clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: That sucks about your mom. But so exciting about the induction! Best of luck to you! If your mom annoys you at the hospital, maybe you can use the nurses as your advocate to get her out?
@sorrycharlie: We got the Best Chairs Tryp. I love it.
I had a dream the other night that 5 September babies were born this weekend. Hopefully that comes true. I'm jealous of all you ladies who are so close.
As much as I want Baby V out ASAP, DH is in Taiwan for work until next Thursday (he's already been gone almost a week). At my last appt on Tuesday, I had my first uneventful internal and my strep swab. They had me do another 24-hour urine test, but with the holiday weekend, I won't find anything out until next Tuesday - hopefully there aren't any problems!
cherry / 128 posts
best of luck to @mslipgloss with the induction! it's so exciting to be entering out due date month tomorrow
honeydew / 7295 posts
@skipra: Good luck with your induction honey. I hope it goes well.
I am still here. tomorrow is my due date. I am cranky. Am i the only one who wants to punch people when they tell me to calm down or be patient. I know they mean well but they are not dealing with someone of rational mindset. Would you say that to a marauding bear? No? Then probably not wise to say it to a full term pregnant woman either.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: good luck mama!!
@MusicaV: there totally were 5 september babies born since Wednesday - haha some of the ladies in the facebook group from WB too, it's been a baby boom this weekend! There were actually 7 if we include Lydg & MsLipGloss!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I know I have not been on this thread in awhile (it moves so fast sometimes!) but I just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY SEPTEMBER to all the September moms-to-be (and moms!)
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@lydg: congratulations, so glad you got the birth experience you desired
Had 38w check this morning, still no progress but I go back this Thursday for another check. Unless baby decides to arrive on his/her own I will be induced next Thursday 9/13 which I am perfectly OK with.
honeydew / 7295 posts
Still No baby! 2 days late over here. Saying prayers. COME ON BABY!
@MsLipGloss: How did it go mama? Birth story? Pix?
@lydg: congrats again honey!
pomelo / 5524 posts
Hey there - I'm a regular over on Weddingbee and just started posting on HelloBee! Just wanted to say good luck to all of the September mamas! I'm due on 9/27, so he might be an October baby!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@googly-eyes: ah thank you!! can't believe it's finally SEPTEMBER!
@purrpletulips: yay, great day for a birthday, how exciting! you're in the single digits!
@2PeasinaPod: yay, welcome, you'll love it here! I came over here months ago and haven't really looked back. :o)
@MrsMccarthy: you gotta tell him you don't want him to come yet! he obviously is already trying to pull one over on you, starting early make him think you want him to wait and I bet he'll come!! (hehe..kidding..but you've heard it all at this point!)
my 37 week check is tomorrow. lots of BH contractions this week (mixed with a couple real ones) but nothing else. I'm writin g this on the yoga that I'm full term, let the games begin!!
papaya / 10560 posts
Yay September mamas!! Who has heard from @mslipgloss??
I am just loving being a mama to my little man...can't wait to see all the September babies!
cherry / 128 posts
Yikes, just went to my U/S and found out my girl is measuring at 40/3 days and I'm only 37/3. She is 8lbs 15 oz and I am freaking out! I have GD and they will not let me go past 39 weeks but I am crossing my fingers that they will have some mercy on me and let me go earlier... or even better that my acupuncture appt. on Saturday will naturally induce. Terrified of ending up with a 10lb baby! So scared of a possible C-Section. Cross your fingers for me ladies, I need it.
Hope everyone else is doing well, can't believe there are already so many September babies here!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@photomommy: Hope you end up going a little earlier with how big your lo is! This is my fear too! I also have GD, but at my 32 week U/S, our little guy was only 4 pounds which was in the 30th percentile. So here's hoping he stays smaller! Sending labor dust your way!
cherry / 128 posts
@2peasinapod Thank you! I need it I wish I had been given an U/S earlier too. Our last one was at 20W. I feel like I would have been a little more prepared for this news!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@photomommy: holy moly! sometimes the ultrasounds can be off, though. my 35 week estimated her at 6 lb (79 percentile), so I'm hoping it estimated her a little larger than she is. yeesh! keep us posted!
cherry / 128 posts
@sorrycharlie Thank you! They told me give or take 1/2 lb - so hoping that it's estimating the larger end! I'm not sure whether to blame the GD or the fact that my hubby was a 12 lb baby... eeesh. I'll definitely update!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@photomommy: lol..blame whichever makes you feel better I don't have GD and I was 6 lb, my husband was 7, so I have no excuse! boo.
cherry / 128 posts
@sorrycharlie and @2peasinapod I think you are both right, I'm going with the hubby haha!
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hey ladies. So my appt was a bit nerve wracking. not bad persay but a possible wrench was put in my natural labor plans and its making me agonize. basically my BP was high and my fluid levels on the the low side. My doc told me i do not have to be induced at this point though i think she wanted to but i have to go in again tomorrow afternoon and if these things are not improved i am looking at gel dose for the evening and then possible pitocin induction friday. she did a strong membrane sweep and this time it felt alot more substantle. I got some bleeding and i am cramping a lot. Please pray for me that this baby comes on his own! please pray that my BP and fluid are not issues. I feel so scared and nervous and like i failed my baby. I also feel unsure how much i should fight. this is making me regret that we couldnt afford a doula. anyway my husband and i are hoping we can get me into labor this eve but we are trying to keep my BP low as well. i wish my little boy would just come already so mama can bring him into this world in a warm pool of water. i feel so weird and rushed and like i am being punished for wanting a natural birth and being such an arrogant asshole about it. I mean obviously i am not choosing this but I still feel like a failure. We shall see. Gonna try to take it super easy and keep BP down but hopefuly go into labor tonight or have things improve. then i will just have to surrender
clementine / 773 posts
@photomommy: Wow, that's big! Hopefully they measured too big, but definitely feel free to blame your husband too.
@MrsMccarthy: Is the fluid issue something you can help with by staying hydrated? You're in my thoughts and prayers. I understand what you mean about wishing you had a doula. Hopefully your husband can be your advocate and support just as well.
I had an NST/internal exam yesterday, and I have an u/s this evening. Baby V was measuring in the 38th percentile at my 32 week u/s, so I'm curious to see where he is now. He feels huge, but it could be in part because I have a small torso. DH comes home tomorrow, and then he'll go with me to my appt on Friday morning. So far I'm "where I should be" for 37 weeks. I'm noticing more and more how uncomfortable and slow I'm getting. It takes me an embarrassingly long time to get up the stairs now.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Totally jumping in here, but just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of you and hope you're ok and that you get the birth experience you want Please keep us posted.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MusicaV: not sure about the water thing but i will drink more just in case.
@pregnantbee: Thank you. You are so very sweet. I hope so too but i am surrendering to the situation and what is best for my little one.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@photomommy: praying baby isn't as big as they estimate. If it helps when I was pregnawwith DD the estimate from my 37w us was that she would be 9+ at delivery. I had her the day before I was due and she only weighed just 8#.
@mrsmcarthy: keeping you in my prayers.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MsLipGloss: How are you? I hope the induction went well! I can't wait to hear!!!
@MrsMccarthy: How are you feeling? Hope things move along naturally so you can avoid the induction.
@lydg: Congratulations!!!!
Sorry if I missed anyone. I had my scheduled cervical ripening today and go back first thing in the morning for either more ripening followed by induction or just the induction. They are expecting the baby to arrive either tomorrow or Friday. So crazy! I'm having some contractions from the ripening medicine but nothing painful yet. Before they gave me a second dose I had progressed to 70-80% effaced but not much dilation yet. Luckily the baby has been handling everything really well, which was a big concern with the size. Please keep your fingers crossed that continue to go well for us!
cherry / 128 posts
@purpletulips Thanks, that does make me feel a little better!
I found out later last night that my midwife spoke to the Dr. and they decided to move my induction date up 5 days! So, I am now at 9/12! I am feeling a little better about it, but still nervous since my biggest fear is the possible C-Section with such a large baby. Hoping they will sign off on me getting an acupuncture treatment this weekend to help with nerves and some help with inducing naturally!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Hello Lovelies!
Just a quick post to let you know Butterbean was born Saturday, September 1 at 8 p.m. weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and measuring 19.5 in length. The induction was long (32 hours) and there were a few complications, but we are both doing well now. I will post more later, just trying to catch my breath.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@Mslipgloss: congratulations
My induction has been moved from 9/13 to 9/9 because I dilated to 3-4cm in two days and my OB doesn't want me to wait that long before being induced; I think he would have sent me to the hospital today if I was a 4-5 but right now I'm not far enough dilated to get admitted and he can't induce until I'm 39w which is Sunday. I'm excited to meet LO and have to say that this makes planning care for DD much easier since my parents will be able to come tomorrow and be here when we head to the hospital.
papaya / 10560 posts
@mslipgloss our babies were same in weight & crazy!!! Congrats!!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@LYDG - too funny! and Congrats doll - so glad your LO is here!
@PurrpleTulips: So close - c'mon baby! Glad to know the timing works well for your family. Having now had butterbean, I can honestly say that there can never be too little stress surrounding a birth.
clementine / 773 posts
Alright, I'm headed over to L&D in a little while. My appt yesterday was uneventful, but overnight I started have bad cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. My dr's office couldn't guarantee that they'd have time to see me, so they told me to just head to the hospital to be evaluated. I'm having what I assume are contractions, though they are not always painful. My bigger concern right now is dehydration since I vomited most of the water I sipped throughout the night. Hopefully I'm actually progressing and this isn't just a false alarm!
cherry / 128 posts
Hi! I'm sitting here holding my beautiful baby girl, so I thought I would post an update I was all set to be induced 10 days early - which would have been tomorrow but LO had different plans. I lost my mucous plug early on Friday. My hubby and I went to dinner, went to bed and I woke up at 4am to my water breaking! I was in labor for 26 hours, since my water broke they didn't want to let me go that long for fear of infection. We did all the tricks to get contractions going. Only got to 7 after 26 hours and they wouldn't let me go any longer since I started a fever. Ended up with a C-Section but baby is healthy as can be so no regrets. I'm sore, tired, and very anemic but looking forward to heading home tomorrow! LO was born on 9/9/12 at 6:05 am 8lbs 8oz. 21 inches
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MsLipGloss: @photomommy: Congrats on your baby girls! Hope you all are doing well!
@purrpletulips: Hope the induction went smoothly. Can't wait to hear about your new arrival!
I'm sitting here with my beautiful baby BOY right now. He really is a tiny peanut as expected - born 5lbs 11.5oz, 18.5in on Friday evening. The induction took several days because I nedded cervical ripening but once they started Pitocin it was a pretty quick labor and delivery. They are still not sure why he is so tiny but he's healthy and breastfeeding like a champ! We are absolutely in love like I never thought possible. Will update with more details soon!
Good luck to everyone still waiting. You'll be holding your LO's before you know it
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@skipra, @photomommy: congrats ladies
@musicav: good luck that you are actually in labor and get to meet your LO soon
I have a very healthy and big (9lbs 6.3oz, 22 1/2") boy on Sunday morning. Breastfeeding is going so so which isn't totally unexpected because I'm having the same issues I had with DD but we are meeting with a lactation consultant tomorrow and I'm hopeful we'll get the issues resolved quickly.
clementine / 773 posts
@purrpletulips: @photomommy: @skipra: Congrats!
I spent about six hours at the hospital today getting hydrated - 2 bags of IV fluids, plus oral hydration. The hydration helped calm down the contractions, which were coming at less than 5 minutes apart for a while. We're not sure what caused the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I did learn that what I thought was the baby stretching is actually contractions. I'm timing them at home now, and they're averaging 9-10 minutes apart and relatively painless. I'm supposed to drink a lot and relax to keep them from progressing. Despite the discomfort I was feeling all night and morning, I never dilated at all. Frustrating
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
congratulations to all the mommas! can't wait to see photos (if you are comfortable sharing!) and hear the stories!
@MusicaV: oh wow! how many weeks are you again? my OB said after 36 weeks they wouldn't do anything to stop labor if it started.
I had my 38 week appt today and I'm 1 cm dilated, and not effaced whatsoever. So discouraged. I asked my midwife how late they would let me go and she said a week at the most (which is October 2). I almost burst into tears. I've been in such pain for over a month now that I haven't been able to sleep (I kid you not, I could rival professional fighters with the black eyes I have). I'm exhausted, in pain, and just so frustrated. And they have me on an emotional rollercoaster telling me my baby is tiny all along, then the ultrasound gave me an 80% percentile baby, and now midwife is saying she's tiny again. WTF. Just make up your damn minds!
I went and bought evening primrose oil at whole foods, I have a yoga ball, taco mix in the cupboard and as soon as DH is over his food poisoning we're gonna go to town like we're ttc ;). I just want this baby here!
clementine / 773 posts
@sorrycharlie: I'm 38 weeks. So discouraged right there with you. I'm exhausted and supposed to take it easy while I finish recovering (still feeling a bit sick), but I really want to walk around and get this baby out.
I was supposed to have a limited u/s tonight to check the fluid, but the office was locked and dark when I showed up. So annoyed. I have an appt tomorrow, but I'm not expecting any progress since I was checked on Tuesday.
clementine / 773 posts
Well, my appt today went a lot better than I expected. I'm 1 cm dilated and about 60% effaced! If I don't go into labor naturally by next Wednesday night, she will induce me. If you asked me a few months ago if I would be ok being induced, I would have said no. Hearing so many positive induction stories recently has helped me be perfectly fine with it - plus there's a chance I'll go into labor before then.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MusicaV: how are things? our thread has slowly died!
how's everyone doing? I'm hanging here at 2 cm and dunno how effaced (doctor didn't mention that for some reason), but she's still high up there.
I'm feeling so discouraged. Yes I'm only 39w2d so there's time, but c'mon I thought there'd at least be a little more progress by now...some kind of bloody show, mucus plug, something! I feel like she's never going to come out.
clementine / 773 posts
@sorrycharlie: Did you end up trying the evening primrose oil? Sorry you're feeling frustrated. These last couple weeks are not fun.
I am scheduled to go in for my induction at 5 PM today. It's been a really emotional up-and-down week. I started losing bits of my mucus plug Friday morning. I really hoped I would go into labor over the weekend. That didn't happen, although I started getting slightly painful contractions Sunday night. Around 3 AM Monday, I decided it was time to go to the hospital. My contractions were mostly less than 5 minutes apart for two hours. When we got there, the nurse looked at me and said I probably wasn't in labor, since I was able to talk during contractions. It turns out I was just less than 2 cm dilated. I was there for two hours, then they sent me home. Later that day, I went into the office. I hadn't made any more progress since that morning, and we scheduled the induction.
I'm still holding out hope that I'll go into labor naturally in the next 5 hours, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. If anything, my BH have slowed down. I've been walking a lot and tried eating pineapple and accupressure last night. Nothing. I'm going out for a walk again now, and then I'll probably just rest and clean up a bit before tonight.
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