grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: @Mrs squirreld: I'm going to stock up this weekend. My parents are going to be here for a week after babe and it'll just be nice to have food in the house.
@char54: We are at exactly the same place. Theres a cold front coming through tonight and that's when the L&D nurse told us they were busiest so I'm hoping baby T decides to see what the fuss is all about I'm also with you and @illumina: that I'm over the cramps they've become common so I guess they are just going to hang out until the babe is ready.
@marionberry: love your dinner plans! Also I'm with you, there's no way I'm going to sleep before my induction, I'm just hoping I can Sunday night so I don't have 2 nights of no sleep before babe even arrives! I know I've seen on quite a few boards that there are some sleep aids we can take, but I don't know what they are. Also have some beer or wine, it won't hurt that little one your body has to process it first, it won't ever cross the placenta.
clementine / 818 posts
I'm sorry I have been MIA lately, life is so crazy. I can't believe we are almost halfway through the month and it seems like lots of babies will be here before we know it!
Afm, I got a new mom car this week, I love it, but it was super stressful buying it this close to baby coming. I've been having a ton of tightening and cramping but nothing timeable or consistent. My dr is pretty adamant, if you wonder if your in labor, our not, you will know, and it will be more than just cramping. They didn't check me at this appointment this week, but Dr will strip my membranes next Tue, I'm a little scared, I've heard it's pretty painful so we will see.....
@marionberry: good luck, can't wait to meet your gorgeous babe!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MrsStormy: I'm also having my membranes stripped next week... I"m a bit nervous about it, but I will do anything to get this baby to come naturally rather than be induced at 42 weeks...the thought of being pregnant for another 3 weeks FREAKS ME OUT! lol
Updating the list:
duckduckkristen 9/6 - Boy born 9/2
mrsmoreau 9/9 - Girl (Emily Elizabeth) born 9/3
evenstar982 9/12 - Girl (Helena Elizabeth) born 9/5
pmerr 9/17 - Boy (Jacob) born 9/6
Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
bisou7585 9/8
misskabers 9/8
NBLChicago 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
ktgee04 9/13
joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
izzy 9/19
illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
char54 - 9/20 - Team Green!
colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
jbean 9/25
MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!
Boys: 5
Girls: 4
Team Green: 9
9/10 mrsstormy- 37/38 week appt
9/11 char54 - 39 week apt
9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
9/13 jetsa - 38.5 week AFI, NST, and appt
9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
9/16-17 jetsa - Induction
9/19 mrs squirreld - 40 week appt - stretch & sweep! eek
9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: I was actually thinking about that commercial last night. I am SO that kid!
@mrs squirreld: Tell your cousin good luck for me! I've read about placenta encapsulation but I'm not doing it. It's not really common around here. I'll be curious to hear whether you think it really helps you, as I've heard it can be great for normalizing your hormones after birth.
@char54: My friend lost 3 lbs at the end of pregnancy and they were slightly concerned too but nothing was wrong in the end. It's good that your body is starting to get it's act into gear. That baby will be here in no time!
@jetsa: Surprisingly I slept a little better last night than normal. I think perhaps my body knows I need all the sleep I can get, so it's helping me out a bit. Now I'm crossing my fingers that happens again tonight, because tonight will be much more exciting. I heard someone on HB say you can take Tylenol PM, so maybe try that if you want, or at least ask your doctor about it. And I figure at least a few sips of beer or wine won't hurt me or the baby at this point. My hair dresser's doctor let her have a glass of wine with a bath once a week for the last few weeks of her pregnancy once she hit full term, so it can't be that bad.
@mrsstormy: Congrats on your new baby car! We need one, but are waiting to make sure we can afford daycare first before we go out and get one. The backseat in my car is SO tight, I kind of feel bad for dsd who has to sit back there with the baby. Good luck with stripping your membranes! I've heard it is painful but it does seem to really work!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: Yep exactly on the beer/wine. I'm sleeping well all of a sudden as well. I only got up once last night to pee, but of course it varies day to day.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@char54: I'm the same way. A couple months ago, I really thought I might go a week or two early just because I have been so active, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Both of my Mum's babies were right on time, so hopefully I will follow and have her next week. Though I ended up getting some info from my midwife on the induction process incase it comes to that... but it's at 40+12, so I REALLY hope I deliver before then on my own. I don't even want a membrane sweep or anything that will interfere with how my body naturally wants to start labour. I hear you on feeling proud of your body, that's one of the things pregnancy has taught me.
@MrsStormy: what car did you get? We are undecided as to whether to get a new, more practical car. At the moment we have a 3 door and I can tell it's going to be a pita getting LO in and out of the car seat. Time will tell, I guess!
@marionberry: so excited for you! Baby day tomorrow! You must keep us all updated!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: I will of course keep you all updated as much as I can! I can't wait to share pics and my story!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@illumina: I hear OB said she would let me go 41+10 (which puts me in October!) but I'm really hoping I go naturally before then. I was 4 days late and my 3 sisters were all a couple of days early so I'm really hoping to be around my due date too!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MrsStormy: What car did you end up buying? DH and I are in the process of getting a new one right now too. Thinking about a Rav4, downsizing from the Jeep that's kickin the bucket.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: @illumina: I really hope you ladies don't have to make it that far! With how I feel now I'm not sure how I could make it another week, let alone one or two. If I go in for my appointment in a sec and they tell me baby miraculously flipped I will probably cry lol. My swelling and bp just keeps getting worse.
clementine / 818 posts
@illumina: @MapleMoose: We got a Mazda Cx-5, it was totally not on our radar (I don't know anyone who drives a mazda) but it was raved about in reviews, it is supposed to get great gas mileage and we drove it and really liked it. I had an older explorer, but it was time for it to find a new home, DH didn't think it had a lot of life left, and he also didn't trust it safety wise for myself and the baby.
clementine / 818 posts
@MapleMoose: We looked at rav4's, crv's, rogues, sorentos, and all of the standard crossovers out there. We liked the idea of a rav4 (we like Toyota), but they didn't have any real deals or rebates right now which we wanted, and I don't love the new body style. We were also in a bit of a hurry, which we didn't plan on, because we realized if we wanted to finance we needed to do it before I went on leave so they could verify my employment and income, we wanted it to be in my name since I have never had a car loan and that will help build my auto and regular credit (silly that I own a home but a car loan will help my credit).
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MrsStormy: I know! Shouldn't owning a home count for so much more than getting a car loan?! DH mentioned the Mazda too (not sure which model). I don't like the look of the new CRVs even though DH has had good luck with Hondas in the past. We are still debating whether or not to stick with Jeep since it fits us so well or get something a little smaller and save a little bit on gas mileage. We need to hurry up and make a decision.
clementine / 818 posts
@MapleMoose: This is totally the place we were in, we didn't love the look of the CRV either! I really wanted to keep my explorer, just for the sake of not dealing with car shopping, or the financial aspect, but DH wanted to at least try and see if we could sell it for anything, since he didn't see it lasting much longer but it still has some value, and it sold for what he wanted, and that sort of made the decision for us... Honestly it was super stressful for me, so I'm glad its over, I think just having the decision done no matter what it was is such a weight off my shoulders! Good luck deciding!
pomelo / 5041 posts
So everything went really well at my pre-op appointment. I am officially ready to go for tomorrow morning. Good thing that we're doing the c-section because I'm still not even dilated. Best news ever though was that the doctor wanted to confirm position via ultrasound really quick and when he did, he mentioned baby had hair! DH and I have been debating tons about whether lo would have hair since I had tons, and he had none, and his dsd didn't have hair either. Looks like mama's streak of "mama's always right" continues!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: how exciting!!! Oh my gosh he has hair!!!!! I'm soooo soo excited for you! What time are you going in tomorrow? It's already his birthday here!! Woohoo!
I had 2.5hours sleep last night.... I'm not sure how much longer I can handle that!! Hopefully Ill get more than that once bub is here... On the plus side... DH finishes work at 7am and is being me home hotcakes and hash browns from Maccas for brekky
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: eeeek!!! I'm so excited for you right now!! I can't even imagine what you are feeling. Soak in every single moment tomorrow and update us when you can. Good luck and have fun!!!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: Eeeeeee! I am so excited for you!!! I will be stalking this thread!!! Good luck tomorrow, you will do amazingly well
persimmon / 1436 posts
Holy crap, this kid is taking up so much room now and I feel like he is basically kicking the crap outta me! From my ribcage to my cervix, I'm one giant torso of uncomfortable Come on out, little one, my guts can't take it more longer!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MapleMoose: @MrsStormy: we went with a Honda pilot that I but it seems bigger than what you're looking for.
@marionberry: so excited, I know everything will be great!!
clementine / 818 posts
@marionberry: So so excited for you! Also I'm totally jealous that you know baby has hair!
@jetsa: I love the honda pilot! We were trying to downsize some and get better gas mileage though, so that ruled it out.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@marionberry: Oh my gosh so excited for you!! Can't wait for the big update.
@Mrs squirreld: Aww sleep issues are the worst. Had to look up what Maccas was lol
@MamaMagpie: I know what you mean. Now when baby moves it physically hurts. She's running out of room in there.
@jetsa: We have a Jeep Grand Cherokee so we are thinking of downsizing like @MrsStormy:. The Honda Pilot is so nice though. We also talked about getting another Jeep but that wouldn't save us an gas mileage.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MapleMoose: @MrsStormy: ahh I see. The 22/24 was good enough for me, I came from a car though so everything had worse mileage than I had
watermelon / 14467 posts
@marionberry: Good luck tomorrow! I'm so excited for you and your husband!
pomelo / 5041 posts
I will respond in a bit when I get home but had to share this pic of an elephant ear for @mrssquirreld:.
cherry / 199 posts
@marionberry good luck tomorrow! So exciting that your baby s coming!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I go in at 5am PST.
@char54: I will for sure update y'all as much as I can! I'm so excited.
@MamaMagpie: Thank you. I need all the good luck I can get. Just praying I'm not in too much pain afterward.
@MrsStormy: I never thought I'd find out prior to labor. I got so lucky my OB said something when checking his positioning for 30 seconds.
@Jennimac: Thanks! Tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life. How do you prepare for that?! Lol.
@jetsa: Thanks! I hope you're right!
@MapleMoose: Thank you. I will be so bored at times I'll be begging for my phone. I'm sure I'll update before I even go in for the procedure.
@evansjamie: Thanks. My husband seems kind of scared about the surgery but he's really excited to meet his son.
@mrsclownfish: Thank you! I can't wait for all of you to give birth too because I'm gonna need people to commiserate with!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: It was really delicious! I only ate about half. I would've shared with you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@marionberry: Wow - that elephant ear looks DELICIOUS! I"ll be thinking of you tomorrow morning!!! So excited for you to meet your little bundle of joy!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@sweetooth: I'm sorry. This probably is mean to show to pregnant women who crave bad for you food, lol. Thank you for thinking of me. This will be you in not too long. I keep thinking back to the time I bawled in my car with my husband because my friend told me she was pregnant after we had tried for so long. I felt like I'd never get to this point and now I'm hours from it. It feels so surreal. I really can't picture having a real life baby in my arms tomorrow.
@mamamagpie: I am so excited for all of you! I'd kill for one of you to go into labor tonight and be a birth buddy with me! You ladies are all like sisters to me.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: oh that looks delicious!!!! Just so you know, my cousins c section went perfectly this morning and she now has a beautiful baby girl! You're next mumma! Thinking of you! Lots of love and hugs! Enjoy that belly for those last few hours xoxoxo xox
@MapleMoose: you don't call McDonald's, Macca's??
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: That's so great to hear! I should be sleeping but am having a hard time. LO is moving tons and I just can't put my brain to sleep.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I totally understand! I just had a five hour nap thankgoodness cause last night was rough! You must be so excited and have a million things going through your head!! I can't wait to "meet" little Jackson
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: good luck TODAY!! Today you're going to be a mama!!! Will be thinking of you and waiting for an update
Gosh ladies, I really wish my baby was coming a week early! I was doing so well up to 39wks and it's starting to go downhill! My swelling is getting crazy and it's pretty uncomfortable to walk.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Ya I have barely slept. Just too excited but my alarm goes off soon anyway.
@illumina: I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with swelling and pain. I've been enduring that the past week and I can't imagine having to keep dealing with it. Try to take it easy so that you're not making it worse. I'll keep you guys updated!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: good luck today again! I can't wait to see your updates!
Is there anything we can take for a sinus headache/seasonal allergies? I'm dying I've slept less than 2 hours so far. Thank goodness I don't have much going on today!
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