GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@LYDG: Your pictures are so adorable! We tried to get 3d pictures of butterbean a week or so ago, but neither she nor the umbillical cord would cooperate. We are scheduled for another 3d u/s this weekend (they allowed us to come back and try again), so hopefully we will be able to see her beautiful little face!
@Spaina96: We still have a few things to get for the nursery, but I really loved picking out bedding and decor. I also loved choosing a name, although before I knew I was having a girl, I had tons more boy names picked out. Surprisingly, it didn't take DH and I long to choose butterbean's name. And now, I can't imagine her being called anything else. Have fun!
@PurrpleTulips @Skipra: Good luck on your 3-hour glucose tests!
@PurrpleTulips: I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but as of 28 weeks I have gained almost 30 pounds. I go in on Monday for my 30 week appointment, and of course for another weigh in. Although my OB is not worried in the slightest, I still cringe every time I see the scale.
@RoccoandKirby: Glad you passed your 3-hour glucose test.
@MrsMcCarthy: Yep! I have had awful heartburn and some nausea the past week or so. I can only imagine that it has to do with the uterus (and butterbean) pushing up on my stomach. Whatever the reason(s) for it, it sure is uncomfortable and makes it even more difficult to fall asleep.
@SorryCharlie: How is the back pain? Hopefully you have been able to get some relief! I have noticed that my hips become sore after walking for a while, which is definitely a new symptom for me! I also get BH contractions just before my hips get sore, as if butterbean is trying to tell me *enough already.*
apricot / 275 posts
@MsLipGloss: Thanks for the Snoogle tips! Our 3D ultrasound was also a bust. Baby girl had her face "buried in the placenta" and we really couldn't see anything. Same thing at the 20 week 3D, but since she was smaller we were able to see more of her profile and arm/hand. Not so much this time!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
So 3-hr glucose test is done. It wasn't too bad but if you have to do it BRING SOMETHING TO DO. I had mine done at the hospital blood lab and basically spent the majority of time in the general waiting room. I had to go in fasting and they did a blood draw then I drank the glucose solution (lemon lime; I still like the orange one as it reminds me of Hi-C orange where as the LL just tastes like very flat fountain Sprite that has too much syrup in it). I then had another blood draw every hour for 3 more hours (4 blood draws total). The first two hours flew by because I was able to use the hospital's free wii-fi and watch things on Netflix (hint: Bridezillas is just about the right amount of time for one episode between blood draws) but then my Kindle Fire's battery died so I spent the last hour staring at the wall/ceiling/floor and people watching those coming in and out of the lab. Oh and the lab waiting area was freezing so I really wished that despite it being 90 outside I would have thought to take a sweater.
@Skipra: It wasn't that bad (see above)
@Sorrycharlie: my OB does not that you fast before you drink the glucose solution for the 1-hr test while some OBs require that you fast. With DD I recall eatting a cup of yogurt before drinking the glucose and passed the 1-hr. This time I ate a bowl of Life cereal shortly before drinking the glucose and failed the 1-hr. The lab tech who drew most of my blood today said she doesn't understand why doctor's don't require fasting before the 1-hr as it would likely decrease your chances of failing. While I have no scientific proof I think what I ate before my 1-hr might have had an effect on my results this time.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: Good luck with the test! I'd suggest taking it first thing in the morning. I think that maybe taking it in the late afternoon may have screwed me up. I guess we'll see after the 3-hour test.
@purrpletulips: Thanks for the tips and info! I hope your results come back soon and you pass with flying colors. BTW - not sure if weight really has anything to do with it. I was 115 when I got pregnant so definitely not at all overweight, and I've gained a reasonable 19-20 pounds so far @ 29 weeks. I guess it's just a fluke who passes and who doesn't.
@MsLipGloss: Sorry you are dealing with so much stress at work. I will be going through the same thing during July and on top of it, both of my sisters and their families will be visiting from out of town and demanding a lot of time as well plus we are trying to do some home renovations before baby arrives. I guess we just have to do what we can and just leave it at that. Hopefully people will be a little more understanding than they normally would be. I'm with you counting down the days until maternity leave!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MsLipGloss: Don't forget me in team blue! I am having a boy due September 2nd.
papaya / 10560 posts
@mslipgloss thanks! i can't wait for the next one. at first i kind of freaked because the cord was in front of his mouth and it looked like it was wrapped around his neck, but then he moved and it was all good. post your pics when you get them!
even though my DD got moved to 8/27, i already feel attached to sept 12 mamas so i am going with my original DD 9/2! team blue!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@MrsMcCarthy: GAH! My apologies!
@LYDG: We are thrilled to keep you!
JoyJoy (9.02)
Bao (9.03)
MsLipGloss (9.06)
BienLivingDesign (9.09)
Googly-Eyes (9.18)
Spaina96 (9.19)
PeacockBlue (9.20)
SorryCharlie (9.25)
LYDG (9.02)
MrsMcCarthy (9.02)
MusicaV (9.23)
Spaniel (9.28)
RoccoandKirby (9.10)
Skipra (9.13)
PurrpleTulips (9.16)
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@purrpletulips: woohoo!!
27-wk appt yesterday, everything looks good! 1-hr glucose & rhogam Monday!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MsLipGloss: no problem and thank you for keeping track of us all. Can't be easy.
@purrpletulips: Yay!!! celebrate with some ice cream!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@Mslipgloss, sorrycharlie, mrsmccarthy: Thanks, I am relieved but would had prepared myself mentally for failing. Being on HB about other's experiences with GD helped calm my fears some about what to expect.
@mrsmccarthy: I just may celebrate with some ice cream
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@purrpletulips: Yay!!! Congrats on passing the test. I go for mine tomorrow. Crossing my fingers to pass too!
I'm not sure if this ever came up as a topic - but where do all of you live? Just curious if any of us are close... I'm in Boston.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: I'm just outside of Attleboro, MA - I'm in RI though!
papaya / 10560 posts
@mslipgloss i am such a flake! my due date has changed so much it was 09.06, then to 09.01 --8.27 now but I am still sticking with 09.01 in hopes i can work the first week of school!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lydg: what i have read is that it really can't be determined accurately past 10 weeks so if you were told a date at an early scan that's the date i would go with. many later scans are wrong. I personally wouldn't want to think i am due earlier only to be kept waiting around by baby.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Just found out I passed my 3-hour glucose test! Funny thing is that my 1-hour result was over 20 points lower than the one hour test earlier in the week, with half the amount of glucose. I think my lunch before that test must've really thrown off the results! I would've passed the one-hour test with the result from the 3-hour. It's kind of frustrating that I had to go through with it when I was no where even close to the limit on any of the blood draws. So if anyone has not taken the one-hour test, try to fast beforehand if at all possible!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: my one-hour is today! I plan to drink water before it, and only had a package of peanut butter crackers around 5am. I'm going in 10 minutes! I also have to get my rhogam shot today too..what a day. hope it's in my arm and not my butt!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: Congrats! So glad that you passed, although I am sorry that you had to go through the 3-hour ordeal!
p.s. I live in Atlanta. We had 105+ temps the past few days . . . holy heatwave!
@SorryCharlie: Good luck . . . and hopefully you get to avoid the bum shot!
I have my 30 week appointment today, if I can ever make it through all my deadlines! With that in mind, I should get back to work . . . it's just been a long haul these past 3 weeks, and I am suuuuper tired today.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
so I got the 1-hour glucose this morning! I had lemon-lime, it tasted like either flat-ish sprite or melted Del's Lemonade! After about 15 minutes I didn't feel so hot, but I think that was because I had not eaten or slept the night before, and the a/c was broken on the floor the blood lab was on. Joy.
then I trucked it upstairs to my OB's office for the Rhogam shot..I was so anxious. As in, felt like I was going for a lethal injection - and I so NEVER care about needles!! I think I had heard so many horror stories.
The nurse that did it was old and entertained me when she realized I had no tattoo on my butt - she was telling me about things she has seen, and recalled the first time she was assisting a doctor and the doctor saw the woman's pierced clitoris - LOL! Kind of awkward but she lightened me up. It startled me going in, because it's 2 CCs of liquid, but didn't really hurt.
So if anyone else is getting Rhogam - no worries! Not bad!
@MsLipGloss: I'm freakin' wiped, too. I can't figure out if it's the heat or just third tri exhaustion. Good luck at your appointment!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: Glad you made it through the one hour test and that shot! Hope you get good results! I found out the next morning so hopefully you won't have to wait too long.
BTW- we are really close! It would be fun to have a Providence area meet up once the LO's are here!
@MsLipGloss: Stay cool! I can't believe the heat some parts of the country are getting. How did your appt go? I can't believe we are already starting to have appointments every other week.
Hope everyone has a great holiday! Any fun vacation plans?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: definitely, that would be fun! If you want, we have a facebook group for Sept moms from HB & WB, but is secret so it doesn't show on your news feed. Feel freeto email me if you want to join, or even just touch base!
Nothing fun planned for tomorrow that i know of! Kind of nice in a way. I find that I'm back to first-tri level exhaustion now which makes me wanna hole up in the AC and veg!
Any showers coming up? Mine is the 21st, so excited!! Any other registry stalkers? *bad*
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie i had my 2nd shower this past saturday. got our car seat! so excited. the last shower for us is july 18...i always stalk my registry up until a few days before and then i have to force myself to quit! it has been good because it seems like most people wait until the day of/before to buy.
we've gotten almost everything we need! the other other little things i'd like are the diaper bag, puj tub, boppy, monitor, and we are literally good to go! woo hoo!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
WOOHOO! I passed the 1-hour! I got a 95, and needed under 129 to pass. BEYOND excited!!
grape / 79 posts
Can't believe how time is flying. Doctor's appointment was good this week, only gained two pounds the whole pregnancy so that makes me happy. Since i am already overweight they gave me third degree at my very first appointment. We have been working on the nursery. Trying to behave and not shop until after my showers but it is so hard.
Hope everyone is doing well.
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hey everyone! we had our newborn care class last night and it was fun. it was very cute to watch my baby clueless husband learn how to hold, diaper, swaddle, bathe and massage the rubber baby dolls they gave us. I am gonna pracitce my swaddling today on my own doll i got from good will. next week is newborn safey procedures and then we are on to breastfeeding. I am kind of bummed my husband cant make next week but i will hopefuly be able to get him to stay still long enought to fill him in. 58 days till my due date. the whole thing is starting to feel very real. hope everyone is looking forward to some fun relaxing weekends.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@purrpletulips: thanks!
@spaina96: horrible that they gave you the 3rd degree but awesome job! I hear you on the has such good clearance right now it's going quick. I also was tempted at babies r us because I was emailed a 25% off motorola monitors coupon, and babies r us doesn't accept the 20% coupons for motorola monitors. We plan to buy it at BBB if we don't get it for the shower so we can use the 20% coupon there, but still, so tempting!
@MrsMccarthy: I can't believe how quick it feels like it's coming! my "days" countdown (thank you target for doing the math!) slips to 79 tomorrow. It feels so quick when you think in terms of 10s, oh man.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
just for fun, how about some updates?
EDD: September 25
How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: about 13 lb
Maternity clothes? Definitely.
Stretch marks? none yet! but I'm just biding my time..
Best moment this week: passing the glucose screen!
Food cravings: I've been bent on the Ruby Tuesday's garlic/cheese biscuit things for over a week now, and haven't had them. I craved a McDonald's M&M McFlurry so I celebrated no GD with one ok..maybe 2, if you count the next day.
Symptoms: still nauseous randomly, not sleeping well and I think my hips are separating because I am in excruciating pain when I wake up.
Looking forward to: 30 weeks next week, baby shower in 2 weeks, 3d/4d ultrasound at 34 weeks!!!
Recent milestone: I don't think really any - viability was obviously awhile back. I consider 30 weeks to be a good milestone to look forward to!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@mrsmccarthy Aww! I can't wait for ours, but it's not til the middle/end of August.
@Sorrycharlie Good idea, I'm getting behind again..and lost!
EDD: September 18
How far along? 29w4d- almost 30!! YAY!
Total weight gain: 12-13 lb? I gained a bunch the past couple of weeks.
Maternity clothes? Yes, the rubber band trick is pretty uncomfortable now. Last time I did it was at 28w. I only have a couple of maternity jeans/capris since I"m not working and I didn't need to invest in a ton of clothes..but I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the end without more, so I may give in and get another pair of pants/shorts/capris/something.
Stretch marks? Thankfully, not yet.
Best moment this week: Starting to get nursery stuff together! Starting to pack our apartment up for our move! Getting addresses together for baby shower invites/birth's really happening!
Food cravings: Oh my goodness, EVERYTHING! Ugh. The last week I've been SO hungry. I had a chicken wrap (that they said was cooked/heated) from Red Robin last week and loved it. (With sweet potato fries!)
Symptoms: Nausea seems to be coming back, but only after eating/ on occasion rather than the 24/7 miserable feeling from the first tri. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad.
Looking forward to: 30 weeks on Tuesday, baby showers over the next few weeks, moving and setting up the baby's stuff, and beginning our birth classes at the end of July!
Recent milestone: My belly is FINALLY always looking round instead of only after eating. Strangers congratulating me/us (the first were at 27w I think, so a little while ago.) And of course entering the third trimester at 28w!
honeydew / 7295 posts
EDD: September 2nd
How far along? 32 weeks tomorrow!
Total weight gain: 40lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly. i do have some non maternity maxi dresses i wear.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Best moment this week: The nursery is almost complete. We have things coming in almost everyday for the baby. Watching my husband in newborn class.
Food cravings: Milk, Cheese and chocolate.
Symptoms: Acid reflux, short of breath, sore boobs, back pain, sciatic pain, pains in my stomach and from baby moving.
Looking forward to: I am in a werid place now because i want to enjoy the summer but i also am starting to feel so uncomfortable i can hardly stand it. I really look forward to meeting my baby boy. IN the interim of that i just hope i get some good days physically and some good sleep.
Recent milestone:Movement has become very obvious and much more constant. I think it's because he is so big now. I start bi monthly appointments this month. i get my Strep B test in 3-4 weeks. We pre registered at the hospital. It feels VERY close now.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
EDD: September 6
How far along? 31w: 3d
Total weight gain: 33 pounds. I know a lot of this is real weight, but I have been holding so much water in my lower body it's not even funny. My belly isn't huge at this point (which is great, because I have a few weeks to go!), but man do I hate what has happened to my body . . . or to be more accurate, what has happened to my self-confidence. I totally need to get over it! Everyone keeps telling me I look great and that they can't really tell that I've gained weight (lol! and riiiiiiiight), but I think about it way too much, and it has really gotten me down. It's not really the numbers so much as the idea of not being *me* again at the end. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for butterbean, but the personal sacrifices are considerable, largely underestimated, and definitely not talked about enough. I understand why uit's not talked about (you don't want anyone to think that you are ungrateful or that you don't love your LO tremendously), but . . . . I think not being able to talk about it makes it worse. Even though I can talk about it here on HB and with DH, there are times when I still feel alone in the process.
Maternity clothes? Yep, although I still have some non-maternity clothes I can wear (wrap/ faux wrap dresses, and a few tops and tank tops). I haven't worn pants in *months.*
Stretch marks? Not yet! I keep layering on the body oil even though I know it probably won't make a difference, but it makes me feel better (especially considering the weight gain!) and has kept the itchies at bay.
Best moment this week: Having all the ladies at the court of appeals be super sweet to me - even the security guard outside wanted to help me navigate a regular street curb. I received several comments about still wearing heels to work. I still feel fine most days, and I totally get to cheat and kick my shoes off when I am working in my office.
Food cravings: Red Vines and Panera Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken salad.
Symptoms: Mini-waves of nausea, fatigue, swelling, and breakouts. There are very few little kicks anymore - the movements are big and there are definitely body parts poking out most of the time. But sleeping is sooooo much harder now, too.
Looking forward to: Having my hair highlighted this week. I am also super ready to start my maternity leave at the end of August.
Recent milestone: Passing 30 weeks. I just round down now and tell people that I have 2 months left when they ask (unless they are women with children, and then I give them a week number).
@MrsMcCarthy: DH and I go in for our newborn basics class in a week. I am so excited to see him practice changing a diaper and swaddling!
@SorryCharlie: you totally earned the McFlurry!
@Spaina: Funny how some docs seems to be overly concerned with weight while others are so nonchalant about it. Regardless of their stance, there should not be any degree-giving without cause!
papaya / 10560 posts
EDD: September 1
How far along? 32 w 2 days
Total weight gain: we aren't really sure what my pre-preg weight was but if we go from my first appt at 8 weeks, 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes. I'm not working now (summer-I teach) and in shorts/tee everyday! Thank goodness.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: going to a wedding yesterday and getting tons of compliments on how huge my belly is but I don't look pregnant at all otherwise...I am all belly!!!
Food cravings: lenin-berry slush from sonic, sundaes from Brahms, pasta, veggies
Symptoms: nervous for appt on tues. I am pretty sure I've been having contractions...not BH. But... We will see.
Looking forward to: registering at the hospital this week. A friend is being induced tomorrow at same hospital and I can't wait to go visit!
Recent milestone: 8 months! Almost home stretch!!! .
pomegranate / 3350 posts
EDD: September 13
How far along? 30w4d
Total weight gain: 22lbs but 2 of these are from my mini-vacation over the past week!
Maternity clothes? Sometimes. I prefer dresses and skirts now that the weather is hotter and most of them are not maternity. I have 2 pairs of maternity work pants, 1 pair of jeans, and some maternity shirts. I wear my regular shirts a lot too but some are starting to get too short.
Stretch marks? I had tons on my hips/back/thighs pre-pregnancy. I don't know if I have any new ones there but haven't noticed any on my belly yet.
Best moment this week: My sister and nephews are visiting from out of state for the month of July so it's really fun spending time with them.
Food cravings: Fruit and milk
Symptoms: Getting difficult to bend over, peeing constantly especially after kicks or headbutts to the bladder, occasional charlie horse in my calf during the night.
Looking forward to: Getting our floors refinished this week so that we can actually work on the nursery and decorating. Spending time with friends and family that I don't see very often. And I have an appointment this afternoon where we will go over all the 28 week information. My last appointment was less than 5 minutes because the midwife was running really late and I had to get back to the lab for my 1-hour blood draw.
Recent milestone: Passing the 3-hour glucose test - I was SO nervous about failing!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
EDD: September 16
How far along? 30w 1d
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None that weren't there before
Best moment this week: DD wanting to give baby more and more kisses (just wish she'd leave my shirt down while doing this in public)
Food cravings: not really anything particular
Symptoms: tons of Braxton hicks, leg cramps/charlie horses at night
Looking forward to: Babymoon in 12 days
Recent milestone: baby has moved higher position so is no longer causing severe pelvic pain
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
so since our girl's name will be Olivia, just for fun, I started playing the "Olivia" theme song (Nick show) on my iphone near the belly. Without fail, she always moves around! I'm not sure if it bugs her or if she likes the music, hahah. Oh well. We joke that she'll know her name by the time she's born!
At any rate - it's a fun party trick!
how's everyone doing this week? i have a doctor's appt in an hour.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: That is a neat party trick . . . and super cute. What a great story to tell her when she's older.
I am pretty tired this week, but I have put in quite a few hours at the office, too. I just don't *bounce back* like I used to.
@PurrpleTulips: So glad you are more comfortable! I have had short-term bouts with pelvic pressure and pain and, well . . . *owwwwwch* I am, however, still getting lots of leg cramps at night, even from just stretching my legs out. A couple of times I have woken up because I got one (or two!) while I was sleeping.
@Skipra: Have fun with your family! I love spending time with my nieces and nephew.
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie definitely getting more tired! i have been having off/on back pain and belly pain, but dr says nothing to worry about. i'm down to an appointment in 2 weeks and weekly thereafter!
i went to go visit a friend today who had a c-section on monday. it was so crazy being up on the l & d floor just knowing I will be there too before long! they said 19 babies were born was so crowded and it is a huge hospital! i hope it is slower when i am there
pomegranate / 3414 posts
31w check-up was yesterday - I'm measuring big so we'll have an ultrasound at 36w and plan from there; I'm not worried because I consistently measured 2w ahead with DD and when she was born at 39w6d she weighed just over 8lbs. It was my first internal and LO is planning to stay put for at least a little while longer according to my doctor (no progress which is good). I now go in every 2 weeks for appointments. I've gained 13lbs so far this pregnancy.
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