GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Hello lovelies! I thought it might be time for an update!
EDD: September 6
How far along? 34w: 1d
Total weight gain: 38 pounds (I get weighed again next week.) I still really, really, really struggle with this at times, but just thinking about butterbean makes me so happy that it helps me to keep (at least) a little perspective and to continue to appear sane - lol! I have had a few tearful days while getting dressed, but I think I am dealing with it the best I can, and that that is really all I can ask of myself. My OB and NP are convinced I am carrying a ton of fluid around (my legs are so swollen), but I would rather plan for the worst to avoid unrealistic expectations.
Stretch marks? Still none. I religiously oil myself up twice a day (for all the good it can do), and just hope that this is one symptom I can avoid. But, I still have a long way to go!
Best moment this week: Getting my stroller, carseat, and nursery rug delivered, and really feeling a strong connection with butterbean. I am sure you can all relate, but it is just an amazing feeling . . . it really makes me think that I can do this! Silly, I know, but true nonetheless.
Food cravings: Wine!
Symptoms: Swelling (swelling, and more swelling!) and insomnia.
Looking forward to: Spending time with friends on Saturday, and a mani/pedi today - woooot!
Recent milestone: 34 weeks! I am so excited to get closer (and closer) to 37 weeks, just in case she comes a little early. DH and I also took a baby basics class, to go over things like diaper changes and swaddling - now I can swaddle like a ninja! But whether or not I will be that good with a live (and uber noodle-y baby!) remains to be seen.
How are all of you doing?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
oh man..we are so bad at this thread. LOL. I see the other due date threads and wonder why ours is so slow!
@MsLipGloss: it could definitely be water weight, don't worry! And mm pedicures..the worst part about them is when they are over. so sad.
here's my update!
EDD: September 25
How far along? 31 w 3 d
Total weight gain: Just under 20 lbs/at 20 lbs.
Stretch marks: I don't think any yet. I definitely think I will get them, even with the lotion, because I got them during puberty (and I'm pretty sure things are stretching a lot more now than they did then!)
Best moment this week: the baby shower on Sunday! it was a blast and we did so well. we didn't get any diapers or wipes, except one package of each from my mom! We don't have to buy any gear, though, so the gift cards will go towards dipes and wipes.
Food cravings: sangria! I have never been a big drinker, but I would totally kill for a glass right now.
Symptoms: limbs falling asleep constantly. mild feet swelling. still breaking sad.
Looking forward to: my 3d ultrasound somewhere between weeks 34-35, and my maternity photos week 35! Also..GETTING OUR GLIDER IN! Patiently waiting..not.
Recent milestone: 30 weeks felt huge! Every week now feels like a exciting! Full term in 5.5 weeks! WHAT?!
clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: We had a mini swaddle lesson at our childbirth class. Our doll had really awkward arms and hands that somehow twisted outwards, and my swaddle looked so bad. Hopefully our childcare class will go better.
@sorrycharlie: I know what you mean about 30 weeks feeling huge!
EDD: Sept 23
How far along?: 31 w 5 d
Total weight gain: 27ish lbs right now. But weekends are always my undoing, and we have 3 big parties to go to, starting tonight.
Stretch marks: I haven't noticed any.
Best moment this week: It's been kind of a slow week. Maybe our childbirth classes and hospital tour last weekend, and we bought a dresser.
Food cravings: Fruit, chocolate, desserts. If I see someone eating sushi or tartare, I want some too.
Symptoms: Trouble sleeping, can't get comfortable and wake up in pain, thankfully very little swelling. Occasional upper ab cramps.
Looking forward to: so much! First non-stress test and growth ultrasound next week, shower in two weeks, nursery furniture hopefully coming in before then.
Recent milestone: Childbirth classes completed! And of course, every week that we get closer to term.
papaya / 10560 posts
EDD: September 1...2...3??
How far along? 35 weeks today
Total weight gain: 30 lbs...ALL BELLY! I put on 5 lbs in the last two weeks alone.
Stretch marks: I had none and I just started getting some last week...I am so depressed! I have been lotioning like crazy the whole time I've been pregnant, and they just can't be avoided. Literally, I can see small ones and I just know they are going to get bigger and there is nothing I can do about it! Mainly on my hips and low belly.
Best moment this week: I don't think there has been one, I have really hit a wall. Someone tell me I'm not alone!
Food cravings: Nothing, I have kind of lost my appetite.
Symptoms: Extremely swollen feet, fingers are starting to swell, looking like a zombie, heartburn and reflux is back with a vengeance and no medication will help, exhaustion.
Looking forward to: My 36 week appointment on August 7, really just having this baby!
Recent milestone: HUGE, kicks in the front of my belly. He has been really, really active this whole time, but these are actually painful! Weird milestone, I know.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: Yeah, my NP is convinced I am retaining a ton of fluid (and have the elephant legs to prove it), but the numbers are tough to deal with mentally. *Fingers crossed* it isn't all *real* weight!
I hope your glider comes in early, too! What is with the waiting and pregnancy?! It's 40 weeks of *waiting* for everything, i.e., bumps, kicks, ultrasounds, finding out sex, due dates, nursery stuffs - Ohhh Emmm Geeeee!
@LYDG: You are definitely not alone! I hit walls (sometimes daily) . . . pregnancy is really a *Mr. Toad's Wild Ride* experience, and it is just so hard to deal with the constant changes.
@MusicaV: So with you on the sleeping . . . I always feel like it was a good night if I fall asleep just after midnight and can sleep through until 4:30 or 5 a.m. . . . *lesigh*
cherry / 128 posts
Hi Ladies! I'm joining you for the first time. New to HB. I'm due September 22, but between the gestational diabetes and kidney stones I recently battled, we are hoping for an early arrival!
We are having a baby girl and couldn't be more thrilled! It took us 3 years to get preggo. I have hypothyroidism and found out early in pregnancy that I was not properly medicated which was likely the problem.
Thanks for inviting me @mslipgloss
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: lol, getting our patience ready for LO I guess!!
@photomommy: welcome & congrats!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@photomommy welcome!
@mislipgloss: Some people seem to gain a lot but lose it just as easily, while others gain not as much but have a really hard time getting it off. I don't think the numbers mean everything! Plus at my birth class they said that after birth there is just a huge amount of fluid that you pee out and so it could come off really quickly...
My second baby shower is coming up and birth classes have started and everything is getting so REAL! Scary. As a sidenote I got my BRU completion coupon in the mail and several brands are not included including Tommee Tippee and Ameda which were on my registry... Just fyi.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PhotoMommy: You're welcome - we are glad to have you! Congrats on your baby girl! Here is our list of due dates:
JoyJoy (9.02)
Bao (9.03)
MsLipGloss (9.06)
BienLivingDesign (9.09)
Googly-Eyes (9.18)
Spaina96 (9.19)
PeacockBlue (9.20)
PhotoMommy (9.22)
SorryCharlie (9.25)
LYDG (9.01)
MrsMcCarthy (9.02)
MusicaV (9.23)
Spaniel (9.28)
RoccoandKirby (9.10)
Skipra (9.13)
PurrpleTulips (9.16)
I have a good friend who is going to start trying to get pg within the next few months, and she just recently found out she had hypothyroidism.
I totally thought that I was going to fail my glucose test (based on constant thirst, tons of fluid retention/swelling, and steady weight gain), but I passed. I (almost) think I would have been a little relieved to have been diagnosed with GD, just to have an explanation for some of the things that I was experiencing, but then again, that is so easy for me to say because I don't, in fact, have it. But GD *and* kidney stones? Wow. That sounds so awful!
@Googly-Eyes: I really hope so. My NP says it also could be because I was small when I got pg . . . but who knows. All I know that is that all the extra weight is really hard on my body, especially my hips, back, and feet--my feet feel constantly bruised! And the swelling-OMG-the swelling. DH and went out for lunch and then spent 45 minutes in Home Depot on Saturday, and I didn't get my ankles back until this morning. : /
And yeah, it really is getting *real*. I am ready though. I can't say for sure when that happened, but sometime within the last week or two, I stopped feeling anxious about butterbean's arrival, and just started feeling more at peace with the idea of becoming a mom and having her in my arms instead of in mah belly.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Update time: Went for my 33w appt yesterday, everything looks good except that I am measuring 3 weeks ahead of where I should be. My OB feels that is because I had stomach pooch before I got pregnant (measured 2 w ahead consistently with DD). I will go back at 35w for my next regular appt and then have an u/s at 36w to check baby's size and position.
I've gained 15.5 lbs so far. I don't have any cravings but still have several aversions: eggs and raw onions mainly. I have been having some swelling in my feet at the end of the day, am feeling exhausted all the time, my knuckles are achy all the time; my leg cramps seem to have alleviated some as long as I wear arch supports in my tennis shoes (which are getting harder to tie).
Since this is my second child I wasn't planning on anyone throwing me a shower but was surprised by several of my co-workers who are going to take me to lunch next week and gift my family a membership to our zoo (they tell me I'm a hard person to buy gifts for and didn't feel my suggestion of "diapers" was enough). I am touched/blessed and excited.
cherry / 128 posts
@MsLipGloss: The GD has been a struggle. I thought I had it under control, but have been getting spikes lately. It's very frustrating! I'm glad you didn't end up with it My dad is Type 1 diabetic, so I kind of thought I might end up with it too. I learned my lesson with the kidney stuff... I have drink waaaayyy more water than I ever did or wanted to do.
I did acupuncture while TTC. It was great for my hypothyroidism to get my body working correctly. I would highly recommend it for your friend who has it too!
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hi September Mamas. Here is my update. I hope all you ladies are well.
EDD: Sept 2nd
How far along?: 35 w 2 d
Total weight gain: 43 lbs
Stretch marks: None yet but i know i am not out of the woods.
Best moment this week: Reaching 35 weeks and feeling how strong my baby has gotten. He is heavier and stronger. I also feel very excited about being only one month away. We cleaned our place head to toe, installed the careseat and started packing my overnight bag. We also finished all of our classes, Hooray for August.
Food cravings: OMG i am obsessed with Sugar Kiss Melon. it's kind fo like a sweeter honeydew meets cantoploupe. Amazing!
Symptoms: I can;t sleep or move very well these days. I just feel kind of heavy and am adjusting to this new center of gravity. I also still get bouts of acid reflux and have trouble breathing. Hopefully he will drop soon. I may need to pee more often but at least i will have some breathing room.
Looking forward to: Being full term in a week and a half! My friends wedding shower saturday, Starting weekly appointments, the soapbox derby they hold here in oregon, and finally starting to progress and then giving birth to this wonderful little being.
Recent milestone: Not sure if you can call these milestones but i feel like the carseat hospital bag and clean home are good accomplishments. Strep B Swab is Monday and then i start my weekly appointments from there on out. This is my last week without a doctors checkup. YAY!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@googly-eyes: ooh have fun at your shower!! when do you get the completion coupon..about a month before due date? and you can't use it in conjunction with other coupons, right?
@MsLipGloss: I've totally been fixated lately on imaging what she'll look like, how she'll act, and generally trying to come to terms with the fact that A REAL LIVE BABY is coming out of me, and I get to TAKE IT HOME!
@purrpletulips: blegh, I've had leg cramps/swelling too. And I also don't like the smell of eggs. gag!! How sweet to get a membership to the zoo, that is so cool and thoughtful!
papaya / 10560 posts
I am so ready to have this baby!!!! 36 weeks on Friday and I am dying to find out how big he is at my sono next week. I haven't been able to sleep at night because I won't have heartburn ALL day, and then as soon as I go to sleep BOOM...MISERABLE. My feet are huge, and I have been having charley horses and the pain sticks in my calf for days!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@lydg: try propping your head up on some extra pillows, just like with infants the incline sometimes helps with heartburn.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Wow, this thread really picked up! Sorry if I miss anyone...
@photomommy: Welcome and congrats on your pregnancy after such a long time! I'm really sorry to hear about your complications. Do you find it difficult to stick to a special diet? I failed my 1-hr glucose test and was freaking out about how I would manage.
@sorrycharlie: I'm not a big drinker either but lately have been REALLY looking forward to having something...pretty much anything!
@MsLipGloss: Everyone I talk to says the weight just falls off after baby. I'd think especially if it's water weight. Keep those feet elevated:)
@lydg: You are SO close, hang in there!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
And my update:
EDD: Sept 13
How far along?: 33w 6d
Total weight gain: About 25 pounds. July was a crazy month with tons of family visiting and parties so I think I gained a little too much. I was really hoping to keep total weight gain to 25 lbs, oh well.
Stretch marks: None yet on my belly but I have them all over my hips/back/upper thighs from puberty. I won't be surprised when I do get them all over my belly too.
Food cravings: Fruit and lots of it! I think savory type foods are starting to give me indigestion. I had to take Tums the other night and they actually worked. (Normally if I feel like I have to take them I end up throwing up anyway).
Symptoms: I've been getting some calf cramps and backaches when I sit too long. Indigestion a couple times. And I think the third trimester fatigue is really hitting. I've been so exhausted after work lately.
Looking forward to: Getting a break from all the family visits and actually being able to start working on the nursery and getting our house ready. We got our hardwoods refinished a few weeks ago and have barely moved anything back up from the basement.
Recent milestone: Not sure, I feel kind of like after 28 weeks I'm just waiting to hit full term. Otherwise, we are actually discussing names seriously and have a few contenders. This is a really huge step for us!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@lydg: incline definitely helps! Also put a brick under each side of your headboard, if too many pillows hurts your neck.
@skipra: Yay for names! Can't wait to hear what you choose, if you share!
cherry / 128 posts
@skipra thank you! it is challenging, and i am craving fruit so bad... it's well worth it though and i know i'll have a better appreciation of what i am eating after all of this!
cherry / 128 posts
So when my hubby and I talk walks these days, I swear it feels like this baby is going to fall right out of me! It's so uncomfortable. She must be a super low rider. Anyone else get that feeling?!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PhotoMommy: Yes! I feel a lot of pressure on my pelvis/between my legs at different times during the day. Some motions/movements tend to make the feeling more intense, too, like lifting my legs up to put my pants on.
@Skipra: I hear ya on the third tri exhaustion . . . I have definitely noticed a decrease in my stamina. I am doing well to make it to 10:30 p.m. most nights. And I have also started snoring--DH describes it as cartoon-like because it is so loud! *blush* I also don't move as quickly as I was able to before . . . I'm sort of a speedy walker, but lately I have definitely slowed down, especially when I am feeling extra pressure on my pelvis.
@LYDG: Sorry about the heartburn hon - I am right there with you (I only get it at night, and only right as I lay down). I am sleeping with so many pillows it's ridiculous! I really have to watch how full I am, too, because if I bend over/squat down while too full, I throw up a little. *augh*
honeydew / 7295 posts
Yay! It's officially one month exactly till my due date. the final countdown begins!
papaya / 10560 posts
Well, I am on semi-bed rest! Im supposed to be saying at home as much as possible laying on my left side due to the swelling being so bad. They said they could prescribe me a diereutic but I'm not really into taking anything. Boo!!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@MrsMcCarthy: That's so awesome! I totally heard Europe's *The Final Countdown* in my head when I read your post! You're doing--and looking!--great. Can't wait for you to have your LO.
@LYDG: I have been swelling a lot lately, too, and am worried that my OB may try to put me on bed rest (I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes). It would be a full on work disaster(!) if that happened . . . I have several depositions, at least one hearing, and an appeal brief to file (among other things) by the end of the month, so if I go early or get put on bedrest . . . *oy!*
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@photomommy: yes! sometimes she'll move from that position - but there are times where I can see and feel a head-shaped lump wayyyy lower than it seems like it ought to be. If I have pants on (and I'm home!) I have to take them off or pull them so low they're indecent, lol.
@lydg: oh no! do you at least have things to keep you occupied at home - good shows, computer, books?
** for anyone suffering heartburn, make your partner put some bricks under the head of the bed! I elevates your top half without the need for a billion pillows, in case you really like sleeping flatter.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: I wish we could, but we have a platform bed, so no can do with the bricks.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Congrats! In the home stretch! I have gotten that song stuck in my head when people mention to me about being in the final countdown
@lydg: So sorry to hear about the bed rest. Are you all done with work now? I hope the swelling starts to go down really soon.
@photomommy: Sometimes I'll feel pressure low when I'm walking around but mostly I just get strong kicks and pushes on my ribs. I'd almost welcome the pelvic pressure.
Thinking of all of you with the swelling and heartburn. So far I've been pretty lucky with those issues. Instead I got an awful charlie horse that woke me up in the middle of the night and is still hurting today! Of course that got me thinking, do contractions feel like a charlie horse in the uterus? I don't know if I will be able to deal with that.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: I totally lol'd when I read your charlie horse comment! You may be on to something here . . . and if so, well, *oooouuuuuch* Not that I thought it was going to be a cake walk, but still . . . .
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MsLipGloss: I hope for all our sakes that I'm waaaaay off base there! I asked my sister and she said that she never thought of it that way and at least contractions do not last as long. I guess we will find out soon enough! How are you feeling? Did you get put on bed rest? I hope not!
How is everyone doing? We're so slow on this board! Since some of us are nearing full term, I bet we'll start to hear about some arrivals soon! Are any of you thinking that you're close?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: I know, this board is very slow, lol. I am on hellobee all the time but feel weird kind of just talking about/to myself, hahaha! I've been wondering if I'll end up going early (I'm 33 weeks today) because I've had a LOT of pelvic pressure low and lots and lots of braxton hicks, mostly at night when I'm laying in bed. sometimes they hurt, sometimes they don't. I went on a walk with DH tonight just around the block (only a mile) and about halfway into it, my stomach was rock hard and really hurt on the underside. I'm going to ask my OB tomorrow about that, I have an appt.
What's new with everyone? I'm going to go bullets today because I'm tired..
-joined BJs after making a huge spreadsheet comparing costs of diapers, wipes, formula and diaper genie refills from target, BRU, amazon & amazon mom, and BJs (no costco here). lol. I'm officially crazy..but if anyone's interested in the spreadsheet i'll share it!
-did most of the laundry for LO! i have to do her 0-3 clothes and bath things, but I wanted it done and put away just in case.
-set up the pack and play in the living room (the safety 1st one with the hamper and storage). so crazy seeing it there! getting closer and closer!
-nursery is done with the exception of the glider, which is due to come in the day before my due date. damn buy buy baby..I hope it comes in earlier!
-made my list for the hospital bags..just haven't packed yet.
papaya / 10560 posts
I had such a busy day today! Went to dr today for 36 week appointment for cervical check and sono. Some of baby's measurements are at 37-38 weeks! 50% effaced and I didn't even ask if I was dilated at all...I don't want to know! Feeling okay, last night I was up about every hour and exhausted today.
Went over to hospital to pre-register and go up to L&D. Prenatal check with my her! So excited. Today made a lot of what is about to happen REAL! Kind of scary, kind of exciting.
I could pop anytime between like NOW and the 1st of September...arghh!! Baby weighs around 6 lbs 8 oz.
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie what is BJ's? I would be totally interested in your spreadsheet! I have been contemplating an amazon prime membership, but only if it pays off!
what kind of glider did you get from BBB? We got a Little Castle the last week in June and probably won't be ready until around Sept 1.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: I would love to see your comparison! We actually went to BJ's last night to see if we could grab some newborn diapers - they didn't have any and the rest didn't seem any cheaper than Amazon (especially subscribe & save prices) so we were pretty disappointed. Overall we are not too impressed with BJ's lately and will probably let our membership expire unless we find there's a really huge price difference on a lot of the baby items we decide to use.
Good luck at the OB appointment today! I hope the increased BH and pressure do not mean the baby will come too early. She needs to cook a little longer!
@lydg: Wow you are getting so close! I hope the baby doesn't keep you waiting too much longer BTW - BJ's is a wholesale club, similar to Costco. I think they may only be on the east coast, especially the northeast.
I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow and hoping the baby stays put for at least 3 more weeks. I've been measuring pretty small so there is the chance that the doctors may want the baby to join us sooner rather than later in case there are growth problems going on inside. Overall I'm still feeling decent and although I have to pee more often, not too much pelvic pressure. The baby must be at least a little lower because I haven't had a foot in my rib for a while!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@lydg: BJs is a wholesale club similar to Costco (if you have one of those near you). Everything is generally sold in bulk sizes, but they send out coupons AND accept manufacturer coupons in addition to their own, so you end up saving serious money!
@skipra: I didn't check for newborn, because we're stocked on those, but I did see 1s and 2s - they were 41.99 for a box, and the August mailer has a $6 off coupon (and if you go to customer service and say you never got one, they gave me a second..LOL!) and you can pair those (per box) with a manufacturer coupon. I had (2) $2/off coupons for a box of pampers that I got in smaller diaper packages from my I got $8 off per box, bringing it to about $34!
also - this is your first, right? my belly has been small and they sent me for a growth ultrasound at 30 weeks (OOH!! we can post pictures now! I'll totally share her face, hah!) and she was just fine. They said that with your first, sometimes your muscles remain taut and give the appearance of a smaller baby. Hope everything is okay for you!!
I'll definitely type up my pricing thing and let you guys know when I'm home from my appointment
30 weeks (3 weeks ago) - her foot! she measured 3 lb 3 oz.
and kind of a freaky shot of her face. she had both hands and a foot on her face, so it's hard to see!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: Wow, amazing pictures! Isn't it crazy how much you can see before they are even born? We haven't seen anything in over 10 weeks now but even those were unbelievable. This is my first so that probably contributes to the smaller size of my belly but even at the 24 week u/s, the baby was measuring on the smaller side too, when previous measurements were right on target. We'll see what the midwife says on Saturday.
Makes a lot of sense about BJ's being much cheaper with coupons. I am horrible with coupons though and can't rely on them in my calculations. I asked one time for a booklet and even though I told them I never received it they yelled at me!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: I am not on bed rest (yay!), although the Doc does want me to keep an eye on the swelling. But my BP (and urine sample) were fine, so other than just feeling more uncomfortable (and like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Woman!), everything looks good!
I fantasize all the time about being *close* lol. . . This last month at work is going to be a doozy (it is jam packed!), and the closer I get to my due date, the more I just want to focus on butterbean and getting ready for her arrival. So I am doing my best to take it one day at time.
My belly is on the small(er) side, too. (I posted a pic on the belly thread if you haven't seen it.) My OB was impressed on Friday by the fact that I still have some definition in my belly and that I don't have any stretch marks (yet!). She also said that core strength/muscle condition can make for a small belly, especially for first pregnancies.
@SorryCharlie: I have BH contractions pretty much every day (sometimes hourly), and more and more pressure in my pelvis (sometimes it really hurts to walk!) every day. While I want butterbean to be healthy, full-term, and to avoid any NICU time, I also wouldn't mind shaving off a day (or a week!) to this process. I know all of you can relate to just wanting your LO to be here - it's been a long haul!
We have a shower on Friday, and other than a few small things we are all set in terms of need to have gear (as far as I can tell!). We still need to put the wall decal up and hopefully the new glider will show up before butterbean (in the right fabric this time *lesigh*!) Otherwise, I will plan to get anything we are still missing this weekend after the shower (or next weekend), and just leave it at that for at least two reasons: (1) it is really hard to know everything that you will need and what will work for your LO, and (2) we will have have both sets of parents in the house for about 2 weeks, and I am sure that I will need to send them out to get things to get them out of the house (and out of my hair) for a couple of hours once or twice. I am trying to build in sanity buffers for all, but most importantly, for my hormonal and sleep-deprived self!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
so just got home from my 33 week appt. I have another appt at 35 weeks, which begins the weekly visits!
my bp seemed ok, they didn't mention it (I think it was 122/71?? i peeked at the chart), and they didn't tell me her HR either but it sounded slower than normal. I could feel her stretching though so I'm going to say she was asleep..the app says they sleep 90% of the day now.
bad news...I'm measuring 3 weeks smaller than I should be. the midwife said even though I got an ultrasound 3 weeks ago, I should be measuring bigger now. I have another ultrasound scheduled in two weeks to make sure her growth is okay - I so don't want to wait 2 weeks but that's literally the only appt they had available (how the hell is that even possible?!). guh.
at least by 35 weeks if they decide it's a problem, she'll be close to term!
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