persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: we were told to follow the 5-1-1 rule, too! And yes, you'd better get lots of resting done today
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @jetsa: @mamamagpie: It's so crazy that different places have different rules. But in the end I think they're pretty similar - at 5-1-1 you're supposed to be nearing active labor at 4-6cm dilated, which is also when you're supposed to have a hard time talking through contractions. I agree that as much of it you can do at home, the better. Our nurse told us that too. For me, I'm confused, because I'm supposed to come in before 5-1-1 due to knowing I need a c-section, but I'm not sure when then to come 7-1-1? Just hoping the contractions hold off until then so I don't have to worry about it.
My 2 days and counting will include today (doing absolutely nothing although I plan to paint my nails) and having my pre-op appointment tomorrow afternoon. Maybe if we have enough ingredients in our fridge I'll try to make one freezer or crockpot meal, but I'm not counting on it. I'm trying to remain off of my feet as much as possible as they've been swelling so bad lately!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: @mamamagpie: @char54: My biggest thing with any of it, other than the walking/talking rule is that I'm not confident in what are contractions and what aren't. I assume I'll know when they get to the point that they hurt. I'm supposed to let my doula and mw know in early labor though and heck I'm afraid I won't realize its actual labor until after that, that is if I go into labor before monday night! The other thing being if I wait until I can't walk or talk through the contractions and then have a 45-50 min drive to the hospital that seems horrid, what if I progress more quickly than they think? Having this kid in the car doesn't sound fun.
apricot / 251 posts
@jetsa: when in doubt, just give them a call - they would rather hear from you in false labor than have you deliver in the car!! with DS I just felt tightening- not really painful, and this time I was induced so I can't really give you a reference as far as what is and isn't a "real" contraction.. but being that far from the hospital I would be calling with every little twinge haha
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: stuff the cooking!! Put your feet up!
@jetsa: a long drive would make me nervous, but it's pretty rare for a labor to go that quick. You'll be fine!! but I agree with you on wishing I knew what "real" contractions felt like! I guess every first pregnancy is like this! We'll know for #2!!
It's 11pm here and DH had just headed off to work (he's on night shifts all this week which sucks) so I'm going to attempt to get some sleep incase this turns into the real thing! Goodluck ladies!!! Ill keep you updated!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@marionberry: Forget the freezer meals lady, you need to rest!!
@jetsa: I agree, I keep having these periods of intense pressure, or cramping, or stabbing pain, or a dull ache. Which of those is contractions, if any? All these unknowns!
@mrsmoreau: You're right, better to be safe than sorry. Beautiful one week photo btw!
@Mrs squirreld: Sleep well and keep us updated!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@mrsmoreau: lol, the problem with calling is that the response is always, you better come in so we can check you. That scares me that you just felt tightening with your DS!
@Mrs squirreld: This is what I keep telling myself Try to get a good nights sleep, I know its hard these days!
apricot / 251 posts
@jetsa: I think I was just impatient - they put me on Pitocin with my first to really "get things going" - so I don't think I was in full blown labor with him when we went in.... why does it have to be so damn mysterious?!?!?
apricot / 251 posts
@MapleMoose: thanks! she is gorgeous, isn't she? haha in my humble opinion...
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: @maplemoose: So I'm no expert, but the one thing they made very clear in my childbirth class was that with a real contraction you would feel them wrap around your back and not just be in the front. I've had a few of those, but not too many. Also, when I was on the NST (before I started having painful contractions) the big contractions (per the monitor) made my belly kind of tense up and almost vibrate but the nurses said if you don't feel them as painful, they basically act like they're not even happening. I also am an hour from my hospital so I think as soon as you're hitting something with regular timing (whether it's 10 mins apart or 7 or whatever for an hour) you probably should head in and at least get checked.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MrsClownfish: all day yesterday I had terrible pain in my right hip.. like throbbing on and off. I hope yours gets better soon.
Sounds like things are happening today for some of you... this thread is super busy!! I've pretty much stopped symptom spotting now and when I do get cramps it's like "oh here we go again, this will amount to nothing so I'll just ignore it!". Feeling a bit fed up today and can't even walk very far at the moment as it hurts my bump to walk for more than a few minutes. Kinda feels like we're just waiting around for baby to arrive now... Dh and I are going to have a takeout and move night which will hopefully cheer me up
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you and your DH are getting some quality time before you won't get any for awhile. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I think we're all at that point where our bodies have pretty much thrown in the towel. I hope you don't have much longer to wait for this little one to come!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: thank you! You're totally right, I should be making the most of this time to just chill and do whatever I want without having a dependent! I guess Im just anxious waiting for things to happen and not having a set date... for a meticulous planner, this has been tough! But I know it's the same for everyone. What did you and Dh end up doing for your last weekend without LO?
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@marionberry: Hmm... I have felt a few of those, but nothing that sticks around with any regular timing. Good to know though.
@illumina: Oh yay, those are my favorite pregnant date nights. It's fun to just lounge around in comfy clothes at home and eat junk food with DH. Plus I don't have to worry about missing the movie when I take a pee break lol
grape / 98 posts
From my previous experience I knew they were "real" when I sort of had to focus to get through them. I was having the basic ooooo this could be something pain - went to bed slept for like 45 min then they started waking me up and I had to distract myself - walking, yoga ball, cat cow stretch - to be okay. That went on from about midnight to 4:30 then they ratcheted up to not being able to talk through them and it was time to go. I got to the hospital at almost 6cm.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MapleMoose: I know, that's the best part! We recently bought this cable box so we have pause, record and rewind live tv, which is amazing when I need to keep getting up to pee or I'm late with the start of a programme!
@Joanlindsay: good to know. And were your contractions like cramps or these wrap around tightenings?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: We didn't end up doing anything fabulous sadly. It's hard when you have a teenage stepdaughter. We did go out to dinner as a family which was yummy and DH and I spent a good amount of time just doing normal chores together (like grocery shopping) and chilling alone upstairs in our room. It was not ideal but we still tried to make the best of it. I get exactly what you mean about being a planner, because I'm the same way. I lucked out with a planned c-section but had I not, I'm sure I would be so anxious just wanting to know when the baby was going to come.
grape / 98 posts
@illumina I would say start as cramps move into something more whole body.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Joanlindsay: this makes complete sense to me, thanks for posting it!
Moms what should I buy to BF in? I'm loving this ( but I'm guessing it wouldn't be very nursing friendly.
grape / 98 posts
@jetsa I would wait and figure out if you are more comfortable pulling down or lifting up. The breast feeding tanks are super useful in the beginning and for bedtime and for layering if you aren't to hot. One of my girlfriends had her 2nd a couple of months ago and really likes the shaping nursing tanks at Target. I guess They help keep the pooch in after baby.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Joanlindsay: that makes sense. I've got 2 tanks, so that should keep me set for a bit. Fall weather is just starting here.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I picked up a few nursing tanks too. I'm not sure exactly what I'll wear as it gets colder, but I've heard your boobs change so much in size in the weeks after birth, that you're better to wait and buy items later anyway. Thank goodness we won't be leaving the house very often, so no one should care if we keep wearing the same clothes.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: haha, I figure nursing tanks + cardigan should work for awhile. my BFF told me that she wouldn't even buy bras because they all fit so badly once her milk came in. I bought 2 tanks and 3 cheap bras to get me through and figure I'll buy more than.
nectarine / 2522 posts
No baby yet! I had a dreadful night though... I fell asleep at about 3am listening to my hypnobirthing recording cause nothing else would help. Now I've woken up feeling like I've run a marathon.... My muscles ache where I was having my "contractions". I guess this little guy is pretty comfy
I really need to go to the shops to stock up on milk and bread but I'm soooo tired
hmmm I totally need some nursing tanks too... As it will be summer here I will live in them I think!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
I hope everyone has a great night!
@mrssquirreld: I say rest up and have your DH go get the basics
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm so sorry you had a rough night and feel so sore. I agree with @mamamagpie that you need to take it easy and let your DH grab them for you on his way home from work or something.
@mamamagpie: I kind of dread going to bed anymore. I'm up virtually every 2 hours to pee and sometimes I'm wide awake.
So annoyed, my BP has been high all day despite spending most of it in bed. Luckily I'll be delivering in 2 days. I don't think I'd make it much longer than that if I was having a vaginal birth. I have my pre-op appointment tomorrow, so I'm curious about what they'll do during it. Afterward we're going to Oktoberfest for my "last meal" before surgery. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tomorrow night at all!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: ugh I'm with you on the every-two-hour pee wake ups! So not fun But OMG only two more sleeps until your sweet baby is here!!! I don't think I'd be able to sleep, either! I hope you get some really yummy food at Oktoberfest...maybe some bratwurst will help you sleep lol
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: @marionberry: I probably should have got him to get stuff on the way home from work, but I didn't think of that! He's sleeping now so I just went...and stocked up on everything from bread to freeze, sponges, toilet paper... Everything I could think of so we wouldn't have to back to the shops for a while... I also bought way too much junk food. But I'm uncomfortable and very pregnant so I'm over caring hahaha. I agree with you on dreading bed time... How does anyone get comfortable?? I'm getting about 4 hours max a night and its broken sleep. Urgh. Come out little one!! Come out!!! Lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @mamamagpie: I have a feeling with your lost mucous plugs and contractions, you two won't be waiting long for your little ones. I try to keep reminding myself that sleep will be even worse when he gets here, but it's hard to picture exactly what that's going to be like. And yes, I'm sure tomorrow I will sleep even worse due to excitement.
@mrs squirreld: I'm happy you were able to stock up. It may be your last chance for awhile.
@mamamagpie: Yep some sausage, fries, and maybe an elephant ear or something will likely be my dinner. Super not healthy, but since I won't be able to eat anything more than liquids for the day after my c-section I want to get in all of the solid, carby food I can! I may even cheat and have a sip of DH's beer. I miss beer and wine so bad!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I won't be able to sleep- I'm so so excited to see your little boy!!! Haha I can't even imagine how you must feel. What on earth is an elephants ear???
@marionberry: @MamaMagpie: I hope it won't be too much longer... I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Mrs squirreld: you are such a trooper for going shopping! And an elephant ear is a really yummy fried dough confection with cinnamon and sugar all over it that can usually be found at fairs and fests -- it's flat and kind of curls at the edges, hence the funny name
@marionberry: I hope you're right about baby coming soon, soon soon! And that "last" meal sounds absolutely perfect -- you deserve it!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: oh my goodness!!! That sounds delicious!!!! Kinda like a flat doughnut??? I want one!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @mamamagpie: Yes exactly like a flat doughnut covered in cinnamon and sugar instead of icing. You only ever see them at fairs and such, so they're quite a treat! I absolutely love them, although they're so big I only ever eat about half. And I'm horrible about sleeping before big events. As a kid I'd be up all night before big trips and such. I just know this time I need to sleep because it's going to be such long nights afterward. We'll see what happens! I'll fill you guys in today after my last OB appointment. It was crazy telling DH last night we were done reading chapters in our weekly pregnancy book.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: did you ever see this old Disneyland commercial? I always say this and it seems fitting for you tonight
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: @marionberry: Hhaha It's like the night before xmas as a kid! My cousin also goes in for her c-section tomorrow! I am so excited for both of you!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: you must be so excited!! You get to meet your son tomorrow! I can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy your supper, sounds delicious!!
@Mrs squirreld: you're smart to stock up...I've still been going to the grocery store every day because Im not great at planning ahead at this point. I keep thinking "is this my last trip before baby??!!"
@illumina: I'm also in the "eh" camp when I get a cramp. I used to get excited and think that it might be starting but now I've pretty much convinced myself that Ill be going super late, lol
I had my dr apt yesterday...i lost 4 pounds this week which they were a bit cautious about (since i had flu like symptoms earlier this week) so they will keep an eye on that. Apparently I am 1+cm dilated and 70% effaced. My family is freaking out thinking the baby is coming ASAP but I am very ambivalent about it all since I know it can still be up to 2 weeks away and I don't want to get my hopes up. I am encouraged though that my body is starting to do what it needs to do. For all the crap I give my body about being too big, too sore, too cellulite-y, I'm kind of proud of it!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@char54: Haha I think that too everytime I'm at the grocery store... we have sooo much stuff now.. I think I went a little overboard, but hey its all stuff we will use eventually and its not like its going to go off. I totally agree about the body thing too. I gave my body crap before too, but wow its amazing what it can handle... I can't wait to reward it with appreciating it and looking after it once bub is out and I'm healed!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Is anyone else doing placenta encapsulation? Will be good to share stories post baby if anyone is? I'm really excited about it...
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