to drive me to the hospital, made me jump out of my chair a little! It was painful and a shock! Not so much in my side though? Lower back for sure.

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @jessiejo17: That is SO nice that all your recovery rooms are private!!! It's something I didn't even think about when choosing a hospital--definitely will be considering this for next time. As for the swing, I literally had to walk away and take deep breaths, lol. It was SO confusing!! Pretty sure my pains weren't contractions, since they were localized to the lower left side of my belly. But wow--real contractions for you! Goodness, we are all getting so close to the real deal!

  27. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: I hope you get a private room. Luckily at my hospital everyone gets a private room after delivery. We get to do our hospital tour this weekend. I'm very excited. It's all becoming so real! Oh and I haven't experienced any side stitches. Maybe because I'm lazy and haven't been exercising?

    Have any of you noticed that your vivid dreams are back? I had a lot of vivid dreams in the 1st tri, then they went away. I feel like the last couple of weeks, I've had a lot of dreams about the baby. Not all of them good unfortunately. A lot of dreams about breastfeeding but I think that's b/c I'm reading a book about it right now. I even dreamed I tried to breastfeed my dog! So weird!

  28. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    In regards to shared rooms-I am sooo glad all of our labor delivery and recovery rooms in my hospital are single and separate. I would haaaaaaaate to share a room because I am so crabby and antisocial in situations like that. I do well on my own:)
    Regarding dreams---I keep dreaming of his face and what he looks like. I can't wait to see him so I think that's why I'm dreaming of it constantly.
    The 4 biggest items on my registry have been bought. I wish I wouldn't have looked but I couldn't help it. 2 days until my shower (Sat). 'Bout time because I need another bump shot. I'll be 33w1d on Sat.
    50 more days until dd! Although I hope he comes before that:)

  29. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @mrskc: Yes on the vivid dreams! None of mjne include baby, I'm always still pregnant, the furtherst I get is water breaks and we walk into hospital and then I'm up (usually to go to the bathroom due to water breaking in dream!) Haha and my sexy dreams are back, they were very vivd in the 1st trimester and they are back again...sigh so embararssing! haha

  30. Mrs.B

    clementine / 961 posts

    @mrskc: I've been having crazy dreams lately. The only baby related dream I've had involved my entire labor, delivery, and bringing baby home. The weird part was I no one every told me if the baby was a boy or girl and I never looked? Gah stupid team greenness lol. I've also had a dream DH stole a Dolphine out of a Zoo and put it in the Killer Whale tank? That one was super weird.

  31. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    The rooms at my hospital are semi-private too. I'm not too happy about it. The hospital policy encourages you to keep the baby at your side the entire time which fine with me, but what if my or my roommates' baby is a screaming mess all night. or if there are visitors when you're trying to rest. DH told me he called the hospital to look into a private room for my push present, and it's $500/night! and still they can't guarantee it. It seems as if the way to go is private rooms. I will definitely be keeping this in mind for baby #2. Let's hope this baby comes at a quiet time on the unit! @mrskc: The vivid dreams are totally back! I don't think I slept an hour straight last night, and I am exhausted right now!

  32. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    I've been having the crazy dreams too! Very vivid and most seem very real.
    Has anyone else had restless legs? I have had it a little, mostly while sitting on the couch... but recently I've had to drive a lot for work and it's getting worse. And the days I've been in the office it starts to get bad later in the day. I researched and there's not much you can do :o(

    For those with showers this weekend (or coming up), have so much fun!!! My only advice is to make sure that whoever writes the gifts down that they write clearly! My cousin did the writing at my mom's shower and I can't read a thing... she crammed it all on one tiny page and her writing was pretty hard to read.

  33. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hilsy85: I've been having major side stitch pain. I was walking up Park Avenue yesterday morning almost in tears and needing to stop and breathe. I was trying to breathe and calm down. Today I made sure I had tons of water with me and left the house very hydrated. that seemed to help.

  34. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I'm glad you ladies are having the crazy dreams too and it's not just me.

    @CarrieLouWho: I've occasionally felt the restless leg thing. It's usually when I'm laying down on the couch. Hope yours gets better! Is it supposed to go away postpartum?

    Baby's head or butt or something keeps pushing into my belly button and it hurts! Ouch! It feels like my ab muscles are ripping apart.

  35. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @MrsKC - The RLS is supposed to go away after pregnancy, so that's good! Just 6 more weeks... hopefully!

    I've never felt anything in my belly button, I usually feel her under my rib cage and occassionally pushing out hard on the left side!

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Tidybee: Where are you delivering? I'll be at Mt Sinai...the private rooms start at $500 and go up to $850. DH already knows it's a sunk cost, lol. I'm fine paying it, I just wish I could guarantee that I could get it!!

  37. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: my good friend is an OB at Mt. Sinai!! She actually just had her baby there a few weeks ago! She's mostly a high-risk OB though....

  38. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    So, today was my shower!
    It went so so well and it was so dang cute. I'll post pics tomorrow for you guys:)

    I finished my registry! I literally got every single thing I registered for....and some gift cards so I can stock up some more on diapers!!!
    I already washed everything and put it away.
    Tomorrow DH and I are cleaning the house from top to bottom so we can officially be ready for baby and we can relax for these next 6.5w until he arrives:)
    33w2d today:)

  39. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    Ok I'm back with pics of baby shower food Because that was my favorite part about the whole day! Actually it was a great day entirely...all planned and hosted by my little sis..20 years old:)
    I also posted a baby shower bump shot in the bump thread

  40. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @TurtleDoves: So cute!! and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm definitely jealous of your registry success. My shower is in 2 weeks and I'm starting to get a little nervous about the lack of stuff being bought from the registry. I try to remind myself that not everyone is like me and rushes out to get a gift before the good ones get picked over!

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