clementine / 961 posts
I just my 31 week apt and it went really well. Finally my weight gain is in the "normal" range. I only gained 3 lbs. since my last apt. My OBGYN agreed to do a membrane sweep at 39 weeks and then schedule an induction just in case I don't go into labor by 40 weeks (this is her normal procedure). I'm hoping for a med free birth so either LO needs to come a little early or the membrane sweep must work.
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: I think you should get the 3-6 months. It's hard to judge how big they'll be and how fast they grow, but if you think about it we're only due a couple months before winter.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Mrs.B: same here about the 39 week membrane sweep! I told my OB that were scheduling a Friday induction (the Friday of my due date) because I refuse to go over. She said we can do that:) I know it sounds terrible but I mean come one...i'll be exactly 40w and I'm excited:)
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: I live in Michigan and it gets too warm for a sweater like that in april out babies will be 6m. So i'd exchange it for a 3-6 that way your LO can wear it from feb-april of jan-march ...something like that.
It's odd....I have the same issue. I think i'm going to have a lot of 6m clothing in both spring AND winter styles because it falls in between.
bananas / 9357 posts
Hope you ladies had a nice weekend! I'm dying from the heat wave we're having in my area. Over 100 degrees!
DH and I attended out first childbirth prep class on Saturday. Very informative so far. We learned about relaxation techniques to cope w/ the pains of labor and DH learned how he can support me thru it. Our homework was to hold a bag of ice in my hand for 1 minute to figure out what works for me in keeping my mind off of the pain. It's definitely hard! It's going to take some practice.
We also watched The Business of Being Born last night. I don't know if that was a good idea or not, but it was definitely interesting. I know it's very one sided. But I would like to have a birth with the fewest amount of interventions as possible.
How's everyone else?
clementine / 961 posts
@mrskc: The Business of Being Born is an awesome documentary. I know it is super one sided but I've seen it at least 5 times now. It's very interesting and reminds me of why I want a med free birth. I don't have anything against Epi's though and had one with DS but this time around I'm really wanting a different type of birth and want to keep it med free.
We had our hospital/birth center tour yesterday and it's not med free labor friendly but we are still planning a natural labor and birth. My husband is super vocal so he will be a good advocate for me during labor. I'm pretty nervous about it now though.
Is anyone else getting uncomfortable? I'm having issues catching my breath now a days and it really sucks feeling like I can't breath.
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrskc: I know that movie is TOTALLY biased but I feel like maybe I *should* watch it so it can show me that natural births are totally possible. I am very PRO epidural and in the case of an extra large baby, I am also OK with induction....So, I think I need to watch BBB so it can calm me into somewhere between "gung-ho medicine" and "gung-ho natural"
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Mrs.B: Catching breathe is awful, I feel like I'm "sighing" all the time just to get a good breathe. I get looks at work for it like I'm sighing about a project/email, she must be cutting down on my air supply!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Mrs.B: I really hope you can get the birth experience you're hoping for. It seems like it's hard to achieve med free in a hospital these days, but that's great you have strong support w/ your husband. After watching that documentary, I do feel empowered to have a med free birth. I'm not opposed to an epi though. DH is actually more on board with me for med free. He thought I was crazy when I mentioned it before, but after he watched BBB, he's totally into supporting me in whatever birth experience I want to try and have.
@TurtleDoves: I think it would be good for you to see. If nothing else, it will give you an idea of what birth is like. Like what babies look like when they're born, etc. It was amazing seeing the euphoric look on all the mother's faces after they just gave birth
squash / 13764 posts
Thanks guys! I think I am going to return the sweater for 3-6 ,mos
@TurtleDoves: You should definitely watch BBB--if for no other reason than it's really interesting. I will say that I watched it with DH and while it didn't necessarily make me SUPER pro un medicated birth (I'm still kind of not having any strong feelings either way), it did make DH feel way more strongly about trying to have an un medicated birth (easy for him to say right?! lol). Since we will have a doula, I feel like I really want to try to not have an epidural (and will hopefully avoid a c-sec as well).
bananas / 9357 posts
Got a call from BBB that my glider is finally in! So excited to go pick up the crib and glider on Saturday. We can finally figure out the furniture arrangement and then hang stuff on the walls.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: yay so exciting! I'm jealous! I think we're finally going to ORDER our glider today--we're doing it through amazon so hopefully it should only take a week or so to get here.
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: A week isn't bad at all to wait. I ordered this glider back in May! I've been waiting 3 months for this thing. But it was a custom order so that's why it took so long.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@mrskc: Hooray!!! I am (not so) patiently awaiting the arrival of our furniture. I just want to officially start turning that bedroom into the baby's room!
@Mrs.B: I just started having issues with catching my breath. I'm blaming it on the humidity here in NYC as well as the pregnancy, because on the cooler days, I'm okay.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@mrskc: exciting! You're making me think I need to call BBB and see what the status of ours is - it was supposed to be here mid to late August, so maybe soon! i can't WAIT to get it!
So - today is our 3 yr anniversary, and besides going out to dinner (and we did a mini vacation up to Lake Winnepesauke last weekend) we decided to do one of those 3-D ultrasounds where you get to keep a video of the baby moving around... FUN. It's a little pricey, but not terrible - and we thought it would be such a cool thing for a little man to see later in life! I'll let you know how it goes!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: Hope yours comes in soon. They kept telling me little castle was behind and that's what took so long. I think they got tired of me calling them every week. lol Let us know how the 3D U/S goes! I'm debating if we should do one or not. My DH has mentioned it twice now in the last couple of days. I think I'm fine with out it, but maybe we'll do it for him.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Hi ladies!
I am back home from vacay, but after my doctor's appt today looks like I may not be returning to work at all. Public bb, so I am not going to get into it. but I am not returning to work tomorrow as planned.
Life sure throws some pretty big curveballs.
Despite it all, my blood pressure was ok, weight was 177lbs (up 37lbs total) and her heart rate was 125bpm and she is where she should be, head down! My belly is measuring a bit small, I will be 32w Saturday, but am only measuring 30cm. Can`t really worry about it, just need to take care of myself now, for the best for me, and for baby.
Hope you are all doing well....
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: Glad your doc appt went well and hope you at least enjoy being at home and having more time off! Sorry you got thrown such a surprise
Well, I had my first hormonal breakdown, complete with tears last night...over crib bedding. We got our crib sheets/skirt yesterday after waiting 6 weeks, and I was disappointed in how it looked. Commence tears/breakdown. I'm feeling much better and slightly silly this morning. But I'm entitled to at least one over-reaction during pregnancy right? I'll post a pic later and hopefully you ladies can talk me off the ledge.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: I'm glad things are ok and sorry you got that curve ball thrown at you. Will you be on bed rest while at home?
@hilsy85: Don't feel bad about it. I think we all have our hormonal moments. I broke down in tears a couple of weeks ago when my glider still wasn't in. I just laughed about it later. Post a photo of the bedding! Why did it take 6 weeks?! Did you only end up ordering one?
clementine / 961 posts
@hilsy85: I to had an emotional breakdown yesterday. I've been having horrible insomnia lately and yesterday all I wanted was a freaking nap. I could NOT fall alseep and I was so tired. I called DH bawling about my lack of sleep. I felt dumb. Thankfully I was able to sleep last night. Do you like the bedding today? Is it something you can return for something else?
I've decided LO can stay in my belly until at least October 10 (I'm due the 14th). DS has his first Pre K field trip on October 9th to the pumpkin patch and I want to go with him so bad! I'm going to be so sad if I have to miss it :(. This will be his first trip to the pumpkin patch and I know he is going to love it. I want to be there with him so badly!
coconut / 8475 posts
@hellobeeboston: OMGOSH! CONGRATS! 3 years:) yay:) We celebrated our 2nd while I was 25w pregnant on a mini-trip...and it was super nice. Hope you enjoyed yourselves!
@Mrs.B: aww you're such a good momma! I wouldnt even dream of waddling through pumpkins at 40w pregnant....but then again, I wouldnt dream of missing my son's field trip either....things are going to be tough but hey, it'll be your last hurra with DS on your own and he'll cherish it!
I am sleeping in a lot these days because my pregnancy app tells me there are only 56 days until baby arrives and that scares the crap out of me. I am trying to sleep in and be lazy as much as I can before my world is flipped upside down....It's only me and DH so housework takes all of 45m a day....and dinner is simple right now I am chill'n a little toooo much. Will be 32w tomorrow:) woot,woot!
Baby shower is in 9 days! I'll post pics obviously:)
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Definitely want to see a pic of the bedding How are you feeling toward it now?! Cannot wait until mine is all done, aiming for Labour Day weekend!
@mrskc: Not on bed rest, if this wasn't a public bb I would be all over explaining it, but not going to go there.....oye
Super grumpy, uncomfortable day today, taking it easy, and doing lots of idea finding online to keep my brain occupied. I may have a nap here shortly, been getting caught up on sleep the last two days, which has felt great.
I cannot wait to post pics of the nursery once complete, we have gotten a really good start on it, and while the wall unit hasn't turned out quite like I had hoped, I think it will still be great! Turns out what I had pictured/in mind is just silly expensive and so much as we could spend the money, I just don't see the need, so we went with a less expensive option, but will hopefully still look ok for the space! 2-3 weeks I am aiming for completion, at that point it will just be bedding I am going to bet, everything else *should* be done by then.
bananas / 9357 posts
I'm so excited that we finally got our crib and glider this weekend! The nursery just feels so much more complete. I can't wait to share more as I complete it! I'm going to attempt to make a crib skirt this week and I just need to find a crib sheet.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: Ahh!! It looks ADORABLE!!!! Where are the prints above the crib from??
Here's the bedding that I was freaking out about...still undecided but we can't return it so I don't know what we could do, really.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@mrskc: CUTE!!!!! Funny story about elephants -- my husband is a total politics junkie (personally and professionally) and very liberal. Because our baby is due so close to the election, he has "banned" (joking, but totally half serious) all elephants from the baby's clothes, room, etc. He doesn't want the baby or anyone who might see the baby to think we favor the Republicans. Now every time I see something cute (like your nursery!) with elephants, I'm like, oh shoot - off limits for us b/c of the elephants.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: Awww I like that bedding. Maybe once you get more stuff added into the room, it'll all come together and you'll like it more.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I'm in love with the curtain with the bright blue, so cute!!!
@hilsy85: I like the bedding, it's very calming in there!!!
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: @jessiejo17: Thanks guys I guess I just feel like it's too..boring? I don't know. We should be getting our glider and dresser tomorrow or Wednesday (yay!), so I'm going to see what everything looks like together before making any decisions.
clementine / 961 posts
@mrskc: I love the colors and the elephants. Super cute.
@hilsy85: I really like your bedding (I'm not just saying that). I'm loving the sheet it's so cute and fun. It's not boring at all.
I'm 32+1 and it's so weird to think that in 4 weeks 6 days I will be considered full term. I'm so excited about LO getting here and knowing if I have a son or daughter BUT I have actually reached a point where I am OK waiting. I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks with DH and our other children. How is everyone feeling? Are you anxious to meet your LO's?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Mrs.B: I'm 33 weeks + 3 days, and I'm enjoying my time with DH now. We have been oragnizing/cleaning house and getting the nursery all set up. It's been nice to spend time just the two of us these last couple weeks. I know as soon as September hits that I will be anxious for her to be here so I'm trying my best to enjoy the calm before the storm!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Thank you! The prints are from this Etsy seller:
I think the bedding looks really nice. I don't think it's boring at all. You can always add accessories and art to the room or a wall decal. Just wait until you get everything else in there before you decide you don't like it.
@Tidybee: Thank you! You hubby would not like my nursery at ALL! I have elephants all over it. haha My mom is even doing an elephant themed baby shower!
@jessiejo17: Thank you!
@Mrs.B: Thank you! It's crazy how fast it all feels now especially after the 1st tri dragged on. I've been feeling good besides my right rib and right back bothering me. I'm excited/nervous to meet my LO.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Mrs.B: You're Team Green too?!? Isn't it so tough!? I'm dying to know if that's my son or daughter in there swimming laps and doing flip turns.
While I'm anxious to meet the LO, I too am feeling like I don't mind waiting. I've been lucky enough to have a super easy and fairly comfortable pregnancy. We went to Infant CPR/First Aid class and looked at day cares last week, so I'm a little overwhelmed by how much life will change and how many things I need to be aware of and juggle once LO is here. I think it's probably the normal/hormonal 3rd trimester freak out!
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: loooove the bedding! It's not boring at's serene and classy. I'd use it for my bb!
clementine / 961 posts
@Tidybee: Yes we are team green. It is SO hard now that we are so close. The last few weeks have been the worst. It was fairly easy until 27 weeks or so. Now I really just WANT TO KNOW :). When is your due date? I'm due Oct `14.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@mrskc: LOVE the nursery so far! Hope your skirt turns out well, do you have a pattern? I have one I am following, and can pass along to you if that helps at all!
@hilsy85: Don't think it's too plain, and I definitely love it! Very classy, very cute!
Here is a sneak peak of a few items I have done already.....
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Mrs.B: Definitely not anxious to meet our LO yet! I am totally still happy in pregnancy, and not quite ready for her arrival, though if it happened tomorrow, I would be excited (preemie stuff aside!) but she is more then welcome to keep cookin' in there. I think hiding the pregnancy for so long, and waiting so long to start anything was also a factor preventing my anxiousness, lol.
You Team Green October Mama's are strong and should be commended for your team greenness! I definitely have my moments where I wish we didn't find out, but then have other moments where I know how crazy it would have driven me to not find out, so you are all amazing just for that!!!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Thank you! I found this crib skirt tutorial that I'm going to follow. Seems simple enough for a newb like me. I'm really loving those items for your nursery. Those poufs and balls hanging from the ceiling look really cute! Did you make them?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@mrskc: Here is the tutorial I am following:
I'm with ya on the simple!! I am going to take more sewing lessons while off on mat leave, I would love to improve my sewing skills!
I made the string ball things for our wedding (a zillion of them it seemed!) Balloons, string, paper mache fun that was!! Wrapped the mache soaked string around (and around!) the balloons, let them dry, popped the balloons, and voila!
The king's table we had was cleared away after dinner and was then our dancefloor and the string balls were above! Kept my favourites and hung them in the basement sure I would find a use for them someday! The coloured balls are from our (wedding) rehearsal party that DHs parents hosted at our house, we had party decor tucked away in a drawer, and I thought using the coloured balls would give it a nice splash of colour....sort of made it up as I went!
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: Oh my goodness your nursery is looking AMAZING!!!! I love it!
@hilsy85: I really like your bedding too! It looks very calm. I love those colors together
@Mrs.B: I'm really excited to meet our little guy! It's going by really fast (which I'm actually glad about) but I'm still really impatient. I'm ready to just see his face and have him here. Once he is though I know that I'm really going to miss this special time with him inside!
32 weeks tomorrow. I have an OB appt in the morning and he'll be doing an U/S...I can't wait to find out what position baby is in. Last time (at around 26 weeks) baby was breech and transverse. I go back and forth between thinking that he flipped or not.
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