hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MrsMccarthy: @lydg: It'll be here before you know it! Think how quick the last 38 weeks went - 2 is nothing
@purrpletulips: Yay ultrasound! To check size? You're team green right? I can't keep everyone straight!
I have my growth scan tomorrow night & my 35-wk appt Thursday. They'll do the strep test but I'm unsure about an internal, they didn't mention that. 35 weeks tomorrow, can't believe how quick it's coming! Just ordered an Ergobaby and the only thing left to buy is the infant insert. I have $5 in rewards at BRU and gift cards, so I'll get it soon ish...DH & I are
Going to buy her coming home outfit today, Carter's is having a sale that ends tomorrow. Can't wait! Everything feels just about ready for her!
OH!!!! OUR GLIDER CAME IN! I'll attach a pic. It's Best Chairs Kamilla..& it's heaven. Was 425 @ BBB with a coupon and worth every penny!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: I've measured 3w ahead consistently so he wants to check baby's size and since baby was breech at 20w to check position (he did this with my last pregnancy when I was measuring 2w ahead, so I'm not too concerned and am looking forward to getting a peep at LO). Yes we are team green; since we don't know gender I'm planning to get a going home outfit in both boy and girl this time rather than doing something gender neutral like we did with DD. You're glider is gorgeous, my cat has taken to sleeping in ours each night so he is going to be unhappy when he starts getting evicted.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@lydg: @MrsMccarthy: Wow you are both almost there! Can't wait to hear about your LO's!!!
@sorrycharlie: Love your glider! It looks so comfy!
Good luck at your appointment tomorrow. I hope everything checks out with the growth scan. I had my GBS test last Thursday and it was not bad at all. No internal exam but I know practitioners have different practices on that.
@purrpletulips: Any particular reason you don't want a gender neutral going home outfit? We don't have anything yet and I'm assuming we'll have to find something preemie size. My mom is planning to pick one out after the baby is born but I would kind of like to be involved.
I had my second BPP on Friday at a different u/s location and the doctor there also confirmed that the baby is looking healthy so that is somewhat of a relief. Still looks tiny in the under 10th% and my fluid level seems to be at the low end of normal, with my placenta looking iffy. The doctor warned that when things start to decline they can go fast so we might be having this baby sooner rather than later. We are SO unprepared!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@skipra-I think I don't want a gender neutral outfit because I want to go shopping for the baby, being my second pregnancy and us being team green I haven't had the "need" to do much shopping so far and am feeling like I'm missing something. However, at times I also like the idea of using the same outfits that DD used (we used one gender neutral for the first pictures and a different one for coming home).
As for feeling unprepared, I don't know that you ever feel prepared when it is your first. With my first child I don't think i felt prepared even though she came one day before her due date; you can always send DH/your mom or friends out for whatever you don't have but need after the baby comes; important thing is that you and the baby are healthy so if that means LO comes a little earlier than originally expected so be it.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lydg: istn it hard when people you were preggers with are no longer pregnant? that said i do think @sorrycharlie: is right on and we are so close now that even if these weeks go slower than the weeks prior we are looking at only 2-3 weeks maximum and that is insane when you think about how long we have been pregnant. It's also good for our babies brains and lungs to get a bit of extra time in there. my new thing is if he wants to come early great but i am not gonna plan on him until around my due date. in the interim i am gonna enjoy some peace and solitude. where i can. 2-3 weeks is all we got for that!
I will let you know what they say in my internals. i am thinking it wont be much going on and again it can still be weeks even so i am just gonna kind of take it with a grain of salt.
papaya / 10560 posts
@mrsmccarthy so right! i am all okay with baking the baby just a little longer. i definitely feel like i have been prego for an eternity! i have been really glad my doctor is really attentive, but not set on giving me a "date" because I know I would be really hung up on it.
he did tell me today I am dilated to a 1 (still means nothing to me!) and fully effaced. I asked him what the latest I could go was and he said he doesn't like to let patients go too far past their due date so he said I will for sure have this baby by the first week of September if I haven't gone into labor on my own by then. Appointment next Tuesday!
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie LOVE the glider! cannot wait for ours to come in and I feel like the nursery will really come together!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Ultrasound went well, baby is head down but pretty much laying diagonal (head is lower right with butt up under my heart). Like DD the baby was a total wiggle worm during the U/S. I am currently 36w3d and baby's estimated weight is 7lb6oz (DD's estimated weight at 37w0d was 7lb3oz) so I am measuring about a week more than where I should be (actually consistent with my OPK results not my LMP). I go the OB again on Monday so I'll be interested to hear his thoughts.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@skipra: well that's good that the baby looks healthy at least! hope everything goes smoothly for you!
@MrsMccarthy: peace and solitude..exactly! I'm all of a sudden switching from excitement to, "omg..5 more food shops and she'll be here..5 more friday nights and she'll be here.."..etc. on the other hand, my husband is getting SUPER amped and excited. so at least we aren't both panicking.
@lydg: yay!! at least the first week of september, how exciting, that will be here before you know it! and thank you - yes the nursery looks put together now but still a mess, lol! there's half packed hospital bags and laundry all over the place..eek.
@purrpletulips: glad to hear it went went! my baby lays the same way, but opposite - head down, body to my right!
we had our growth scan today! they didn't tell me how far or behind LO is as far as weeks and days, but at 35 weeks, she's 6 LBS! that is definitely on the bigger side. I guess my belly is 3 weeks behind because I've got a long torso. 2 weeks of straight WORRY for nothing! now I'm not feeling as guilty about wanting her out because I know she's got some meat on her bones.
35 weeks today and I'm still throwing up every day. Depending on the day, it's due to straight nausea/all day sickness or post nasal drip, which has plagued me my entire pregnancy. so miserable.
I've also had a LOT of cervical pain and pressure the past week - not like "lightning crotch" from earlier days, though. I'm not sure the difference, but it stops me in my tracks and sometimes I have to actually pant because it's so painful. I have a midwife appt this thursday for the group B test and I'm not sure about the internal, so I'm going to ask then.
here's miss chubby cheeks!
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie bless your heart! I would be miserable if I were throwing up everyday. Heartburn/reflux is bad enough, but I think vomiting is the WORST! Aren't you so excited the end is very close? My LO was 6.5 at least at my 36 week appointment and I am getting scared I'm going to have a massive baby!
Don't worry just rest up while you can!
I have been having weird chest pain on the right side of my chest, so I am wondering if the baby is pressing on something causing it. I told the nurse the other day, if I were having contractions I probably wouldn't even know it!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@sorrycharlie: Yay! So glad that everything checked out with the baby's weight. Sorry to hear you're feeling so sick. I wish there was some magical cure. I still gag when brushing my teeth or am near anyone that has eaten garlic in the past week. Just think...only a few more weeks and it should be behind us! Love those chubby cheeks
@purrpletulips: Hope the baby wiggles into a good position. I wouldn't worry too much about the potential week difference yet. You still have time for things to happen naturally and then if you're concerned, I'm sure they will check you out again closer to your due date.
@lydg: If only we could average our babies' sizes, we'd have two "normal" sized babies!
Out bpp yesterday was still good so we have at least a few more days to keep baby inside, trying to grow big. I don't have a growth check for another week. My belly doesn't feel any bigger so I'm not expecting much anyway. Just as long as s/he is healthy, I'm starting to accept the fact that we will have a teeny tiny little peanut.
honeydew / 7295 posts
Just got back from my OB appoitnment! I am 50% effaced, very soft and 1cm dilated. Baby is in -3 station. she felt his little head. so cute. good heartrate and BP and all that. so glad something is happening but my doctor did point out that people can walk around 4cm dilated for weeks or they can be high and closed and open in a matter of hours. she basically said unless your water breaks or you are having the 5-1-1 contractions all bets are off and it can be anytime! I feel happy with my progress. it seems like baby is in a good place to come right around his due date to me.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Hello Lovelies!
@SorryCharlie: Lol @ Miss Chubby Cheeks! I have a friend who calls all babies *chubbies* which is just too cute. So glad the worry was not necessary . . . and that you can now wish her here guilt-free!
((Hugs)) for the nausea/sickness . . . that really stinks!
I, too, have a long torso, so I still only really look about 7-8 months preggo. And ditto about the pressure in my pelvis . . . sometimes it really hurts to do things like lift my legs up to put my jammies on, and then I will get random pains throughout the day (sometimes it is a dull ache that lasts a while).
@PurrpleTulips: Butterbean is laying diagonally, too . . . although it feels like she still shifts around a bit as well. It is so neat to be able to feel parts of her body . . . I swear I felt toes the other day!
@LYDG @MrsMcCarthy: Can't wait for the two of you to have your LOs . . . I am so excited for you!
@Skipra: Glad to know your peanut is doing great! I had an OB appointment yesterday, and although my belly didn't feel (or look) any bigger, I had gained 1 cm from the previous week.
Update: 38 weeks today! 2 weeks and counting (hopefully) . . .
Sooo, I tested positive for GBS, so i will get an IV antibiotic cocktail during labor. I was pretty surprised, but also really grateful that we are able to take precautions to keep butterbean as safe and as healthy as possible.
For the first time during my pregnancy, I didn't gain any weight! And I was totally shocked because (1) I gained a cm in mah belleh, and (2) my legs are squishier than a roasted marshmallow . . . I am carrying so much stinkin fluid! As the day progresses, my legs actually get bigger, I can almost see it happen,. and DH can tell the difference between my morning and evening appearance (yeah, cus nuthin says *sexy* like marine mammal bloat!). . . it's seriously creepy, and makes my body feel even more foreign. But, it is temporary (it better be!), and if it means I get to keep butterbean with me for a little while longer I am good with that.
I felt multiple contractions today, and some of them were clustered together in 2s and 3s, but that was about it. This totally makes me think about @MrsMcCarthy's post about the TWW at both the beginning *and* the end of the pregnancy.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@mslipgloss: your mention of @mrsmccarthy's post made me laugh and think about a sign in my OB's restroom that always makes me smile, this isn't exact but the general message "Isn't it funny how pregnancy begins and ends with heavy breathing"
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PurrpleTulips: LOL! That is too funny, and as I now understand, very true!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MrsMccarthy: You're in the home stretch! At least you know there is some progress going on so the process is in motion. You'll be holding your beautiful babe before you even know it.
@MsLipGloss: Sorry you tested GBS positive. I don't know what your birth plan was but it stinks that you have to go into the hospital early to deal with the IV. Unless you feel more comfortable being at the hospital...then I guess it's not a bad thing!
@purrpletulips: Ha that is so funny and so true
Had my 37 week appointment with the midwife yesterday and unexpectedly had the cervix check. (btw, Ouch!) First thing she mentioned was how low the baby's head is. I guess the baby is engaged at 0 station and I'm 50% effaced but no dilation and cervix is still posterior. She seemed very pleased with the position - will be less work I guess when I get induced. And it sounds like if my remaining biophysicals look good my induction will be 9/5. So that means I have 12 days left at the most! So crazy!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@skipra: wow that is a wonderfully engaged baby! a good sign too because you will have less pushing to do.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: I think the water weight is definitely temporary. Two september mamas that I talk to on facebook have reported really great weight loss a week postpartum!
@purrpletulips: HAHA that sign is a riot!
@skipra: eek so exciting!! count down begins! when is your next biophysical ultrasound?
@lydg: I've heard stories about how pregnancy-related symptoms go away once baby is born, I can only hope that this post-nasal drip does too!! I will be so upset if I'm trying to care for a newborn and still throwing up
nursery is DONE! I'm going to try to take some photos later tonight when the lighting is better and I'll upload them then I'm updating from the glider! Loooove this thing.
I had my 35-week appt yesterday and the midwife did the GBS test, I should know next week what my results are. Crazy how close we are getting! 4.5 weeks til my due date, also, month from tomorrow! AHH! I cannot stop staring at her little face on the ultrasound picture. We have a 3d next Thursday for the Brown study I'm in, I can't wait!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: I hope that your post-nasal drip goes away ASAP after delivery and you don't have my experience. I was told it takes your body about 2 weeks to realize it is no longer pregnant and start getting back to "normal." From personal experience I have to say that it was almost 2 weeks to the day when I was finally able to walk without extreme pain (was induced because of DD sitting on sciatic nerve).
pomegranate / 3414 posts
37w appt went well-LO intent on staying put for a little while longer according to cervical check (still high and posterior) and I just say OUCH, didn't remember it ever hurting that bad with DD but oh well. OB said we will discuss possible induction in w39 at next week's appt because LO is measuring a week ahead.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@PurrpleTulips: Glad your appointment went well and that you may be induced a little early! (if that is good news for you - I would be ecstatic!) And yeah, those internal checks have not been pleasant for me, either. (The one I had in L&D at 30 weeks was flat out painful.) I have my next appointment on Friday (I will be 39/1 then), and I have my fingers crossed that I will have butterbean then or soon thereafter.
@SorryCharlie: Yay! for your nursery being finished, and that your glider is uber comfortable. I am still waiting for the *right* glider to be delivered (right chair, wrong upholstery color), but if it doesn't happen soon, I will probably keep the chair I have (color still looks nice in the nursery), and just have the new chair put downstairs. I wanted a second chair anyway, although this was not exactly how I had that planned out!
@Skipra: Sounds like you are making good progress! I hope to hear good news at my appointment on Friday, too. I am not really sure how I feel about having to go in earlier than I had planned . . . I had always planned for a hospital birth, but I did want to try to stay home as long as possible (I am terrified of being sent home!), so this throws a little wrench into those works. BUT, we are going to have a house full of people (both DH and I's parents will be here), so maybe going in a little earlier might be a good thing? I might be able to have an epidural a little earlier and get some sleep . . . I haven't slept longer than 45 minutes at a stretch during the past 3 days, and it's starting to get to me.
apricot / 275 posts
We're all getting so close! At my appt last week, found out baby girl is very, very low & ready to come at any minute...or in 2 weeks. She couldn't check for dilation b/c my cervix was behind the baby's head!
Have another appt today & am wondering if there has been any progress...
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@purrpletulips: I didn't realize the cervical check would hurt so much either! I am not looking forward to my appointment Thursday in case she does another. How do you feel about getting induced early? I am not happy about it but want to do what is safest for the baby.
@MsLipGloss: Will your hospital allow you to move around with the IV if you haven't gotten the epidural yet? At least you'll know it might be more peaceful than your house full of people.
@sorrycharlie: Can't wait to see photos of the nursery! Hope you're negative for GBS.
@bienlivingdesign: Good luck at your appointment today!
I have yet another ultrasound this afternoon. So far they have all been looking good. Even though they are not supposed to be doing measurements, the place I go to on Fridays has done them both weeks. As of last Friday our peanut was measuring 5lb2oz and up from <5% to 9%. I was supposed to get measured at my doctor's office today but I wonder if they will skip it since I got them done Friday.
Has anyone else been feeling like their period is about to start? Yesterday and today I woke up with a couple pimples and then I started feeling a little achy like I would a day or so before my period. I hope this means the baby is getting ready so the induction will not be too terrible.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@skipra: first, good luck at your appointment and glad your peanut is growing. You are getting so close.
I was induced at 39w6d (day before EDD) when I had DD because she was sitting on my sciatic nerve and I couldn't walk; overall it was a pretty good experience. If I end up being induced this time I'll likely make it towards the end of 39w. Being induced would make things easier than going into labor naturally because we would have care for DD already arranged. We have a plan for her in place if I go into labor naturally but I'm a planner and it was nice to know when it was going to happen last time.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: Yes - I have been feeling a little achy and flu-like, crampy at times, and my back has been hurting more, too. My parents fly in tomorrow . . . I would love to have butterbean this week . . . but I am not going to get my hopes up.
So glad your LO is getting bigger and stronger!
@BienLivingDesign: Fingers crossed for good progress news!
@PurrpleTulips: My swelling has gotten progressively worse . . . I wonder if my doc would consider inducing me for that? I would love to know when butterbean is coming (or at least when the process to get her here will begin!).
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@mslipglss: it couldn't hurt to ask your doc, you are so close now.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@purrpletulips: ahhh nooo I hope not two weeks of this! it's SO gross. yuck. I don't get an internal til 38 weeks, and although I'm anxious to know of progress (not that it means anything) all these stories I hear about pain scare me! Since I measured "3 weeks small" for so long, and now LO is 80% percentile, I really, really hope they'll induce me around due date if I don't go before then. I do not want to birth a 10 lb girl! They estimate around 8 on her due date!
@MsLipGloss: I hear you on the not sleeping. People keep saying it gets you ready for a newborn - no way! There are definitely differences. I don't expect an easy baby or magical full night sleep, but not having a 6.5 lb+ weight on my bladder and in my lungs at the same time will at least give me *some* restful sleep!
@bienlivingdesign: how did your appointment go??
@skipra: yayyy for up to 9%! that's great! and I feel the same. I've had seriously period-like crampy feelings. Almost could pass for #2 cramps but...not. LOL. sorry, tmi. I've had bad skin the entire pregnancy, though. and SERIOUS mood swings lately! I burst into tears about an hour ago because DH made a frozen pizza and I'd prepared to cook chicken, potatoes and veggies and cinnamon bread for dessert. I just put it all away and bawled.
olive / 69 posts
Hi ladies... I just want to wish everyone healthy happy babies since we're getting so close to September!
papaya / 10560 posts
hey girls! tough day today. 8 days after my appointment from last week, i had been feeling like i was going to go off the deep end. after he checked me, i am still 100% effaced and now between a 2 and a 3. so, nothing i'm going to get way too excited about, but i feel good about that. i am supppppper swollen and baby is sitting right on my sciatic nerve causing major pain when i walk, stand up, sit down. he seemed pretty confident that i wouldn't make it to my appointment next tuesday (oh please god i don't know if i can make it that far!) and thinks i'll go into labor soon.
keep your fingers crossed for me--labor on labor day weekend!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@RoccoandKirby: Hello lovely! It's almost September . . . let's get the party started!
@LYDG: We are all cheering for you and an early baby! That sounds so uncomfortable!
I have been swollen beyond belief, and now even my hands are so swollen my typing has slowed waaay down, and I can't close them all the way without a ton of pain. I have my 39 week appointment on Friday, so maybe they'll take pity on me give me an induction date.
My glider--hopefully this time with the right upholstery--is here . . . and just in time!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lydg: labor dust!!!'
I just had my appointment at 39 weeks and 3 days! I am still 1cm dilated BUT I am now 70% effaced and doctor said effacement is the most important in terms of progress. Baby dropped from -3 to -2 and I got my first membrane sweep. It was uncomfortable but not super painful. I have been mildly cramping ever since. I hope it does something. Doctor wants to induce on the 7th if I haven't gone into labor but I am thinking I am gonna ask if we can wait it out at least till the following week so I can try for a natural birth! Wish me luck ladies that it is a non issue and I have this baby soon!
papaya / 10560 posts
@mslipgloss i feel your pain!! i have fatty hands and feet! the joint pain is definitely the worst when i sleep. i am really glad my dr doesn't want to induce, even though people at work think i am INSANE for being so huge and miserable. i am confident it will be worth the wait and he will come soon enough when he is ready! post a pic of your glider when it comes in! mine came in a couple days ago but someone has to bring it here for me *6 hours away*
@mrsmccarthy i posted on your thread early about labor...labor dust to you too!
clementine / 961 posts
I just wanted to say good luck to all you September Mama's you are SO close! I can't wait to read your birth stories
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@MrsMcCarthy: That's great news - and I so, so hope that you get the natural birth you have worked so hard--and waited so long-- for! *natural labor dust* for you!
@LYDG: You are so awesome for sticking it out! And I will try to remember to post a pic of the glider. Hopefully it will get delivered before I deliver! And 6 hours is insane!
@MrsB: Awwww - thanks doll!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@lydg: @MrsMccarthy: Good luck to both of you! I hope you both go into spontaneous labor very soon!
@MsLipGloss: Good luck at your appointment tomorrow. I saw that pic you posted of your feet in the bump thread...does not look comfortable. Did your parents arrive? Are they helping you around the house so you can sit back and relax with your feet up?
@sorrycharlie: Aw, sorry about your mood swings! Our poor husbands! I can't handle it when anyone around me has eaten anything with garlic within the past day or two. DH and I were fighting last night and this morning about it. The car ride to work today was brutal. I have banned pretty much all food from the house except fruit and dairy.
I'm anxious for my weekly midwife appointment tonight. Hopefully there will be some final decisions on my induction. I really wanted to go natural and avoid induction but at this point, with all the appointments and extra stress, I'm so ready to get the baby out!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: My parents are here, and I am know that they will help out (like with making dinner and stuff) as much as possible . . . although sometimes *help* is counter productive.
I am a daddy's girl, and I do love my mom, but I did ask her to not show up until I had finished my last day in the office, and that she plan to stay approximately 2 weeks, 3 max(!) . . . Somehow that translated into showing up in the middle of my last week at work and staying for a month! I am sure she didn't share that little piece of information with my dad.
I think the hardest part for me is that I haven't ever been particularly close with my mom. Without launching into a full on psychoanalysis of our relationship, sometimes she is really insensitive, and seems to lack sympathy/empathy for me [, i.e., when I ended a long-term relationship (because he was emotionally manipulative, and when he put his hands on me one afternoon I walked), she actually got mad at me for leaving because she didn't see it coming (she also said, in so many words, that she was worried what other people would think); on a particularly miserable pg day, when I mentioned wanting an induction date if I didn't go into labor on or before my due date--due to massive swelling--she literally came unglued and basically told me that I wasn't special or unique when it came to pregnancy issues and to suck it up and deal with it, and equated my want for a definitive post-40-weeks-end date to scheduling a c-section at 37 weeks] . . . I know this about my mom, and yet when it happens, I am still taken aback by her lack of support. My legs were so swollen last night that there was no definitive difference between my calves and my ankles . . . my legs were basically solid from knee to toe. Her reaction? No biggie! My dad, however, must have told me to sit down at least 15 times. *sigh*
She is opinionated about caring for the baby, although I have firmly but gently told her that I will do what I (and my docs) think it best for the baby, and she has made it known how she feels about certain decisions (like whether to swaddle, breast feed, etc.) and crystal clear that she does not like the name DH and I chose for butterbean . . . although everyone else either loves it, or is just too polite to say otherwise.
So, in addition to feeling physically and mentally drained, now I am draining (what's left of my) emotional stores to keep the peace while not compromising any boundaries (because she is here now, and I can't just end our conversation and get off the phone, lol). But I know I won't be able to hold out forever . . . hopefully I will last a month. Having my dad here too will definitely help, as will having my ILs here, too (she will not be as vocal if others are listening).
I hate for this to sound so *woe is to me* or make it seem like my mom is a terrible person (because she isn't), but seriously, this is just about all I can handle right now. Call me crazy, but I just want her to realize how hard this pg has been for me (pre-term labor at 22 weeks, working 60-70 hours a week, and ridonculous swelling (and thus weight gain)), and to just support me no matter what.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
My apologies for the novella . . . I guess I was holding a lot more in than I thought. >.<
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@MsLipGloss: Oh, I'm so sorry about this added stress! Obviously it totally depends on your relationship dynamics, but do you think your dad or husband or a sibling could talk to her to get her to back off a little bit or could you try to talk to her about it?
I also have had a strained relationship with my mom but we are working on it and my sister has really helped to get us to communicate better. I don't want to bore you with the details, but my sisters don't live nearby at all so I'm the one that has the responsibility of helping out my mom since my step dad passed away in November. She can get VERY demanding and be totally unappreciative for everything my husband and I do for her, meanwhile ignoring any simple things that we ask her to help us with. A couple times when it got really bad, I asked my sister to talk to her, which helped temporarily. We had a major blowout fight in July while my sister was visiting with her family and she helped us to sit down and communicate with each other to get to a better place. Things are not perfect but they are much much better and she has been amazing about being around to help out before and after the baby comes. For example, normally any time I would talk to her she would ask when I was going to her house and give me a list of things she needed us to do for her. She never ever came to our house unless there was a specific reason, like she needed a ride to the airport and wanted to park the car in our driveway. A couple weeks ago she actually came up for the weekend to help us with baby stuff and just to visit and she is planning to do whatever we ask for help with during labor/delivery/afterwards. Without actually sitting down and airing our grievances last month, we never would have been in a place where she would have offered to do those things or I would have wanted her to.
Sorry, so longwinded there! Just wanted to offer you support and let you know that it's really difficult and awkward but if possible, open communication can help. It's not good for you to keep it all inside so even if you don't think talking it out would work, you have a place to vent here!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Sorry about my novel too!
I have a little update on our impending arrival! My appointment with the midwife was ok yesterday. I'm apparently a very tight 1cm dilated and no other changes so it sounds like I will have to go for cervical ripening before beginning the actual induction. Looks like it's going to be a very long process. Starting the ripening medication on Wednesday but I might not actually deliver until Friday or Saturday.
We had another u/s this morning. Looks like last weeks estimates were on the high side as baby is still measuring around 5lbs... disappointing. Also, when the doctor was measuring the amniotic fluid, I'm pretty sure I saw some obvious boy parts. DH thought he may have seen something when they were measuring the femur too and the doctor kept saying "he". I guess so much for team green!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: thanks so much for that. It is so nice to know that there is a *soft place to land* here.
I'm so sorry about Team Green! I hope all goes well with your LO, and that the induction process goes smoothly.
Speaking of inductions, I am currently at the hospital being induced. I came in for my checkup and mentioned that butterbean wasn't kicking around like normal. About an hour later, I was being admitted. She is fine, but my amino fluid is low, so they wanted to induce me right away. I am. It am not dialated at all, so they are estimating a late afternoon arrival tomorrow.
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