hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MusicaV: my shower is planned for the weekend of July 21 *i think*. my mom was between that weekend, or the weekend of august 4 or august 11. she hasn't told me the date - but I know it's booked! she keeps telling me to mind my own business and be patient. grr!
@googly-eyes: much better here, thanks! still pain and leaking but OB said it's just something to get used to. sigh. at least I know they work, right? lol!
@Bao: yayyyy welcome bao!! now we just need to get @shimmer and @spaniel in here not sure if any other sapphire mamas are floating around HB!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Wow, busy thread the past couple days, so much to catch up on!
@Mslipgloss: I'm on team green! At least for now. I have another u/s scheduled for early June because of all the spotting so I'm hoping we don't find out by mistake, like Bao (btw, congrats on the GIRL!). I can't believe how many are having girls! I was pretty sure it was a girl at the very beginning then thought boy at the first u/s but now I'm really feeling girl again. I love the suspense.
@Joyjoy: good luck with your glucose test. I'd never heard of the 2 hour test either. I'm having the one hour test in about a month.
@Sorrycharlie: Glad to hear you are doing better. It really stinks about the leaking though. Hopefully it's a good sign for breastfeeding.
@Googly-eyes: Good idea about buying things on sale!
Sorry if I missed anyone else. I need to pay better attention to this thread.
I'm now 24 weeks and it feels like such a huge milestone. Lately the baby has been moving around like crazy. Earlier I'd feel a lot of movement for a day and then barely anything for a couple days. I'm really loving this pregnancy thing right now and wondering why we didn't do this sooner. Oh and I think someone mentioned stretch marks? I haven't found any yet, but I got a ton during puberty on my hips and thighs so I'm not holding out much hope. I am practically swimming in cocoa butter though to minimize as much as possible.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Skipra: Thanks for the update! I agree that 24 weeks felt like a huge milestone. Your comment about "swimming in cocoa butter" totally made me laugh at loud; I even imagined myself putting on a frilly swim cap and retro goggles and diving into a pool of nothing but shea and cocoa butter.
The movement is so awesome! I am not always able to tell which body part is kicking or punching me, but the other day I swear butterbean rolled so that her back and bum were pushing out on my stomach, and I got to rub her back for a few seconds before she changed positions again.
Our list so far, with due dates (I hope they're right):
JoyJoy (9.02)
Bao (9.03)
MsLipGloss (9.06)
BienLivingDesign (9.09)
Googly-Eyes (9.18)
Spaina96 (9.19)
SorryCharlie (9.25)
MusicaV (9.23)
RoccoandKirby (9.10)
Skipra (9.13)
PurrpleTulips (9.16)
@MusicaV: Guilty confession: I am hoping to avoid having any showers! I had the same hope for my wedding, but had two anyway; they were lovely but stressful, and I felt uncomfortable being the center of attention. I would really just like to go shopping with my mom and MIL, and maybe go to lunch and have a mani/pedi, and call it a day. If any are planned, I will of course be a good sport and appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness--and the cupcakes!--and the time together with family, but I would totally be okay without any, too.
clementine / 994 posts
@bao: I'm sorry your Team Green experience was ruined for you, but congrats on your healthy little girl!
@mslipgloss: Your description of the ab separation made me all squirmy inside. *shivers* Thankfully, I don't have that, and I hope it doesn't happen!
@googly-eyes: Have you received/assembled your crib yet? I think we bought during the same sale. We unpacked ours to make sure we have everything, but we haven't assembled it yet. I'm a little worried it might be too high for me since I'm a shortie.
@musicav: Our shower situation is a little messy, and it's starting to worry me, actually. I found out that my mom and aunts are planning one for August. My dad mentioned to my mom that a couple of his coworkers want to come (??) to which my mom replies that maybe they should change the venue to a hall since her coworkers want to come, too (again, ???). Uhh, what?? How many people are they inviting that they think they need a hall? I asked them to please not plan something so big that it requires a hall because it makes me feel like I'm being greedy. No one has even asked if I wanted to include my own friends and coworkers, so I have no idea how there are so many people on their guest list.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Is anybody else swelling? Lately, my ankles have been swelling and turning into cankles, even during days in which I drink 100 oz of water. : / And most nights, if I don't get my rings off before 9:00 p.m., they aren't coming off until sometime the next day . . . they don't feel uncomfortable at all during the day, but for some reason, my hands swell a little at night. I am trying to watch my salt, too (I don't normally eat a really salty diet), but I guess I am underestimating the impact that my regular salt intake has on my pregnant body. Yesterday, my old pre-pg ankles were back (oh how I've missed them!); and the night before I had a salad, grilled fish, and a baked sweet potato for dinner. This morning, I already had the beginnings of cankles; last night I had barbeque chicken, a little bit of mac and cheese, and grilled corn. Hmmmm . . . I think I am going to have to eat more like a pre-beach-vacay diet, i.e., clean, non-processed, and low salt to see if it helps with the swelling.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: A hall? *jinkies* One of my wedding showers was in a (small) art gallery with about 40 people . . . I did not know most of the attendees. I felt the same way, i.e., uhhh, what? On the other hand, it is so sweet that your parents mentioned your shower to their co-workers - they are obviously super proud grandparents to be!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@Mslipgloss: Aww how sweet that you rubbed her back! I still have no idea what body part is kicking or punching. I haven't really noticed much swelling yet except maybe my feet. I looked down this morning and thought they resembled Fred Flintstone's but they are never pretty anyway, so who knows. Maybe some bananas or orange juice would help? Doesn't potassium combat sodium?
@JoyJoy: OMG a hall for your shower??? I would really hate having that many people. Can you politely suggest to your mom that it should be smaller?
I know my mom and sisters are planning my shower but they are keeping all the details secret. My sisters live out of town and will both be visiting in July so I'm pretty sure that's when it will be. My only request to them was that they don't play that gross game where you melt chocolate bars in the diapers, but maybe I should ask that they keep it small too.
clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: That sucks about the swelling. I don't have any yet, but I am waiting for it. The last two appts I've had, the Dr. squeezed my legs to check.
I have started to get some aches and pains in the side of my legs after standing for a while. Just curious, does anyone feel movement while you're up and about? I only feel it when I'm sitting or laying down, but it could be that I just notice it more when I'm not moving.
I didn't have a wedding shower, and it wasn't necessary since we had everything we needed and didn't have a registry. My only request for a baby shower is that DH is there and/or it's co-ed. I don't want to be the center of attention, plus it will probably be more of DH's family than mine. I guess part of the reason I'm anxious is that I'm watching our calendar fill up quickly, with weekends away, weddings, and child prep classes. Part of me is also paranoid that I'll end up on bed rest or baby will make an appearance in August.
A while back I asked who was still wearing heels. Funny story: I decided to take a walk the other day and wear flats. My feet were so uncomfortable in them!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
hmm I so can't figure out what body parts are what! I just feel a lot of moving and poking and kicking/punching. I can tell when she's pushing on me because it's an awkward pressure - almost like before you fart, but with no fart. HAHA!
grape / 79 posts
@mslipgloss Sorry about the swelling, sounds like you have the right idea eating healthy. I am a little worried about swelling since i am on my feet most of the day, so far so good.
As of right now i have to showers scheduled my MIL asked to do one for my mothers side and dh's side, and then two of my aunts is throwing one on my dads side. The one my mil is throwing the list keeps growing, she has actually rented a room for it. Usually they do something small at work. I feel like it is to much, i am thankful but i dont like being center of attention.
I also booked some newborn pictures, but ended up doing a package deal and getting maternity pictures also. Not looking forward to the maternity pictures but to good of a deal to pass up. Plus we have never done professional pics in the 15 years we have been together except our wedding.
Next up pediatrician, and working on the registry. What else is on your to do list?
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: LOL! and yep, sometimes I can definitely tell when she is about to move because I get a weird feeling in my uterus which is then shortly followed by a kick, punch, or roll.
@Spaina96: I booked a newborn shoot at 16-17 weeks (right around the time I found out we were having a girl). After seeing a few pictures of tiny cuddly babies in adorable hats and baskets, etc., I just couldn't resist!
@MusicaV: I hear you on not wanting to be the center of attention. I also worry about surprise and/or last-minute showers. This is a really important year for DH career-wise, and we are already having problems scheduling a babymoon . . . thinking about having to squeeze a shower in somewhere stresses me out! Also, after our pre-term contraction scare at 22 weeks, neither one of us is in any hurry to press our luck with extra travel or stress. I don't know why, but being on bed rest scares me more than her coming a couple of weeks early, but I would like to avoid either situation if at all possible!
Our nursery furniture was delivered this weekend. It still feels a little surreal and very overwhelming sometimes, but I am also super excited to welcome this baby into our family (we have two kitties and refer to them as our family all the time). I can't believe I am going to be 26 weeks this week, and almost in my third trimester! I am also planning to have an elective u/s so that we can see her again, and so that we can get a 3D peek at her, too.
The swelling has gotten a little better (I drank a TON of water this weekend), but I really look pregnant now. It really is nice to have strangers smile at you and offer to get things off grocery shelves for you. I am also lucky because no one tried to feel my belly this weekend, nor did they make any *you are so big* comments.
How was everyone else's weekend?
clementine / 994 posts
I just did my glucose testing yesterday and thought I'd report in on how it went since the 2 hour testing doesn't sound common. I was told to go in anytime between 25 and 28 weeks, so I went yesterday (26w) just because it was convenient. I think the 2 hour test is similar to the 3 hour, just shorter. I had to fast for at least 12 hours before the test, so I went in first thing in the morning. They drew blood to test my fasting blood sugar then gave me the infamous glucose drink. I had a choice between the usual orange and fruit punch. Since everyone said that the orange tasted like flat orange soda, I went with fruit punch because punch is usually flat anyway. It really didn't taste bad at all! It was just a super sweet punch, reminiscent of the Hawaiian Punch drinks I had as a kid. They did allow me to have a few sips of water afterward to wash the sugariness out of my mouth. I had to finish the drink within 5 minutes, which wasn't that hard because I was thirsty. I was told the avoid becoming nauseous or throwing up because it invalidated the test. I'm not sure how they expect people to "avoid" that. They took my blood at 1 hour and again at 2 hours. It wasn't really all that bad. I took my nook along and read a baby book and played sudoku while I waited, and the time went by fairly quickly. I think I had myself psyched up for something horrible because others seem to dread it. Even the lab workers kept making sympathetic comments like, "Oh, glucose testing? I'm sorry" and "Don't worry, you're almost done!" The only really uncomfortable thing was that the baby totally went on a sugar high after I drank the drink. She was kicking all over the place and much more frequently than usual. I felt so bad for her. Other than that, I survived! I probably wont know my results until my next OB appointment in a couple weeks, so crossing my fingers.
@mslipgloss: We had a heat wave a few weeks back where I definitely saw some swelling in my feet, but other than that, I can't tell. Sometimes I think my ankles are swelling because they feel weird, but they're not so swollen that I can tell yet. I have a feeling that when the weather starts heating up the swelling will be more of a problem. It's good that you were able to combat it! I already drink more water than the recommended 64oz, so I'm not sure how much I'd have to drink to combat swelling!
Exciting that you're showing now! I know it's something you've been waiting for, and I'm glad you're getting a lot of positive acknowledgement. For me it seems like all the women tell me how small I'm carrying while all the men tell me I'm so big.
@skipra: I'm planning to talk to my mom about the guest list that they had in mind. I'm happy there are so many people excited about this baby, but a shower that requires use of a hall just sounds too overwhelming.
@musicav: I do feel movement while I'm standing, but I definitely feel more when I'm sitting down. I haven't noticed movement while I'm moving (like walking, working out, etc), though. I think it's just easier to feel when I'm not moving myself. That and it's probably more squished in there when I'm sitting.
@sorrycharlie: I can't really tell body parts either. I just kind of assume that the really big thumps are feet and the tiny thumps are hands.
pea / 18 posts
Hello! Just thought I'd check in here since I haven't really been posting much at Hellobee. I'm due with my first, a boy, on 9/28. Congrats, September mamas!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@spaniel Welcome & congrats!! We could use another boy in our September group!
@joyjoy Thanks for the update on the glucose test. I'm scheduled for a one hour test. They just told me no foods with sugar. I can eat like an egg in the morning. It also overlaps with my next prenatal appointment so I drink it before I go in and they take the blood while I'm there.
We are also registered for an infant care class (one day in August) a breastfeeding class (another day in August), and a hospital tour (coming up soon in June!) Still debating on the actual birth class (but they said I need to register soon if we are going to take it, I'm running behind for this hospital!)
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@spaina96: I've been researching newborn photographers, too. I put a post on facebook asking for recommendations and had two people message me that they'd do it for $50 because they're trying to start their own business, but I know a professional person who'll do it for $100. I'm torn. I would feel kind of awkward saying no (I knew both of them personally) but at the same time, afraid to pay when I'm not sure what they'll come out like!
@MsLipGloss: don't you love having the furniture?! we need the glider, but her crib is set up and so is the 9-cube organizer thing. it makes it feel much more real!
@joyjoy: interesting! glad to hear it went okay so far...and good to know the drink isn't as awful as everyone says it is!
@spaniel: yayyy welcome! was wondering if you guys would migrate over here!
@googly-eyes: how exciting! our birth class is only one day in August (11th) and includes a voucher for a hospital tour. Our hospital charges for tours, per their website at least, so that's nice. We won't get to tour til after the 11th, though, I don't think. I've been there to visit people though so I'm okay with waiting a bit
23 weeks here, and finally gaining weight! I'm up 7 lbs. I was just able to shake the morning sickness the past week or so and now I'm ravenous!
so I am participating in a study in my state through Brown University, and it includes a 3D/4D ultrasound at 34 weeks! I am SO excited! It'll be 1.5 hours long and I'll get a DVD to take home. Unless we are gifted a gift cert for a 3D ultrasound, I think we'll skip paying for one because of this. I figure if I want some prints I can pause the DVD and screen shot it on my computer is that awful?
I got a video of little chicky with the hiccups. it's a riot. I do feel bad for her though because I know I hate the hiccups.
How's everyone else feeling now? What's new?
pea / 18 posts
@sorrycharlie I know; I'm a slow migrator. Signed up in beta and then never came back until I was halfway through my pregnancy.
Can't believe there are so many more girls than boys here!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Checking in @24w, my most recent checkup went great. Glucose testing in 3 weeks. Been feeling tons of movement and have gained about 12lbs so far (OB would like me to keep weight gain to around 20lbs; this should be doable as I only gained 25 with DD).
clementine / 773 posts
@spaniel: Welcome!
@sorrycharlie: Good news about the morning sickness. Glad you're feeling better!
@joyjoy: Thanks for posting about your glucose test experience.
My OB will probably set up my glucose test when I see her next week. I really want next Wednesday to get here so I can have this ultrasound! I would like to think that I'm waiting patiently. I decided not to tell anyone (besides DH and you ladies), since we don't really know what's going on. DH almost spilled to my parents this weekend that we know the gender. We're signed up for the "weekend experience" birth class July 21-22, which includes a tour of the hospital.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Spaniel: Welcome to September Mamas and congrats on Team Blue. Yay for more September babies!
JoyJoy (9.02)
Bao (9.03)
MsLipGloss (9.06)
BienLivingDesign (9.09)
Googly-Eyes (9.18)
Spaina96 (9.19)
SorryCharlie (9.25)
MusicaV (9.23)
Spaniel (9.28)
RoccoandKirby (9.10)
Skipra (9.13)
PurrpleTulips (9.16)
@SorryCharlie: So glad you are feeling better and getting your appetite back! Having m/s for that long must have been torture. My appetite has started to slack off a bit (thank goodness!), and it has given me a glimmer of hope that I will stay at right around 35 pounds total for a gain. Although at +23 pounds at 26.5 weeks (I hit 27 weeks this week), my goal of a 35 pound gain may be a little lofty, but hopefully do-able.
I do love having the nursery furniture! We ordered a glider (Klaussner Lacey glider and ottoman) this weekend, but they won't be in for a while (10-12 weeks). If we like it, we will order a second one for downstairs, too. Before this weekend, I felt like there was a ton of time before butterbean will be here, but now I feel like she will be here so soon. I had a mini panic attack when the sales associate told me when the glider would be delivered - lol!
@JoyJoy: Thanks for all the info on the glucose testing. You made it sound so much more bearable that what I have read about. I go in for my glucose test next week.
I am happy to be showing, although I still get comments about being small for being x number of weeks along. I don't mind those so much anymore. Although I will say that there is one assistant in my office who likes to tell everyone that she thinks I am going to get HUGE, despite what I look like now. : /
@PurrpleTulips: Glad everything is going well - sounds like you are on track with your OB's plan.
@MusicaV: I also feel more movement when I am sitting or laying down . . . although butterbean has been known to get her groove on in the morning while I am getting ready for work. She also kicked a bit while we were out and about this weekend, but other than a couple of contractions in the previous weeks, this is the first time I have really noticed movement while I was moving.
Good luck this week at your u/s - we will be thinking of you and wishing you and your LO the best!
clementine / 994 posts
@spaniel: Welcome!
@googly-eyes: I looked into classes at our hospital and saw that they recommended registering for classes at the end of your first trimester. I totally missed the memo on that one. Luckily we were able to get into the classes we wanted, we just got middle of the week time slots. We're basically taking the same ones--infant care, breast feeding and childbirth with hospital tour. DH also wants to take an infant CPR class, so I'm going to look into that as well.
@sorrycharlie: If you're more comfortable with the professional photographer's work, I'd just go with them. They're only going to be that small for such a short time, if there's any chance you think you might regret going with someone just starting off, I'd avoid it. On the other hand, if you like other work by these other photographers, you could potentially be getting a really good deal. I'd chose based on whose work I like best, not the price (since they're not that far off).
That's awesome that you get a 3D u/s as part of that study! And 1.5 hours is so long! I think ours is slotted for 45min, so you're really going to get a lot of good viewing time. I don't think there's anything wrong with grabbing some screen shots to use as photos.
@musicav: Good luck with the ultrasound this week!
@mslipgloss: How nice of that assistant to make comments on how huge she thinks you're going to be. That's just what every preggie wants to hear, right? I've really started ignoring people's comments on my size. I found that if I tell people I'm due in the beginning of Sept they think I'm big. If I tell them it's the end of August, they thing I'm small. It's only a couple days difference!
Speaking of due date, has anyone else been dealing with people suggesting WHEN to have the baby? I've come across this really weird trend where people tell me to have the baby on a certain date. My grandma keeps telling me to have it on 9/2 since it's her birthday. DH's family keeps telling me 8/24! 8/24! for DH's grandfather's birthday. And then I have several family members with birthdays at the end of August that are asking me to avoid their birthday. Uhh, yes, just leave your request in the suggestion box, and I will try give birth at a time that is convenient to all. Right.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: awesome! I wanted to order our glider but BRU said it'd take about 10 days, so DH isn't in a rush. It's so freakin' expensive..I wanted to vomit. But, DH hasn't really had much of an opinion about anything and he wants this whatev I suppose. I'm waiting for a 20% off coupon or a sale - it's the Newco Swivel Glider in dark brown microfiber, the one they have in the store. It's gonna be about $350 I think. It looks like an armchair. I cannot even believe we're going to spend that..but ILs bought our crib so I'm trying to make myself feel a little better!! >.<
@joyjoy: UGH! I am so tired of this. One grandparent wants me to "wait" til October so they'll have the same birthday, another thinks early September would be great because of their anniversary, but oh - I have to avoid September 28 because it's a newly hated person's birthday and that'll "ruin it". Oh..okay. I'll keep that in mind??
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@JoyJoy-I haven't had this but my cousin did. My cousin is due sometime in June and there are TONS of family birthdays/anniversaries and apparently almost everyone has offered a suggestion.
I have done this to myself though: I am due 9/16, DH's mother's birthday was 9/26; since she passed shortly after we got married I keep thinking how cool it would be to have LO#2 on her birthday. I've also thought it would be cool to have LO#2 on 10/1 which would be exactly 2 1/2 years after LO#1. Then the reality of whether I really want to be 10-15 past my due date shocks me back into reality and I don't know that either will happen (I was induced 1day before EDD with LO#1 due to severe sciatic nerve pain).
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: YES! I mean, seriously, you want me to avoid this day but not that one, and if I can hit this date, well then even better? Right . . . I'll get right on that . . . not. The only thing I am kind of hoping for is that I go a week or so early, that way butterbean will make the September 1 cut-off date for most schools . . . and I don't want to go late to avoid a September 11 birthday. But really, other than a random fantasy or two about stuff that like that, I just want bean to be as healthy as possible, and if that means a September 11 birthdate, so be it.
@SorryCharlie: I have sat in that glider - it was pretty awesome. Other than the glider we just ordered, the chair I liked best was ridiculously expensive ($2k . . . I sat in it before I knew how much it was!). I think you're really going to enjoy the glider and get a ton of use out of it . . . and I really like the gliders that don't necessarily look like gliders, and can be used in any room of the house.
@Spaniel: That sounds like a reasonable request!
@PurrpleTulips: The thought of going past my due date really unnerves me. I know I have a long way to go, and I shouldn't worry about things I can't control (especially since it is common for first time moms to go over), but this has been so much harder than what I ever imagined! I am so tired today, more physically than mentally, and it's only Tuesday, and beginning-of-the-day Tuesday at that!
clementine / 994 posts
@spaniel: LOL. Is your EDD very close to your birthday?
@sorrycharlie: My friend has that glider (in the brown, too), and it's really comfortable! When I went to check out her nursery the first thing she said to me was, "You have to sit in the glider." I can totally see myself falling asleep in it all. the. time. We went with a traditional glider only because we got an awesome deal on a like-new one on craigslist. It definitely wont pass as normal furniture once baby is done with it, though.
@purpletulips: Our wedding anniversary is actually 9/15, and people have told me to try for that date because it would be a cool anniversary gift. It crossed my mind that it would be cool at first, but then that would put me two weeks past my due date! I think in the long run it would be sad to share our anniversary with LO's birthday, too. I want her to have her own special day.
@mslipgloss: I'm actually hoping for LO to come a little early, too, just so she can make the Sept 1 cutoff. Her EDD is so close! I keep telling her that she's due at the end of August hoping it'll stick.
pea / 18 posts
@joyjoy It's 10 days after my birthday I was 10 days late, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with an October baby after all.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Sorrycharlie My DH sat in all of the gliders at BRU and now wants one too..we'll see! They really are expensive!!
Our dating anniversary is near my due date so I'm sort of hoping for that day, since it's not like we really celebrate it anyway now that we're married. But she'll come when she comes.. I think I might be the only one who doesn't want her to make the 9/1 cutoff, since she'd be pretty much the absolute youngest in the grade then.
pea / 18 posts
@googly-eyes: I don't want to make the cut-off, either! It'd be too early for him anyway since I'm due at the end of the month, but for boys especially there's a social and academic advantage to being older in your grade rather than younger, especially if the motor skills develop a little on the later side. I think our district has an end-of-year cut-off, though, so he'll be young for his grade anyway.
clementine / 773 posts
@joyjoy: What is wrong with people? You would expect at least that women who have been pregnant before would understand that you can't tell the baby when or when not to come out.
I had my 24 week check-up yesterday. Apparently I've gained another 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks - what? I honestly don't know how that's possible. I go back in two weeks for my 1-hr glucose test. While I was there, I asked her to go over the results of my 19 week ultrasound again and find out what they told the specialist. Aside from the heart, they thought the cord might be partially prolapsed, plus my placenta was very low and maybe I should be on pelvic rest. What?! She definitely didn't mention the placenta part before! (On the bright side, it's not low anymore)
I had the Level II ultrasound this morning. A nurse did the ultrasound first and took still pictures and measurements. Then the dr. came in and did a "live" look. So far, things look good. The cord and placenta look fine. He didn't see a spot on the heart, and the major structure looks ok. I'm going back in a month to check again. It was amazing how much difference 5 weeks makes - the heart looked completely different than it did before. We also got a few 3-d images. He looks really cute!
clementine / 994 posts
@googly-eyes @spaniel: Mostly I'd like to have the option of her making the cutoff/holding her back for an extra year. I was a cutoff baby (early Dec birthday), and I struggled with not being challenged enough in school until they moved me a grade ahead. I was a much happier camper in a higher grade. I'm not saying she'll be exactly like me, but I'd rather start her in school when I think she's ready rather than based on a district cutoff date. Does that make sense?
@musicav: That's what's so crazy about all these suggested dates--they're mostly by women/mothers. They should know that I can't exactly *try* to give birth on a certain date, even if I wanted to. Unless there's some trick out there I don't know about.
Glad to see that everything is looking good! And what a nice little perk that you were able to get some 3d images as well.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@joyjoy I was also a cutoff baby (one day from the last date!) but socially (especially in the older grades) I think it's nice to be older. Academically and cognitively I know that children become ready at different ages. If LO is bored we will add other things to her life. I did extracurriculars and gifted classes in elementary school although I know things have changed with the budget cuts. But I can see where you're coming from with wanting to have options, just in case. They might make some exceptions even if she doesn't make the date.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: That's what I was thinking - that I would like to have the option of enrolling her in school if she was ready. I was younger than most of my classmates (June birthday), but I was reading and writing at 3 (I sure surprised my mom!), and definitely ready to start school.
@MusicaV: I am so glad to hear your u/s went well! And how awesome to get 3D pics of your LO.
I don't think that pregnancy weight gain ever makes any sense. In the beginning, when I felt like I just ate what I wanted, it was a pound a week. When I started excercising (in the second tri) and eating better (after the nausea passed), I have had a couple of spikes in my weeks. Overall, I have gained fairly evenly, but there have been times where the gains didn't make sense to me at all. I have decided that while we can do our best, absent going on a special diet (like for GD), our bodies are going to do what they are going to do, and that even things like the GD diet can only change that natural inclination so much.
@Googly-Eyes: I do agree that it would have been easier socially to be older . . . I was always a year younger, so I couldn't drive until the summer before my junior year in high school, and I was a college senior before I could drink legally.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Spaniel: I think I would feel differently (about making the cut off date) if butterbean was a boy . . . funny how knowing the sex of the baby changes your perspective on things. I never would have imagined that I would make decisions based on sex, but there you have it, just one example of how I would evaluate a situation differently for a boy versus a girl.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Hi Ladies! I went away for a few days and have had such a hard time getting back into things. How are you all doing and feeling?
@Spaniel: Welcome! Congrats on the boy! We are team green but EVERYONE says they think it's a boy. Only my 7 year old nephew thinks it's a girl so I'm guessing I'll be joining you on team blue in September
@Googly-Eyes: I don't want to make the cut-off either although from a childcare cost perspective, it's another year to pay for daycare or take off work. I guess there is not much we can do about it at this point except wait and see!
@Musicav: I'm glad your u/s went well. I'm there with you on the weight gain recently. I was consistently gaining a pound a week but over the past couple weeks there is nothing I can do to control it. I think I put on about 4 pounds recently. I guess our bodies just know what they are doing.
Sorry if I missed anyone, there was a lot to catch up on!
I'm 26 weeks today and had an appointment with one of the OB's earlier this week, as well as the u/s that was scheduled because of the spotting. Luckily I haven't had any spotting in about a month and things looked good on the u/s. We got the cutest pictures of the baby's face! It looks like s/he has my nose The only weird thing was that the belly circumference measurement was behind by almost 2 weeks, putting the baby in the 36th percentile. I was assured this was normal but it kind of freaks me out.
So I'm guessing that we're all showing by now, right? I think MsLipGloss brought this up already, but how are people treating you now? Everyone keeps telling me how great I look so that makes me feel better about the 18 pounds I've packed on! Has anyone's belly buttons popped yet? Mine is bigger and shallower but definitely still an innie.
papaya / 10560 posts
I couldn't decide which board to follow, but my doctor said at my appointment yesterday my DD is still "right around" 09/01! Maybe I will get a more definitive date at my 3D u/s in a couple weeks.
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself over here. I finally found the September boards. I am due September 2nd with a little boy. 28 weeks yesterday. started birthing classes last thursday and glucose test on wed. Hope all are well! yay September babies!!!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@LYDG, @MrsMcCarthy: Welcome and yay for more September Mamas and Babies!
JoyJoy (9.02)
Bao (9.03)
MsLipGloss (9.06)
BienLivingDesign (9.09)
Googly-Eyes (9.18)
Spaina96 (9.19)
SorryCharlie (9.25)
LYDG (9.01)
MrsMcCarthy (9.02)
MusicaV (9.23)
Spaniel (9.28)
RoccoandKirby (9.10)
Skipra (9.13)
PurrpleTulips (9.16)
@LYDG: Do you know the sex of your baby yet? Or are you Team Green?
@MrsMcCarthy: What you wrote in the other thread about having a *barbie pregnancy* really hit home with me. I was prepared to get a little bigger all over and for my belly to grow, but I was not prepared for all of what I got! I do my best to try and just go with it, and some days are easier than others, but there are other days where I really struggle and have to work to not let the body issues consume me and take the joy out of the pregnancy. It makes me feel shallow and ungrateful, even though I know that I'm not.
I hope your glucose test goes well! I have my glucose test on Friday. I am a little nervous about it only because I have been super thirsty lately and I have convinced myself that I am going to fail . . . because I am thirsty . . . because that *totally* makes sense and I don't already needlessly worry about enough stuff. >.<
@Skipra: So glad that the spotting has stopped and that the u/s looked good! I know that the Doc measured my belly at my last appointment, but I don't know how that measurement compared to the norm. I have my 28 week appointment this Friday (and my GD test), so I will try to see where I fall on the percentile spectrum.
My belly button is wider and more shallow, but it is still definitely an innie. I will let you know if that changes!
New This Week: Excruciating Back Pain and Painful Kicks (although I still love the kicks)! Yesterday, I think butterbean settled on a nerve for a few minutes - the pain was so sharp and intense that it took my breath away and almost brought tears to my eyes. I probably would have cried if I were at home when it happened, but I was at work, and I have a personal *no crying in baseball* office policy, so I did what I could to make sure I didn't cry. But oh-my-lands was it painful!
Butterbean also landed some pretty powerful kicks this weekend. I was seriously impressed by her efforts! Even though it was uncomfortable and a little painful, I am still so glad everytime she lets me know all is well.
Hope everyone else is feeling good and having a great week!
papaya / 10560 posts
i am team blue! woo hoo!!
can't wait to see if this baby is a september baby or august baby! with my luck i'll go a week over my due date!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@LYDG: Yay for more boys! I totally thought I was having a boy - guess she showed me! I hear ya on the going over . . . I had pre-term contractions at 22 weeks, and have had contractions on and off since then, but with my luck, I will go 40+ weeks.
papaya / 10560 posts
@mslipgloss weird, so many people are having girls this year! i "knew" as soon as I found out I was pregnant it was a boy...never a shred of me felt girl! i wasn't surprised when we found out at our 12 week sono loud and clear...boy!
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