pomegranate / 3414 posts
@SorryCharlie and @Mslipgloss - if it is any comfort I'm a second time mom who BF my first until she was 14months (although we didn't have an easy time of it and I supplemented with formula due to low pumping output) and I have the same thoughts/fears that you ladies do
pomegranate / 3350 posts
@SorryCharlie and @Mslipgloss: Yes, I'm really nervous about BF too. In fact the only real baby dreams I've had so were pretty much nightmares about BF (with a cute baby in the mix)
@Mslipgloss: I'm obsessed about the weight gain too. I keep an excel spreadsheet tracking my daily weigh-ins. It's pretty ridiculous but at least I guess we are not alone? I don't know if that's any consolation I know I will get stretch marks at some point because I got a ton of them during puberty. Such fun to look forward to!
clementine / 773 posts
@skipra: I've gained about 10 pounds so far. We'll see the "official" weigh-in when I go to the dr next week.
DH is still trying to feel movement from the outside, but when I feel something on the inside, he thinks he felt it somewhere else on the outside (a few inches away). We'll just have to keep trying.
clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: My MIL sent me a card too! I don't know what we're doing for Mother's Day. We might do something with my mom, but we haven't figured out what yet.
It's also our 6-month wedding anniversary this weekend. I feel like we should do something since we'll have a baby on our 1 year anniversary, but I don't know what.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: how cute! I don't think DH is planning anything - we're going out for my family, though - brunch for my mom's side then trekkin' to my dad's family to visit them. sigh.
@purrpletulips: definitely a comfort! I feel as though it's all so overwhelming and that if I'd been there before, I'd know what to do, but it seems that every baby/pregnancy can be ENTIRELY different!
@MusicaV: aww congratulations!! we found out we were expecting on our 6-month anniversary
clementine / 994 posts
@skipra @mslipgloss: I'm kind of obsessed with weight gain, too, only because I know I have a hard time losing weight in general. I'm not exactly watching what I'm eating (though I am trying to eat healthy things), but I am watching the scale! So far at 24w I'm up 6lbs from my official pre-pregnancy weight, which is my weight at the doctors office at 6w. I'm up 10lbs from what I think my weight would have been if I hadn't gotten pregnant around the holidays. It doesn't help that I'm addicted to ice cream right now.
I don't think we have anything planned specifically for pre-Mother's Day, but I'm getting a prenatal massage today! We had a Groupon and the prenatal masseuse happened to be free today, so we made an appointment. I'm so excited because my hips and lower back have been aching.
@sorrycharlie: I'm super scared about breastfeeding. I really, really want to do it, but so many factors keep freaking me out. I'm pretty certain I have flat nipples, and it's worrying me that LO might not be able to latch correctly. Add in everything else, and I'm so nervous.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@joyjoy: ooooh lemme know how the massage goes! I was thinking of booking one but I've heard some people say they LOVE massages and other say they're the most painful thing ever. I don't wanna add any pain!
& how does one know if she has flat nipples??
clementine / 994 posts
@sorrycharlie: I actually read about it somewhere on the boards. From what I understand, if you squeeze your breast and your nipple protrudes, then you have a normal nipple. If it stays flat or goes in, you have an inverted or flat nipple. Does that make sense? Can anyone verify if this is correct?
I tried this on myself and nothing happened, which I wasn't super surprised about since my nipples are pretty flat just from looking at them. Sorry if that's TMI.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@joyjoy: that's what I read on the Medela website. mine look flat but the other night DH said they looked "huge!" after my shower. is there time for them to change? lol..I just did the test and they didn't go in or out..more in than out, though i'd say.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: How was your massage? I am planning to get a mani/pedi soon myself, because it's been a rough couple of weeks, and because I haven't gotten a pedi in a looooong time (November of last year!) so I totally *need* to go.
@MusicAV: How was your anniversary?
@PurrpleTulips: Yes, actually, it does make me feel a little better. Not because you're worried, of course, but it always makes me feel more sane when others worry about the same things I worry about.
@Skipra: I am curious to see how much I have gained during the past 4 weeks, although it doesn't *feel* like a lot. I have stopped weighing myself at home (at least for the time being) because I was just obsessing over my weight and beating myself up about it.
How is everyone doing and feeling? I have my 24 week check-up this Friday, and I can't wait to hear butterbean's heartbeat again, even if it means I have to get weighed, too. I am feeling more kicks--they are definitely becoming more regular, which makes me super excited and happy. Although my belly definitely is bigger, I still haven't popped, although I am thinking now either (a) I won't (I have a fairly long torso), or (b) that I will, but just much later than I expected. That being said, now I will probably pop overnight tonight, just because I have resigned myself to waiting and appreciating the bump that I do have. Although having a bigger bump would help to distract on-lookers from seeing my thighs!
clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: Our anniversary was good. We went out for Ethiopian food (haven't had that in a year or so). Speaking of belly buttons, mine was getting wider and shallower, but suddenly it's looking more scrunched and deep, like pre-preg. I may have had a minor panic over that last night, I don't know why.
I had my 21 week visit today. I gained 4 pounds in the last three weeks, which she said was a lot. I asked about breastfeeding, and she said that if the other dr said I shouldn't, that's what they would say. I'll probably write a separate post once I can get my thoughts together. Also, it turns out there was something a problem with the left ventricle of the heart on the 19 week u/s. They're sending in a referral for a Level II u/s, but when I called that office, the woman said they are booked for the next three weeks. I can't make an appt until they get all of the paperwork anyway. Ugh. I'm really frustrated right now.
Has anyone started looking for pediatricians yet? I'd like to start interviewing peds to get their take on the breastfeeding issue (and other things), but I don't want them to blow me off because baby's not due until September.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: ohhh get the pedi. it's so worth it. I had to get one in March for a friend's wedding that I was in, and I've had 2 more since! LOL! it's just the best.
@MusicaV: I asked around for some referrals for pedis, but haven't checked into who is actually covered under our insurance yet. I bookmarked their websites to call this summer, though! Good luck with the level 2 US..I'm sure everything will be okay! Maybe it was just something tricky to see on the US? I've heard they can resolve themselves sometimes, too. fingers crossed for you!
So overall I had a fun mother's-to-be day, but, serious boob pain and leakage!!! I noticed Saturday that for the first time, my boobs were swollen and rock hard. I felt like that was weird but didn't think anything of it. I had been playing around with them last time I was on this post to see if I had flat nipples (LOL) so I thought maybe because of that they got swollen. I also noticed some stains in my bra but wasn't sure what they were from!
Well..no. I was actually tearing up and hissing out loud without realizing it every time it happened, because it hurt so bad! I'd get a build up of pressure behind my nipple (worse and worse and worse..almost like a contraction) and then my nipples (mainly the right) would leak/ooze fluid. After that, the tension immediately went away, until the cycle started over again 5-10 minutes later.
I called my OB Monday afternoon and they asked me to come in Tuesday morning. I was a little nervous because that was so soon and I was working. The nurse assured me she didn't think it was an emergency, but that it didn't sound like something that should happen at 21 weeks (not just leaking..the pressure part too). I guess the pain/pressure/relief is more like milk..not colostrum. AGH!!
So, long story short, I go in first thing tomorrow to see what's going on. There hasn't been the same pressure/pain/release since Sunday, but if I squeeze, stuff comes out. I know the books say not to squeeze but I didn't wanna go in tomorrow with nothing going on, and look like a hypochondriac!
I'll keep everyone posted in case this happens to anyone else!
**oh! p/s - DH finally felt a kick last night! she was going wild and the poor guy tried to feel, and she stopped. I told him to be patient...and sure enough, she WHOPPED him..I haven't ever felt her kick that hard, and haven't felt it since! I think she was throwing him a bone to stop poking her around.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Musicav: Keep us posted on the level II u/s - hopefully a closer look will clear everything up. ((Hugs)). Because pregnancy is stressful enough without extra things being thrown into the mix.
4 pounds in 3 weeks doesn't sound like a lot to me. It's just over a pound a week, and it occurred during a time frame where your LO was going through major growth spurt. So, approximately 14 pounds in 21 weeks? Looks like you are right on track with gaining a healthy amount of weight . . . at least according to my math.
Your anniversary dinner sounds like fun! DH's birthday is this Saturday, so I am thinking of taking him to our favorite steak house.
I am embarassed to admit that while I have researched tons of things, like strollers and diaper bags (because, you know, they're so important!), I haven't even started yet on pediatricians! *augh* This reminds me that I need to get on the stick!
@SorryCharlie: That sounds awful - and like a really long weekend. I hope all goes well at your appointment today, and that you are able to get some relief.
Yay(!) for DH feeling her kick! And I totally think she was making a statement - she is working on wrapping him around her beautiful little fingers even before she's born.
clementine / 994 posts
@mslipgloss: The massage was really nice! My lower back has been aching recently (I have an old injury that I think is being aggravated by the weight of the belly) and the massage helped relieve some of the tightness. I'm definitely going to try to schedule more massages down the line.
I laughed when I read your comment on pediatricians because I've done the same thing! I'm pretty set on a stroller and diaper bag, and I've currently been obsessing over a nursery color scheme (important things, right?); but I haven't looked at peds at all yet.
My OB practice gave me a list of all the peds that can do the initial checkup at the hospital I'll be delivering in, and it also lists the insurance they take. I guess I kind of figured I'd just interview the ones that took my insurance then worry about a long term pediatrician if none of them fit what I'm looking for. Maybe I should start asking around for recommendations on top of that.
@musicav: I hope everything goes well with your level II u/s!
I had gained 4lbs at my 21 week visit, and they didn't say anything to me about it being too much. I'm pretty sure I'll be up another 4 or so at my next visit on Monday (25w). I also thought a pound a week was considered healthy.
About the belly button, mine has done something similar where it looked/felt like it was stretching out, and now it's indenting back in. I'm starting to feel the baby's kicks higher now, though, so I think maybe the baby is just moving up?
@sorrycharlie: Ouch! Let us know how things go at your appointment. I think I read somewhere that some women's breasts leak while pregnant, but I haven't heard about pain/pressure associated with it. Hopefully they'll be able to help relieve you.
And yay for DH feeling her kick! I really think she knew he was getting frustrated and wanted to give him a good one.
Has anyone been reading anything good lately? I've been reading Bringing Up Bebe, and I've been enjoying it. I also picked up Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, which I think I'll get to next. I think I need to pick up something on breastfeeding, too, but I'm not sure what.
clementine / 994 posts
In case any other September mama's are looking for a crib, Walmart is having a good deal on the Graco Lauren with a Kolcraft mattress.
I had my mind set on an Ikea crib, but this was such a good deal that I went for it. I'm unsure of the mattress, but I figure I can return it if I don't like it.
Just thought I'd pass it on since we were just discussing cribs not that long ago.
olive / 69 posts
@musicav: I just came back from my 23 week visit and asked my doctor about pediatricians. He said it's never too early to research, but told me to wait until July or August to start interviewing them.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: I hadn't really researched either. Someone on facebook that's also due in Sept was making me feel like I'm SO behind not looking! But I'm not really that worried. I asked around town for recommendations from parents with little ones and I'm going to just go from there.
@joyjoy: I bought "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" for DH for father's day but I know he won't read it. So I'm going to, lol! Another book I loved I found at the library - "How to Have Your Second Child First" http://www.amazon.com/Have-Your-Second-Child-First/dp/0811869881 I totally recommend it! I requested Bringing Up Bebe from the library, still waiting on it.
Well, the midwife said leaking is normal - they had me come in because they couldn't diagnose over the phone if there was a lump or something. I just have been wearing breast pads!
But good thing I went in because they had my chart ALL sorts of messed up - she was like, "why are you saying you're 21 weeks? you're due Oct 14.." and I was like "no! please don't make me go that late!" so we figured it all out. Signed up for birth class on Aug 11, woohoo! Crazy!
How's everyone else doing? I'm being so bad dietary-wise this week..currently scarfing a frozen pizza.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@JoyJoy: We have that same crib for our LO (not the mattress though) and absolutely love it. It took DH about 20 min to put it together.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Add me to the list of those researching everything BUT pediatricians! At my appointment last week, the OB went through a list of questions and said we didn't have to worry about that yet. I really love my new practice over my old GYN and they also have pediatrics so I'm sure we'll go with one of them. That is the extent of my research so far.
@Sorrycharlie: Glad your leaking is nothing to worry about, although I'm sure it's really annoying. I'm also having a bad week diet wise. For some reason we ended up with three cakes in our house and we went out for our anniversary dinner on Wednesday. I feel kind of disgusting now.
@joyjoy: That is a great deal! I think DH wanted to get it too just so we don't have to worry about it but I'm insisting that we get one with a drawer and I don't want it until after the baby is born. I think we will probably put this one on our registry and buy it with the discount afterwards. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4033743
Anyone else waiting until after baby to buy some of the big items?
clementine / 773 posts
@sorrycharlie: It's good to hear everything is ok. I'm also having a bad food week. Nothing sounds appetizing except chocolate and cake. I was craving Ring Dings the other night at 12:30. Luckily they don't sell them here, or I might have gone out, bought a box, and eaten them all.
@joyjoy: I read "The Birth Partner" a couple of weeks ago. I have two baby name books that I need to go through. I'll probably pick up "The Happiest Baby on the Block" from the library in a week or two. Bebe is still checked out.
The earliest I can get my Level II ultrasound is June 6, the day after my next OB appt. I'm waiting on a call back from them if they want to push my appt back a couple days. In the meantime, I'm researching all of the studies on birth defects and breastfeeding associated with the medicine I'm taking. Unfortunately, most are retrospective and very small (less that 15 participants). Sigh. This is going to be a long three weeks.
clementine / 994 posts
@sorrycharlie: The Second Child First book looks interesting! I think I'll add that to my list. What class did you sign up for? Is it just a general birthing class?
I'm glad the leaking wasn't a major issue. Maybe it's a good sign that you'll have some good milk production?
@purpletulips: Good to know you like the crib! It had some really good reviews, so I felt a bit better about making that last minute decision to buy it. I'm pretty sure we're going to return the mattress for something else, though.
@skipra: Oh, under crib storage is a good idea. Now you've got me thinking if I can make a drawer.
We're waiting until after baby to buy a play pen since it's not an immediate need. Unless someone gets one for us, we'll probably also wait on a swing and/or bouncer. I actually wanted to wait a bit longer on the crib, but the Graco was a really good deal.
@musicav: I was planning to read Happiest Baby, too, but when I found out there was a movie version I decided to pull the old lazy-high-schooler act and watch it instead. It's in my Netflix queue. I picked up The Birth Partner for DH on kindle, but I'm pretty sure he isn't reading it since I just found the kindle in a drawer a stashed it in during a quick clean up last month.
Sending happy thoughts your way for the level II. It's difficult to put any stock into the results of such small studies. HUGS.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@joyjoy: yup, the OB's office has a general birthing class that's one saturday from 9-3, with a break for lunch. I don't think it's an in-depth series, such as a Bradley style or anything, since it's only one day. I'm not sure though.
I personally am already in line for my epidural so I don't think I'll take any classes beyond this one, except maybe an infant care class with/for DH
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I'm feeling SO much movement now! 22 weeks today. I love it. She's so rambunctious sometimes that I thought it *had* to be something else - stomach, gas, etc. because I couldn't imagine HOW she was moving that fast!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: If I hadn't seen butterbean rolling, punching, and kicking during several u/s, I, too, would never have believed she could be so busy in there! Sometimes when she's really grooving, I imagine her doing dance routines like the Thriller dance, or something equally as crazy. During our 22-week *visit* to L&D, the nurses called her tumbleweed because she was so busy. Now, at (almost) 25 weeks, I am starting to feel more movements higher up, too . . . like above my bellybutton.
I am making (as of my 24 week appointment last week) an effort to eat better--or at least consciously--(mostly) because I am paranoid that I am going to fail my GD test in a few weeks, and also because I have had several panic attacks lately about losing myself and my body during this pregnancy. I have gained *23* pounds so far, and although that is slightly less than a pound a week, when I do the math and try to imagine what pp recovery is going to be like, I get really anxious and nervous about the *aftermath.* I am really, really trying to not let my anxiety get the better of me, but there are just sometimes that I feel so completely overwhelmed by the entirety of the process that I just feel so helpless, and (to be perfectly honest) resentful of all of the changes. I would *never* admit that anywhere other than here . . .
@Musicav: That stinks - I am so sorry you have to wait 3 weeks for your level II u/s. *augh!* and ((hugs)).
@Skipra: DH and I purchased our nursery furniture at 20 weeks, but only because we found a set we both really liked, and it was on sale (the manufacturer only does one sale annually). Otherwise, it is likely that we would have waited. Other than a bedding set (and a few room accessories), three onesies, and a diaper bag, I haven't made any other purchses for the baby or the nursery.
RE Stretch Marks: I haven't seen any stretch marks yet, and despite my weight gain, I am still carrying small (I have gained weight from head to toe) . . . has anyone seen any yet? I expect to get them because my mom did, but I am still holding out the tiniest hope that I may not get any. With my luck, I won't get any until 39 weeks or so, or, they won't appear until after I deliver (I have heard about that happening).
clementine / 994 posts
@sorrycharlie: How fun that your little girl is such a busy body! Our gummybear is a little prankster. She kicks the most/the hardest when no one but me is around to feel her. She rarely kicks DH's hand--he'll sit there waiting and get nothing then once he pulls his hand away, BAM, she kicks hard enough for him to see my belly jump. She has no problems kicking his face if he puts his cheek on my belly, though. For our last two u/s she was asleep! They'd have me cough or they'd jiggle her to wake her up and she's just roll over *away* from the probe. I'm considering drinking a macchiato before our 3D u/s just to make sure she's awake.
I just had my 25 week checkup, and the doctor gave me a lab order for a 2 hour glucose screening. Has anyone heard of a 2 hour screening? I've heard of the 1 hour and the 3 hour if you fail the first one. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I've been trying to be better about what I eat, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes those cookies just call my name.
@mslipgloss: I don't have any stretch marks as of yet (I'm 25w, too). If I get any, I'm not expecting them until much later on since it seems like most women start sprouting them later in the third trimester. My doctor says that my skin type looks like the kind that doesn't get stretch marks, but we shall see. My mom has them, but her sister doesn't. The women on my dad's side don't have them, and my skin has always been more like my dad's than my mom's. Either way, I have my morning ritual of oil and cocoa butter and my nightly ritual of stretch lotion and cocoa butter. I don't know which genes I got, but I'm not going down without a fight!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: I totally agree with not going down without a fight! I know, and appreciate, the odds, however, I am trying to stay hydrated and I apply my belly lotion (L'Occitane Shea Butter Ultra Rich Body Creme) twice daily. I am also going to try to get more healthy fats and reduce my sugar intake (to maintain an even weight gain and try to avoid any spikes in gains), and hope for the best.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@JoyJoy: I haven't heard of a two-hour screen . . . but a quick google search indicated that it is a newer version of the old one-hour screen, and that you would get two blood draws (the first one hour after intake of the solution, and the second two hours after intake of the solution), and that, like the three-hour screen, it does a better job of detecting mild GD.
grape / 79 posts
@joyjoy It seems more doctors are starting to do the two hour glucose, my dr only does the one. Just take lots of reading materials.
I finally had my ultrasound on Monday, we are having a girl and everything looks good. I want to start working on the nursery soon but the next three weekends we have a bunch of stuff to do. I have not felt many kicks or movement but i guess that is expected with anterior placenta, my dr mentioned that i may be able to feel it more with my hand then inside. I am ready to go work on my registry and the nursery. Hope everyone is doing well.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: I haven't seen any stretch marks yet, but I'm SURE I'll get them. I got them during puberty! I don't have any good advice re: weight because it seems like that's totally in the ok range, but I understand how it can feel so overwhelming I've gained 5 lbs based on my scale at home, and based on the OB, closer to 10...which isn't a lot, but I feel like my thighs look gigantic! It's so frustrating. I feel ya pain!
@joyjoy: ooh she is a prankster too. I told DH she was gonna be trouble - at my last OB appointment, she kept moving away from the doppler. whenever DH tries to feel her or even *see* her moving (I see it regularly!) she stops. So fresh!
I"ve never heard of the 2-hour screen, but that's awesome if it lets you skip the 3-hour somehow. My first test is at 28 weeks because they're doing it the same day as a bunch of other things..Rhogam shot for one. Yay, what a SUPER day that'll be! Sigh..
@spaina96: yayyy girl!! how exciting!
I had an anterior placenta at my last ultrasound (17w5d) and I'm wondering if I have a beast in there, or if the placenta moved. I feel SO so so much movement it's nuts! I can even see it. I'm 22 weeks now. I have an ultrasound in a few weeks at the hospital as part of a study, but I don't think any more with the doctor. I'm totally curious to know if my placenta moved and/or how big this little chick is!
If anyone uses instagram or twitter, I've been posting some pictures of the nursery so far! twitter I'm @mssorrycharlie and instagram is on my twitter
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Spaina96: Congrats on your baby girl- welcome to Team Pink!
I think this is everybody, although I don't remember a sex announcement or un-announcement (, i.e., team green status) from Skipra. I didn't want to leave you out!
Team Pink:
Team Blue:
Team Green:
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: I don't recognize my thighs at all (and haven't for quite a while). Interestingly, if I tighten my abs, you can still see the definition at the very top and the sides of my belly, and I can't yet feel any separation of my abs . . . so I guess that's a good thing?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: eek 'separation of abs' made me squirm, LOL!
and I can't believe how many girls we have in september! holy moly!
clementine / 994 posts
@mslipgloss: Thanks for the glucose testing info. I guess I could have googled it myself, huh? Whoops!
What is separation of the abs supposed to feel like? I've been able to feel my ab muscles stretching for a while now, and it's not very comfortable. It's not painful, but having a muscle group in constant stretch isn't the best feeling.
@spaina96: Welcome to Team Pink! There is definitely a lot of pink on this board.
@sorrycharlie: I'd love to see your nursery progress. I'll have to remember to check on it later since it's blocked while I'm at worked. I've started planning the nursery in my mind, but it's still an empty, white room at the moment.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
I am proud to announce, we are expecting a baby GIRL! We were team green, but at an ultrasound Monday the tech accidentally slipped and announced the gender. I am thankful for a healthy baby though! Yay team pink!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: lol! And yep, it makes me squirm too!
I knew there were a few baby girls on this thread, but it wasn't until I made up a list that I realized just how many.
@JoyJoy: Not at all! Google is just a personal weakness of mine :).
I have been told that you can tell if your abs have separated by running your fingers over/ pressing on the the the middle portion of your abs (where your linea alba, now possibly linea negra is), to see if you can feel any separation. Sometimes women can fit a finger (or two!!!) in the gap between the two halves of their rectus abdominus. Talk about making me squirm! *jinkies* And ditto with regard to the stretching, sometimes it is suuuuper uncomfortable.
@Bao: Yay! Welcome to the September board and to Team Pink! I totally do not have enough patience or self-control to be Team Green. I really thought I was having a boy (guess she showed me!) - did you have any idea whether it was a baby boy or girl before the tech slipped?
Team Pink:
Team Blue:
Team Green:
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@MsLipGloss: thank you! I had intuition it was a girl but other than that we had no idea. I am so excited for our little girl though
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Wow this thread moves quickly sometimes!!
I just skimmed through most of the comments (sorry!) but glad to see everyone is mostly feeling well! So many girls, wow!!!!
@joyjoy I have no idea what a 2 hr screening is, but hope it goes well.
@sorrycharlie, not sure if you already updated, but hope you're feeling better (and less pain!)
Movement has become stronger and pretty consistent. DH has had trouble getting to feel her, though, since you have to be patient and wait for a hard enough kick.
We have started looking for a pediatrician, not having much luck so far, but there's still time! We have started to buy (on sale of course) baby stuff... aden + anais from babysteals, Graco Lauren Crib + mattress from Walmart.com, BOB stroller from REI, and a whole bunch of outfits, some of which the grandmothers to be purchased!
More than halfway there and starting to pick up weight quickly so that's freaking me out!!! I'm trying to eat a bit healthier so I don't over-gain...
clementine / 773 posts
@MsLipGloss: Wow! That is a lot of girls! Thanks for compiling this!
After poking at my abs for several minutes, I don't think they have separated yet. But man, I am uncomfortable tonight. Maybe I ate too much.
With all of the talk of registries, does anyone have shower plans yet? Nobody has mentioned a shower to me at all. I don't really want to bring it up, even though I *want* to.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Musicav A family member on DH's side (we live by them but not my family) is throwing a small thing for that side of the family...although I've heard it secondhand so I don't really know!! I guess there's still a lot of time though.
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