GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: I'm so sorry to hear that you're measuring small - I am sure all is well with your LO, but thought I would send you some ((hugs)) too. It's scary to feel responsible for your LO, but at the same time to feel helpless, too. (I hope that came out the way it sounds in my head.)
I get really, really annoyed when I have to wait to schedule (or reschedule) an appointment! I agree that it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have any openings for the next two weeks. I have had to reschedule several of my last appointments due to my practice group's schedule changes, and after all of them got rearranged, I ended up losing an appointment because of the way the timing worked out (I went in last week at 35 weeks, and don't go in again until 38 weeks : /, and then again at 39 weeks).
Today is a tough day for me mentally. I still have three weeks until I am scheduled to start maternity leave, and so, so much work to do that I almost feel paralyzed by it. I am trying to break it down into small tasks and focus on one day at a time, but for some reason today I just can't seem to get a good grip on it. It also doesn't help that I am waiting on a couple of judges to make decisions that could drastically change my workload this month - the not knowing, and not being able to plan, is really, really hard to deal with.
Oh, and on top of everything else, in addition to my legs/feet swelling today, my *wrists* are also swollen, too. It just makes everything tight and uncomfortable, and all I want to do is go home and rest(!), but I can't. : / I could just grab my laptop and try to work from home, but I feel compelled to be here as much as possible before my maternity leave begins . . . as crazy as that seems. I also know it is harder to get work done at home, so I would probably be less productive, too. *lesigh* My apologies for the pity party, I am just tired, stressed, and so ready for butterbean to get here.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: sorry to hear you are measuring 3 weeks small, I am measuring 3 weeks big and will have an ultrasound at 36 weeks to get a better estimate. Sending good vibes that the estimate they gave you is off (with DD they did an ultrasound at 36 weeks which based upon the estimated size and expected growth would have resulted in my having a 12# baby; DD was born at barely over 8#).
@mslipgloss: sending good focus vibes so you can get things done at work prior to LO's arrival. I have the opposite problem that I plan to work until I go into labor (or I have to stop working) but have handed off most of my major responsibilities so I'm sitting idle most of the time, which drives me NUTS.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PurrpleTulips: That sounds equally tough! My practice group is currently an attorney (or two) short, and I have a few big cases that are at (somewhat) critical junctions right now (pending motions/hearings, expert disclosures, and an appeal due to the court of appeals). Off-loading is tough because everyone else is at max capacity and it is much more difficult to wrap your brain around a case that you haven't *lived* through, if that makes sense. Although it totally can be done, I just hate the idea of saddling anyone with a huge project.
I thought I would work until I went into labor, although with September 3 being a holiday, my first day not in the office will be Sept 4, which is technically only 2 days before my due date (August 31 is a Friday). Also, now that I am swelling so much and am so uncomfortable, I find myself really looking forward to the end of this month.
Annnnd, my parents plan to come a couple of days early, and I just don't want to have to juggle my parents and work . . . although work may be easier than my mom (love her to pieces, but I have been a little taken aback by some of her reactions/comments throughout my pregnancy).
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@mslipgloss: your plate is FULL, best wishes. When I had DD almost 2 1/2 years ago I worked up until a week before my due date then worked the last 3 days before my induction from home (work was more of a just take conference calls from bed sort of thing) but my job allows that flexibility which is nice. Wishing you the best.
papaya / 10560 posts
I keep having to float between the August board and this board, since I feel like I never know when I'll go! At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, he said still "right around the first of September," so I could totally go either way! @purpletulips i have had major swelling problems too--my feet are GIGANTIC blocks. I'm supposed to be laying on my left side as much as possible...ugh! impossible! I also tend to have low blood pressure, but apparently my BP is getting higher at this last appointment.
Had a sono, baby weighs about 6 lbs 8 ounces and 50% effaced! Appointment next Tuesday!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
Sorry for the small size! I'll type it up nice later but just for now here's what I've got! I plan to use pampers & probably Huggies wipes (that's what I'm used to from nannying), and if I don't BF, I want to use Gerber good start. There are other options available than these, obviously.
Things to remember: BRU accepts only 1 BRU coupon per item, Target accepts 1 manufacturer & 1 Target coupon per item, amazon no coupons, BJs accepts a BJs coupon and manufacturer per item! I don't have a Costco so I couldn't add them in. I purchased diapers at BJs yesterday with a $6/off from BJs mailer & a $2/off manu coupon from pampers - a case of size 2s for 33.99!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: So sorry to hear about the small measurement. I'm sure everything is fine, but it just adds to the level of worry I'll be thinking about you! And, I am pretty much in the exact same situation - measuring 2-3cm small for several weeks now. My doctor seemed less concerned than the midwife and I have my next appointment with the midwife on Saturday so I will not be surprised if I also get ordered to do an ultrasound. At least for you, since they didn't schedule it for 2 weeks you know it can't be that serious. If it was a major concern, you would be in the hospital getting tested immediately.
And thanks for posting the picture! I'll really have to look at it closely but it's really helpful to have a place to start!
@MsLipGloss: Wow, you really do have your plate full! I am also trying to work up until the end so I have been reluctant to hand off too much but I had to already because my co-workers needed some experience before I'm gone. I feel so bad giving them my work and then just sitting around. I'm hoping things will go smoothly with your caseload so that you don't have any worries while you're on leave.
@lydg: Yuck, swelling is no fun! Sometimes I look at my feet and wonder who they belong to, but usually they are not too bad. When did your bp start to rise?
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: great comparison guide.
I just need to vent/whine. I am extremely exhausted today and my boobs hurt so very bad that my bra is painful. I want to go home and go back to bed but alas need to save my sick time so I can get paid for my maternity leave. Plus DH decided that he needed to pick a fight about a totally ridiculous subject this morning which just made my day that much better. UGH
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PurrpleTulips: Hopefully you are having much better day today! How my boobs/body feels changes constantly (I am sure you are all with me on this one!), and while my boobs haven't been painful in a while, they have been itchy. I don't know why, I keep them plenty oiled up, but there is nothing worse than being at work and needing to scratch and not being able to!
I'm sorry about your DH, too. Hopefully you were able to kiss and *makeup* . . .
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@mslipgloss: Thanks, I am feeling better today. I ended up leaving early from work and slept somewhat peacefully until DH/DD came home but by then I was feeling well enough to join them for a few hours before heading back to bed at 8:30PM (VERY rare for me). I think my body just needed to rest, although I sleep at night it has been pretty fitful lately. I completely agree about the body changes and pains, luckily I am in my own office so I can scratch as necessary :p.
DH apologized for his behavior yesterday morning and that did help. I think everyone in my house is a little on edge lately with the impending addition, because daycare has commented that DD has been a little "off/grouchy" recently as well.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@purrpletulips: Sorry about your rough day yesterday. Glad to hear you are feeling better today!
I agree that the impending change can really put people on edge. DH has also been pretty grumpy with me lately too. Last night he flipped out on me when I asked him if he had seen a measuring spoon in the kitchen. At least he realized how ridiculous he was being and apologized a few minutes later
@MsLipGloss: I *HATE* it when my boobs get itchy at work. Isn't that the worst? Or when your underwear that had previously fit perfectly fine become super uncomfortable.
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hey there ladies! Just checking in! I am 37 weeks today! That's right i have a FULL TERM BABY! I am very very excited to have made it to this. Soon we will all start popping babies out.
Bodily I am feeling a bit heavy and achy. I think baby boy may have dropped slightly which is goo.
How are you gals?
papaya / 10560 posts
@mrsmccarthy we are sooo close! i was 37 weeks on friday. who is going to go first?! can't wait for my appointment on tuesday to see if i've progressed any. i have a lot of spurts between exhaustion and energy. i stayed up until 3 am last night with DH and friends at their home, but of course am up by 730, mopping and cleaning!
i have felt really big too. i think i have put on 35-40 lbs on my tiny frame. i've had tons of swelling in my feet and my BP is creeping up some. i cannot wait to drop the weight! i was just starting at my legs last night and how fat they are now.
other than that...we have every last thing i can think of done! i will probably spend some time this week cooking meals to stash in our little freezer and that's about it!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: that's exactly what my husband said! he told me not to freak, because my doctor's office is a block from the hospital. he said they would have sent me there if it was that big of an issue. funny, my doctor was less worried than the midwife as well! my practice has one midwife and 4 OBs, and they take turns with appointments so you get to know all of them.
@purrpletulips: ugh! my husband was a total pill the first 6-7 months, to be entirely honest. he didn't start getting better until I was noticeably pregnant, which was kind of weird. I've been thinking the same as badly wanting some time off but knowing that if I keep pluggin' along, I'll be rewarded when I take time off for maternity leave, even if it is unpaid
@skipra: lol, that sounds like me! I burst into tears last night because DH fell in a pond fishing and ruined his phone. he breaks EVERY phone relatively quickly, and in november we'd gotten him an android phone - I was so proud that he was taking good care of it, lol. I sobbed more last night because we couldn't play words with friends together than I was concerned about replacing it. pregnancy hormones... sigh..
@MrsMccarthy: @lydg: WOOHOO full term! are you guys the first due dates? Well I know @lydg is expected between now and sept 1, correct? september baby watch begins!! SO exciting!
I'm going to cut and paste my update about my birth class - I posted it in the facebook group and don't feel like retyping, because it's a total long vent. HAHA. sorry in advance!!
our birth class was today (saturday)...epic waste of 6 hours. wow. it cost $65 (insurance will reimburse us when we send them the receipt, which the woman didn't have with her and has to mail to us). we got a free diaper bag with a cooler and coupons, and a can of formula, but that was the highlight!
it was essentially all information I knew, and that Anthony could have learned on TLC. haha. no role playing or anything like that. it was the longest powerpoint of my life. we got a break for lunch and since it was in my doctor's office waiting room (one block from hospital), we went to au bon pain in the hosp and checked out the gift shop. we even have to schedule our hospital tour separately. there was little information on breastfeeding (only really that our hospital encourages skin to skin immediately). barely any postpartum information, aside from "keep witch hazel at home, hospital will give you tucks, pads, undies, sitz bath, spray etc".
one plus was the constant reiteration that anthony is supposed to do whatever I ask him during labor, and that he should keep in mind I "dont know what I want!" LOL. they mentioned him massaging me the entire time to block the pain and even said if I tell him not to touch me, to attempt to massage my feet instead. I was thrilled!
& some lady from viacord came and talked because I guess it's mandated to tell people about their cord blood options in the 3rd trimester (at least in RI and MA). she also gave us a coupon for $1750 instead of the $2200 and said if we bought it by monday we could get an extra $50. then i notice the coupon says you have to deliver by september 15. some dad goes, "what about the 6 women in here delivering after that?" and she was like, "well if it's a day, that's fine." okay thanks lady - make me feel badly because I ovulated 2 weeks later than some other women, I would have to pay $500 more?! screw that. she also tried to put the fear of god into us about banking cord blood using her daughter with CP as an example. I felt super uncomfortable, because we honestly can't afford it. we were planning to donate and she was knocking that as well. annoying!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
per diapers: how many are you guys stocked on? we have enough newborn (we had 2 small packages and a case), 2 small packages size 1 and (2) cases of size 1, and 3 cases of size 2. we're going with pampers swaddlers and then cruisers. I'm keeping them unopened so I can exchange if I need to! but I've been taking advantage of serious sales - I just got a huge case of 2s from BJs for 32.99 ~$6/off bjs coupon + ~$3/off pampers manufacturer coupon! woot woot!
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie yes, anytime between NOW and sept 1 at the latest! at least that is what i am told...!! I really don't want to deliver a gigantic baby so I am praying sooner rather than later.
I am so ready to drink again too! I can't help it! Just a couple beers...being around people drinking last night reminded me why I have stayed away from that my whole pregnancy. Blah!
Also, @sorrycharlie-I found a great link this morning via pinterest about diapers and what sizes to stock up on and how many you might need! Some girls at work threw me a diaper and wipe shower, and I think we are pretty good, but who knows-it was good to see this written down!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@lydg: so interesting, thanks for the link! I was totally bummed to only get one pack of diapers at my shower (from my mom - thanks mom!). but we got gift cards which helped out - phew. my grandmother bought me a case of newborn size, but we already have enough so I included those as a size 1 case because I plan to exchange them...unless LO is a teeny peanut, as she seems to be! but i'll probably just start her on 1s as soon as Ns are gone. diapers are too expensive, man.
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie honestly, if i hadn't had the diaper shower then i wouldn't have gotten one box! and i had 3 other regular showers. no wipes or anything. we did get a TON of bath enough to last an eternity. i think we have 10-15 packages/boxes of diapers in various sizes, a few newborn, mostly size 1/2 so we should be good to start. i am afraid that LO won't fit into any NB clothing or NB diapers! I finally buckled down and washed all NB/0-3 month clothing the other day. If he was measuring 6 lb 8 oz last tuesday...and gains 1/2 lb a week min until sept 1....he would be over 8 lbs. nothing for sure, but i'm estimating big rather than small!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lydg: we are soooo close! if your BP is up you will probably go earlier than me because they usually induce earlier for high BP. So far mine has been on the low side, though i know that can change. I hope he comes on or before his due date but i am prepared for a wait as I know most first time moms who are caucasion go past due. We shall see. very exciting!!!
@sorrycharlie: I am due september 2nd. Sorry again about your class sucking so bad. That's disappointing. I am glad you get reimbursed for yours cause i didnt for mine. But i did like my class.
papaya / 10560 posts
well it is a weird deal-i have normally very low BP, 90/55 range, but is barely creeping up to the standard. so "high" by my standards is normal for someone else. my feet and hands have been huge swollen since about thursday though! i am just waiting...waiting...waiting!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: you are more stocked on diapers than I am and I'm a second time mom. Sorry that your birth class sucked, I didn't find the one we took all that helpful except for grossing DH out when we had to watch a video of an epidural being done.
@lydg: DD was just barely over 8# at birth and was able to fit into newborn clothes for about 2m (she could still fit in them weight wise after that but was too too long for them).
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Congrats on making it full term! Isn't it crazy that the baby could arrive at any time? Can't wait to hear good news from you!
@lydg: Not to scare you, but my boss said she had similar issues and because her bp was still in normal range they didn't do anything about it, but it seems that she had pre-e because she went into labor pretty early. Hope everything turns out much better for you!
Thanks for the diaper link. We still need to stock up so that's really helpful!
@sorrycharlie: Sorry about your disappointing class. We took a natural childbirth class over 4 weeks and it was probably more helpful but also a lot more expensive. I think these classes are more for the husbands anyway, since we probably have already read/researched everything that they go over. It just reinforces to the hubbies that they need to listen to us!
And about diapers - we have nothing really. We bought 6 cloth diapers because we want to try that route but I don't think the baby will fit in them right away so we need to get at least some newborn disposables for the beginning. We also need to buy all the cloth diapering supplies and of course, more cloth diapers.
I had my 35 week appointment on Saturday and I am measuring 4 cm small! Before I was in the 2-3 cm range which was acceptable but now I am scheduled for an u/s Tuesday to see what's going on. The midwife said the head is down pretty low so that may be contributing to it, but they also have to check for fluid/placenta issues. Now I'm seriously freaked out that they may decide the baby is better off coming out sooner rather than later.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PurrpleTulips: Yeah, I have my own (private) office, but the itchies always seem to appear when I am stuck in a meeting or in a deposition - lol! Totally feels like a conspiracy.
That's good to know about the NB clothes . . . I have more than a few and am worried that most of them will go unused.
@MrsMcCarthy: Congrats on full term! So, so exciting! I am super ready to hit 37 weeks this week too, so I can start eating eggplant parmesan with reckless abandon and guiltlessly hoping for a *slightly* early delivery (like 39 weeks, please and thank you! ). I am just so tired, swollen, and achy, and ready for this baby to be here. In the meantime, I really do want to try to focus on enjoying these last weeks with just DH and I, but sometimes it is just so hard to do given my physical condition and lack of stamina.
@SorryCharlie: Death by PowerPoint! *augh* That stinks that your birth class was not more interactive. Other than a baby basics class, I did not sign DH and I up for any more classes. I waffled back and forth on it for a few weeks, but at this point, I think I am just going to wing it for fear of not wanting to sit (uncomfortably) through a long class.
@Skipra: Keep us posted on the results of your u/s - I am sure all is well with your LO, but hopefully after your u/s you will be able to rest easier knowing for sure. ((Hugs))
pomegranate / 3414 posts
35w check-up today; LO intent on staying put longer (i.e. no progress) which is fine by me. Still having issues with foot/hand swelling, actually had to remove my wedding ring this weekend due to the swelling, and constipation has returned (UGH). I am to weekly appointments now and my OB said next week he'll do the Strep-B swab and schedule an ultrasound.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MsLipGloss: hehehe eggplant parm! i havent tried it yet. Many i know use evening primrose oil and red raspberry leaf tea.
olive / 69 posts
Baby RoccoandKirby decided to make his debut early! He was born Aug. 11 / 6lb 19in. He's as healthy as can be and I did it without any medication. It was amazing!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@roccoandkirby: omg!!!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear details and see pictures!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@RoccoandKirby: Wow - congrats Mama! So glad you and your LO are doing well. First *September* baby!!!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@roccoandkirby: Congratulations!!! Hope you are recovering nicely. Can't wait to hear all about it!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
So not wonderful news from my u/s but could be worse. Baby is measuring REALLY small and estimated only 4 pounds at nearly 36 weeks. Everything seems to be working normally so they are not sure if s/he is just meant to be a small baby or if the placenta is not functioning 100%. In any case since the measurements are under the 10th percentile, I have to get 2 u/s per week and they won't allow me to go past 39 weeks or Sept 6. Seems so soon! @sorrycharlie: I really hope you get better results at your u/s!!! I'll be crossing my fingers for you!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: oh my goodness! well that's good that they are closely monitoring you! if you went another 4 weeks, s/he would be around 6 lbs, which is small but many many babies are that size! babies in my own family run tiny, which is why none of my family members are surprised I'm measuring small. I don't have my ultrasound until tuesday, but I will definitely keep you guys posted. When is your next u/s?
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: ((Hugs)) to your and your LO! I am so, so glad your OB is going to keep close tabs on you both, although I am sorry the news wasn't better. You are both in my thoughts.
My due date is Sept 6, which both feels so far away and yet so close!
@SorryCharlie: Ditto to you, doll. Take it easy and keep us posted!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@roccoandkirby: WHOA! congrats! cant wait to see photos and hear the birth story!!!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: I guess the problem is that the baby is not gaining what s/he is supposed to, so I don't think it's likely that the weight gain will be that much in the next few weeks. They won't let me go past 39 weeks anyway so even with the normal .5lb/week, that's only 5.5 lbs. I'm guessing it will be closer to 5 lbs. I have the next bpp on Friday and it's at a different location so I'm glad that I'll get to kind of have a second opinion. It sounds like you are not measuring quite as small as me and it's normal for you anyway. I will definitely be thinking of you and crossing my fingers for a good appointment on Tuesday!
@MsLipGloss: Thanks, you are so sweet! We could have our babies the same day I guess with only 3 weeks left the countdown is really on!
My office just threw me a baby shower and I can't believe how generous they are. We got pretty much all the remaining items on our registry plus about $350 in gift cards! I've been telling my husband recently that he should find a job at my company because everyone here is so awesome... I didn't even have any idea!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: ohh I see 5.5 is decent though! a little peanut, but lots of babies are born little. I bet it'll all be okay! so are you guys team green? it's hard for me to keep everything straight on here!
apricot / 275 posts
36 weeks, 3 days - I can't believe how fast this has gone! Getting really excited for all of us
papaya / 10560 posts
I will be 38 weeks on Friday y'all! OMG! I had dr visit yesterday and I'm effaced to 75%...but he was like, "Nothing to write home about!" I am okay with that. I really want to be able to make it to the first day of school which is on the 27th! I go back on Monday to see if any more progress has been made. So crazy! I can't believe how soon it will be here.
@skipra awesome about your shower! We were so, so blessed and had 4 showers, got nearly everything off our registries and tons of gift cards. So helpful!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lydg: Happy 38 weeks to us! i will get my first internal this week. Wed is the day. I am kind of nervous. Hope i dont go in and NADA, though i know that can change on a dime.
in good news we now have a pediatrician and i feel finally as prepared as i could be for this birth. now ve vait! How are the rest of you ladies doing?
papaya / 10560 posts
@mrsmccarthy don't sweat it! he has been checking me since 35 weeks and it only takes a minute and isn't bad at all. I told my OB not to tell me if I am dilated or not, I only know that I am 75% effaced. I might cave and have him tell me this week though!
I have a friend who had the same due date as me (9.1) and she had her LO jealous!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Checking in-36w appt went well this morning (internal and Strep B test), no progress towards baby but I get an ultrasound at some point this week (yeah). I've lost 1 lb but the nurse said most people are have because the humidity has been down so not to worry. My BP was a little elevated but not enough to start worrying. I go back next Monday.
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